• 제목/요약/키워드: industry-standard level

검색결과 385건 처리시간 0.027초

가정학교육과 취업방안연구 (A Study on Home Economist Education with Refrence to the Business Activities in Korea)

  • 한상순
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 1989
  • Korean home economics education has around 100 years history. The main aims of home economics education up 1950 had not been changed, they were mainly for the improvement of household-skill to raise both standard of living and life quality as well as womanhood. After 1960's the standard of living drastically improved and the industrialization of Korean society was quite rapidly proceeded from simple to complex one. Because of these changes, I considered that the aims and the contents of home economics education should be reexamined and reshaped. This study motivated me that especially home economics major should be trained to be competent enough to work in industrialized society as much as the input to her college education. As industialization was made progress, family member's diverse role differentiation also occurred from past simple role such as house wife or girl's high school teacher among by home economics major. In this current societal change, most of the home economics major have wish to have opportunities obtaining new kinds of employment rather than obtaining merely teaching work. With this in mind I made a study on college level home economics education of the new adjustment to current and future industrialized Korean society. (1) The full number of officially admissible home economics major in 169 Korean colleges, 70 junior colleges, and one open university were as follows, 7139, 6080, and 230 respectively. The percentages of employed of employed numbers of them for the college and junior college graduates were 26.5 and 39.0 respectively. (2) The certificate qualifications issued to college home economics major are nutritionist (1st grade and 2nd grade), clothes and textilist, home economics teacher (2nd grade for high school) and kindergartener (2nd grade), The qualifications are certified after majoring each field from major departments of college of home economics by Ministrys of Labour and Education of the Korean government. The percentages of their employment are low as mentioned earlier. (3) To find out new employment opportunity for home economics graduates in home economist in business (henceforce/HEIB) status quo of consumer division for mational enterprise was surveyed. According to govermment decree of general law of consumer protection (1980), enterprise should organize bureau (offics, subdivision) on liability to consumer's complaint. Of 89.6% of the enterprise established th subdivision in which 96.2% of employee was male (3.8% was female). Of the employee college graduate and high school graduate were 93.2% and 6.8% respectively. On the employee's major acadmic backgroud (%), economics and business administration, engineering and low-political science were 39.5, 26.2 and 11.2 respectively. (4) To study on the relation between home economics and home economist in business, the aspect of historical development of HEIB, group of HEIB employing enterprise and their nature of business were tried to find out as well as perception and evaluation by enterprise on HEIB. (a) In the united States of America employed home economics major to enterprise was organized autonomously HEIB subdivision within American Home Economics Association since 1920's and the membership of HEIB was 3,000 of the AHEA membership 50,000. (b) In Japan the Japanese founder HEIB had three times the bilateral congress with the U.S.HEIB and had 10th anniversary celebration in 1988. Japanese HEIB member are not necessary to be home economics graduates but should have certificate as consumer adviser effected by the Minister of Trade and Industry. Japanese subdivision of consumer affaire within Japanese enterprise employ the consumer adviser with the certificate. Because of this different system from the United Sates, Japanese HEIB call their title "HEEB" instead of HEIB. The Japanese consumer adviser certificate system had initiated since 1980 and it belongs to 2nd level national qualification certificate. Currently active membership of Japanese "HEEB" association had increased from 115 (in 1979) to 319 in 1988. (5) For the opening of the future new employment of home economics graduates to enterprise and qualification required for the HEIB by national enterprise in Korea, I studied on the courses which seem to be important and required by employee in the field of HEEB in the United States of America and preliminary curriculum for home economics related major student aimning to be the future "HEEB" by Japanese HEEB study group of Japanese Association of Home Economics. It is suggested that it is very important and urgent to realize as home economics educator to have common deep concern and endeavors on opening new employment for our home economics major student1), we should try to publicize strongly and let enterprise and consumer protection board realize that employee in the subdivision of consumer protection should be the one who well experienced home economics major graduates2), we, home economics educator, should try to develop actively new curriculum in line of the suggestion made earlier for our future home economics major student of open broadly their future employment opportunities3), we, home economics educators, should try to have consensus on whether we should have support from government in terms of receiving national qualification certificate on consumer pretection or not4), and I would appreciate if the Korean Home Economics Association and Korean Home Management Society paydeep and positive concern on this matter.

