• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-strength shear reinforcement

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Flexural Behavior of Large-Diameter Composite PHC pile Using In-Filled Concrete and Reinforcement (속채움 콘크리트와 철근으로 보강된 대구경 합성 PHC말뚝의 휨성능 평가)

  • Bang, Jin-Wook;Park, Chan-Kyu;Yang, Seong-Yeong;Kim, Yun-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2016
  • A demand of high bearing capacity of piles to resist heavy static loads has been increased. For this reason, the utilization of large diameter PHC piles including a range from 700 mm to 1,200 mm have been increased and applied to the construction sites in Korea recently. In this study, in order to increase the flexural strength capacity of the PHC pile, the large diameter composite PHC pile reinforced by in-filled concrete and reinforcement was developed and manufactured. All the specimens were tested under four-point bending setup and displacement control. From the strain behavior of transverse bar, it was found that the presence of transverse bar was effective against crack propagation and controlling crack width as well as prevented the web shear cracks. The flexural strength and mid-span deflection of LICPT specimens were increased by a maximum of 1.08 times and 1.19 times compared to the LICP specimens. This results indicated that the installed transverse bar is in an advantageous ductility performance of the PHC piles. A conventional layered sectional analysis for the pile specimens was performed to investigate the flexural strength according to the each used material. The calculated bending moment of conventional PHC pile and composite PHC pile, which was determined by P-M interaction curve, showed a safety factor 1.13 and 1.16 compared to the test results.

The Study on Cutting-off the Leachate Leakage or Infiltration from Waste Landfill by Wall Mass Constructed in Underground (지중 시공 벽체의 매립장 침출수 차단성 연구)

  • Koh, Yong-IL
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2018
  • The effect of cutting-off the leakage was identified by the cement based wall mass constructed in underground, as complete facilities for reinforcement in shear strength of landfill which was subjected to circular failure and for cutting-off the leachate from the costal waste landfill. By (1) visual inspection after underground excavating and (2) compressive strength test for core of underground wall, it could be identified that quality of wall mass constructed in underground was so effective, and by additional test, so as (3) in-situ permeability test in the hole after coring wall mass, (4) analyzing the characteristics of basic components and their profiles through the series of chemical experiments and (5) deciding the general distribution patterns from the chromatograms using GC-MS, it could be identified that watertight and cutting-off the leachate of wall mass constructed in underground was very effective. Therefore, it is concluded that five types of tests suggested in this study can judge the effect of cutting-off the leakage or infiltration of very high concentrated leachate from the waste landfill.

Numerical analysis on stability of express railway tunnel portal

  • Zhou, Xiaojun;Hu, Hongyun;Jiang, Bo;Zhou, Yuefeng;Zhu, Yong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2016
  • On the basis of the geological conditions of high and steep mountainous slope on which an exit portal of an express railway tunnel with a bridge-tunnel combination is to be built, the composite structure of the exit portal with a bridge abutment of the bridge-tunnel combination is presented and the stability of the slope on which the express railway portal is to be built is analyzed using three dimensional (3D) numerical simulation in the paper. Comparison of the practicability for the reinforcement of slope with in-situ bored piles and diaphragm walls are performed so as to enhance the stability of the high and steep slope. The safety factor of the slope due to rockmass excavation both inside the exit portal and beneath the bridge abutment of the bridge-tunnel combination has been also derived using strength reduction technique. The obtained results show that post tunnel portal is a preferred structure to fit high and steep slope, and the surrounding rock around the exit portal of the tunnel on the high and steep mountainous slope remains stable when rockmass is excavated both from the inside of the exit portal and underneath the bridge abutment after the slope is reinforced with both bored piles and diaphragm walls. The stability of the high and steep slope is principally dominated by the shear stress state of the rockmass at the toe of the slope; the procedure of excavating rockmass in the foundation pit of the bridge abutment does not obviously affect the slope stability. In-situ bored piles are more effective in controlling the deformation of the abutment foundation pit in comparison with diaphragm walls and are used as a preferred retaining structure to uphold the stability of slope in respect of the lesser time, easier procedure and lower cost in the construction of the exit portal with bridge-tunnel combination on the high and steep mountainous slope. The results obtained from the numerical analysis in the paper can be used to guide the structural design and construction of express railway tunnel portal with bridge-tunnel combination on high and abrupt mountainous slope under similar situations.

