• Title/Summary/Keyword: housewives' type

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A Study on Classification of Home Management Behavior and It's Related Variables of Urban Housewives (도시주부의 가정관리행동 유형분류와 그 관련변인에 관한 연구)

  • 이정우
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.223-239
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the home management behaviors of urban housewives and to find out variables which influence them. Following are the results. 1. The home management behavior of urban housewives are classified into six types. Thouse expense and convenience oriented type, using the information and family centered type, tradition and steady oriented type, improving life type, conservative and thrifty type and the self-faithfulness and change adaption type. 2. Follows are the variables which have influenced on home management behaviors of urban housewives. \circled1 The level of education of housewives, perceived level of economical resources, income and evaluation level of life have influenced on expense and convenience oriented type. \circled2 The duration of marriage, the level of education of husband, the satisfaction of housework and communication interaction have influenced on using the information and family centered type. \circled3 The satisfaction of housework, the perceived level of economical resources, the level of education of husband and the age of housewives have influenced on the tradition and steady oriented type. \circled4 The perceived level of family resources and the communication interaction have influenced on the improving life type. \circled5 The communication interaction and the income have influenced on conservative and thrifty type. \circled6 The perceived level of economical resources, the satisfication of housework, the communication interaction, the level of education of housewives, the age of housewives and the number of children have influenced on the self-faithfulness and change-adaption type.

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Housewives' Types Classified by Benefits Sou인t of Preschool Child Education Commodity (취학전 교육상품의 기대편익에 따른 주부 유형 및 영향 요인)

  • Kim, Yoo-Kyung;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.65-85
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study are to classify housewives based on their perception of benefits sought of preschool child education commodity and to identify the characteristics of each type. For empirical analysis, the data for this study were collected from 400 full-time housewives with preschool child living in Seoul. The statistical methods adopted fur data analysis are cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and discriminant analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows : First, four housewives' types can be categorized by the level of those 3 dimensions. The name fur the types was given as 'sticking to one's belief type', 'taking importance to early stimulation type' 'conforming to and imitating others type', and 'believing blindly in education commodity type'. Second, the result of discriminant analysis shows that 'housewives' education level and their education-related values' element was the most crucial in classifying the housewives, and 'considering child's characteristics and educational home environment' element was the next. The results of this study suggest several implications fur the education of parents with preschool child. Parents' education programs differentiated by the objects and the problems should be developed : which are suitable for each housewives' type.

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The Analysis of Home Management by the Life Style Types among Housewives (생활양식유형에 따른 가정관리행동의 분석 -서울지역 아파트 거주 주부를 중심으로-)

  • 문숙재
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.89-107
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    • 1987
  • This study aimed at providing basis data to understand homemanagement by patterning of the life styles of housewives and by analysing the disposition of homemanagement behavior and characterstics of the behavior pattern to the difference of the life style patterns of housewives. The result can be summarized as follows: 1. By utilizing factor analysis and cluster analysis, the life style types of housewives were classified into 4 types, namely, self-fulness type (28.4%), negative stagnation type (22.7%), fashion-convenience type (23.3%), innovation-urging type (25.6%). 2. The life style types of housewives which were classified, differed significantly according to all of the demographic variables except family size variable. 3. The disposition of homemanagement behavior which were classified into inner-directed type and other-directed type, differed significantly according to the husband's age variable. 4. The patterns of homemanagement behavior which were classified into market pattern and service pattern, differed significantly according to the all of the demographic variables. 5. The disposition and the pattern of homemanagement behavior differed significantly according to the life style types of housewives.

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Life Style and Dietary Pattern (라이프스타일과 식생활양식)

  • 임정빈
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 1990
  • The aims of this study are to classify the life styles of urban housewives, to see their relationship between life style and demorgaphic variables, and also to see the relationship between life style and dietary patterns. This study has been performed by a questionsire about life style, demographic variables and dietary pattern. The selected samples were 475 housewives. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, Duncan test, X-test and F-test. Life style is classified into 4 types: temporary enjoying type, passive irrational type, realistic conservative type, actual progressive type. The housewives who are in temporary enjoying type usually do randomly and don't think seriously something. And they have tendency to enjoy themselves. Therefore they don't have any plan for dietary behavior. The passive irrational type's housewives have no consistancy in their life and they do everything temporarily. The housewives who are in this type have relatively low incom, low level of education and they are high in age. The people who are in realistic conservative type act reasonably and elastically everything. They use convenient food very much, because they are willing to save time to make them. The housewives who are included in actual progressive type are well organized and planned in dietary behavior than others, when they dine out, they eat with family together in general, they usually use only a kind of western sauces and convenient food. They are relatively young, highly educated, and they are high income group. In conclusion realistic conservative type and actual progressive type are both relatively desirable type in dietary behavior, but in temporary enjoying type and passive irrational type, there, have to do some guide and education about managing family resources and dietary behavior.

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Comparison of Money and Credit Attitudes of Female College Students and Housewives (여대생과 주부의 돈과 신용에 대한 태도 비교)

  • 김정훈
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the attitudes toward money and credit between housewives and female cortege students. Female college students were younger and economically dependent. Female college students(n=131) and housewives(n=96) were surveyed for the study. Results of the study were: 1) Housewives perceive money as a security, Female students did money as the emotional tool and the success. 2) Housewives tended to be more negative to use credit generally and more positive under the certain condition compared with female students. 3) Affective style of money attitudes among female students and cognitive style among housewives were more popular 4) Negative type of credit altitudes were more popular among both groups. 5) Negative type of credit attitudes were more poplar in cognitive style of money altitudes and tolerated type were more popular in affective style.