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화력발전소 온배수열 활용 시설하우스 열공급 모형 경제성분석 연구 (An Economic Analysis of the Effluent Heat Supply from Thermal Power Plant to the Farm Facility House)

  • 엄병환;안차수
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 2018
  • 석탄화력발전소 온배수열 활용하여 발전소 인근지역 시설농업에 난방열을 공급하는 사업의 배관투자비는 설치거리에 비례하여 증가하고 발전소와 떨어진 거리는 경제성 확보에 문제를 낳는다. 또한, 설치거리가 짧은 경우는 난방열 수요 확보가 어려워 경제성 확보의 문제가 있을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 기준 열배관로 신설길이 1 km에 대한 경제성 평가와 열배관로 신설길이 변동에 따른 민감도를 정부지원금 수준, 난방열 수요량 수준과 정부지원금 증가에 따른 경제성 확보가능 열배관로 신설거리 수준에서 분석하였다. 분석결과 기준 열배관로 신설길이에서는 NPV 131백만원, IRR 15.73%로 경제성을 확보 가능한 것으로 평가되었다. 다만, 민감도 분석결과 열배관로 신설길이가 2.6 km를 초과하는 경우 NPV가 음수로 나타나 경제성을 확보하지 못하는 것으로 분석되었다. 결과적으로 초기투자비의 50%를 정부가 지원하는 경우 5.3 km, 80%를 지원하는 경우 11.4 km 이내에서 경제성을 확보하는 것으로 분석되었다. 기준 열배관로 신설길이에서는 난방열 수요가 기준 열수요 대비 62% 수준 이하로 감소하는 경우 경제성이 없으며, 열배관로 신설길이가 2 km에서는 기준 열수요 대비 14%만 감소하여도 경제성을 확보하지 못하는 것으로 분석되었다. 초기투자비대비 정부지원금 비율이 증가하는 경우 열배관로 신설거리의 탄력성이 증가하여, 열수요 1단위에서 부담하는 시설투자비인 고정비가 감소한다. 이는 단위당 생산원가가 감소하는 효과로 나타나고 시설농업에 더 저렴한 수준으로 열을 공급할 수 있음을 의미한다. 정부지원금은 열배관로 신설거리가 증가하는 효과로 경제성이 확보될 수 있고, 열수요 개발가능 범위 증가에 따라 추가적인 경제성을 확보할 수 있다. 초기투자비 대비 정부지원금 비율이 증가할수록 생산단가 감소로 인한 시설농가의 에너지비용 또한 감소할 것으로 예측된다. 본 연구결과는 발전소 온배수열 활용사업에 대한 정부지원금의 효과성을 경제적 평가측면에서 분석한 점에서 의의를 가지며, 향후 시범적용 또는 Pilot 단계의 실제 적용사례를 기반으로 한 경제성 평가결과에 대한 필요성을 제기할 수 있는 근거가 된다.

항공부문 우주방사선의 안전관리 적용을 위한 개선연구 (A Research on Improvement Measures for Safety Management of Aviation Cosmic Radiation)

