• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-density cultivation

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Growth Response and Total Coliform Distribution of Spinach and Chinese Cabbage and Soil Quality by Irrigation of Domestic Wastewater (하수종말처리장 방류수를 밭작물 관개용수로 처리시 시금치와 배추의 생육, 대장균 분포 및 토양의 질 평가)

  • Cho, Jae-Young;Park, Seung-Woo;Son, Jae-Gwon;Park, Bong-Ju;Li, Long-Gen
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.12 no.2 s.31
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2006
  • The experiment was carried out to determine the distribution of total coliform the translocation of heavy metals and the salt accumulation in soils following the supply of ground water, the domestic wastewater and the ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater during the spinach and the chinese cabbage cultivation. There were not much changes in the Total-N, Total-P and cations in soils following the ultraviolet treatment of the domestic wastewater. However, the density of total coliform was dramatically reduced from 894MPN/100mL to 5MPN/100mL. The diagnosis of composition of soil after the harvest of chinese cabbages and spinach has shown that the concentration of Na$^+$ was 3-4 times higher in plot using domestic wastewater than in plot using ground water. When domestic wastewater and ground water were used in growing spinach md chinese cabbage at 50% each, the application of chemical fertilizers reduced about 25% to 50% compared to the criteria set down by the Rural Development Administration and there was not significant difference in terms of harvest. Using non-ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater directly on spinach and chinese cabbage has resulted in excessive density of total coliform at 25,000MPN/100mL. Even when ultraviolet treatment, the density was still high at 2,000MPN/100mL. The high density of total coliform even following ultraviolet treatment of domestic wastewater is considered to be caused by photo-reactivation of micro-organism. When reusing domestic wastewater, the application of sterilization such as ultraviolet, ultrasonic and electron-beam for public health and hygiene reasons may provide safe supply of agricultural water.

High Density Cultivation of Methylobacillus sp. SK1 in Fed-Batch System (Methylobacillus sp. SK1의 고농도 유가배양)

  • 이형춘;이계호김시욱
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 1990
  • Methylobacillus sp. SK1, an obligate methylotroph, was cultivated in a fed-batch culture using DO as a methanol feeding indicator with a micro computer-aided control system. While 2.07g/l of cell density was obtained after 13 hr in the batch culture (initial methanol concentration: 1.0%(v/v)),45.3g/l of cell density was obtained after 17 hr by feeding methanol and metal ions in the fed-batch culture with oxygen supply. The high-density biomass was obtained in short cultuivation time by fed-batch culture with feedback control, and consequently the biomass productivity was significantly increased. It was mainly due to extension of logarithmic growth period by methanol feeding without methanol inhibition and intensive aeration without DO limitation with microcomputer-aided control system.

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Suppressive Effect of Repellent Plant Cultivation against Striped Flea Beetle of Chinese Cabbage (동반작물 주위재배에 의한 배추 벼룩잎벌레 억제효과)

  • Han, Eun-Jung;Choi, Jae-Pil;Kim, Yong-Ki;Hong, Sung-Jun;Park, Jong-Ho;Shim, Chang-Ki;Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Seok-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.911-921
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    • 2015
  • We evaluated two herbal plants, basil (Ocimum basilicum) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), for their potential as repellent plants in the management of striped flea beetle (Phyllotreta striolata), in organic production of chinese cabbage. It was confirmed that striped flea beetle avoided these two herbal plants in olfactometer experiment. We conducted field experiment in which the suppressive effect of the two selected herbal plants and cruciferous crops preferred by striped flea beetle were evaluated through cultivating as inter crops and border crops, respectively. In inter-cropping experiment, unlike in vitro test, the density of striped flea beetle was low in basil- or mustard-intercropping cultivation plot, but high in lemon balm-intercropping cultivation plot. In border cropping experiment, the density of striped flea beetle on chinese cabbage in lemon balm or basil cultivation plot were approximately zero. As a result of this study, we think that border cropping of lemon balm or basil can be used to reduce preventively striped flea beetle of chinese cabbage under organic farming system.

