• Title/Summary/Keyword: hop distance

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Low-cost Localization using 2-hop Distance Anchors in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선센서네트워크에서 2 홉 거리 앵커노드를 이용한 분산 위치 측정)

  • Kim, Taeyoung;Bae, Dongju;Shon, Minhan;Choo, Hyunseung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.533-534
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    • 2009
  • 무선센서네트워크에서 많은 응용 프로그램들이 센서노드들의 위치 정보를 기반하기 때문에 센서노드에 대한 위치 측정은 매우 중요하다. 본 논문은 위치 정보를 알고 있는 소수의 앵커노드들을 사용하여 위치 측정 정확도를 높이고 주어진 위치 정보 메시지의 교환 비용을 줄이는 분산 위치 측정 기법인 Low-cost Localization using 2-hop Distance Anchors (LLTA)를 제안한다. LLTA는 높은 위치 측정 정확도를 위해 각각의 센서노드로부터 2 홉 거리 이내의 센서노드들의 위치 정보를 모으는 2-홉플러딩을 사용한다. 또한 2-홉 플러딩을 통해 얻은 위치 정보를 이용하여 센서노드가 위치할 수 있는 지역을 계산한 후 그리드 스캔 알고리즘을 사용하여 센서노드의 더 정확한 위치를 계산한다. 시뮬레이션 결과를 통해 LLTA가 기존의 위치 측정 기법들보다 위치 측정 정확도가 더 높고, 위치 정보 전달 비용이 더 낮음을 보인다.

LED Communication based Multi-hop Audio Data Transmission Network System (LED 통신 기반 멀티 홉 오디오 데이터 전송네트워크시스템)

  • Jo, Seung Wan;Le, The Dung;An, Beongku
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.180-187
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose a LED communication based multi-hop audio data transmission network system. The main contribution and features of the proposed system are as follows. First, the contribution of this research is to develope the LED communication based multi-hop transmission network system which can transmit audio data signal with long distance via multi-hops. Second, the developed system has the following features: In transmitter, audio data is transmitted after encoding with S/PDIF format via a general LED. The relay receives digital audio signal by using photo diode and then transmits the signal to receiver after error checking and amplifying. The receiver receives the encoded audio data via photo diode and then converts to analog audio signal by using decoding and amplifying. The performance evaluation of the proposed system is conducted in the laboratory with fluorescent light source. The results of the performance evaluation confirm that the system can provide high quality audio transmission from transmiter to receiver via multi-hop relays in a long distance while we can see there are differences in the transmitted audio quality according to the used LED colors.

Visible Light Communication based Multi-hop Multimedia Data Transmission Networks System (VLC 기반 멀티 홉 멀티미디어 데이터 전송 네트워크 시스템)

  • Park, In-Chul;Shin, Jung-Jin;Park, Joo-Young;Dung, Le The;An, Beongku
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose VLC(visible light communication) based multi-hop multimedia data transmission system. The main contributions and features of the proposed system are as follows. First, the contribution of this research is to develope the LED communication based multi-hop transmission network system which can transmit multimedia data(audio data, video data) with long distance. Second, the developed system has the following features: In transmitter, audio data and video data are transmitted via multi-hops using two channels. The relay in audio channel receives digital audio signal by using photo diode and then transmits the signal to receiver after error checking and amplifying. The receiver receives the encoded audio data via photo diode and then converts to analog audio signal by using decoding and amplifying. The relay in video channel receives video signal by using photo diode and then amplify the video signal using OP-AMP and then transmits the signal to receiver. The receiver amplifies the received signal from photo diode and then sends it to the monitor. The performance evaluation of the proposed system is conducted in the laboratory with fluorescent light source. The results of the performance evaluation confirm that the system can provide high quality multimedia data transmission from transmiter to receiver via multi-hop relays in a long distance while we can see there are differences in the transmitted multimedia(audio and video) quality according to the used LED colors.

Performance Analysis of Coded FSK System for Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks (멀티 홉 무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 부호화된 FSK 시스템의 성능 해석)

  • Oh, Kyu-Tae;Roh, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 2007
  • Research advances in the areas of micro-sensor device and wireless network technology, has made it possible to develop energy efficient and low cost wireless sensor nodes. In this paper, the forward error control (FEC) scheme for lower power consumption and excellent BER(Bit Error Rate) performance during transmission propose in multi-hop wireless sensor network based on FSK modem. The FEC technique uses extra processing power related to encoding and decoding, it is need complex functions to be built into the sensor node. The probability of receiving a correct bit and codeword for relaying a frame over h nodes to the sink node is calculated as a function of channel parameter, number of hops, number of bits transmitted and the distance between the different nodes.

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The Insights of Localization through Mobile Anchor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks with Irregular Radio

  • Han, Guangjie;Xu, Huihui;Jiang, Jinfang;Shu, Lei;Chilamkurti, Naveen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.2992-3007
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    • 2012
  • Recently there has been an increasing interest in exploring the radio irregularity research problem in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Measurements on real test-beds provide insights and fundamental information for a radio irregularity model. In our previous work "LMAT", we solved the path planning problem of the mobile anchor node without taking into account the radio irregularity model. This paper further studies how the localization performance is affected by radio irregularity. There is high probability that unknown nodes cannot receive sufficient location messages under the radio irregularity model. Therefore, we dynamically adjust the anchor node's radio range to guarantee that all the unknown nodes can receive sufficient localization information. In order to improve localization accuracy, we propose a new 2-hop localization scheme. Furthermore, we point out the relationship between degree of irregularity (DOI) and communication distance, and the impact of radio irregularity on message receiving probability. Finally, simulations show that, compared with 1-hop localization scheme, the 2-hop localization scheme with the radio irregularity model reduces the average localization error by about 20.51%.

