• Title/Summary/Keyword: information- acceptance

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Current Usage and Proliferation of Library 2.0 from User Viewpoint: Focusing on Folksonomy (이용자관점에서의 도서관 2.0 서비스 활용현황과 활성화 방안 - 폭소노미 서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sungwon;Kim, Jeongwoo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.269-288
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    • 2013
  • The development of IT (information technology) has brought about many types of new services, and the traditional sectors such as libraries and information management fields have actively applied new technology to improve the quality of their services. Many of these newly developed services are described under the term 'Web 2.0', in the sense they are next-generation forms of services, and this coinage is duplicated in the term 'Library 2.0', specifically referring to the library services equipped with Web 2.0 technology. Active acceptance of advanced IT to library services is very important to enhance the value and role of library in this rapidly changing information environment. So far, libraries in Korea and abroad have already been putting a lot of efforts and resources to develop and provide technically advanced services. Despite these efforts, it is found that some of these new services have failed to attract users' attention and interest, resulting in the low rates of usage. This study, therefore, reviews current state of the "Folksonomy" based services provided in Korean college libraries as a type of Library 2.0 services, and assess their usage rates. The result of this evaluation is then used to develop a guideline to improve and mobilize the use of such services.

A Study on the Factors Influencing the Intention of Silve Generation to Use Internet (실버세대의 인터넷 활용 영향요인 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ryang;Kim, Tae-Ung;Kim, Jae-Hyoun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2009
  • No other change in Kora has offered gredter chalenges and opportunities than the emergence of the Internet and its related Information Technology. In the technology for accessing the ever growing wave of information. The quality of the silver generation is increasingly difficult to achieve because of the complexities of life in today's ICT(Information & Comunication Technology) dependent society, Life is more interesting when one knows what is going on, what opportunities exist, and when alternatives to current practices can be discovered and utilized with ease. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of attitude and planned behavior toward using internent for the quality of life. This study employ the intention to use internet, perceived ease of use, perceived usefuiness, self-efficacy, stress factor, generation gap, and income as major research variables, and collected 288 survey responses from senior citizen over 55. The results indicate that the perceived usefuiness and ease of use influence the intention to use internet, and that the self-efficacy, the ease of use and generation gap has some impact on the attitude, but the stree factor and the income level do not appear significant to the attitude. It was also found that the self-efficacy and the income level determine the level of ease of use. In addition, some useful suggestions concerning the continuing education program for silver generations are presented.

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A Study on Releasing Cryptographic Key by Using Face and Iris Information on mobile phones (휴대폰 환경에서 얼굴 및 홍채 정보를 이용한 암호화키 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Song-Yi;Park, Kang-Ryoung;Park, So-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2007
  • Recently, as a number of media are fused into a phone, the requirement of security of service provided on a mobile phone is increasing. For this, conventional cryptographic key based on password and security card is used in the mobile phone, but it has the characteristics which is easy to be vulnerable and to be illegally stolen. To overcome such a problem, the researches to generate key based on biometrics have been done. However, it has also the problem that biometric information is susceptible to the variation of environment, whereas conventional cryptographic system should generate invariant cryptographic key at any time. So, we propose new method of producing cryptographic key based on "Biometric matching-based key release" instead of "Biometric-based key generation" by using both face and iris information in order to overcome the unstability of uni-modal biometries. Also, by using mega-pixel camera embedded on mobile phone, we can provide users with convenience that both face and iris recognition is possible at the same time. Experimental results showed that we could obtain the EER(Equal Error Rate) performance of 0.5% when producing cryptographic key. And FAR was shown as about 0.002% in case of FRR of 25%. In addition, our system can provide the functionality of controlling FAR and FRR based on threshold.

A Comparative Study on the Difference in the Continuous Use of Cloud Service between South Korea and China: The Moderating Effect of Collectivism (클라우드 서비스의 지속이용의도 차이에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 한·중 비교연구: 집단주의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Zhao, Yi;Fang, Hua-Long;Kwon, Sundong;Nam, Seung Hyeon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.105-124
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    • 2016
  • This study conducts an empirical analysis to show the effect of social influence and cloud service system quality on the continuous use of cloud service. In particular, this study focuses on the control effects of collectivism in South Korea and China. The research model is designed based on the technology acceptance model and SERVQUAL service quality model of PZB. The factors that influence the cloud service customers in China and South Korea are also analyzed. This study has several practical implications for consideration by South Korean cloud service vendors who plan to enter the cloud service industry in China.

