• Title/Summary/Keyword: higher education facilities

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The Impact of Care Workers' Employment Characteristics and Perception of Facility Directors' Transformational Leadership on Quality of Service (요양보호사의 고용특성과 시설장에 대한 변혁적 리더십 인식이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Ji;Park, Sang Hee;Kim, Bum Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.217-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of care workers' employment characteristics and perception of facility directors' transformational leadership on quality of service through a hierarchical linear model. For this aim, survey data were collected amongst 240 older adults and 200 care workers who are affiliated within 45 long-term care facilities in Seoul, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and HLM 8.0. As a result, one's perception of transformational leadership had a positive effect, whereas, among employment characteristics, employment type and working hours had negative effects on quality of service. Regular workers with fewer working hours and higher awareness of transformational leadership toward the director provided higher quality of service. But wage, total experience and tenure didn't meaningfully affect it. Therefore, the following suggestions were presented. First, it is necessary to reorganize incentive, salary systems and budgets, changing the status of temporary workers' hourly wage system into that of regular workers' monthly one in order to strengthen employment security with acknowledging fundamental professional values through reinforcement of expertise. Reinforcement of long-term care's publicness and establishment of base facilities are also suggested. Second, maintaining appropriate hours of work and rest including annual leave under the Labor Standards Act is needed. Also, increasing the salary of and decreasing working hours for night shift workers are required. Third, education and intervention for inspiring transformational leadership of directors and strengthening qualification standards of them are required.

Health Medical Center Utilization Pattern and Its Related Factors among the Rural Inhabitants (농촌지역(農村地域) 주민(住民)들의 보건의료원(保健醫療院) 이용양상(利用樣相)과 관련요인(關聯要因))

  • Hwang, Byung-Deog;Park, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1993
  • This study was conducted to assess health medical center utilization pattern and its related factors among the rural inhabitants for the purpose of contribution to establishment of health medical center institutions. A questionnaire survey was carried out for object of 3,754 population of three primary school and three middle school student's parents (total 832 household) in Kyungbook Ulchin Gun rural area from 24 to 28 September, 1990. The summarized result are as follows, Respondents are 60.3% in male, 39.7% in female and 30-40s 81.3% in age, high school graduates 40.3% in education level and a regional medical insurance scheme in 44.1% in forms of health insurance. Recognition for health medical center was showed higher according to high educational, high income level, and short distance for location of health medical center of respondents (p < 0.01). Recognition for health medical center services was showed higher about care of medicaid in medical treatment services and higher preventive vaccination in health prevention services by respondents. Utilization rates of health medical center by out-patient care and preventive care service were 11.1 and 4.5 per 100 persons by year, but admission utilization rate was 34.6 per 10.000 persons by year. Motivations of health medical center utilization were showed a good care(45.7%), a good drugs(45.2%), and nearby health medical center(42.9%). In comparison health service levels of health medical center with general clinic was better (16.3%), similar(38.7%), 7(19.0%), and worse(19.0%) in view of health medical center utilizators. Inconvinience about health medical center utilized was the most higher longtime waiting, the next was limited utilization times. Transportation utilited were on foot(55%), by bus(35.5%), and so on. As mentioned above, there are many inhabitants who less understanding and less acknowledgement about health medical center and even mistake health center for health medical center. Therefore, there must be more information about health medical center. For higher utilization of health medical center, there must be considered expansion of health equipment, facilities, accomplishment with reinforcement of health staffs and efficiency management.