A Study on the Evaluation Method to Flexural-bonding Behavior of FRP-Rebar Concrete Member (FRP를 보강근으로 사용한 콘크리트 부재의 휨-부착 거동 평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, So-Yoeng;Choi, Myoung-Sung;Kim, Il-Sun;Yang, Eun-Ik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2021
  • FRP has been proposed to replace the steel as a reinforcement in the concrete structures for addressing the corrosion issue. However, FRP-Rebar does not behave in the same manner as steel because the properties of FRP are different. For example, FRP-Rebar has a high tensile strength, low stiffness, and linear elastic behavior which results in a difference bonding mechanism to transfer the load between the reinforcement and the surrounding concrete. Therefore, bonding behavior between FRP-Rebar and concrete has to be investigated using the bonding test. So, Pull-out test has been used to estimate bond behavior because it is simple. However, the results of pull-out test have a difference with flexural-boding behavior of FRP-Rebar concrete member. So, it is needed to evaluate the real fleuxral-bonding behavior. In this study, the evaluation method to flexural-bonding behavior of FRP-Rebar concrete member was reviewed and compared. It was found that the most accurate evaluation method for the fleuxral-bonding behavior of FRP-Rebar concrete member was splice beam test, however, the size and length of specimen have to increase than other test method and the design and analysis of splice beam is complex. Meanwhile, characteristics of concrete could be reflected by using arched beam test, unlike hinged beam test which is based on the ignored change of moment arm length in equilibrium equation. However, the possibility of shear failure exists before the flexural-bonding failure occur.

The study on the manufacturing intermediary materials for the carbon nanofiber reinforced Cu matrix noncomposite (일방향 탄소나노섬유 강화 Cu 기지 나노복합재료용 중간재 제조에 관한 연구)

  • 백영민;이상관;엄문광
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.46-49
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    • 2003
  • Cu have been widely used as signal transmission materials for electrical electronic components owing to its high electrical conductivity. However, it's size have been limited to small ones due to its poor mechanical properties, Until now, strengthening of the copper at toy was obtained either by the solid solution and precipitation hardening by adding alloy elements or the work hardening by deformation process. Adding the at toy elements lead to reduction of electrical conductivity. In this aspect, if carbon nanofiber is used as reinforcement which have outstanding mechanical strength and electric conductivity, it is possible to develope Cu matrix nanocomposite having almost no loss of electric conductivity. It is expected to be innovative in electric conduct ing material market. The unidirectional alignment of carbon nanofiber is the most challenging task developing the copper matrix composites of high strength and electric conductivity In this study, the unidirectional alignment of carbon nanofibers which is used reinforced material are controlled by drawing process in order to manufacture the intermediary materials for the carbon nanofiber reinforced Cu matrix nanocomposite and align mechanism as well as optimized drawing process parameters are verified via experiments and numerical analysis. The materials used in this study were pure copper and the nanofibers of 150nm in diameter and of $10~20\mu\textrm{m}$ In length. The materials have been tested and the tensile strength was 75MPa with the elongation of 44% for the copper it is assumed that carbon nanofiber behave like porous elasto-plastic materials. Compaction test was conducted to obtain constitutive properties of carbon nanofiber. Optimal parameter for drawing process was obtained by experiments and numerical analysis considering the various drawing angles, reduction areas, friction coefficient, etc Lower reduction areas provides the less rupture of cu tube is not iced during the drawing process. Optimal die angle was between 5 degree and 12 degree. Relative density of carbon nanofiber embedded in the copper tube is higher as drawing diameter decrease and compressive residual stress is occurred in the copper tube. Carbon nanofibers are moved to the reverse drawing direct ion via shear force caused by deformation of the copper tube and alined to the drawing direction.

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An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Using Non-Sintered Cement (비소성 시멘트 콘크리트의 역학적 거동에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Yoo, Sung-Won;Min, Gyeong-Oan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2012
  • If cement could be manufactured with industrial byproducts such as granulated blast furnace slag, phosphogypsum, and waste lime rather than clinker, there would be many advantages, including the maximization of the use of these industrial byproducts for high value-added resources, the conservation of natural resources and energy by omitting the use of clinker, the minimization of environmental pollution problems caused by $CO_2$ discharge, and the reduction of the production cost. For this reason, in this study, mechanical behavior tests of non-sintered cement concrete were performed, and elasticity modulus and stress-strain relationship of non-sintered cement concrete were proposed. Nine test members were manufactured and tested according to reinforcement ratio and concrete compressive strength. According to the test results, there was no difference between general cement concrete and non-sintered cement concrete in terms of flexure and shear behavior.

