• 제목/요약/키워드: hybrid structure

검색결과 1,849건 처리시간 0.025초

화상분석법을 이용한 하이브리드 콘크리트의 공극구조 특성 및 투수성 평가 (Estimation of Pore Structure Characteristic and Permeability of Hybrid Concrete by Image Analysis Method)

  • 장봉진;전범준;홍영호;배종오;임홍범
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSES : In this study, an image analysis method is used to evaluate the pore structure characteristics and permeability of hybrid concrete. METHODS : The binder weight of hybrid concrete is set to $400kg/m^3$, $370kg/m^3$, and $350kg/m^3$, and for each value of binder weight, the pore structure and permeability of concrete mixture is evaluated. The permeability of hybrid concrete is evaluated using a rapid chloride penetration test(RCPT). RESULTS : The concrete pore structure characteristics of hybrid concrete reveals that as the binder weight is reduced, the entrained air is reduced and the entrapped air is increased. The permeability of the hybrid concrete for all values was measured to be below 1000 C, which indicates a "Very Low" level of permeability relative to the evaluation standard of KS F 2711. Additionally, as the binder weight is decreased, there is a significant increase in the permeability of chloride ions. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, the pore structure characteristics of hybrid concrete at different binder weights shows that as the binder weight is reduced, the entrained air is reduced and the entrapped air is increased. Consequently, chloride ion penetration resistance of the hybrid concrete is diminished. As a result, it is expected that this will reduce the concrete's durability.

대공간 연성 구조시스템의 종류와 발달과정 (The Type and Development for Structure System with Non-rigid Member)

  • 이주나;박선우;박찬수
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공간정보시스템학회 2004년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집 제1권1호(통권1호)
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    • pp.148-157
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    • 2004
  • The structure systems with non-rigid member were classified by the composition type of line and surface members. As a result of the classification, there are 1-way cable structure, cable net and radial cable net structure in the line member system. And there are pneumatic structure and suspension membrane structure in surface member system. In addition, when the line and surface members are composed together, there is the hybrid membrane system which are divided into hanging type and supported type. In this paper, the Korean terms of structure systems with non-rigid member are recommended through this classification. In each the structure systems with non-rigid member, the examples were also investigated considering their historical developments. It present that the light weight structure system and the openness of space have pursued with the developments. So largely, cable net structure with membrane, membrane structure and hybrid structure have used in these days.

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전기점성유체와 압전세라믹을 이용한 복합지능구조물의 진동제어 (Vibration Control of Hybrid Smart Structure Using ER Fluids and Piezoelectric Ceramics)

  • 윤신일;박근효;한상보
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제13권8호
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    • pp.612-618
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    • 2003
  • A hybrid vibration control scheme using ER fluid and PZT patches is proposed. Dynamic characteristics of the beam embedded with the ER fluid can be controled by changing the strength of the electric field applied on the ER fluid, thus provides a mean to avoid the resonance. It was found that active vibration control of the structure embedded with ER fluid failed to suppress the vibration excited with broad band frequency due to the limited change of the dynamic characteristics of the structure. To compensate this limited effect of the control scheme with ER fluid alone, PPF control using PZT patches as sensors and actuators is added to construct a hybrid controller. Experimental results suggests that proposed hybrid controller is effective to suppress the additional resonance vibration that appears when each controller is used alone.

Hybrid vibration-impedance monitoring in prestressed concrete structure with local strand breakage

  • Dang, Ngoc-Loi;Pham, Quang-Quang;Kim, Jeong-Tae
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.463-477
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a hybrid vibration-impedance-based damage monitoring approach is experimentally evaluated for prestressed concrete (PSC) structures with local strand breakage. Firstly, the hybrid monitoring scheme is designed to alert damage occurrence from changes in vibration characteristics and to localize strand breakage from changes in impedance signatures. Secondly, a full-scale PSC anchorage is experimented to measure global vibration responses and local impedance responses under a sequence of simulated strand-breakage events. Finally, the measured data are analyzed using the hybrid monitoring framework. The change of structural condition (i.e., damage extent) induced by the local strand breakage is estimated by changes in a few natural frequencies obtained from a few accelerometers in the structure. The damaged strand is locally identified by tomography analysis of impedance features measured via an array of PZT (lead-zirconate-titanate) sensors mounted on the anchorage. Experimental results demonstrate that the strand breakage in the PSC structure can be accurately assessed by using the combined vibration and impedance features.

Intelligent hybrid controlled structures with soil-structure interaction

  • Zhang, X.Z.;Cheng, F.Y.;Lou, M.L.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제17권3_4호
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    • pp.573-591
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    • 2004
  • A hybrid control system is presented for seismic-resistant building structures with and without soil-structure interaction (SSI). The hybrid control is a damper-actuator-bracing control system composed of passive and active controllers. An intelligent algorithm is developed for the hybrid system, in which the passive damper is designed for minor and moderate earthquakes and the active control is designed to activate when the structural response is greater than a given threshold quantity. Thus, the external energy for active controller can be optimally utilized. In the control of a multistory building, the controller placement is determined by evaluating the optimal location index (OLI) calculated from six earthquake sources. In the study, the soil-structure interaction is considered both in frequency domain and time domain analyses. It is found that the interaction can significantly affect the control effectiveness. In the hybrid control algorithm with intelligent strategy, the working stages of passive and active controllers can be different for a building with and without considering SSI. Thus SSI is essential to be included in predicting the response history of a controlled structure.

