• Title/Summary/Keyword: image landscape

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3D Reconstruction Using Segmentation of Myocardial SPECT Images (SPECT 심근영상의 영상분할을 이용한 3차원 재구성)

  • Jung, Jae-En;Lee, Sang-Bock
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2009
  • Myocardial imaging in SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed tomography) scan of the gamma-ray emitting radiopharmaceuticals to patients after intravenous radiopharmaceuticals evenly spread in the heart region of interest by recording changes in the disease caused by a computer using the PSA test is to diagnose. Containing information on the functional myocardial perfusion imaging is a useful way to examine non-invasive heart disease, but the argument by noise and low resolution of the physical landscape that is difficult to give. For this paper, the level of myocardial imaging by using the three algorithms to split the video into 3-D implementation of the partitioned area to help you read the proposed plan. To solve the difficulty of reading level, interest in using the sheet set, partitioned area of the left ventricle was ranked the partitioned area was modeled as a 3-D images.

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3D Reconstruction Using Segmentation of Myocardial SPECT (SPECT 심근영상의 영상분할을 이용한 3차원 재구성)

  • Jung, Jae-Eun;Lee, Jun-Haeng;Choi, Seok-Yoon;Lee, Sang-Bock
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.2240-2245
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    • 2010
  • Myocardial imaging in SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed tomography) scan of the gamma-ray emitting radiopharmaceuticals to patients after intravenous radiopharmaceuticals evenly spread in the heart region of interest by recording changes in the disease caused by a computer using the PSA test is to diagnose. Containing information on the functional myocardial perfusion imaging is a useful way to examine non-invasive heart disease, but the argument by noise and low resolution of the physical landscape that is difficult to give. For this paper, the level of myocardial imaging by using the three algorithms to split the video into 3-D implementation of the partitioned area to help you read the proposed plan. To solve the difficulty of reading level, interest in using the sheet set, partitioned area of the left ventricle was ranked the partitioned area was modeled as a 3-D images.

A study of Landcover Classification Methods Using Airborne Digital Ortho Imagery in Stream Corridor (고해상도 수치항공정사영상기반 하천토지피복지도 제작을 위한 분류기법 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Cha, Su-Young;Cho, Yong-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2014
  • The information on the land cover along stream corridor is important for stream restoration and maintenance activities. This study aims to review the different classification methods for mapping the status of stream corridors in Seom River using airborne RGB and CIR digital ortho imagery with a ground pixel resolution of 0.2m. The maximum likelihood classification, minimum distance classification, parallelepiped classification, mahalanobis distance classification algorithms were performed with regard to the improvement methods, the skewed data for training classifiers and filtering technique. From these results follows that, in aerial image classification, Maximum likelihood classification gave results the highest classification accuracy and the CIR image showed comparatively high precision.

Construction of Farmlands Spatial Information for Reasonable Adjustment of Farmland Use (합리적인 농지이용조정을 위한 농지공간정보구축)

  • Chung, Hoi-Hoon;Na, Sang-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2009
  • Farmland spatial data are needed as a basic information in conducting rational use of farmlands in regional scale. This study develops a method that can be used to make up such farmland spatial data in a simple way and to develop a technique to manage them in a unitary way, and examines the effectiveness of the technique by applying it to the case area. A method that Web-Service Raster Image and Digital Cadastal Map can be utilized as a base map was devised. It was designed applying the vector system, in which one lot of farmland is area unit. Raster image and field survey data were combined to increase the accuracy of data. The lot boundaries of the existing boundary map were adjusted to the shapes of actual farmlands using GIS edition function. A proper farmland use classification system to the area characteristics was established and data obtained from the field survey were coded. Usually it is very difficult to identify the size of one lot of actual farmland in the existing space data, based on the results of the case study, the result map showed actual topography very realistically. Also the frequently occurring lot divisions and the serious topographical modifications by natural disasters frequently have made it impossible to survey farmlands on the catastral map in the field. But the final map had a great usefulness in that it may solve such problems by expressing the filed survey results graphically.