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Factors influencing quality of life for individuals and Korean society: Indigenous psychological analysis across different generations (한국 사회와 개인 삶의 질 인식에 대한 토착심리 탐구: 삶의 질을 높이는 요소와 낮추는 요소에 대한 세대별 지각을 중심으로)

  • Youngshin Park;Uichol Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.161-195
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine factors influencing quality of life for individuals in the family, school or workplace, leisure settings, and Korean society using the indigenous psychological analysis. A total of 3,406 participants, consisting of 1,331 elementary, middle, high school students and 2,075 parents and teacher, completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by Kim and Park (2004b). The respondents reported the factors that influence quality of life in Korean society as follows: Economic condition, collective effort, leisure and cultural life, harmonious interpersonal relationships, effective government policy, and educational attainment. The factors that reduce quality of life in Korean society are as follows: Economic uncertainty, political instability, lack of citizenry, ingroup favoritism, corruption, lack of facilities for leisure and social life, and overemphasis on educational achievement. Second, the factors that influence quality of life in the family are as follows: Harmonious family relations and financial security. For students relationship with friends and academic achievement are reported as important factors influencing quality of life at school. For adults, harmonious interpersonal relationship, financial factors and occupational achievement are reported as important factors influencing quality of life at the workplace. For leisure and social leisure life, financial security, leisure time and interpersonal relationships are reported as important factors influencing quality of life. Third, as for generational differences, students reported political instability and adults reported economic uncertainty as the most important factor reducing quality of life in Korean society. For family life, students reported conflicts among family members and adults reported financial constraints as the most important factor reducing quality of life. For leisure and social life, students reported lack of leisure time and adults reported financial constraints as the most important factor reducing quality of life. Fourth, for students the following characteristics were associated with higher quality of life: Higher socio-economic status of the family, younger, and higher academic achievement. For adults, the following characteristics were associated with higher quality of life: Higher socio-economic status of the family and greater achievement their social life. Implications of these results on the quality of life in Korea, focusing on human relationship, financial factors, self-regulation and educational achievement are discussed.

The Abolition Type and The Regional Characteristics of The Elementary Schools in Chungbuk Province (忠淸北道의 國民學校 廢校類型과 그 地域的 特性)

  • ;Chae, Son-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.84-104
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    • 1994
  • The migration of population into the city has been on the increase according as Korea has been industrialized repidly since the 1960's. And there is a steady decrease in rural population. Thus lack of the number of the students forced many elementary Schools to be abolished. The aim of this study is to grasp the abolition types and the regional characteristics with the subject region of Chungbuk province. From the viewpoint of the increasing abolition of the elementary schools, I think it is very important to understand how the elementary schools have been abolished so far and predict how the subject region will have been changed in geography. Data for this study are based on Annual Establishment-Abolition Situation of the Schools published by Chungbuk office of Education in 1992, and many Kinds of the statistical reports, and the interview with the related. The results are as follows: 1. By examining the change of the number of the elementary schools and students in Chnugbuk, the numder of the students had also decreased since 1969 and was less than the half in 1990. As the number of the schools began to decrease ten years later than the students began to, the abolition of the elementary schools has started in reality from 1980's. 2. The 72 elementary schools were aboilshed between 1980 and 1992: the principal school is 9.7%, the branch school is 90.3%. The most fifteen schools are abolished in Yongdong-county and Chechon-county, and the least one school is abolished in Chechon-city and Okchon-county, and there is no abolition in Chongju-city and Chungju-city: According to the type of the abolition process, the least seven principal schools are abolished, and the principal school is reorganized as a branch school and twenty eight branch schools are abolished, and the most thirty seven branch schools are abolished. 3. When special change of the abolition is classified into the first perio (1980-1986) and the second period (1987-1992), in the first period the principal and branch schools were abolished and they are 13.9% of total abolition. The abolition out of them by building a dam is 60%. The principal schools in the submerged area though they have many students, were abolished. In the second period sixty two branch schools are abolished and they are 86.1% of total abolition. The most fifteen schools are abolished in Yongdong-county, thirteen in Chechon-county, seven in Tanyang-county, six in Chongwon-county, five in Chungwon-county and Koesan-county. Unlike the first period, the schools were abolished in this period because the number of students was so small. In this period sixty branch schools were abolished. All the students in the abolished schools except six schools transfered to the principal schools. The 58 school authorities help the students attend school by bus or support the expenses for attending school after that. 4. The abolition types of city, county and myon are classified into five types by the number of the abolished schools. The most forty nine abolished schools in type II are 68.1 of the total abolition. The least three abolished ones in type I are 12.5%. Considering the relation between the abolition type ane the number of schools and students, the number of the schools, increased in type I, II, III, V except IV from 1980 and then have decreased by abolition since 1980, while the more students decreased than they did in 1970 and the more the abolished school increases, the less the students decreases. The average students per school decreased in every abolition type and the most students decreased in type IV. 5. Considering the relation between the abolition type and the regional characteristics, most abolished schools were located between 100m and 300m above the sea level and it is 71% of the total abolition. The region without the abolition is high in the ratio of the cultivate land, ratio of rice field, and the part-time farmer, but the region with many abolition is low in the ratio of cultivated land. As for the manufacturing there are the most city, county and myon in the abolition type in Youngdong-county and Chechon-county where the manufacturing ratio of employing is low but Chongju-city without the abolition is a region where the manufacturing ratio is high. Consequently the development of the manufacturing causes the population to emigation out and the decrease of the population leads the transport is difficult of access, the facilities sold after being abolished are not being used in many ways. 7. Take an example of Youndong-county where the most schools were abolished, I have examined the school district and the population characteristics of the abolition. Though there were more villages, households, populations in the region that is higher than low above the sea level, the schools were abolished. Therefore we know that above the sea level had a great effect on the abolition. As a result of the regional analysis of the abolition, many schools were abolished by the artificial buildings such as a dam in the early 1980's but the schools in the late 1980's were abolished ten years later after the students decreased. More schools were abolished in the region where the manufacturing industry didn't develop. And the higher the school position was above the sea level, the sooner the school was abolished. It is also proved that both the beautiful natural scenery and accessibility are the important factor in using the abolished facilities practically.