Analysis of Creative Personality and Intrinsic Motivation of Information Gifted Students Applying Curriculum Based on Computing Thinking (컴퓨팅사고력을 고려한 교육과정을 적용한 정보영재들의 창의적 성격과 내적동기 분석)

  • Chung, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2019
  • Fostering science-gifted individuals are very important for the future of the nation, and it is especially important to cultivate information-gifted individuals in the age of the fourth industry. There is no standardized curriculum for each gifted education center of the University. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed how effective the curriculum developed on the basis of computing thinking is to affect the characteristics of the information-gifted individuals. The curriculum developed on the components of computing thinking was applied to the information-gifted students of K University. In order to verify the effectiveness of the curriculum, we developed a creative personality test and an intrinsic motivation test, and conducted tests before and after the training. We compared pre-post test results by t-test with R program. The creative personality test consisted of 36 items with 6 factors: risk-taking, self - acceptance, curiosity, humor, dominance, and autonomy. The intrinsic motivation test consisted of 20 items with 5 items: curiosity and interest oriented tendency, challenging learning task preference orientation, independent judgment dependency propensity, independent mastery propensity, and internal criterion propensity. The effect of the curriculum on the creative personality of the experimental group was significant (0.009, 0.05). The significance level of the intrinsic motivation was 0.056 and was not significant at the 0.05 level of significance.

Information Privacy Concern in Context-Aware Personalized Services: Results of a Delphi Study

  • Lee, Yon-Nim;Kwon, Oh-Byung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2010
  • Personalized services directly and indirectly acquire personal data, in part, to provide customers with higher-value services that are specifically context-relevant (such as place and time). Information technologies continue to mature and develop, providing greatly improved performance. Sensory networks and intelligent software can now obtain context data, and that is the cornerstone for providing personalized, context-specific services. Yet, the danger of overflowing personal information is increasing because the data retrieved by the sensors usually contains privacy information. Various technical characteristics of context-aware applications have more troubling implications for information privacy. In parallel with increasing use of context for service personalization, information privacy concerns have also increased such as an unrestricted availability of context information. Those privacy concerns are consistently regarded as a critical issue facing context-aware personalized service success. The entire field of information privacy is growing as an important area of research, with many new definitions and terminologies, because of a need for a better understanding of information privacy concepts. Especially, it requires that the factors of information privacy should be revised according to the characteristics of new technologies. However, previous information privacy factors of context-aware applications have at least two shortcomings. First, there has been little overview of the technology characteristics of context-aware computing. Existing studies have only focused on a small subset of the technical characteristics of context-aware computing. Therefore, there has not been a mutually exclusive set of factors that uniquely and completely describe information privacy on context-aware applications. Second, user survey has been widely used to identify factors of information privacy in most studies despite the limitation of users' knowledge and experiences about context-aware computing technology. To date, since context-aware services have not been widely deployed on a commercial scale yet, only very few people have prior experiences with context-aware personalized services. It is difficult to build users' knowledge about context-aware technology even by increasing their understanding in various ways: scenarios, pictures, flash animation, etc. Nevertheless, conducting a survey, assuming that the participants have sufficient experience or understanding about the technologies shown in the survey, may not be absolutely valid. Moreover, some surveys are based solely on simplifying and hence unrealistic assumptions (e.g., they only consider location information as a context data). A better understanding of information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services is highly needed. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to identify a generic set of factors for elemental information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services and to develop a rank-order list of information privacy concern factors. We consider overall technology characteristics to establish a mutually exclusive set of factors. A Delphi survey, a rigorous data collection method, was deployed to obtain a reliable opinion from the experts and to produce a rank-order list. It, therefore, lends itself well to obtaining a set of universal factors of information privacy concern and its priority. An international panel of researchers and practitioners who have the expertise in privacy and context-aware system fields were involved in our research. Delphi rounds formatting will faithfully follow the procedure for the Delphi study proposed by Okoli and Pawlowski. This will involve three general rounds: (1) brainstorming for important factors; (2) narrowing down the original list to the most important ones; and (3) ranking the list of important factors. For this round only, experts were treated as individuals, not panels. Adapted from Okoli and Pawlowski, we outlined the process of administrating the study. We performed three rounds. In the first and second rounds of the Delphi questionnaire, we gathered a set of exclusive factors for information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services. The respondents were asked to provide at least five main factors for the most appropriate understanding of the information privacy concern in the first round. To do so, some of the main factors found in the literature were presented to the participants. The second round of the questionnaire discussed the main factor provided in the first round, fleshed out with relevant sub-factors. Respondents were then requested to evaluate each sub factor's suitability against the corresponding main factors to determine the final sub-factors from the candidate factors. The sub-factors were found from the literature survey. Final factors selected by over 50% of experts. In the third round, a list of factors with corresponding questions was provided, and the respondents were requested to assess the importance of each main factor and its corresponding sub factors. Finally, we calculated the mean rank of each item to make a final result. While analyzing the data, we focused on group consensus rather than individual insistence. To do so, a concordance analysis, which measures the consistency of the experts' responses over successive rounds of the Delphi, was adopted during the survey process. As a result, experts reported that context data collection and high identifiable level of identical data are the most important factor in the main factors and sub factors, respectively. Additional important sub-factors included diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionalities, and embedded and disappeared sensor devices. The average score of each factor is very useful for future context-aware personalized service development in the view of the information privacy. The final factors have the following differences comparing to those proposed in other studies. First, the concern factors differ from existing studies, which are based on privacy issues that may occur during the lifecycle of acquired user information. However, our study helped to clarify these sometimes vague issues by determining which privacy concern issues are viable based on specific technical characteristics in context-aware personalized services. Since a context-aware service differs in its technical characteristics compared to other services, we selected specific characteristics that had a higher potential to increase user's privacy concerns. Secondly, this study considered privacy issues in terms of service delivery and display that were almost overlooked in existing studies by introducing IPOS as the factor division. Lastly, in each factor, it correlated the level of importance with professionals' opinions as to what extent users have privacy concerns. The reason that it did not select the traditional method questionnaire at that time is that context-aware personalized service considered the absolute lack in understanding and experience of users with new technology. For understanding users' privacy concerns, professionals in the Delphi questionnaire process selected context data collection, tracking and recording, and sensory network as the most important factors among technological characteristics of context-aware personalized services. In the creation of a context-aware personalized services, this study demonstrates the importance and relevance of determining an optimal methodology, and which technologies and in what sequence are needed, to acquire what types of users' context information. Most studies focus on which services and systems should be provided and developed by utilizing context information on the supposition, along with the development of context-aware technology. However, the results in this study show that, in terms of users' privacy, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the activities that acquire context information. To inspect the results in the evaluation of sub factor, additional studies would be necessary for approaches on reducing users' privacy concerns toward technological characteristics such as highly identifiable level of identical data, diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionality, embedded and disappearing sensor devices. The factor ranked the next highest level of importance after input is a context-aware service delivery that is related to output. The results show that delivery and display showing services to users in a context-aware personalized services toward the anywhere-anytime-any device concept have been regarded as even more important than in previous computing environment. Considering the concern factors to develop context aware personalized services will help to increase service success rate and hopefully user acceptance for those services. Our future work will be to adopt these factors for qualifying context aware service development projects such as u-city development projects in terms of service quality and hence user acceptance.