Seismic performance of RC buildings subjected to past earthquakes in Turkey

  • Inel, Mehmet;Meral, Emrah
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.483-503
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to evaluate seismic performance of existing low and mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings by comparing their displacement capacities and displacement demands under selected ground motions experienced in Turkey as well as demand spectrum provided in 2007 Turkish Earthquake Code for design earthquake with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for soil class Z3. It should be noted that typical residential buildings are designed according to demand spectrum of 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. Three RC building sets as 2-, 4- and 7-story, are selected to represent reference low-and mid-rise buildings located in the high seismicity region of Turkey. The selected buildings are typical beam-column RC frame buildings with no shear walls. The outcomes of detailed field and archive investigation including approximately 500 real residential RC buildings established building models to reflect existing building stock. Total of 72 3-D building models are constructed from the reference buildings to include the effects of some properties such as structural irregularities, concrete strength, seismic codes, structural deficiencies, transverse reinforcement detailing, and number of story on seismic performance of low and mid-rise RC buildings. Capacity curves of building sets are obtained by nonlinear static analyses conducted in two principal directions, resulting in 144 models. The inelastic dynamic characteristics are represented by "equivalent" Single-Degree-of- Freedom (ESDOF) systems using obtained capacity curves of buildings. Nonlinear time history analysis is used to estimate displacement demands of representative building models idealized with (ESDOF) systems subjected to the selected ground motion records from past earthquakes in Turkey. The results show that the significant number of pre-modern code 4- and 7-story buildings exceeds LS performance level while the modern code 4- and 7-story buildings have better performances. The findings obviously indicate the existence of destructive earthquakes especially for 4- and 7-story buildings. Significant improvements in the performance of the buildings per modern code are also obvious in the study. Almost one third of pre-modern code buildings is exceeding LS level during records in the past earthquakes. This observation also supports the building damages experienced in the past earthquake events in Turkey.

Structural Behavior of Wall-Type Structure with the Application of Slip-Form System (슬립폼 공법으로 건설된 벽식 구조의 거동에 관한 연구)

  • 문정호;이리형
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 1995
  • The structural performance of Slip-Form system was examined to make use of many advantages of fast construction and high quality c0ncret.e. However, the separate cor~struction of wall and slabs may cause some weaknesses around the wall-slab connection region. Thus, the purpose of the study is to examine the structural performance of wall-type structure constructed by Slip-Form method and to develop an efficient connection system between wall and slabs. In order to investigate the system, 7 wall specimens and 8 wall-slab joint specimens were tested and the experimental results were compared with the design equations and theoretical analysis. A satisfactory performance was obtained from the wall specimen tests. However, wall-slab joint specimens with rebar connection materials I Ilalfen] were shown that. the strength of' wall should be checked during design porocess.

The Evaluation of Structural Behavior of Hollowed PPC Girder Using Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (경량골재 콘크리트를 활용한 중공 PPC 거더의 구조거동 평가)

  • Lho, Byeong Cheol;Lee, Kyung Su;Kim, Ik Sang;Cha, Kwang Il
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2011
  • Recently prestressed concrete bridges are generally used instead of reinforced concrete. PSC is more durable than RC because it can reduce crack problems, reinforcement corrosion, leakage and carbonation etc. And also PSC is more effective because there is no crack in tension area, and the entire concrete section is considered in section analysis. And it can reduce section size because vertical component by prestressing force can reduce the shear force. However, using high strength concrete can increase the self weight of bridge because of it's higher density. So the hollowed PPC girder with light weight aggregate can be a alternative. In this study the hollowed PPC girder with light weight aggregate is designed and the performance of hollowed PPC girder is evaluated by experimental tests as well as numerical analysis. As a result, The hollowed PPC girder of light aggregate behaved fully elastically under service load of 110kN, and the plastic behavior was showed after elastic behavior through experimental test, and it can be also estimated by numerical analysis.

Evaluation of Flexural Behavior of Lightweight Precast Panel with Ultra High Performance Concrete (초고성능 콘크리트를 적용한 경량 프리캐스트 패널의 휨 거동 평가)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Chul;Koh, Kyung-Taek;An, Gi-Hong;Son, Min-Su;Kim, Byung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2020
  • In this study, flexural tests of precast concrete panels according to the thickness of cross-sectional and the with or not of reinforcement were carried out in order to develop and assess of a lightweight precast concrete panel using ultra high performance concrete. For the test, four panels were fabricated, and consisted of one normal concrete panel and three ultra high performance concrete panels. As a test result, it was found that the plain precast panel using ultra high performance concrete had a lower flexural performance than the reinforced normal concrete panel, regardless of the cross-sectional size. The flexural performance of the hollow-sectional precast panel applying ultra high performance concrete, is improved by 150% compared to that of the reinforced normal concrete panel. That is, through additional performance verification and optimization of the cross-sectional design of the panel, the ultra high performance concrete precast panel can be made lighter. Also, the practical use of lightweight precast panels with ultra high performance concrete can be available through evaluation on shear, joint connection and anchoring, etc.