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Study on Hospital Environmental Causes Affected the Mother′s Comfort After Her Child Birth (산욕부 안위에 영향을 미치는 병원환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1978
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine closely the causes influenced upon the comfort and recovery of the woman delivered of a child in the hospital at the same time to understand environmental status of hospitals in order to promote mother's health recovery, and to improve hospital environment by emphasizing the meaning of environment and health before the medical staff and hospital administrative authority. In the method of servery of the research, 165 post paestum patients have been randomly selected who were accommodated and delivered their babies at OB(obstetric ) & GY (Gynecologic) unit the 7 general hospitals for the period of 6 December 1976 through 17 December 1976. As for the survey, it has been used of Questionnaire where we have 65 items in the respect of personal environment in the hospital such as trusting nurse, ability, reliability, kindness and etiquette of nurse and tile character of nurse the relationship with patients the other respect of physical environment included 9f temperature, moisture. air-ventilation lightening noise, cleanness. facilities, and the third realm being of mother's hearth ground to have the following conclusion 1. The feature of the collected personnel they are from OB or GY sects of from OB unit of the other 5 hospitals except the two general hospitals of the college or school Otherwise the rate of the patients to nurses would be 9 : 1. As for the nurses'ground it would be appeared of 20-25 years of age as the 76%. either 3 year course or 4 year course in the education would be each 50% and less than 2 year experience case would record as of 60 %. In the respect of hospital physical environmental status, there we have two hospitals without any thermometers, on the other han4 nowhere there's hygrometer, otherwise, the lightening is normal or over than normal As for the structure of noise protection the corridors're, generally speaking worse than rooms, nerver hueless, there's no ventilating system in the hospitals. The rooms'repainted in white and yellow, light green white, or green color. The patient's clothing were in green pink blue, light green or in white co for. There're not anything special in both decoration and equipments. Most of them used tall beds except in one hospital 2. To the extent of perception of patient's hatch 9round and hospital environment it is presented that they perceived nurse's ability in highest in total human variable, though perceived kindness or etiquette in the lowest otherwise, comparatively high in total average. 3. In the respect of physical environment it is highest perceived of lightening terms, otherwise, lowest perceived of air ventilation and total average became lowest than the one of the original record 4. To ages, in the respect of hatch ground rather old aged mother than the younger one has perceived that nurse would be trusting, in good service character, able, at the same time, liable, Otherwise, in physical environment regardless of age, they perceived lightening in high and remarkably lower in ventilation As a result of the examination of the difference in hospital environment to each age it is appeared of statistical difference at 5% level of ability in the personal environment otherwise little difference as for physical environment 5. In the respect of perceiving level to educational standard it is highly perceived of personal environment for higher ranking group rather than lower group in the educational standard. In case of physical environment it is highly perceived for lower level group rather than higher level group in educational background. The variables which have statistical significance at 5% level are from trusting kindness, etiquette and total kindness, etiquette and total all significance at 5% level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total human environment variable in personal environment, otherwise, there's little difference in the physical environment. 6. The perceiving level due to times of admission and accommodation at the hospital would be cleared out as gradual higher perception both physical and personal environment in the hospital. At 5% significant level of the ventilation condition in physical environmental variable it is presented of meaningful difference otherwise, there we have little difference both in Personal variable and other one. 7. In accordance with living standard, the perception degree of personal environment in tee hospital would be inclined to increase to higher living standard on the other hand, in case of the physical environment, the perception level world increase to lower living standard At 5 % level, the trustuariable and total scores in the personal eicuironmectal variable there appeared a meaningful/ significant difference otherwise, there presented little difference both in physical environmental and other variable to the living standard 8. Pertaining to family unit, the mother of an independent family unit perceived highly in all respect of the personal and the physical environment in the hospital rather than the woman of succeeding family unit. At 5 % level there appeared a difference in the respect of kindness and etiquette both in personal environment variable, on the other hand, there hardly marked a difference between other variable and physical environmental one. 9. The degree of perception to comforting level has little connection with a statistical difference the age, educational level hospital admitting times, living standard or family unit. 10. The most effective variable to mother's comforting level will be nurse's ability, reliability, trusting manner, and total physical environment variable in order.