Expenditure Behavior types of Urban Housewives (도시주부의 지출행동유형연구)

  • 이기영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the expenditure behaviors of housewives into some types and to identify the characteristics of the types focucing on diverse expenditure behaviors of urban households. In this study it is assumed that the expenditure behaviors are classified by there factors-(1)the orientation of money saving (2)the orientation of time saving and (3)the orientation of others. The present study suggests following three questions. (1). Can the expenditure behaviors of urban housewives be classified according to the orientation of money saving the orientation of others? (2) What distictions exist among the types? (3) Which variables are useful in classifying the expenditure behaviors? For empirical analysis the data of the study was collected from 650 housewives living in Seoul. The statistical methods adopted for data analysis are frequency percentage mean Pearson's correlation coefficient factor analysis cluster analysis one way ANOVA Duncun's multiple ran e test and discriminant analysis. As the major findings 4 types were extracted, According to the level of each dimensions the names for the each type were given as "the type of attaching importance to money saving" "the type of attaching importance to time and appearance" "the type of attaching importance to money saving and time" "the type of attaching importance to money saving and time" "the type of attaching importance to money saving and time" "the type of attaching importance to money saving and appearance" In "the type of attaching importance to money saving" the significant portion of housewives have high school degrees and compared with other types this type includes more husbands having sales and service job 55% of housewives of "The type of attaching importance to time and appearance" have graduate or higher degrees. The significant part of earned incomes range from 3 million won to 5 million won. The rate of housewives employed in the professional job is higher than other types. In "The type of attaching importance to money saving and time" the rate of the employment of housewives in this type is the highest among the types. In "The type of attaching importance to money saving and appearance" the significant portion of housewives have graduate degrees. In the jobs of he spouses the management job is major. The consciousness of belonging to the middle class is higher than other types. In this type the level of education is high but that of income is not. The result of the discriminant analysis says that the earned income and the consciousness of belonging to a calss are the most critical variables to classify the expenditure behaviors into 4 type The accuray of the classification of the discrimination equation composed of these variables is 47,5% The accuracy is improved by 10%.

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Urban Housewives' Expenditure Behavior Type (도시주부의 지출행동 유형)

  • Cho, Young-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1994
  • The main objective of this study was to find urban housewives' expenditure behavior type. For this objective 4 dimensions of income expenditure behavior were classified with factor analysis and correlation coefficient and then cluster analysis was implemented. Subjects were housewives living in Seoul. As a result, three income expenditure behavior type were defined. They were type of high interested in income expenditure, time oriented type, and money oriented type.

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Analytic comparison of Clothing Purchase Behavior between Rural and Urban Housewives (농촌.도시 주부의 의복 구매 행동 비교 분석)

  • 이지연;박재옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.209-224
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    • 2002
  • In this study, Rural and urban housewives were compared in terms of their clothing practical use and clothing buying behavior. For the analysis, a nation-wide stratified sampling was made across the rural and urban areas. As a result, 400 subjects of housewives were selected and were asked to answer the questionnaire. Results of the analysis were as follows: 1. Both rural and urban housewives were found to have reliable knowledge about the kinds of clothes they are possessing. However, there were significant differences in the knowledge level of clothing practice methods, in clothing patterns of one′s favor, and in clothing buying behavior by the type of clothing. 2. With regard to the clothing buying behavior by the type of clothing, several differences were found between rural and urban housewives. Purchase motivation for formal wear, was found to be "I don′t have one" in overall, yet having a significant frequency difference between rural and urban housewives. Major evaluation criteria were "color and design" and "fits to me" for formal wear and "comfort and fitness" and "price" for casual wear, also having a significant frequency difference between rural and urban housewives. 3. Rural area housewives bought their formal wear in stores offering "low price or sale" while urban housewives looked at "quality and variety". The major source of information was "display and direct observation" and "previous experience" in both cases. The rural housewives bought clothes when they had any "event" and urban housewives bought them when they had "extra money or sale".

Urban Housewives' Life Style (도시주부의 라이프 스타일)

  • 임정빈;임혜경
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.223-249
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    • 1988
  • The aim of this study is to classify the life styles of urban housewives, to see their correlation with demographic and socioeconomic variables, and finally to provide some useful for their ideal home management. This study has been based on a questionnaire on the demographic characteristics of housewives, and their life styles. The selected samples were 650 and 514 of them were analyzed. The data wee analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test and X2-test. As a result of factor and cluster analyses of 64 items th life styles of urban housewives were classified into 5 types; 'conservative stagnant type', 'sound and thrifty type', 'passive stagnant type', realistic and stable type', modern and evolutional type', The life styles of the respondents showed significant differences by the variables of age , family life cycles, the number of family members, the number of children, family type, education, occupation, income, the type of housing, and religion.

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A Systematic approach on the Urban Housewive경s subjective perception of the Family Economy Contribution (도시주부의 주관적 가정경제기여감에 대한 체계적 분석)

  • 계선자;강기정
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesijed a causal model of sujective perception of contribution to the family economy utilijing system theory. The major findings of this study were as follows. 1) The mean score of respondent’s personal subsystems were 3.62 out of 5. And the family solidarity was affected by the following variables in order : housewives’ age, income, type of occupation, degree of resourcefulness recognition, job satisfaction, control orientation, and information utilization. 2) The mean score of managerial subsystems were 3.68 out of 5. And The financial management of housewives was affected by the following variables. in order: housewives’ type of occupation, degree of resourcefulness recognition, control orientation, information utilization. 3) The mean score of housewives’subjective perception of Economic Contribution to the Family was 3.36 out of 5. The sujective perception of contribution to the family economy of the employed housewives were greater than unemployed housewives. 4) It was found that managerial subsystems had mostly effected on sujective perception of economic contribution to the family.

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