  • 최성호;이진;김효중
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.215-236
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문은 항공부문 우주방사선 안전관리에 관한 적용 연구로써, 항공승무원 뿐만 아니라 항공교통이용자까지를 포괄한 연구로, 우리가 앞으로 심화할 것으로 예상되는 우주방사선 피폭에 대비해야 할 과제를 우선 제시하였다. 우리나라도 뒤늦게 우주방사선과 관련한 제도를 시행하고 있지만, 이에 대비한 강구책을 보다 실효성 있게 추진하기 위한 법률적인 개선뿐만 아니라 제도적인 측면을 보완 발전시키기 위한 다음과 같은 개선방안을 수행하여야 한다. 첫째, 국제기준에 부합한 선량한도의 적용이 필요하다. 이는 본 연구에서 언급한 우주방사선 선량한도 국제기준보다 우리나라 기준이 높거나 불합리하게 채택 적용하고 있기 때문에 국제권고를 초과하지 않는 범위로 재설정이 필요하다는 것이다. 둘째, 일반인에 대한 연간 유효 선량한도를 준수하기 위한 방법론이 필요하다. 왜냐하면 항공승무원만 명문화하고 일반인에 대해서는 배제하는 것은 국제방사선방호위원회에서 제시한 권고로, 우리나라는 "승무원에 대한 우주방사선 안전관리규정"에서도 일반인을 배제하여 제시하고 있다. 그러나 현재 항공법상에 항공교통이용자 보호기준이 있지만 항공권에 대한 피해예방만을 제시하고 있어서 국민건강을 위해할 수 있는 명분을 제공하고 있기 때문에 굳이 국제기준을 따르지 않는 개선이 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 법적으로나 제도적으로 시행될 수 있는 규제가 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 결론적으로 국제기준에 부합한 선량한도 설정과 모든 국민에게 우주방사선의 미소량이 항상 반응하고 있지만, 보다 많은 우주방사선이 공중 공간에 존재함에 따라 이의 누적량을 수치화한 개선방안이 법제화함으로써 우주방사선의 피폭으로부터 보호받을 수 있는 제도가 정착될 수 있을 것이다.

생활하수 및 산업폐수 슬러지 처리에 따른 콩의 중금속 및 아미노산 함량 (Heavy Metal and Amino Acid Contents of Soybean by Application of Sewage and Industrial Sludge)

  • 문광현;김재영;장문익;김운성;김성조;백승화
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 생활하수 및 산업폐수 슬러지를 연차적으로 경작지에 처리한 후, 재배된 콩 식물체의 중금속 흡수 정도와 영양성분에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 처리량은 무처리, 11.25, 22.50 및 45.00 Mg/ha로 하였으며, 재배된 콩 식물체의 부위별 Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu 및 Zn 함량과 콩 종실의 수확량, 단백질 및 아미노산 함량을 조사하였다. 콩 종실 중의 Cd 함량은 0.02~0.05 mg/kg으로 기준치에 안전한 수준이었고, Pb 함량은 산업폐수 슬러지 45 Mg/ha를 제외하고 0.02~0.15 mg/kg으로 기준치에 적합하였다. 또한, 모든 중금속 축적률은 잎 또는 뿌리보다 식용부위인 콩 종실에서 상대적으로 낮았고, 슬러지 처리량의 증가에도 함량 변화는 적어 식용으로서 안전함을 확인하였다. 종실의 수확량은 1년차에 슬러지 처리군이 무처리군보다 높았지만 2년차에는 생활하수 슬러지의 경우 낮은 수확량을 보였고, 산업폐수 슬러지의 경우 유사한 수준 또는 감소하는 경향이었다. 생활하수 슬러지 처리에 따른 아미노산 함량은 glutamate 경우에만 슬러지 처리군이 무처리군보다 증가하는 경향이었다. 하지만 연용에 따른 변화는 12종에서만 무처리군보다 증가하고 있었다. 산업폐수 슬러지는 1년차의 경우 15종이 무처리군에서 가장 높았고, 2년차에서는 11.25 Mg/ha에서 17종 모두가 가장 높은 결과를 나타내었다. 결론적으로 콩 종실 중 중금속 축적량은 문제가 되지 않았으나 수량이 감소되는 점을 감안할 때 가장 적합한 슬러지 처리 수준은 11.25 Mg/ha임을 확인하였다.

컴퓨터 및 스마트폰 사용이 근골격계질환으로 인한 업무능력 저하에 미치는 영향 : 근골격계 질환의 매개효과 (The Effect of using Computer & Smart-phone on Decreased Work Efficiency due to Musculoskeletal Disorders ; Mediating Effect of Perceived Musculoskeletal Disorders)