Optimal Routing Path Selection Algorithm in Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Network (Ad-hoc 센서 네트워크를 위한 최적 라우팅 경로 설정 알고리즘)

  • Jang In-Hun;Sim Kwee-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.736-741
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    • 2005
  • The highly popular algorithm to determine routing path for the multi-hopping wireless sensor network is DSR(Dynamic Source Routing), which is one of the Demand-Driven way to makes the route only when there is a request for sending data. However, because DSR attaches the route's record on the sending packet, the bigger number of sensor node is, the heavier packet in DSR becomes. In this paper, we try to propose the new optimal routing path selecting algorithm which does not make the size of packet bigger by using proper routing table even though the number of sensor node increases, and we try to show our algorithm is more stable and reliable because it is based on the cost function considering some network resources of each sensor node such as power consumption, mobility, traffic in network, distance(hop) between source and destination.

Contention-based Reservation Protocol Using a Counter for Detecting a Source Conflict in WDM Single-hop Optical Network with Non-equivalent Distance

  • Sakuta, Makoto;Nishino, Yoshiyuki;Sasase, Iwao
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2001
  • We propose a new channel reservation protocol which can reduce message delay by using a counter for detection of d source conflict in a WDM single-hop network with non-equivalent propagation delay. A source convict occurs when a source node has the right to transmit more than or equal to two messages simultaneously, which are transmitted using different wavelengths. In such a case, the source node has to newly obtain the right to transmit the message. In the proposed protocol, by using a source conflict counter a source node can detect a source conflict before a wave-length assignment is performed. Therefore, the source node can start a procedure to newly obtain the right to transmit the message which cannot be transmitted due to a source conflict. We analyse the throughput performance by taking the effect of a source conflict into account, and show that the approximate analysis and the computer simulated results are close. Also, from computer simulated results, we show that our proposed protocol can reduce mean message delay dramatically without degrading throughput performance as the offered load becomes large.

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Performance of Downlink with Dual-Hop Communication Systems in Railway Environments (철도환경에서 듀얼홉 통신시스템을 적용한 하향링크 성능)

  • Cho, Woong;Kim, Bum-Gon;Cho, Han-Byeog
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2017
  • Due to the advantage of communication coverage extension and removement of shadowing area, relay can be applied in various wireless communication systems. In this paper, we analyze performance of downlink with dual-hop communication systems which use a relay in railway environments. We adopted asymmetric communication system which use coherent modulation scheme in base station-relay link and differential modulation scheme in relay-destination link. The performance of communication system is analyzed using symbol error rate, and performance comparison with the systems which adopts fully coherent scheme is studied. We also investigate the performance of system depending on relay distance and energy allocation.

Efficient Energy and Position Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Shivalingagowda, Chaya;Jayasree, P.V.Y;Sah, Dinesh.K.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1929-1950
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    • 2020
  • Reliable and secure data transmission in the application environment assisted by the wireless sensor network is one of the major challenges. Problem like blind forwarding and data inaccessibility affect the efficiency of overall infrastructure performance. This paper proposes routing protocol for forwarding and error recovery during packet loss. The same is achieved by energy and hops distance-based formulation of the routing mechanism. The reachability of the intermediate node to the source node is the major factor that helps in improving the lifetime of the network. On the other hand, intelligent hop selection increases the reliability over continuous data transmission. The number of hop count is factor of hop weight and available energy of the node. The comparison over the previous state of the art using QualNet-7.4 network simulator shows the effectiveness of proposed work in terms of overall energy conservation of network and reliable data delivery. The simulation results also show the elimination of blind forwarding and data inaccessibility.

CE-OLSR: a Cartography and Stability Enhanced OLSR for Dynamic MANETs with Obstacles

  • Belghith, Abdelfettah;Belhassen, Mohamed
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.270-286
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a novel routing protocol called the Cartography Enhanced OLSR (CE-OLSR) for multi hop mobile ad hoc networks (multi hop MANETs). CE-OLSR is based on an efficient cartography gathering scheme and a stability routing approach. The cartography gathering scheme is non intrusive and uses the exact OLSR reduced signaling traffic, but in a more elegant and efficient way to improve responsiveness to the network dynamics. This cartography is a much richer and accurate view than the mere network topology gathered and used by OLSR. The stability routing approach uses a reduced view of the collected cartography that only includes links not exceeding a certain distance threshold and do not cross obstacles. In urban environments, IEEE 802.11 radio signals undergo severe radio shadowing and fading effects and may be completely obstructed by obstacles such as buildings. Extensive simulations are conducted to study the performances of CE-OLSR and compare them with those of OLSR. We show that CE-OLSR greatly outperforms OLSR in delivering a high percentage of route validity, a much higher throughput and a much lower average delay. In particular the extremely low average delay exacerbated by CE-OLSR makes it a viable candidate for the transport of real time data traffic in multi hop MANETs.