Highly Miniaturized On-Chip $180^{\circ}$ Hybrid Employing Periodic Ground Strip Structure for Application to Silicon RFIC

  • Yun, Young
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 2011
  • A highly miniaturized on-chip $180^{\circ}$ hybrid employing periodic ground strip structure (PGSS) was realized on a silicon radio frequency integrated circuit. The PGSS was placed at the interface between $SiO_2$ film and silicon substrate, and it was electrically connected to top-side ground planes through the contacts. Owing to the short wavelength characteristic of the transmission line employing the PGSS, the on-chip $180^{\circ}$ hybrid was highly miniaturized. Concretely, the on-chip $180^{\circ}$ hybrid exhibited good radio frequency performances from 37 GHz to 55 GHz, and it was 0.325 $mm^2$, which is 19.3% of a conventional $180^{\circ}$ hybrid. The miniaturization technique proposed in this work can be also used in other fields including compound semiconducting devices, such as high electron mobility transistors, diamond field effect transistors, and light emitting diodes.

Numerical study on Floor Response Spectrum of a Novel High-rise Timber-concrete Structure

  • Xiong, Haibei;Zheng, Yingda;Chen, Jiawei
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 2020
  • An innovative high-rise timber-concrete hybrid structure was proposed in previous research, which is composed of the concrete frame-tube structure and the prefabricated timber modules as main structure and substructures, respectively. Considering that the timber substructures are built on the concrete floors at a different height, the floor response spectrum is more effective in estimating the seismic response of substructures. In this paper, the floor response spectra of the hybrid structure with different structural parameters were calculated using dynamic time-history analysis. Firstly, one simplified model that can well predict the seismic response of the hybrid structure was proposed and validated. Then the construction site, the mass ratio and the frequency ratio of the main-sub structure, and the damping ratio of the substructures were discussed. The results demonstrate that the peaks of the floor response spectra usually occur near the vibration periods of the whole structure, among which the first two peaks stand out; In most cases, the acceleration amplification effect on substructures tends to be more evident when the construction site is farther from the fault rupture; On the other hand, the acceleration response of substructures can be effectively reduced with an appropriate increase in the mass ratio of the main-sub structure and the damping ratio of the substructures; However, the frequency ratio of the main-sub structure has no discernible effect on the floor response spectra. This study investigates the characteristics of the floor response spectrum of the novel timber-concrete structure, which supports the future applications of such hybrid structure in high-rise buildings.

하이브리드 중간층 지진 격리 시스템과 빌딩 구조물의 동시 최적화 (Simultaneous Optimization of Hybrid Mid-Story Isolation System and Building Structure)

  • 김현수;강주원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2019
  • A hybrid mid-story seismic isolation system with a smart damper has been proposed to mitigate seismic responses of tall buildings. Based on previous research, a hybrid mid-story seismic isolation system can provide effective control performance for reduction of seismic responses of tall buildings. Structural design of the hybrid mid-story seismic isolation system is generally performed after completion of structural design of a building structure. This design concept is called as an iterative design which is a general design process for structures and control devices. In the iterative design process, optimal design solution for the structure and control system is changed at each design stage. To solve this problem, the integrated optimal design method for the hybrid mid-story seismic isolation system and building structure was proposed in this study. An existing building with mid-story isolation system, i.e. Shiodome Sumitomo Building, was selected as an example structure for more realistic study. The hybrid mid-story isolation system in this study was composed of MR (magnetorheological) dampers. The stiffnessess and damping coefficients of the example building, maximum capacity of MR damper, and stiffness of isolation bearing were simultaneously optimized. Multi-objective genetic optimization method was employed for the simultaneous optimization of the example structure and the mid-story seismic isolation system. The optimization results show that the simultaneous optimization method can provide better control performance than the passive mid-story isolation system with reduction of structural materials.

병렬 하이브리드 전기자동차의 주요 구성시스템에 대한 상대적 가격 모델링 (Relative Cost Modeling for Main Component Systems fo Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle)

  • 김필수;김용
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기기기및에너지변환시스템부문B
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 1999
  • There is a growing interest in hybrid electric vehicles due to environmental concerns. Recent efforts are directed toward developing an improved main component systems for the hybrid electric vehicle applications. Soon after the introduction of electric starter for internal combustion engine early this century, despite being energy efficient and nonpolluting, electric vehicle lost the battle completly to internal combustion engine due to its limited range and inferior performance. Hybrid Electric vehicles offer the most promising solutions to reduce the emission of vehicles. This paper describes a method for cost reduction estimation of parallel hybrid electric vehicle. We used a cost reduction structure that consisted of five major subsystems (three-type and two-type motor) for parallel hybrid electric vehicle. Especially, we estimated the potential for cost reductions in parallel hybrid electric vehicle as a function of time using the learning curve. Also, we estimated the potentials of cost by depreciation.

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전기 모터설계에의 AutoLISP 응용 (Application of AutoLISP to Electric Motor design)

  • 오철수;공정식
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1991년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부
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    • pp.126-129
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    • 1991
  • The effect of each tooth for optimal design of Hybrid permanent magnet step motor is presented on this paper. For this consideration, Hybrid permanent magnet step motor was designed in the first consideration tooth structure on the stator and the rotor and poles structure, as number of teeth on the stator and the rotor and slot depth and pitch of teeth, simulated by AutoLISP. During actual rotating, a chracteristic of Hybrid permanent magnet step motor which designed by AutoLISP program is considered. A chracteristic of Hybrid permanent magnet step motor is considered in change each variable, also. As a result, it was found that characteristic of Hybrid permanent magnet step motor changed in accordance with tooth structure and number of teeth and optimal design is possible by AutoLISP.

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