A Study on Surveying Techniques of Rural Amenity Resources Using Internet High-resolution Image Services - mainly on Google Earth - (인터넷 고해상도 영상서비스를 이용한 농촌어메니티 자원조사 기술에 관한 연구 - Google Earth를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Min-Won;Chung, Hoi-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the applicability of high spatial resolution remote sensing images for conducting the rural amenity resources survey. There are a large number of rural amenity resources and field reconnaissance without a sufficient preliminary survey involves a big amount of cost and time even if the data quality cannot always be satisfied with the advanced study. Therefore, a new approach should be considered like the state-of-the-art remote sensing technology to support field survey of rural amenity resources as well as to identify the spatial attributes including the geographical location, pathway, area, and shape. Generally high-resolution satellite or aerial photo images are too expensive to cover a large area and not free of meteorological conditions, but recently rapidly-advanced internet-based image services, such as Google Earth, Microsoft Bing maps, Bluebirds, Daum maps, and so on, are expected to overcome the handicaps. The review of the different services shows that Google Earth would be the most feasible alternative for the survey of rural amenity resources in that it provides powerful tools to build spatial features and the attributes and the data format is completely compatible with other GIS(Geographic information system) software. Hence, this study tried to apply the Google Earth service to interpret the amenity resources and proposed the reformed work process conjugating the internet-based high-resolution images like satellite and aerial photo data.

The Study on the Satisfaction and Image of Passenger at Section Seven, in Olle-gil (올레길 7구간의 이용객 만족도 및 이미지 분석)

  • Kang, Bang-Hun;Cho, Seung-Jin;Son, Jin-Kwan;Shin, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to investigate the images that affect general travel behavior and satisfaction of eco-tourists of Section seven of Jeju Olle-gil and to give eco-tourists preferred images to newly constructed eco-tour sections. Adjectives were selected to evaluate images, and for analysis, a survey was carried out with 132 persons who have toured 7 section of Jeju Olle-gil. On this survey, basic travel type, overall satisfaction, image before and after experience, age, gender, satisfaction level and accompanying type were inquired. 81(61.4%) knew section 7 of Jeju Olle-gil 'in advance', and 58(39.1%), which takes up the largest portion in this question, came to choose section 7 by a word of mouth. 95(71.9%) answered that they stayed 2 nights and 3 days, and 55(41.7%) answered that they stayed at a pension as accommodation. As for accompanying type, 34(25.7%) answered they accompanied family and relatives. As for the decision of visit, 60(45.5%) replied that they decided one month prior to the visit. And as for the purpose of visit, 63 (33.8%) replied they visited to appreciate nature. The adjectives that demonstrate overall satisfaction and significance level of the tourists were 'placid', 'refreshing', 'living', 'mountainous' and 'green'. As for the satisfaction level, people were satisfied with its environment, cleanliness level and direction boards. The types of section preferred by the tourists were clay pavements, followed by sand-masa soil mixture pavement and wooden deck pavement. 'Oidolgae' section was selected as the representative section, and 10:00a.m.~12:00p.m. was preferred as visiting time. And it is also proved that people were positive in appointing photo zones.

Markerless camera pose estimation framework utilizing construction material with standardized specification

  • Harim Kim;Heejae Ahn;Sebeen Yoon;Taehoon Kim;Thomas H.-K. Kang;Young K. Ju;Minju Kim;Hunhee Cho
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2024
  • In the rapidly advancing landscape of computer vision (CV) technology, there is a burgeoning interest in its integration with the construction industry. Camera calibration is the process of deriving intrinsic and extrinsic parameters that affect when the coordinates of the 3D real world are projected onto the 2D plane, where the intrinsic parameters are internal factors of the camera, and extrinsic parameters are external factors such as the position and rotation of the camera. Camera pose estimation or extrinsic calibration, which estimates extrinsic parameters, is essential information for CV application at construction since it can be used for indoor navigation of construction robots and field monitoring by restoring depth information. Traditionally, camera pose estimation methods for cameras relied on target objects such as markers or patterns. However, these methods, which are marker- or pattern-based, are often time-consuming due to the requirement of installing a target object for estimation. As a solution to this challenge, this study introduces a novel framework that facilitates camera pose estimation using standardized materials found commonly in construction sites, such as concrete forms. The proposed framework obtains 3D real-world coordinates by referring to construction materials with certain specifications, extracts the 2D coordinates of the corresponding image plane through keypoint detection, and derives the camera's coordinate through the perspective-n-point (PnP) method which derives the extrinsic parameters by matching 3D and 2D coordinate pairs. This framework presents a substantial advancement as it streamlines the extrinsic calibration process, thereby potentially enhancing the efficiency of CV technology application and data collection at construction sites. This approach holds promise for expediting and optimizing various construction-related tasks by automating and simplifying the calibration procedure.

