• Title/Summary/Keyword: hometown

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On the Colonial History of African Continent : From France to China (아프리카 대륙의 식민 역사 : 프랑스부터 중국까지)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.541-551
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    • 2018
  • This paper is on the colonial history of the African continent. It was the origin of mankind, which was called "Hometown of humanity" or "Warm region" since ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. However, the place came to be the invasion target of Western powers. Western nations, based on strong military and economic power, slaughtered sturdy African men and stripped off major resources for their own interests, devastating many parts of the African continent since the 15th century. This unfortunate history seems to have met a happy ending in the mid-twentieth century, after the independence of many African nations that have been committed to national self-determination since World War II. However, African countries have not been recognized as equal partners in the international arena. They were only poor and powerless countries that could be maintained only through the aid of advanced nations like France, as before. Of course, in the 21st century, Africa has begun to be thought to be a new market with high potentiality for development. Various countries, including India, China, Russia and Brazil, as well as major European countries, which have traditionally maintained friendly relations with France, are making efforts to increase their influence in Africa. Therefore, to understand this new trend, it is necessary to give a top priority to grasp the colonial history surrounding African continent.

Expansion and Transition of Tasan's Allegoric Poetry (다산(茶山) 우화시(寓話詩)의 확장(擴張)과 전이(轉移) -<오즉어행>과 <리노행>을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Kyung-ah
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.15
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    • pp.329-353
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    • 2008
  • Tasan Jeong Yak-yong is great scholar, who makes a synthesis of Sil-hak[實學, Practical Science of Korea], reformer of society, and a poet in the Joseon Dynasty. He expressed contradiction and conflict of those days by intellectual language, and reperceived basic ideology of the Joseon society. Also he theorized dissatisfaction of the people about those days and its system as form of religion. We can divide Tasan's life into two times. The first part is his ages 16~39 in the period of Jeong-jo(1777~1800). The second part is in the period of Sun-jo(1801~1834). In this period, he was exiled into Gang-jin for 17 years. After banishment, he lived a quiet life for the rest of his life in his hometown. His allegoric poetry were written in this second period. The special feature of allegoric poetry is strong satire. An allegory would be that is 'king's ear', which the barber has sight, or the barber's voice, which has divulged king's secret among the bamboos. Otherwise it would be that is the sound 'king's ear is donkey's ear' in the bamboos. This sound is divulging of the true donkey's ear. It doesn't travel to audiences, but travels trough wind in the bamboos. The narration exists just as story that barber can't stand to keep silence about king's secret. There are exposure of true and critical motive as allegoric expression. Tasan's allegoric poetry stand on the basis of his love for the people. Also there reveals his thought deeply with an enormous amount of reading and self-communion. Moreover there are his warm mind with his sharp insight in which captures alive lives as allegoric materials. Most of allegoric poetry satirize actuality of those days to make an excuse for external distinguishing marks of animals and plants. However Tasan's poetry are different from them. After he grasped serious problems from his contemporary actuality, and then choosed allegoric media to express correctly. Because he grasped the special features of lives after minute observation, he could exposure controversial point of the actual. His sharp insight was not limited to allegoric media. He noticed his period and the current of his society sensitively. It made his allegoric poetry as important materials to make us to know the condition of the people in the Joseon Dynasty. Tasan's allegoric poetry is inherited by Baek Seok[白石, 1912~1995] as regular juvenile literature. Baek Seok's juvenile stories are the results of expansion and transition for Tasan's allegoric poetry. Allegoric poetry was the shout of barber to prosecute about social irregularities and contradiction, and the sound of the bamboos to travel moaning of the people in the past. Now allegoric poetry create new emotion to make us to speculate ourselves with our surrounding. This changes are caused by special feature of allegoric poetry as a form to reflect our general lives.