  • 박종호
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Average using time of smart-phone for Korean people is 3 hours 39 minutes and most people who are using a computer at home and their workplace can be affected over force to neck and shoulder due to unstable body posture. musculoskeletal disorders which caused by unstable body posture can affect strongly to decrease work efficiency. So this research is designed to measure the effect of using computer & smart-phone on decreased work efficiency due to musculoskeletal disorders and mediating effect between decreased work efficiency and musculoskeletal disorders. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - The author has developed a questionnaire with 6 hypothesis on the basis of previous research result with 5 constructs. The questionnaires were also made by interview and E-mail. 300 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 282 questionnaire were used for the analysis as valid data responses. SPSS ver.21.0 were used and made Cronbach's α and reliability test, correlation, Baron & Kenny 3 step mediated regression analysis. Result - Cronbach's α shows 0.770~0.954 and C.R. is 0.963~0.997 which is higher than 0.7. and AVE was 0.867~0.933. So the data are all acceptable condition. Using for a long time of a computer & smart-phone has a positive effect on musculoskeletal disorders. This means, it can cause musculoskeletal disorders if people use a computer & smart-phone for a long time due to unstable body posture. And musculoskeletal disorders can effect strongly decrease work efficiency. This study also found out that a long time of using computer can cause musculoskeletal disorders rather than using smart-phone a long time. To check mediate effect of musculoskeletal disorders between using a computer & smart-phone and Decreased Work Efficiency, author used 3-step mediated regression analysis of Baron & Kenny (1986). Using a computer for a long time mediate partially and using a smart-phone for a long time mediate completely. This means that using a smart-phone a long time is not the actual reason to decrease work efficiency. But using level of smart-phone is increasing rapidly day by day. So we need to make additional research about this matter seriously. Conclusion - Nowadays, people can not live on without a computer & smart-phone even a moment. But, using a computer for a long time will affect to cause musculoskeletal disorders and it will effect strongly to decrease work efficiency. Before, we thought over that musculoskeletal disorders were diseases of elder people. But, we found out from this study that musculoskeletal disorders can be happen to any people, even children, or workers in heavy industry or engaged in brain work. So we need to be careful when we use a computer for a long time. People also need to be careful to keep correct body posture when using both a computer and smart-phone since a smart-phone became more popular and using time level became longer. Due to increased income and living standard of people, physical growth of young people is so rapid. But the physical environment of society is not suitable for them since it can not follow up the speed of growth. Suitable work table is very important to prevent musculoskeletal disorder which can affect decrease work efficiency. For a person, a society or country, increased productivity is very important since it can directly connected to the job satisfaction. Education and reeducation for the people is also important, but to teach them how to keep good condition of health will be more important since it can increase the quality of work efficiency and quality of life. Computer and Smart-phone is one the best invention of modern society, but it can cause mental and physical disease which can affect decrease work efficiency and productivity. So it is necessary to observe attentively for the situation continually.

염료 추출조건에 따른 소목의 색소성분 분리 거동 (Separation of Chromophoric Substance from Sappanwood under Different Extraction Conditions)

  • 안춘순
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권12호
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    • pp.1653-1661
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구는 출토직물의 염료 성분 판정을 위한 장기적인 프로젝트의 일환으로서 천연염료 식물 중 우리나라는 물론 동서양 각지에서 과거에 염색식물로 널리 사용되었던 소목에 대하여 주 색소성분인 브라질린을 가스크로마토그라피 질량분석법(GC-MS)으로 검출할 수 있는 최적의 염료 추출 및 분석 조건을 확립하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 소목추출액에 대한 GC-MS 분석 결과 증류수보다는 메탄올이, 메탄올보다는 아세톤 추출이 브라질린 추출효과가 높았다. 추출기기 간에는 $30^{\circ}C$로 진행된 waterbath shaker보다 상온에서 진행된 shaking plate가 브라질린 추출이 높았으며 두 기계 모두 1시간보다는 12시간 추출이 월등히 높은 추출량을 보였다. 증류수를 사용해 pH $3{\sim}9$로 조절하여 브라질린의 추출효과를 조사한 결과 pH 5 조건에서 브라질린 검출량이 가장 많았다. GC-MS 분석 조건은 컬럼내 온도를 초기온도 $50^{\circ}C로 하고 온도 증가율을 $23^{\circ}C/min$로 하여 $210^{\circ}C$까지 끌어올리고 다시 온도증가율을 $30^{\circ}C/min$로 하여 최종적으로 $305^{\circ}C로 가열한 후 14분 동안 holding하여 전체 분리시간을 24.12분으로 한 방법이 가장 효과적이었으며 MSD 스캔범위는 $75{\sim}400m/z$이 적합하였다.