A Study on Classification of Halophytes-based Blue Carbon Cover and Estimation of Carbon Respiration Using Satellite Imagery - Targeting the Gwangseok-gil Area in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do - (위성영상을 이용한 연안지역 염생식물 중심 블루카본 피복 분류 및 탄소호흡량 산정 연구 - 전남 무안군 광석길 일대를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Chan;Nam, Jinvo;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the cover classification and carbon respiration of halophytes based on the issues of utilising blue carbon in recent context of climate change. To address the aims, the study classified halophytes(Triglochin maritimum L and Phragmites australis), Intertidal(non-vegetated tidal flats) and Supratidal(sandy tidal flats) to measure carbon respiration and classify cover. The results are revealed that first, the carbon respiration in vegetated areas was less than that in non-vegetated areas. Second, the cover classification could be divided into halophyte communities(Triglochin maritimum L, Phragmites australis), Intertidal and Supratidal by NDWI(Moisture Index, Normalized Difference Water Index) Third, the total carbon respiration of blue carbon was calculated to be -0.0121 Ton km2 hr-1 with halophyte communities at -0.0011 Ton km2 hr-1, Intertidal respiration at -0.0113 Ton km2 hr-1 and Supratidal respiration at 0.0003 Ton km2 hr-1. As this challenge is a fundamental study that calculates the quantitative net carbon storage based on the blue carbon-based marine ecosystem, contributing to firstly, measuring the carbon respiration of cordgrass communities, reed communities, and non-vegetated tidal flats, which are potential blue carbon candidates in the study area, to establish representative values for carbon respiration, secondly, verifying the reliability of cover classification of native halophytes extracted through image classification technology, and thirdly, challenging to create a thematic map of carbon respiration, calculating the area and carbon respiration for each classification category.

Development of GIS Based Wetland Inventory and Its Use (GIS에 기반한 습지목록의 제작과 활용)

  • Yi, Gi-Chul;Lee, Jae-Won;Kim, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to find out the way to build a comprehensive wetland ecosystem database using the technique of remote sensing and Geographic Information System. A Landsat TM image (taken in Oct. 30, 2002), Kompsat-2 images (Jan. 17, 2008 & Nov. 20, 2008), LiDAR(Mar. 1, 2009) were used for the primary source for the image analysis. Field surveys were conducted March to August of 2009 to help image analysis and examine the results. An actual wetland vegetation map was created based on the field survey. Satellite images were analyzed by unsupervised and supervised classification methods and finally categorized into such classes as Phragmites australis community, mixed community, sand beach, Scirpus planiculmis community and non-vegetation intertidal area. The map of wetland productivity was developed based on the productivity of Phragmites australis and the relationship to the proximity of adjacent water bodies. The developed 3 dimensional wetland map showed such several potential applications as flood inundation, birds flyway viewsheds and benthos distribution. Considering these results, we concluded that it is possible to use the remote sensing and GIS techniques for producing wetland ecosystem spatial database and these techniques are very effective for the development of the national wetland inventory in Korea.

Analysis of Streetscape Image in Cultural District Using Structural Equation Model (구조방정식을 이용한 문화예술의 거리의 가로경관 이미지 분석)

  • Kim, Myung Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : Daejeon is basically divided into an old downtown and a new downtown, and the recent relocation of the Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government of Republic of Korea from the old downtown and the opening of governmental buildings in the new downtown as well have made this new downtown only densely populated with industrial and business facilities. Such changes in the downtowns have promoted the conditions of the new downtown while, consequently, dragging down the old downtown. Out of concern for those unbalanced developments of the two downtowns, Daejeon is now carrying out several city projects to revive the old downtown. In the light of that, as a part of the project to promote the old downtown, this study aims to conduct an evaluation on landscape of the culture and arts street in Daeheungdong which was built upon those ideas of a theme street project by Daejeon. METHODS : Based on the findings from the questionnaire not only on the components that would design the streetscape of the culture and arts street but also on the public satisfaction with the streetscape, the study defined how those changes in the components affect emotional factors of the pedestrians. In order to achieve the research goal, the study made changes in D/H ratio of the street structural components as well as the roadside trees. In terms of the questionnaire method, the study used the SD scale, and proceeded with its investigation through the frequency analysis, the principal component analysis (the factor analysis) and the structural equation model. RESULTS : According to the results from the factor analysis and the regression analysis, of those three factors, such as the openness, the comfortable sensation and the safety, the openness followed by the comfortable sensation and the safety was determined to have the most positive influence on the total satisfaction. The structural model analysis reported that the D/H and the structural components of the roadside trees and planting have a positive effect on the emotional image, and this emotional image also appeared to be positively related to the total satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS : This study looked into how the changes in the street structural components of the culture and arts street in Daeheungdong would affect the satisfaction with the streetscape, and finally confirmed that the D/H and the planting are what would have a positive effect on this satisfaction. What has been learned from this study will be the basic data to figure out how to promote and improve the culture and arts street in Daeheung-dong as this data will also help designing and developing of those specialized streets in other regions.