• Title/Summary/Keyword: influence functions method

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Free vibrations of anisotropic rectangular plates with holes and attached masses

  • Rossit, C.A.;Ciancio, P.M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2008
  • Anisotropic materials are increasingly required in modern technological applications. Certainly, civil, mechanical and naval engineers frequently deal with the situation of analyzing the dynamical behaviour of structural elements being composed of such materials. For example, panels of anisotropic materials must sometimes support electromechanical engines, and besides, holes are performed in them for operational reasons e.g., conduits, ducts or electrical connections. This study is concerned with the natural frequencies and normal modes of vibration of rectangular anisotropic plates supported by different combinations of the classical boundary conditions: clamped, simply - supported and free, and with additional complexities such holes of free boundaries and attached concentrated masses. A variational approach (the well known Ritz method) is used, where the displacement amplitude is approximated by a set of beam functions in each coordinate direction corresponding to the sides of the rectangular plate. Consequently each coordinate function satisfies the essential boundary conditions at the outer edge of the plate. The influence of the position and magnitude of both hole and mass, on the natural frequencies and modal shapes of vibration are studied for a generic anisotropic material. The classical Ritz method with beam functions as spatial approximation proved to be a suitable procedure to solve a problem of such analytical complexity.

The Influence of Corner Stress Singularities on the Vibration of Rhombic Plates Having Various Edge Conditions (다양한 연단조건을 갖는 마름모꼴형 평판의 진동에 대한 모서리 응력특이도의 영향)

  • Kim, Joo-Woo;Cheong, Myung-Chae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.12 no.4 s.47
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    • pp.363-374
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    • 2000
  • An accurate method is presented for vibrations of rhombic plates having three different combinations of clamped, simply supported, and free edge conditions. A specific feature here is that the analysis explicitly considers the moment singularities that occur in the two opposite corners having obtuse angles of the rhombic plates. Stationary conditions of single-field Lagrangian functional are derived using the Ritz method. Convergence studies of frequencies show that the corner functions accelerate the convergence rate of solutions. In this paper, accurate frequencies and normalized contours of the vibratory transverse displacement are presented for highly skewed rhombic plates, so that a significant effect of corner stress singularities nay be understood.

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A new method for determining the effective length factor of columns in partially braced frames on elastic supports

  • Adel Slimani;Toufik Belaid;Messaoud Saidani;Fatiha Ammari;Redouane Adman
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.6
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    • pp.825-835
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    • 2023
  • The effective buckling length factor is an important parameter in the elastic buckling analysis of steel structures. The present article aims at developing a new method that allows the determination of the buckling factor values for frames. The novelty of the method is that it considers the interaction between the bracing and the elastic supports for asymmetrical frames in particular. The approach consists in isolating a critical column within the frame and evaluating the rotational and translational stiffness of its restraints to obtain the critical buckling load. This can be achieved by introducing, through a dimensionless parameter 𝜙i, the effects of coupling between the axial loading and bending stiffness of the columns, on the classical stability functions. Subsequently, comparative, and parametric studies conducted on several frames are presented for assessing the influence of geometry, loading, bracing, and support conditions of the frame columns on the value of the effective buckling length factor K. The results show that the formulas recommended by different approaches can give rather inaccurate values of K, especially in the case of asymmetric frames. The expressions used refer solely to local stiffness distributions, and not to the overall behavior of the structure.

Robust Cross Validation Score

  • Park, Dong-Ryeon
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.413-423
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    • 2005
  • Consider the problem of estimating the underlying regression function from a set of noisy data which is contaminated by a long tailed error distribution. There exist several robust smoothing techniques and these are turned out to be very useful to reduce the influence of outlying observations. However, no matter what kind of robust smoother we use, we should choose the smoothing parameter and relatively less attention has been made for the robust bandwidth selection method. In this paper, we adopt the idea of robust location parameter estimation technique and propose the robust cross validation score functions.

Free Vibration Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Plates with Free Edges using Non-dimensional Dynamic Influence Functions (무차원 동영향 함수를 이용한 자유단 경계를 가진 임의 형상 평판의 자유진동해석)

  • Gang, S.W.;Kim, I.S.;Lee, J.M.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.740-745
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    • 2003
  • The so-called boundary node method (or NDIF method) that was developed by the authors has been extended for free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped plates with free edges. Since the proposed method is based on the collocation method, no integration procedure is needed on boundary edges of the plates and only a small amount of numerical calculation is required. A special coordinate transformation has been devised to consider the complicated free boundary conditions at boundary nodes. By the use of the special coordinate transformation, the radius of curvature involved in the free boundary conditions can be successfully dealt with. Finally, verification examples show that natural frequencies obtained by the present method agree well with those given by exact method and other analytical methods.