치매노인의 현황과 노인장기요양보험법상의 개선방안 (Current State of Senile Dementia and Improvement of the Long Term Care Insurance for Elderly People)

  • 조현;고준기
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제13권12호
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    • pp.5816-5825
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    • 2012
  • 인구가 고령화되면서 치매환자는 매년 급증하고 있고 이로 인한 치매환자의 치료 및 관리비용 등 사회적 비용은 크게 늘고 있어 이에 대한 대책이 절실하다. 외국에서도 국가차원에서 치매에 관한 국가전략을 수립하거나 효율적인 치매관리를 위한 국가차원의 대책을 세우거나 관련 법제도를 마련하고 있다. 치매에 대한 법제도적 대응방안으로 노인복지법, 노인장기요양보험법, 치매관리법이 존재한다. 보다 효과적인 치매관리 대책을 위해 관련법과 정책의 추진에 있어서 다음과 같은 개선이 필요하다. 첫째, 치매 검진을 65세 이상노인에 대한 국민건강보험의 건강검진 항목에 반드시 포함시키고 1차 검진에서 이상이 발견되면 진료를 계속 받을 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 치매의 특성상 치매는 증상이 심해질수록 치료 효과가 적고 가족들의 부담도 급격히 증가한다. 치매예방사업과 조기 검진을 통해 치매 발병을 예방하거나 발병 시기를 늦추고 조기 발견하여 치료를 받도록 하여 사회적 비용을 최소화하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 현재와 같은 노인장기요양보험법상의 장기요양급여내용의 획일성으로는 경증 치매 등 요양노인의 욕구를 다양하게 충족시키기 어려우므로 등급판정기준 완화와 서비스 이용대상의 확대가 필요하다.

U-City 서비스 지원기관 기능의 상대적 중요도와 우선순위 연구 (Research on the Relative Importance and the Priority for the Functions of the U-City Service Aid Organization)

  • 이미숙;신동빈;이재용
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 U-City 서비스 지원기관이 'U-City 서비스 및 산업 활성화를 지원하는 기관'으로서의 역할을 수행하기 위하여 어떠한 기능에 우선순위를 두어야 하는지 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 관 산 학 연 전문가를 대상으로 AHP 방법을 활용하여 U-City 서비스 지원기관의 기능 영역과 기능 요소의 상대적 중요도와 우선순위를 분석하고, 민감도 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 기능 영역별 상대적 중요도는 1) U-City 서비스 관련 정보의 유통, 2) U-City 관련 제품 및 서비스의 품질인증, 3) U-City 기술의 연구개발, 4) U-City의 표준화, 5) U-City 전문인력 양성 순으로 나타났다. 기능 요소별 상대적 중요도는 1) U-City 정보 유통 추진체계 마련, 2) U-City 정보 유통을 위한 유통망 설치 운영, 3) U-City 정보 유통 및 가격 정책 수립 지원, 4) U-City 정보 유통 목록 제공, 5) U-City 제품 및 서비스의 품질인증 기준 마련 및 적용, 6) U-City 인증항목, 인증대상, 인증절차 등 제도연구, 7) U-City 정보 유통현황의 조사 분석 및 제공, 8) U-City에 구축된 인프라와 서비스 수준 평가, 9) U-City 관련 핵심원천기술의 개발 및 국산화, 10) U-City 수집 정보 및 서비스의 분류체계, 전달체계 등의 표준화 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 U-City 서비스 지원기관의 기능 설계에 직접적으로 반영할 수 있고, 직무 조정과 인력 배치, 재원 배분 등에 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

밀폐공간 종류별 유해가스 발생 농도 평가 (Exposure Assessment of Hazardous gases in Confined Spaces)