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Regional Variations in the Cesarean Section Rate and It's Determinants in Korea (제왕절개 분만율의 지역간 변이와 관련요인에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Jeon-Un;Park, Kang-Won;Moon, Ok-Ryun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.25 no.3 s.39
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    • pp.312-329
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate cesarean section rate in Korea and analyze the socioeconomic variables and health resources which affect regional variation in the rate. Samples were drawn from the record of vaginal and cesarean section deliveries based upon insurance claim bills which have been submitted to the National Federation of Medical Insurance for the first three months, January through March, 1991. The results are obtained as follows : It was found that. cesarean section rate was increasing rapidly up to 23.1% in 1991. Cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people was 4.8 and the number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured eligible($15{\sim}49$ years old) female was 7.6. The fee for normal delivery was 109,489 won and that for cesarean section was 390,024 won. The average days of hospitalization in normal delivery was 2.3 days, and those in cesarean section was 7.6 days. On the average cesarean section has a longer of stay as much as by 4.3 days and cost 3.6 times more than normal deliveries. Cesarean section rates vary among medical facilities 19.8% at clinics 37.6% in small-scale hospitals, and 29.1% in general hospitals. The regional variation of cesarean section rates was also fairly prominent. The South Cheju Gun has the highest rate of cesarean section, 56.2%. Meanwhile no cesarean section cases has been reported in Sunchang Gun during the period of this study. The variation is noted among provinces. The rate for Cheju province has been 3.4 times higher than that for Chunnam. The number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people vary greatly among regions, too. This study has found that there exists significant regional variations among various geographic units in terms of average length of stay, average cost, number of obsretricians and number of beds. Multiple regression analysis was done to identify factors explaining the regional variance of various cesarean section rates : In the urban areas, no significant explaining variables were noted except the number of beds for the dependent variable of cesarean section cases per 10 thousand insured eligible females. The smaller the number of bed, the more cases of cesarean section was noted for an urban area. The is mostly because the rate of cesarean section is higher in medium-size hospitals than in large general hospitals. In the rural areas, the factor of education has been found significant for all three deplendent variables. The higher the educational level, the rate of cesarean section is most likely to rise. An income variable measured by the amount of monthly insurance contribution has been identified a powerful predictor in explaining the valiance of cesarean section rates. The same has been noted for the number of obstetricians. Similar findings are observed for the country as a whole. The income level has veen found as the most powerful explaining factor in the regional variance of cesarean section rates. In general the rate is higher in the urban areas, and lower in the area with more small hospitals. As this is the initial attempt to identify the factors relevant to the regional difference in the rates of cesarean section, more elaborated study is urgently required.