User's Evaluation on the Supdari in Jeonju-River through Importance-Performance Analysis (전주천 섶다리의 주민의식 및 이용성취도 평가 - 중요도-성취도분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the user's attitude to the supdari(a traditional wooden bridge) itself and the supdari project, and evaluated the quality of user's satisfaction of the bridge in Jeonju-River by importance-performance analysis(IPA). User's evaluation was achieved through questionnaire survey, and total 267 pieces of subjects were used for the analysis. The supdari users didn't realize the supdari construction was performed as a governance project, and didn't consider the supdari as one of landmarks of Jeonju-River. But local people thought that the supdari is one of the traditional and cultural facilities to reminds their hometown's landscapes and the supdari project can make the community network vitalize. Through the IPA, attributes with relative dissatisfaction were 'landscape facilities like small squares and rest area', 'safety facilities like handrails and guardrails' and width of the supdari. To make the supdari as a traditional landmark in Jeonju-River, an open space based on the tradition and ecological education has to be constructed near the bridge. And in the supdari design, especially handrails system and the bridge width has to be improved to enhance the user's safety.

The line of Hong Chan-yoo's(洪贊裕) studies (권우(卷宇) 홍찬유(洪贊裕)의 사승(師承) 고찰(考察))

  • Chaung, hoo soo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.67
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    • pp.129-171
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the academic genealogy of Hong Chan-yoo. Hong Chan-yoo was born in Majeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do, and started to learn writing at the village school. Around 20 years old, he widened his scope of academic study. This study is a part of Hong Chan-yoo's life. It reviews the relationship between Hong Chan-yoo and Jeong Byeong-jo, Lim Gyu, Jung In-boh, Lim Heung-soon and Kim Tae-sun whom he met at the hometown village school and Mijwa village school, and afterwards going up to the capital since his birth. In particular, the emphasis of this study is on examining the teachers of Mijwa and Mijwa village school because it is an important factor in clarifying the line of Hong Chan-yoo's studies. Mijwa village school confirmed that the academic genealogy of Majeon was the line of Misu Huh Mok. Next, from the activities after going up to the capital, it revealed that encountering Jung In-boh and Lim Gyu affected expanding the scope of study and facing reality without being bound to the former form. It was found that meeting Lim Heung-soon and Kim Tae-sun around Bongik-dong became the opportunity to enter the field but it needs to be reviewed more closely.

The Influence of Jeungsan on the Thought Formation Process of Jeongsan Song Gyu (정산 송규의 사상 형성과정에 미친 증산의 영향)

  • Kim, Tak
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.38
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    • pp.47-82
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    • 2021
  • At the age of 15, Song Gyu, the second patriarch of Won Buddhism, met Jeungsan-gyo members and was substantially influenced by them. Jeongsan cultivated himself for three months in Mount Gaya based on their recommendations. He instructed his family members to practice reciting the Tae-eul Mantra. Henceforth, Jeongsan was said to attain supernatural power when he was around 18 years old, and he pursued the traces left by Jeungsan in Jeolla Province. Once there, he asked Jeungsan's younger sister to move to his hometown, Seongju, Gyeongsang Province, and he served her with his utmost sincerity. He went back to the birthplace of Jeungsan and received a Daoist book from Jeungsan's daughter titled, Essentials for an Upright Mind (正心要訣). Jeongsan practiced holy works for 10 months at Daewon-sa Temple in Mount Moak where Jeungsan was said to have attained unification with the Dao. After he had met Jeungsan-gyo members at the temple, he was able to stay in her house where he ended up meeting So Taesan. Before their meeting, it is obvious that Jeongsan was a member of Jeungsan-gyo. Afterward, Jeongsan entered into Won Buddhism and used the passage, 'saving lives by curing the world (濟生醫世).' He recited the writing of Jeungsan, which had been given to his disciples, as if it had been a mantra. In addition, he mentioned Jeungsan's poems or the Chinese poems that he had quoted many times. Jeongsan also interpreted passages from The Hyunmu Scripture (玄武經) written by Jeungsan in a unique manner. Jeongsan answered his disciples in his own way when they asked questions on the teachings of Jeungsan. He recognized Jeungsan as one of the Three Primes, who presided over the Great Opening.