The Impacts of Acceptance Decision Factors of Tour Social Network Service on Continuous Use Intention from the Viewpoint of User Participation : Focusing on Mediating Effect of Perceived Value and Satisfaction (이용자 참여관점에서의 관광 쇼셜 네트워크 서비스의 수용결정요인이 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향: 지각된 가치와 만족을 매개로 하여)

  • Lim, Chae-Kwan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed at understanding the factors behind deciding to accept a social network service (SNS) from the viewpoint of tourists who are users of tourism SNS. The study also seeks to clarify the effects these deduced factors have on the intention of users to continuously use SNS. To this end, individual properties (such as self-efficacy, socio-cultural effects, social presence and people's innovativeness), systematic properties (like system quality and information quality)and usefulness/availability were used as factors with regard to the decision to accept tourism SNS based on previous studies and efforts were made to structurally clarify the effects of such previous factors on people's intention to continuously use SNS through perceived value and satisfaction. SNS had significant effects on satisfaction and, furthermore, significantly affected tourists' intention to continuously use it. Based on such study results, factors behind deciding to accept SNS from the viewpoint of tourists affected customers' perceived value and satisfaction and ultimately affected their intention to continuously use SNS. To achieve the purpose of the study, a survey was conducted on about 250 Busan residents who had used SNS in relation to tourist activities, such as exhibitions, conventions, accommodation, trips, aviation service and transportation. According to an empirical study, factors behind deciding to accept tourism SNS, including individual properties, systematic properties and usefulness/availability had statistically significant effects on perceived value. The usefulness/availability factor had the largest influence, in particular, followed by the systematic factor and individual factor. The value perceived in the process of using tourism SNS had significant effects on satisfaction and, furthermore, significantly affected tourists' intention to continuously use it. Based on such study results, factors behind deciding to accept SNS from the viewpoint of tourists affected customers' perceived value and satisfaction and ultimately affected their intention to continuously use SNS.