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The Analysis of Satisfaction with Clinical Training and the Related Factors - Especially in Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine - (임상실습교육의 만족도와 관련요인 분석 - 한방재활의학을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Hyun-Woo;Hwang, Eui-Hyoung;Shin, Byung-Cheul;Sul, Jae-Uk;Hong, Jin-Woo;Shin, Sang-Woo;Lee, Hyeon-Yeop;Heo, Kwang-Ho;Shin, Mi-Suk
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to analyze satisfaction with clinical training in the department of oriental rehabilitation medicine and the related factors. Methods : All the students in the graduating class of school of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University must be trained for 2 weeks in the department of oriental rehabilitation medicine according to clinical training guideline including Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE) and Clinical Performance Examination (CPX). After completing clinical training, we distributed questionaries to them about a reflex of the object of study, usefulness, difficulty, satisfaction and preference. And then, we analyzed the related factors including descriptive statistics, frequency analysis and correlation analysis by SPSS 18.0. Results : In general, a reflex of the aim of study($7.88{\pm}1.31$), satisfaction with contents($8.17{\pm}1.20$) and difficulty($5.53{\pm}0.99$) were evaluated respectively. The better a reflex of the aim of study is, the higher satisfaction with contents is(P<0.01, r=0.836). Chuna was highly estimated, whereas pharmacopuncture was not. In OSCE, a reflex of the aim of study($8.07{\pm}1.07$) and usefulness($8.13{\pm}1.16$) were highly evaluated. The preference for physical examination of the lumbar spine was highly estimated, whereas applying splint was not. Facilities and equipment($7.88{\pm}1.11$), contents of clinical training($7.25{\pm}1.79$), the handout($7.00{\pm}1.59$) and time scheduling($5.48{\pm}1.71$) were evaluated respectively in general composition of clinical training. There is no difference related to specialty, sex and age among students. Conclusions : Clinical training program in the department of oriental rehabilitation medicine can be highly estimated from the viewpoint of difficulty and satisfaction.

A study on the determination of the number of mobility cluster (적정 이동군집수 결정에 관한 연구)

  • ;Ham, Sung Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 1995
  • To analyze mobility patterns, this study used three Constraint (Capability Constraint, Coupling Constraint, Authority Constraint) models which were proposed in Dr. Hagerstrand's Time-space theory. This paper shows that three constraint models have some effects upon mobility by age. In this study, Capability Constraint means a certain special constraint that is what we can't do during proceeding basic natural urges like sleep, fare, etc. Coupling constraint is a physical one. Each person limits the action range for staying on a special place in special time. For instance, students have to stay in school so that they have mobility constraints. Authority Constraint is a social one. When we use urban facilities or traffic, we may be controlled by mobility sphere by an agreement or a social position. It is social agreement that the opening hour of a store, the time table of mass-transportation and a social positional control that the personal income, the standard of education. In this study it has been in a process of determination of the cluster number that degree of influences a social constraint to mobility. Considering the mobility constraint of characteristics of space divides urban and rural, people in urban area have higher mobility rate than in rural area. Resuets of determination of the cluster, show similar mobility pattern. People in urban area are connected verity of mobility which related to urban space structures with determination of cluste-number. That is to say, mobility patterns can be changed by space charactcristics. Constraints by sex and age are also social constraints and they are influenced by mobility patterns. For instance, females at the age of twenties have similar mobility pattern to the same age male but they have sudden changes after thirty's age. Male entertains a similar pattern without restriction of age. That is to say, management by sex as a social constraint affects mobility. To establish more realistic traffie policy, mobility formation should be reflected to the space in a view of social-behavioral science. To embody this, some problems should be investigated as follows. 1. As a problem of methodology, if sufficient samples ensured, we could subdivide clusters and could open up a new method of analyzing the mobility clusters by using the neuro-network. 2. Extracting actions connected with mobility and finding life cycle which is classified by daily cluste-characteristics, suitable counterproposal could be presented to the traific policy.