Comparison of Bio-ethanol Productivity Using Food Wastes by Various Culture Modes (에탄올 발효방법에 따른 음식물류 폐기물의 바이오에탄올 생산성 비교)

  • Kang, Hee-Jeong;Li, Hong-Xian;Kim, Yong-Jin;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.471-477
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    • 2010
  • In order to improve bio-ethanol productivity by various cultivation methods in this paper, the culture modes using food wastes, such as batch culture, high-cell-density fermentation, SSF (simultaneous saccharification and fermentation) by fill & draw, continuous culture by fill & draw were performed and their productivities were compared. SSFs by fill & draw were performed by continuous decompression using 1 L evaporator system, and by 10 L bioreactor without decompression. In addition, the continuous cultures by fill & draw mode using SFW (saccharafied food wastes) medium were performed by changes of 40% culture broth with intervals of 12 h (0.03 $h^{-1}$), 6 h (0.07 $h^{-1}$), 3 h (0.13 $h^{-1}$). Consequently, productivities of bio-ethanol were 2.52 g/L-h and 1.30 g/L-h in batch culture and high- cell-density fermentation, respectively. The productivities of SSF by fill & draw showed 2.24 g/L-h and 2.03 g/L-h in continuous decompression with 1 L evaporator and 10 L bioreactor without decompression, respectively. Also, the productivities in continuous culture by fill & draw modes showed 2.02 g/L-h, 4.07 g/L-h and 6.25 g/L-h by medium change with intervals of 12 h, 6 h, and 3 h, respectively. In conclusion, the highest ethanol productivity was obtained in the continuous culture mode by fill & draw with dilution rate of 0.13 $h^{-1}$.

High cell density cultivation of Bacillus sp.

  • Lee, Baek-Seok;Chae, Won-Bok;Jo, Jae-Hui;Choe, Gi-Hyeon;Kim, Yeong-Beom;Choe, Seong-Won;Kim, Eun-Gi
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.290-293
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    • 2001
  • In this study, media optimization by statistically designed experiments stimulated an increase in cell growth of Bacillus sp. during batch cultivation. Plackett-Surman design method selected 3 components among 7 components of production medium. Box-Behnken design method calculated the optimum concentration of selected components by Plackett-Surman design. In the optimized medium, viable cell number increased 2 times. Addition of antifoam effected the cell growth depending on the type of antifoam Vegetable oil, are a carbon source and an antifoam. increased cell growth and controlled foaming

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Low Serum Medium for CH07E02 Hybridoma (하이브리도마 배양을 위한 저혈청배지의 조성 결정)

  • 박상재;최차용
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.473-477
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    • 1993
  • Up to now, 10% Fetal Bovine Serum(FBS(V/V)) was added to basal medium for the cultivation of hybridoma. For the cultivation of hybridoma cell line, CH07E02, against colon cancer, serum concentration was reduced to 3% FBS without influence on cell growth and maximum cell concentration. By the addition of cell growth promoting substances-insulin (I), pyruvate (P), oxaloacetate(O), Pluronic F-68(P) and 2-mercaptoethanol(2-ME)-to 1% FBS medium, a cell density higher than that with 1% FBS medium alone was achieved. FBS 3% medium was replaced by very cheap 2% Calf Serum (CS) medium without influence on cell growth rate and concentration. Cells grew vigorously in 0.5% CS+IPOP medium. This composition was used during suspension culture and exhibited good viability and high specific growth rate.

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Optimum Planting Density in Low Fertilizing Culture of Machine Transplanting in Rice (벼 기계이앙 소비재배시 적정 재식밀도 구명)

  • Choi Weon-Young;Moon Sang-Hoon;Park Hong-Kyu;Choi Min-Gyu;Kim Sang-Su;Kim Chung-Kon
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the optimum planting density in low fertilizing cultivation of machine transplanting in rice field of Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS for $2004{\sim}2005$. Sobibyeo which belongs to medium maturing variety and Nampyeongbyeo which belongs to medium-late maturing variety were transplanted on May 30. In this experiment, there was no significant difference in heading date between planting density and nitrogen fertilization rate, and heading dates were August 8 in Sobibyeo, and August 14 in Nampyeongbyeo respectively. In relation to lodging character, lodging Index was high where the nitrogen fertilization rate and planting density were high. As planting density increases, panicle number per $m^{2}$ increased irrespective of nitrogen fertilization rate. When nitrogen was 6 kg/10a, rice yield of Sobibyeo was more where planting density was 90 hill per $3.3m^{2}$, and that of Nampyeongbyeo was more where planting density was 80 hill per $3.3m^{2}$. When nitrogen was 9 kg/10a, rice yield of Sobibyeo was more where planting density was 100 hill per $3.3m^{2}$, and that of Nampyeongbyeo was more where planting density was 110 hill per $3.3m^{2}$. Head rice rate of brown rice was higher when planting density increased, and was higher at 6 kg/10a nitrogen rate than 9 kg/10a nitrogen rate in all varieties.