  • 박현희;유계묵;함승헌;정광재;신민아;이구용;장경조;윤충식
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2009
  • Confined spaces are inherently dangerous workplace and many fatal and nonfatal accidents have been reported. Even though these accidents occur in various kinds of confined spaces, there has rarely been reported on the health hazard agent, i.e., the types of gases and their concentration ranges. Therefore in this study, we evaluated several toxic and asphyxiating gas concentrations in various confined spaces. We surveyed 57 manholes, 3 sewage treatment plants, 2 yellow radish manufacturing companies and 7 barges to measure the concentrations of oxygen($O_2$), hydrogen sulfide($H_2S$), carbon monoxide(CO), ammonia($NH_3$). Lower Explosion Limits(LEL) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Those four types of confined spaces occupies 56% of accidents during last 9 years in Korea. In 57 manholes, the concentration varied according to the types of manholes; rainfall and sewage, and by location; residential and industrial areas. Sewage manhole in industrial area was evaluated as the most hazardous than other types of manhole like rainfall manholes, residential sewage manholes. The highest $H_2S$ concentration and the lowest $O_2$ concentration at sewage manhole in industrial area were 300 ppm, 8.7% respectively. In 3 sewage treatment plants, $H_2S$ and $NH_3$ concentrations were reached up to the 500 ppm and 200 ppm respectively. Two yellow radish manufacturing companies showed the concentrations of 316 ppm, 505.2 ppm, 90 ppm and 15.7% for $H_2S$, CO, VOCs and $O_2$, respectively. Seven barges showed 15.9%~20.9% oxygen concentration. Gas species and concentration ranges varied by the types and location of confined spaces; CO, $H_2S$, $O_2$ could be hazardous in manhole, especially manhole connected to sewage plants. CO, $H_2S$, LEL, $O_2$, $NH_3$ should be controlled in sludge silo and sluge pumping confined spaces in sewage treatment plant. The activity of lifting out radish from the storage tank was evaluated more hazardous rather than the other activities in yellow radish manufacturing industry. The employers must conduct the survey to identify all possible confined spaces in their local workplace prior to performing the tasks. At the national level to reduce the accidents in the confined spaces, we suggest that systemic approach and active education program including possible hazards, standard operation procedures, ventilation plan, and personal protective equipment in confined spaces should be implemented.

학교음용수 관리 및 이용실태 (A Study on the Management & Utilization of School Drinking Water)

  • 홍정화;박영수
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.87-104
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data as a improvement method through the fact-revealing concerning the drinking water management of school and utilization of student. The problems of the research are as follows: First, to investigate status of management of drinking water by area and school. Second, to investigate student's utilization of drinking water by area and school. 1,400 students was selected at 45 elementary and middle-high schools located in Kang-won province, and this study was constituted of two questionnaires(for school's questionnaire and student's questionnaire). The results was analyse through the frequency analysis, $x^2$-test on the basis of the above research problem by SPSS program. The findings of this research are as follows; 1) The Management of School Drinking Water First, the source of school drinking water was mostly piped water. Inspection of water quality has been fulfilled under four times a year, in the other hands, from the result inspection, the schools which was given inadequate determination was 22.2%. Second, reservoir cleaning and hygiene inspection failed far short of the regulations. Especially, reservoir cleaning was managed by exterior consignment industry not low-level officials. Third, school water drinking was the most supplied through the type of water purifier. Water purifier has been distributed to city-located and middle-high school highly, factually the water from water purifier was served with water cup. Fourth, the selection standard of water drinking manager showed slightly differently by school, accordingly there need to develope integrated system with the respective to its effective systematic management. Fifth, water cup was mostly treated by only water clear, which is to vindicate the problems concerning hygiene management. 2) Utilization of school student on Drinking Water First, Disbelief on drinking water of school student was very high. Especially, proportion of middle-high school student's disbelief of drinking water was higher than elementary school student, also girls higher than boys. Many of student have heard to don't drink water from around people. And there were showed meaningful differences by area and school. Second, It was showed many student recognize had to utilize water purifier, boiled water. However, they have still drunken the tap water or portable water from their home. Third, Many of student showed negative response with the respective to the management conditions of drinking water in classroom, There were showed meaningful differences by area and school. From the fact-revealing of water cup management, Students mostly answered to 'only water clear' and the answer of 'None use' or 'With personal cup' was higher. Fourth, In bad experience of Drinking Water, student mostly answered to 'occasionally' and there were showed meaningful differences by school. student's disease experience with school drinking water was few and there were showed meaningful differences by area and gender.

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