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Differences between Each Requirement for Radiation Safety Regulation Levels (방사선안전규제 요건별 인식도 차이)

  • Han, Eun Ok;Cho, Dae Hyung
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2012
  • This study makes differentiated regulations which can maximize the efficiency and convenience of radiation safety regulations by deriving evidence required to establish reasonable safety regulatory structure based on the determination of the levels of actual radiation safety regulations for radiation safety managers to perform radiation safety. We surveyed approximately 10% of radiation safety managers from domestic radiation-using organizations which was based on the Nuclear Safety Act and NUREG Vol. 1~21 of RS-G-1.9 (2005), NRC of IAEA, etc. The radiation safety managers showed the highest level of awareness on the requirements for exposure management ($3.32{\pm}0.910$), and the lowest level on the requirements for record keeping and storage of documents ($2.84{\pm}0.826$). Industrial organizations showed higher levels of awareness than medical organizations whose regulations should be more stringent on requirements of the status and management of radioactive sources, facilities, measurements, pollution control, measuring equipment, monitoring, education and training, and exposure management. This suggests that the actual regulations need to be re-evaluated because it is attributed to the regulations which are statistically significant difference of the levels of radiation safety regulations between industrial organizations and medical organizations. The process of developing regulatory requirements for each characteristic of domestic organizations needs to be done in future studies, as well as safety regulations to maximize convenience should be achieved if radiation safety regulations are conducted in consideration with the characteristics of each organization.

The Assessment and Recognition on Indoor Air Quality at Schools in Korea (전국 일부 학교 건축물 내의 실내 공기 및 인식도 조사)

  • Sohn Jong-Ryeul;Yoon Seung-Uk;Kim Jong-Hyuk;Lee Yong-Sik;Choi Han-Young;Kim Young-Sung;Son Bu-Soon;Yang Won-Ho;Kim Min-Hoi
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.20 no.3 s.57
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • Recently, indoor air quality (IAQ) in workplace, residential environments and schools has been concerned of people, scientists and related the public, and has recognized the healthy effectsrelated to IAQ, specially in schools in Korea. Therefore, objectives of this study in this study were to measure and compare the perception of TAQ of selected air pollutants in Seoul from April to September 2004. Measurement place measured 2 schools of Seoul and local 9 schools (by Kyonggi Province, Chungchong-bukdo Chungchong-namdo, Chollado-bukdo, Cholla-namdo, Kyongsang-bukdo, Kyongsang-namdo, Kwangju, schoolin Pusan each 1 place). Temperature, humidity, illumination, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, TBC (total bacteria count), noise, PM10, TVOC(total volatile organic compounds), HCHO (formaldehyde) were measured simultaneously. Also, we Performed a questionnaire survey of 250 students and 50 teachers about their awareness for the importance of IAQ in their schools. Among this article, we handled noise, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, TBC, TVOC, HCHO, PM 10 in our conclusion. Major results were as follows ; Carbon monoxide (CO) was lower than indoor air standard of Korea. Carbon dioxide $(CO_2)$ appeared that 4 schools among our sample target school exceeded in normal standard. 4 schools were almost similar with normal standard. TBC appeared that 7 schools among 11 schools were higher than standard. Noise measured school's mean value passed exceeded standard. And school which passed over standard appeared to 7 schools among 11 schools. HCHO was exceeded 4 schools by standard that excess and certainly interrelation between school's establishment year and facilities of construction was detected. PM10 was exposed all schools by fitness in standard. TVOC appeared that 9 schools among 11 measurement school was exceeded health effect standard of Japan.