Effect of Inoculum Density and Temperature on Clover Cyst Nematode, Heterodera trifolii (온도와 접종밀도가 클로버씨스트선충의 증식에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Mungi;Lee, Dong Woon
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2019
  • Clover cyst nematode, Heterodera trifolii are one of the major pests that damage Chinese cabbage in high land cultivation area and have recently been distributed in Korea. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of temperature and inoculation density on the proliferation of clover cyst nematode. The clover cyst nematode was proliferated at $15-30^{\circ}C$ and the egg, female adult and cyst number was the highest at $20^{\circ}C$. As the inoculation density increased, the number of female cyst nematodes increased with the inoculation density and when 16 eggs were inoculated per gram of soil, the amount of growth, number of egg and cyst was the highest. Number of females and eggs were formed more in cabbage than in kale regardless of inoculation density. Chinese cabbage was a favorable host for clover cyst nematode growth than kale.

Controlling the surface energy and electrical properties of carbon films deposited using unbalanced facing target magnetron sputtering plasmas

  • Javid, Amjed;Kumar, Manish;Yoon, Seok Young;Lee, Jung Heon;Han, Jeon Geon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.231.1-231.1
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    • 2015
  • Surface energy, being an important material parameter to control its interactions with the other surfaces plays a key role in bio-related application. Carbon films are found very promising due to their characteristics such as wear and corrosion resistant, high hardness, inert, low resistivity and biocompatibility. The present work deals with the deposition of carbon films using unbalanced facing target magnetron sputtering technique. The discharge characteristics were studied using optical emission spectroscopy and correlated with the film properties. Surface energy was investigated through contact angle measurement. The ID/IG ratio as calculated from Raman spectroscopy data increases with the increase in power density due to the higher number of sp2 clusters embedded in the amorphous matrix. The deposited films were smooth and homogeneous as observed by Atomic force microscopy having RMS roughness in the range of 1.74 to 2.25 nm. It is observed that electrical resistivity and surface energy varies in direct proportionality with operating pressure and has inverse relation with power density. The surface energy results clearly exhibited that these films can have promising applications in cell cultivation.

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Simulation of Water Movement in Rockwool Slab as Soil-less Cultivation Using HYDRUS (HYDRUS를 이용한 작물재배용 암면배지에서의 수분 이동 시뮬레이션)

  • Dong-Hyun Kim;Jong-Soon Kim;Soon-Hong Kwon;Jong-Min Park;Won-Sik Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2023
  • It is important to determine water movement at the growing substrate used in soil-less cultivation for better management of water supply. Numerical simulation is a fast and versatile approach to evaluate highly accurate water distribution. The objective of this study is to simulate the water movement in rockwool as a soil-less medium using HYDRUS-2D. HYDRUS-2D was used to simulate the spatial and temporal water movement in two types of rockwool slabs (Floriculture (FL), high density; Expert (EP), low density). The simulation was performed at two pulse conditions: 10 min ON and 50 min OFF (case A), 20 min ON and 40 min OFF (case B). The total irrigation amounts were the same at both cases. In case A, during the irrigation ON, the water contents at FL increased 1.93-fold faster than the values at EP. Whereas, during the irrigation OFF, the decreasing rate of water contents at FL was almost the same as one at EP. At case B, these values were not changed much from case A. However, the duration of optimum water content (50% - 80%) was 15.0 min and 23.5 min at case A and case B, respectively. Thus, FL and 20 min ON and 40 min OFF (case B) could supply water to rockwool much faster and longer than EP. Once qualitatively validated, this simulation of water movement in rockwool could be used to design an effective optimum irrigation method for vegetables.