Effects on the continuous use intention of AI-based voice assistant services: Focusing on the interaction between trust in AI and privacy concerns (인공지능 기반 음성비서 서비스의 지속이용 의도에 미치는 영향: 인공지능에 대한 신뢰와 프라이버시 염려의 상호작용을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Changki;Heo, Deokwon;Sung, WookJoon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.22-45
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    • 2023
  • In research on the use of AI-based voice assistant services, problems related to the user's trust and privacy protection arising from the experience of service use are constantly being raised. The purpose of this study was to investigate empirically the effects of individual trust in AI and online privacy concerns on the continued use of AI-based voice assistants, specifically the impact of their interaction. In this study, question items were constructed based on previous studies, with an online survey conducted among 405 respondents. The effect of the user's trust in AI and privacy concerns on the adoption and continuous use intention of AI-based voice assistant services was analyzed using the Heckman selection model. As the main findings of the study, first, AI-based voice assistant service usage behavior was positively influenced by factors that promote technology acceptance, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and social influence. Second, trust in AI had no statistically significant effect on AI-based voice assistant service usage behavior but had a positive effect on continuous use intention. Third, the privacy concern level was confirmed to have the effect of suppressing continuous use intention through interaction with trust in AI. These research results suggest the need to strengthen user experience through user opinion collection and action to improve trust in technology and alleviate users' concerns about privacy as governance for realizing digital government. When introducing artificial intelligence-based policy services, it is necessary to disclose transparently the scope of application of artificial intelligence technology through a public deliberation process, and the development of a system that can track and evaluate privacy issues ex-post and an algorithm that considers privacy protection is required.

Design and Evaluation of a Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithmfor Hypercube Multicomputers (하이퍼큐브 멀티컴퓨터를 위한 분산 상호배제 알고리즘의 설계 및 평가)

  • Ha, Sook-Jeong;Bae, Ihn-Han
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.2221-2234
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    • 1997
  • Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms have employed two approaches to achieve mutual exclusion and can be divided into two broad classes:token-based and permission-based. Token-based algorithms share a unique token among the nodes and a node is allowed to access its common resources if it possesses the token. Permission-based algorithms require one or more successive rounds of message exchanges among the nodes to obtain the permission to access the common resources. A hypercube architecture has earned wide acceptance in multiprocessor systems in the past few years because of its simple, yet rich topology. Accordingly, we study distributed permission-based mutual exclusion algorithms for hypercubes, and design a distributed permission-based mutual exclusion algorithm based on a new information structure adapted to the hypercubes. The new information structure is a request set of T-pattern from a logical mesh that is embedded into a hypercube. If a node wants to access the common resources, it sends request message to all nodes in the request set by Lan's multicast algorithm. Once the node receives a grant message from all nodes in the request set, it accesses the common resource. We evaluate our algorithm with respect to minimum round-trip delay, blocking delay, and the number of messages per access to the common resource.

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An Empirical Study Applying the PAD Factors to Loyalty of Culture and Arts Website Service (감정반응(PAD) 요인이 문화예술 웹사이트 서비스에서의 만족과 구전을 통해 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Heon;Kwon, Doo-Soon;Lee, Jae-Beom;Kim, Jin-Hwa
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.105-128
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    • 2012
  • The Culture and Arts Website, one of the parts of providing information related to culture and art utilizing internet, is the website that giving information of arts genre like theater, music, art, architecture, video, and literature. As growing interest in the field of culture and arts, market of this website has been increasing and providing customized content which each customer wants in the field of culture and arts. Developers of culture and arts website consider the website media for increasing and developing awareness about culture and arts. They are accelerating development of various business models and application of culture and arts website service which it meets trend of the times and customers needs. This study will seize about influencing factors to culture and arts website service of domestic website users and analyze how these factors affect loyalty through satisfaction and word of mouth. This study presented research model applied main parameters of PAD(Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance) theory emphasized human's emotions that they are expected to affect the loyalty of culture and arts website service users based on satisfaction and word of mouth. The researcher in this study surveyed students of Seoul S University who had experiences with such culture and arts website to validate the model empirically. The results, firstly, if you experienced feeling related to pleasure and dominance in culture and arts website, you would satisfy this website and it could lead to loyalty. Secondly, the feeling related to ventilation does not affect the loyalty through satisfaction and word of mouth. Thirdly, the results show that all of three factors of emotional responses do not influence the loyalty through word of mouth.

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