• 제목/요약/키워드: hydrogen compressing system

검색결과 10건 처리시간 0.023초

Numerical Study of the Snubber of Reciprocating Hydrogen Compressing System

  • Rahman, M. Sq.;Lee, Gyeong-Hwan;Chung, Han-Shik;Jeong, Hyo-Min
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 하계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.1358-1365
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    • 2008
  • By Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation, general information about an internal gas flow can be achieved. This will be very useful to improve flow inside the pipes and snubber system. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which plays an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this method should be a powerful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow pressure characteristic analysis of hydrogen gas flowing through the snubber of a reciprocating compressor is presented in this paper. The CFD calculation of pressure pulsation and pressure loss are very close to the experiment. Therefore, consequently development of the better hydrogen compressing system will be observed with better understanding by CFD.

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왕복동식 수소압축기의 2단 토출통로 유동해석 (Numerical Analysis on the $2^{nd}$ Discharae-passase In Reciprocating Compressor)

  • 이경환;라흐만;김철표;정태휘;정효민;정한식
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2009
  • Numerical analysis information of a complex discharge-passage will be very useful to improve hydrogen compression system. General information about an internal gas flow is presented by numerical analysis approach. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which have an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this should be a useful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow characteristic analysis, including pressure and turbulence kinetic energy distribution of hydrogen gas from cylinder going to the chamber of a reciprocating compressor are presented in this paper. Discharge-passage model is designed based on real model of hydrogen compressor. Pressure boundary conditions are applied considering the real condition of operating system. The result shows pressure and turbulence kinetic energy are not distributed uniformly along the passage of the hydrogen compressing system. Path line or particles tracks help to demonstrate flow characteristics inside the passage. The existence of vortices and flow direction can be precisely predicted. Based on this result, the design improvement should be done. Consequently, development of the better hydrogen compressing system will be achieved.

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CFD Analysis on the 2nd Cylinder Discharge line in Hydrogen Reciprocating Compressor

  • Lee, Gyeong-Hwan;Woo, Ju-Sik;Shin, Yong-Han;Jeong, Hyo-Min;Chung, Han-Shik
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.695-702
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    • 2010
  • Numerical analysis information will be very useful to improve fluid system. General information about an internal gas flow is presented by numerical analysis approach. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which have an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this should be a useful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow characteristic analysis, including pressure and turbulence kinetic energy distribution of hydrogen gas coming to the cylinder of a reciprocating compressor are presented in this paper. Suction-passage model is designed based on real model of hydrogen compressor. Pressure boundary conditions are applied considering the real condition of operating system. The result shows pressure and turbulence kinetic energy are not distributed uniformly along the passage of the Hydrogen system. Path line or particles tracks help to demonstrate flow characteristics inside the passage. The existence of vortices and flow direction can be precisely predicted. Based on this result, the design improvement, such as reducing the varying flow parameters and flow reorientation should be done. Consequently, development of the better hydrogen compressing system will be achieved.

왕복동식 수소압축기의 흡입통로내 작동유체 유동해석 (Numerical Analysis on the Working Fluid Flow of Suction-passage for Reciprocating Compressor)

  • 이경환;라흐만;심규진;정효민;정한식
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제32권8호
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    • pp.1201-1207
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    • 2008
  • Numerical analysis information will be very useful to improve fluid system. General information about an internal gas flow is presented by numerical analysis approach. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which have an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this should be a useful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow characteristic analysis, including pressure and turbulence kinetic energy distribution of hydrogen gas coming to the cylinder of a reciprocating compressor are presented in this paper. Suction-passage model is designed based on real model of hydrogen compressor. Pressure boundary conditions are applied considering the real condition of operating system. The result shows pressure and turbulence kinetic energy are not distributed uniformly along the passage of the Hydrogen system. Path line or particles tracks help to demonstrate flow characteristics inside the passage. The existence of vortices and flow direction can be precisely predicted. Based on this result, the design improvement, such as reducing the varying flow parameters and flow reorientation should be done. Consequently, development of the better hydrogen compressing system will be achieved.

수소압축기 스너버 관로 내부의 맥동파 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Gas Pressure Fluctuation Characteristics inside Pipe Line Passing Through a Snubber at Hydrogen Compressor)

  • 심규진;이중섭;악바르 완다 알리;정한식;정효민
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2006
  • An experiment to observe reduction of pressure fluctuation in the compressing system utilizing snubber has done. The experiment measured pressure at inlet and outlet of snubber. It used an air compressor as a model of hydrogen one. Snubber with buffer and snubber without buffer were used to get comprehensive comparison between both of that snubber. An analysis by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method was conducted to verify working pressure frequency. With this method pure signal of static pressure was filtered from noisy signal. The experiment was run for several speeds of piston movement. It was controlled by adjustable frequency regulator that controled rotation of actuator motor. This was connected to the piston-reciprocating compressor with V-belt. From result obtained, the fluctuation was increasing proportionally when frequency of driver motor was increased.

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버퍼의 넓이가 다른 스너버의 수치해석 비교 (The CFD Analysis Comparison of Several Snubbers with different Buffer Width)

  • 이경환;심규진;이용훈;정한식;정효민
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2007
  • Pulsation is an inherent phenomenon in reciprocating compressors. It interacts with piping to cause vibrations and performance problems. Indiscriminately connecting to a compressor can be dangerous and cost money in the form of broken equipment and piping, poor performance, inaccurate metering, unwanted vibration, and sometimes noise. Piping connected to a compressor can materially affect the performance and response. To minimize these detrimental effects, reciprocating compressor system should be equipped by pulsation suppression system. The system usually comprises bottle volume, called snubber. Snubber is one of the most important parts in hydrogen compressing system. It has installed reciprocating hydrogen compressor. One of these components is snubber which has function to reduce pulsation waveform and to remove the impurities in the hydrogen gas. A snubber has an inclined plate as a buffer, which is installed inside snubber. When the pressure loss and the pulsation of pressure within a snubber is minimized, the snubber could get more applicability. Therefore, a study to find an optimum geometric size on a several snubbers which have different buffer width, has been conducted using a numerical analysis.

