• Title/Summary/Keyword: hometown

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The Phenomenological study on the Meaning of Family Adjustment Process Experience in Married Immigrant Women (결혼이민여성의 가족적응 과정에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Kum
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.277-295
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the phenomenological study was to explore the meaning of family adjustment process experience according to married immigrant women's perception and to enrich our understanding. In order to accomplish the purpose of research, six married immigrant women participated. Data were collected through in-depth interview. In addition, the data were analyzed by a Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis. The findings showed that the meaning of family adjustment process experience in married immigrant women were identified as 37 themes and 8categories. The 8 categories consisted of "deciding to marry a foreigner", "first meeting and marriage", "starting to living as a korean", "getting along with husband", "becoming a family with in-laws", "playing one's role as a mother", "missing hometown and family", "adjusting to living in Korea". Based on the findings, we discussed the meaning of family adjustment process experience in married immigrant women. And lastly, this results made suggestions for the social welfare policies and practices for them and their families.

Effects of Physical Living Environment on the Social Interaction and Perceived Sense of Community among Students in University Dormitory (대학기숙사 물리적 주거공간환경이 기숙사 거주학생들간 인지된 공동체의식 및 사회적 교류에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2015
  • College students living in university dormitory continuously experience unique physical and social living conditions, being away from their hometown and loving families. Most college students has engaged in a very limited social activities in dormitory area. Studies have shown that sense of community(SOC) is closely related to students' social activities. However, few research have examined the relationship between physical environment and sense of community. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the effects of physical environment of dormitory on students' perceived sense of community and their social interaction. Extensive literature review found that developing social interaction and building a sense of student community improve students' overall residential satisfaction with dormitory and personal academic growth. Survey on A university dormitory and Chi square analysis (${\chi}^2$) indicated that each group's individual characteristics such as gender, grade, living period, and personality were statistically significant on the level of SOC at the level of p=.01. Individual analysis of SOC showed that sense of belonging was higher than shared emotional connection, which means certain level of intervention is needed. Pearson correlation analysis validated that there exists statistically significant relationship between physical environment and SOC. Further it also found that the most important predictor in facilitating social interaction were comfortable, quiet, and enough social space around the dormitory.

Factors Related to Job Retention of Physicians in Public Hospitals (국공립병원 의사의 근무지속의사 관련 요인)

  • Oh, Moo-Kyung;Kwon, Yong-Jin;Lee, HeyJean;Lee, Jin-Seok
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.365-382
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    • 2012
  • Background : Public hospitals suffer worsening shortage of physicians and face great pressure of recruiting doctors. This study is aim to identify the factors associated with retention of physicians who are working in public hospitals. Methods : We conducted a cross-sectional and self-administered questionnaire survey in July, 2011. A total of 333 physicians responded from the 31 public hospitals. We analyzed the difference of job retention across the variables among doctors stratified as salaried and public health doctors. We used chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results : To the salaried doctor, longer work period(OR=2.04 in 3rd quartile), professional autonomy(OR=2.69), and positive attitude toward public health(OR=2.39) affect to the higher job retention whereas complain of low income(OR=0.33) and complain of poor clinical environment(OR=0.26) affects to the lower job retention. To the public health doctors, community connections such as hometown(OR=6.27), spouse factors(OR=3.49), and positive attitude toward public health(OR=3.19) affect to the higher job retention. But longer work period(OR=0.17 in 3rd quartile) affects to the lower job retention. Conclusions : Associated factors of job retention vary across physician's status. Professional autonomy has major impact on the job retention to the salaried doctor. And familial factors as well as community relationship have greatest impact to the public health doctor. Positive attitude toward public health is associated with the higher job retention to the both of salaried and public health doctors.

Recognition of the university students in Seoul of the passage rites and foods-one hundredth birthday and the first birthday rites and wedding ceremony (서울시내 대학생의 통과의례와 음식에 관한 인식조사 1보-백일, 돌과 혼례)