Study on Chinese Youth Film Expression through Defamiliarization :Taking Us and Them(后来的我们) as Example ('낯설게 하기'를 통한 중국 청년 영화의 표현에 관한 연구 : 중국 영화 <먼 훗날 우리> (后来的我们)를 중심으로)

  • Zhang, Lin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2020
  • Chinese youth films fall into the dilemma of continuous development after experiencing rapid development from 2013 to 2017. How to update the creative ideas and methods of the films, arouse the audience's interest in watching and stimulate a new aesthetic experience has become a focal point for the creators who concern about the Chinese film market. "Us and Them" is a successful youth film in 2018. Its creative practice proves that defamiliarization can provide theoretical and methodological basis for the creation of Chinese youth films. Therefore, taking the current situation of Chinese youth film as the research background, treating "Us and Them" as the research object, the defamiliarization of narrative discourse and narrative content used in the film are analyzed. First, the defamiliarization of narrative discourse composed of scenes, characters and plots makes the film "stand out" from the real world. Second, the defamiliarization of narrative content composed of metropolis adoration, self-identity and hometown affection makes the film "stand out" from the existing context. These methods of creation not only meet the needs of the contemporary, but also provide an effective reference for the creation of other youth films. Research will be needed to utilize the elements of defamiliarization through the analysis of the successful case in spite of the time change.

Developing Local Human Resources Program by Analyzing the Preference Factors for Enrollment of Higher Education in Seoul-Metropolitan Area: Focused on High School Students in Jeonbuk (수도권대학 진학 선호 요인 분석을 통한 지역인재 양성 프로그램의 방향 모색: 전북지역 고등학생을 중심으로)

  • Pak, Sungsine;Kim, Seok-soon
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.205-217
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    • 2022
  • For high school students in Jeonbuk, this study aims to identify the problems caused by outflow of local youth population and their preference factors to enter university in Seoul-metropolitan area, and to draw out the direction of local human resources program, through questionnaire investigation and focused group interview. The main findings are as follows: First, 68.8% of high school students, especially the top grade students prefer to enter university in metropolitan area. The metropolitan cultural characteristics, such as reputation of universities and ranking, openness and anonymity, and urban infrastructure attract students. Second, there is a close relationship between the individual background, growth area - enrollment area - employment area, and the location dependency without return migration is very strong. Third, local human resources program was evaluated as a meaningful activity for high school students, in order to understand the further education and career, and have an interest in local universities. Therefore, it is necessary to discover industries consistent with local identity, create networks, develop and implement programs considering the actual educational conditions. The gender-free program, supplement program for the integrated curriculum, and contents that to supplement science subjects should be developed. Additionally, this issue could be resolved expanding the perspective of balanced national development and improve the local environment to enhance the urban attraction points.

The Transmission and Changes Of UlsanSoeburi Song (울산쇠부리소리의 전승현황과 변이양상 연구)

  • Kim, Gu-Han
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.133-165
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    • 2019
  • This paper tried an approach of oral literature as the research subject of Soeburi song in Ulsan. First, UlsanSoeburi song is meaningful as materials collected in Ulsan such as Hansil, Dodoekgol, Dudong and Byeongueong. In addition, it is related to regional identity as song native to Ulsan, which has prototype and archetype. And it shows that Ulsan is the city as well as hometown of Soeburi(meaning ' iron manufacture'). The characteristics of lyrics are different between Hansil Soeburi song and Dodeokgol Soeburi song. Jeiman Choi is considered as a good oral literature poet, because he is a performer who is faithful in official structural principal and in original lyrics(archetype) of Soeburi song. Therefore, SoeburiBulmei song of Jeiman Choi signifies aesthetic meaning, having lyrics which make to feel labor's purity and sacred and melody which overcomes labor's difficulty through united action. On the other hand, SoeburiBulmei song of Dalo Kim in Doseokgol shows that he is a extemporaneous performer even though he performs based on official structural principal. In this paper, transmission and changes of UlsanSoeburi song are divided into basic type, frequent shift type and overall type. 'Basic type' originates from Jeiman Choi's Soeburi song in Hansil. 'Frequent shift type' was created by combining SoeburiBulmei song of Dalo Kim in Doseokgol and SoeburiGeumjul song in Ulsan. 'Overall type' is current Soeburi song, which was created by adding Bulmei song for lulling a baby in Byeongueong near Dalcheon region and Seoknyanggan(smithy) Bulmei song. UlsanSoeburi song is being passed down continuously, strengthening the identity as a representative folk song in Ulsan through endless process of transmission and changes.