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Effect of Snubber-Array on Variation of Pressure Characteristics in Reciprocating Hydrogen Compression

  • Chung, Han-Shik;Rahman, M. Sq.;Lee, Gyeong-Hwan;Jin, Zhenhua;Kim, Jeong-Hyeon;Jeong, Hyo-Min
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제33권7호
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    • pp.1034-1043
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    • 2009
  • Hydrogen energy is becoming popular day by day due to its renewability and pollutaaant free natures. Hydrogen gas pressure which is after passing through reciprocating compressor part has high pulsation wave form. A unit, snubber is used as compressor components to reduce the harmful pulsation waveform and to remove the impurities in the hydrogen gas. An experiment has been conducted to investigate the pulsation reduction performance of different arrangement of snubber i.e. snubber array used in reciprocating compression system. Analyzing the snubber array experimental data, it is found that the pressure fluctuations are reduced from 90.1977% ~ 92.6336% with pressure loss 1.5013% ~ 4.9034% for compressor operation at different speed which ensure the good performance of snubber-array as pulsation damper in hydrogen compressing system.

극저온냉동기 예냉 수소액화기의 기초설계 (Basic design of hydrogen liquefier precooled by cryogenic refirgerator)

  • 김승현;장호명;강병하
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.389-400
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    • 1997
  • A thermodynamic cycle analysis is performed for refrigerator-precooled Linde-Hampson hydrogen liquefiers, including catalysts for the ortho-to-para(o-p) conversion. three different configurations of the liquefying system, depending upon the method of the o-p conversion, are selected for the analysis. After some simple and justifiable models are introduced, a general analysis program to predict the liquid yield and the figure of merit(FOM) is developed with incorporating the commercial computer code for the hydrogen properties. The discussion is focused on the effect of the two primary design parameters-the precooling temperature and the high pressrure of hydrogen. When the precooling temperature is in the range between 45 and 60 K, the optimal high pressure for the maximal liquid yield is found to be in the range between 100 to 140 bar, regardless of the o-p conversion. However, the FOM can be maximized at slightly smaller values of high pressures. It is remarkable to observe that the lower precooling temperatures are favorable since both the liquid yield and the FOM can be obtained without compressing hygrogen to extremely high pressures.

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왕복동식 수소압축기의 토출구 유동에 관한 CFD해석 (CFD Analysis on Discharge Passage Flow of Hydrogen Reciprocating Compressor)

  • 이경환;;정한식;정효민
    • 대한설비공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 2008
  • The reciprocating compressor is widely used in the industry field, because it has simple principle and high efficiency. In this work, in order to improve design of discharge passage line in hydrogen compression system Numerical analysis was conducted. General information about an internal gas flow is presented by numerical analysis approach. Relating with hydrogen compressing system, which have an important role in hydrogen energy utilization, this should be a useful tool to observe the flow quickly and clearly. Flow characteristic analysis, including velocity, pressure and turbulence kinetic energy distribution of hydrogen gas going out from the cylinder to discharge-path line are presented in this paper. Discharge-passage model is designed based on real model of hydrogen compressor. Pressure boundary conditions are applied considering the real condition of operating system. The result shows velocity, pressure and turbulent kinetic energy are not distributed uniformly along the passage of the Hydrogen system. Path line or particles tracks help to demonstrate flow characteristics inside the passage. The existence of vortices and flow direction can be precisely predicted. Based on this result, the design improvement might be done.

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연료전지자동차용 수소제조와 저장·운반기술동향 (Technical Trends of Hydrogen Manufacture, Storage and Transportation System for Fuel Cell Vehicle)

  • 길상철;황용길
    • 자원리싸이클링
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.48-59
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    • 2016
  • 화석연료를 사용하는 선박이나 자동차는 $CO_2$가스를 과대하게 발생하므로 지구 온난화에 영향을 주기 때문에 화석연료 대신 수소를 사용하는 수소연료전지자동차(FCV)가 크게 각광을 받고 있다. 우리나라는 현대자동차가 FCV자동차를 미국, 일본, 독일 등의 선진국들의 자동차회사와 경쟁적으로 개발하고 있다. 수소는 제철소의 코크스 공장, 서유화학공장의 부산물로 얻으며, 석탄, 메탄가스 등을 고온에서 증기와 반응시켜서 메탄 수증기개질법과 압력스윙흡착법 또는 막분리형멤브레인개질 법을 이용한 수소분리형개질방법으로 고순도 수소를 제조하거나 물을 전기분해하여 제조한다. 수소는 전자공업, 금속 및 화학공업, 로켓 연료 및 공장, 병원, 가정용 등의 연료전지시스템이나 FCV의 연료로 사용하고 있다. 수소의 저장은 수소용기에 수소를 압축하는 방법과 액화수소로 저장하는 방법이 일반적이고, 최근 수소화물이나 유기화학하이드라이드법으로 저장하여 수소스테이션에 운반해서 사용한다. 우리나라는 현재 13개소의 수소스테이션이 가동 중에 있으며, 향후 43개소를 설치할 계획이다.