  • Yun, Hye-Hyun;Kim, Mee-Jeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.1 s.97
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    • pp.140-149
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the thoughts of undergraduate students in Seoul about the birth rites and wedding ceremony and their foods. Among 524 students who were surveyed, 299 students answered that the meaning of the first birthday rites was for special memory, followed by the child's future and family's harmonies. 248 desired birth rites to remain unchanged and 150 desired extravagance and waste to be reduced. Regarding wedding ceremony, 328 answered that changes are necessary in wedding ceremony gifts. Next, process in wedding ceremony and bridegroom's gift box should be changed, Most of the students didn't know clearly the foods of the one hundredth birthday and the first birthday; nevertheless they considered the birth rites to be necessary. Regarding wedding ceremony, half of the students knew the process and half didn't. Two hundred students answered they knew ordinarily about the foods of wedding ceremony. There were no significant differences in hometown about foods of wedding ceremony. In parent's religions, there were no differences about gifts & foods offered by the bride. The Buddhist students knew well about the birth rites' foods and considered birth rites to be necessary. The correlation of parents' work and student's major and passage rites showed that professional parents knew well about birth rites' foods but religious believers didn't know well. Students majoring in natural science were not concerned with birth rites and thought that they were unnecessary and they didn't know about wedding ceremony process and foods. Knowledge about birth rites increased with increasing number of siblings. Large families were interested in birth rites and knew well about the wedding process, wedding ceremony foods and gift & foods offered by the bride.

Adaptation to Motherhood in Central Asian-Korean Immigrants to Korea: A Grounded Theory Study (한국으로 이주한 고려인 여성의 모성 적응과정: 근거이론연구)

  • Kim, Su Hyun;Cho Chung, Hyang-In
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.677-689
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This qualitative study aimed to develop a substantive theory of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea. Methods: Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted from July to September 2017, with 18 women who emigrated of Korean ethnicity from Central Asia to Korea, and took care of their baby for at least a year after their first delivery in Korea. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data from the transcriptions were analyzed through Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory method, and data analysis was conducted simultaneously with data collection. Results: As a result of categorizing the interview data through the process of open coding, 10 categories, with 31 subcategories and 102 concepts were drawn, and "growth as a Central Asian-Korean mother in an unfamiliar, historical hometown" was found to be the core category of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea. Conclusion: A characteristic of the process of adaptation to motherhood in Central Asian-Korean immigrants to Korea, drawn from this study, is that it differs according to the level of initiative to carry out interaction strategies, and the use of various supportive social resources. The findings indicate the need for Medicare eligibility adjustment for antenatal care, the extension of the visa renewal period during childbirth, the development of web- or mobile application-based educational programs in Russian language, and the establishment of integrated visiting healthcare services, community service resources, and policy support to enable these women to utilize various supportive social resources.

A View Geography in 'Sunghosaseol' (성호사설(星湖僿說)에 나타난 지리관 일고찰 -천지문(天地門)을 중심으로-)

  • Sohn, Yong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.392-407
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    • 2006
  • This paper was written on the purpose of examining and analyzing Sungho's view of geography in 'Cheonjimun(天地門)', a part of 'Sunghosaseol(星湖僿說)'. Sungho is not a geographer who specialized in geography, His view is neither structural in methodological approach nor profound in geographical thought. Unfortunately, he looks to be possessed by geomantic thought(風水地理思想) in explaining geographical features and native customs. And he focused and emphasized only on defensive function in place location. As a whole, however, he had a good grasp of and analyzed about geographical topics which are related to human life and we must take interest in. Therefore, in his view, there is a love for country and hometown. Especially, it has to be highly appreciated that he tried to explain his view in analytical and practical perspective with an unspoken advice which things necessary for human life have to be used to available knowledge.

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Popular Song's Lyrics as Tourism Language: Focusing on Exoticism (관광언어로서 대중가요 노랫말 : 이국성을 중심으로)

  • Yang, Soung-hoon;Choi, Mun-yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3778-3786
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    • 2015
  • This paper aimed to explore the possible popular song's linkage to tourism promotion material. Especially focusing on the lyrics of Korean popular song, which explicitly containing exoticism in title or lyrics in early and mid of 20 centuries, this research verified how authors represented the one of Dann's language of tourism thesis: strangeness perspective in tourism and language of differentiation. Result suggested that song writers, as of their imaginary by-product or personal experience, present exoticism in lyrics of song in various ways: exaggerating, creating, stereo-typing exotic place. Fulfilling the Dann's idea, songs elaborately delivered familiar words, conspicuously by personifying place, allocating young ladies and mentioning origin or hometown. The research was efforts to find the origin of entertainment contents savvy-tourism promotion and also traced potential tourist's collective imagination toward potential overseas tourism destination.

Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts due to Sudden Enlargement of Kyungpo-cheon River Channel (경포천 하도 급확대에 따른 수리학적 영향분석)

  • Choi, Jong-Ho;Jung, Tae-Jung;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2019
  • The enlargement and reduction of river channels can not only change the flow of water but also alter sedimentation patterns, thus hindering smooth flood conveyance. Accordingly, this study aims to analyze the effects of the sudden enlargement of river channels on changes in the riverbed and river flow. For this purpose, as part of the "Hometown River" Construction Project, this study examined the local river Kyungpo-cheon, which a section of the river channel was widened by at least two- to three-fold, using RMA-2 and SED-2D models to simulate the changes in flow characteristics and riverbed variation due to the widening of the channel. The results of the study indicated that widening the Kyungpo -cheon river channel secured its dimensional stability in comparison to before widening. however, due to a flood frequency of more than once per year, future maintenance and management will be costly and time-consuming.

A Study on the Characteristics of the RCR Arquitectes - Focused on the Regional Characteristics - (RCR Arquitectes 건축의 특성에 관한 연구 - 지역적인 특징을 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Su-Min;Lim, Yeong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the regionality of RCR Arquitectes's architectural characteristics and to figure out how these characteristics were applied to each project. The reason why they become world-class architects, who recently awarded Pritzker Architecture Prize, is because they deal with universality as their most previous inspiration which is harmonized with their own experience of hometown, Olot. They pursue "Equilibrium" is their fundamental aspect which is inspired by their experiences in Olot. The concept "Equilibrium" is classified into three main points. First, the close relationship between the landscape and architecture is priority in this concept, which is the potential of the place through architecture to form a new landscape and to pursue a balance with nature. In order to keep the relationship closer, they captured the intuitive idea through the watercolor sketch in the beginning of the project. And they also promoted the involvement of surrounding nature through horizontality, frame and void, etc. Secondly, they used cor-ten steel as the main material for most projects, and the symbiotic relationship with nature that allow people to have a different sensory experience. And the last feature is that their buildings are easily applied to different usage through users intend and behave so their buildings have transformed with various values. It is because they design buildings with strategy to harmonize between landscape and environment so they have various expansion as buildings or objects. The present era of globalization, architecture with regional identity plays an important role in conveying the values of each region. The purpose of this study is to investigate about RCR Arquitectes, who informed about the Olot and Spain's regionality, and to consider the development of architecture that implies our country's identity.

The Ethnicity and National Identity among Transmigrant: The Acehnese Community in Jakarta (이주민 집단의 종족과 국가에 대한 인식: 자카르타의 아쩨인 공동체 사례연구)

  • Jeong, Jeonghun
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.133-170
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    • 2012
  • This thesis aims to analyze the political, social, and cultural activities of the Acehnese ethnic group living in Jakarta, Indonesia. Based on analysis, this thesis examines how their ethnicity and national identity have been formed and expressed. For this purpose, this study deals with Taman Iskandar Muda (hereinafter referred to as TIM), a group of Acehnese transmigrants living in Jakarta. The immigration of the Acehnese to Jakarta started in the 1950s and the number of Acehnese people living in Jakarta persently amounts to 100,000. TIM, which was organized by the first generational of immigrants, functions to group Acehnese immigrants of various generations and class. Forum Keprihatinan Untuk Aceh(hereinafter referred to as Forka), an organization designed to solve the political problems of TIM, undertook various activities to maintain the peace of Aceh as the representative of TIM. Through those activities, TIM and Forka were able to confirm the feeling of homogeneity among the Acehnese who were living in their hometown and also strengthen their identity within the organizations. However, the fact that TIM and Forka put their focus on humanitarian activities paradoxically shows the political limitations that they sustain. TIM and Forka take care not to make their humanitarian activities seem as if they intend to openly strengthen their Acehnese identity and deny their Indonesian one. These political characteristics of Forka's identity are commonly found in groups that practice long-distance nationalism, as transmigrants in diaspora circumstances do. In the organization of TIM, there exists the menasah, which is a space where discussions of the ethnicity and the nation are practiced. As it is the space for local exchange, menasah reveals the identity of TIM through educational/social activities and public services. Menasah functions as the public arena where people practice ethnic identity on the basis of national integration. As a minority ethnic group living in Jakarta and its neighborhood, they are accustomed to double and selective political activities, social activities, and cultural practices. In order to adapt themselves to the double circumstance that they are faced with, they should live extemporaneously, and this life may be the fate that minority ethnic and transmigrants should endure.