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Spline function solution for the ultimate strength of member structures

  • Zhang, Qi-Lin;Shen, Zu-Yan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 1994
  • In this paper a spline function solution for the ultimate strength of steel members and member structures is derived based on total Lagrangian formulation. The displacements of members along longitudinal and transverse directions are interpolated by one-order B spline functions and three-order hybrid spline functions respectively. Equilibrium equations are established according to the principle of virtual work. All initial imperfections of members and effects of loading, unloading and reloading of material are taken into account. The influence of the instability of members on structural behavior can be included in analyses. Numerical examples show that the method of this paper can satisfactorily analyze the elasto-plastic large deflection problems of planar steel member and member structures.

Reliability of underground concrete barriers against normal missile impact

  • Siddiqui, N.A.;Khan, F.H.;Umar, A.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2009
  • In the present paper, a methodology has been presented for the reliability assessment of concrete barriers that lie at a certain depth in the soil, and a missile (a rigid projectile) impacts the top of the soil cover normally, and subsequently after penetrating the soil cover completely it hits the barrier with certain striking velocity. For this purpose, using expressions available in the literature, striking velocity of missile at any depth of soil has been derived and then expressions for the depths of penetration in crater and tunnel region of concrete barrier have been deduced. These depths of penetration have been employed for the derivation of limit state functions. Using the derived limit state functions reliability assessment of underground concrete barrier has then been carried out through First Order Reliability Method (FORM). To study the influence of various random variables on barrier reliability, sensitivity analysis has also been carried out. In addition, a number of parametric studies is conducted to obtain the results of practical interest.

Analysis of Response of Lumped Mass System Using Sensitivity Method in Frequency Domain (주파수 영역 민감도 방법을 이용한 집중 질량 구조물의 응답 해석)

  • Baek, Moon-Yeol;Kee, Chang-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 1997
  • The aim of this paper is to present some results of sensitivity analysis in frequency domain. The sensitivity fonctions in frequency domain is not depend on the external excitation but depend on the frequency of the system's resonance. The sensitivity functions are determined as function of partial derivatives of system transfer functions taken with respect to system design parameters. The logarithmic sensitivity function is the dimensionless sensitivity funciton available, making it useful to compare the influence of various parameters on system variables. Two degree of fredom system is used to illustrate the procedure for sensitivity analysis proposed in this paper.

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On mixing the Rayleigh-Ritz formulation with Hankel's function for vibration of fluid-filled functionally graded cylindrical shell

  • Hussain, Muzamal;Naeem, Muhammad Nawaz;Shahzad, Aamir;Taj, Muhammad;Asghar, Sehar;Fatahi-Vajari, Alireza;Singh, Rahul;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.363-380
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, a cylindrical shell is immersed in a non-viscous fluid using first order shell theory of Sander. These equations are partial differential equations which are solved by approximate technique. Robust and efficient techniques are favored to get precise results. Employment of the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure gives birth to the shell frequency equation. Use of acoustic wave equation is done to incorporate the sound pressure produced in a fluid. Hankel's functions of second kind designate the fluid influence. Mathematically the integral form of the Lagrange energy functional is converted into a set of three partial differential equations. Throughout the computation, simply supported edge condition is used. Expressions for modal displacement functions, the three unknown functions are supposed in such way that the axial, circumferential and time variables are separated by the product method. Comparison is made for empty and fluid-filled cylindrical shell with circumferential wave number, length- and height-radius ratios, it is found that the fluid-filled frequencies are lower than that of without fluid. To generate the fundamental natural frequencies and for better accuracy and effectiveness, the computer software MATLAB is used.

Influence of Anisotropic Behavior of Aggregate Base on Flexible Pavement Design Life (기층의 이방성 거동이 아스팔트 도로 설계수명에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the development of transfer function accounting for cross-anisotropic behavior of aggregate base material for the pavement thickness design. The stress distributions predicted by nonlinear cross-anisotropic finite element program were realistic by eliminating excessive tensile stress at the bottom of the base layer and the critical pavement responses predicted by nonlinear cross-anisotropic model are higher than those predicted by linear or nonlinear isotropic models (Kim, 2004, Kim et at., 2005). Since the previously developed transfer functions such as Asphalt Institute and Chevron models, etc. were based on the critical responses obtained from linear isotropic model, those equations are not appropriate for the thickness design nonlinear cross-anisotropic base behavior. Therefore, the development of usable transfer functions for nonlinear cross-anisotropic model is ever more important. When the newly developed transfer functions were compared with AASHTO method for the thickness design, the newly developed transfer functions produce approximately 25mm reduced UAB thickness in AASHTO thickness design and this illustrates that linear isotropic model results in more conservative pavement design.

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