A Case Study on Nongak and Dangsanje as Regional Sources of Influence on the Formation of Jeungsan Thought: Focused on Jeongeup City, Jeonbuk-do Province (증산사상(甑山思想) 형성에 미친 지역적 영향원(影響源)으로서의 농악·당산제에 관한 사례적 고찰 -정읍지역을 중심으로-)

  • Heo Jeong-joo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.49
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    • pp.127-156
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the village gut (shamanic ritual) Dangsanje and Nong-ak (agricultural musical ritual) in the Jeong-eup Province on the formation of the ideology of the Jeungsan (甑山), Kang Il-sun (姜一淳 1871~1909), a thinker from Jeong-eup. As a result, this article has reached the following conclusions: first, the ideas of a certain thinker are influenced by the local culture in which they were born and raised. Second, the central area where Kang Jeungsan was born, grew up, and later developed his system of philosophical thought was the Jeong-eup Province. Third, in Jeong-eup, Nong-ak is traditionally accompanied as a necessary requirement. Fourth, the Nong-ak that Kang Jeungsan witnessed in his hometown during his lifetime had those qualities. Fifth, Kang Jeungsan empirically identified the close interrelationship between Village Gut Dangsanje, Nong-ak, and Mudanggut from an early age. Sixth, this aspect of influence is tangibly reflected in the words and actions he left behind. Seventh, Kang Jeungsan's experience of Jeong-eup Nong-ak was recreated in the religious music of Bocheonism, where his ideas were formulated into an organized religion for the first time. Eighth, this process of religionizing Nong-ak in Bocheonism greatly influenced later Jeong-eup Nong-ak and also Honam Nong-ak more generally.

A Study of the Implemented Korean Traditional Garden Design Elements on Tashkent Seoul Park (타슈켄트 서울공원 설계과정에서 구현된 한국정원 설계요소 고찰)

  • Shin, Hyun-Don
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.40-54
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    • 2015
  • Tashkent Seoul Park was completed in June, 2014, following the signing of a sisterhood relationship between Seoul City and Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan in July, 2010. An open competition for the design of the park was held and, based on the design, the park was completed in June and open to the public in September, 2014. Tashkent Seoul Park is more than a public park in Tashkent. The focus was on making it a starting point for offering a new model for traditional parks of Korea built abroad. Korean gardens and parks built in overseas cities are not only a landscape space but also serve as an ambassador that promotes the culture of Korea to foreigners who are unfamiliar with Korean culture. Therefore, Tashkent Seoul Park was designed to reflect the beauty and uniqueness of Korean traditional landscaping to promote the image of Korea and Seoul. As such, the design and plan was focused on the best measures to make known Korean culture through a design that sets itself apart from the landscape of Uzbekistan. To date, Korean parks or Seoul parks that have been built overseas have focused on the re-enactment of gardens and parks during the Josun Dynasty era. But with the Tashkent Park, the process of the 170,000 people from Goryeo was also reflected onto the design so that the culture and sensibilities of old Goryeo could be felt as well. Korean traditional garden design elements for the representation of the Korean identity are taken from the pilot study. This design element includes not only that of Goryeo, but also the Josun Dynasty era to allow local people to experience a general Korean traditional garden. The traditional beauty and lyricism of Korea was presented to Central Asia through the park in Tashkent so that the citizens could feel the simple yet down-to-earth beauty of Korean aesthetics. As such, the spatial experience of story-telling in Seoul Park evolves from two points of view. First, it is a spatial experience from the perspective of the Goryeo period and of foreigners. It is a continuum of a landscape experience where one can trace the sentiments of Korea and a hometown in Korea by passing through lyrical and multi-faceted spatial structures. Second, it is an experience that evolves from the viewpoint of an outsider, including the Tashkent citizens. It allows visitors to read the various methods and attitudes in an unfamiliar landscape and terrain. Through a story-telling that is reminiscent of the Silk Road through which trade with East Asia took place, visitors can interact with Korean culture in the Korean Garden and throughout the process they can feel the very Korean sentiments. This park presents the latest example of a 'Korean Garden' formed overseas and thus presents a clue to understanding the representation pattern of the Korean aspects of Korean Gardens through a study on the design strategies.