• Title/Summary/Keyword: high temperature drying

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Method for expanding tobacco leaves with steam at high temperature and velocity (고온 증기를 이용한 잎담배의 팽화연구)

  • 김병구;김기환;정한주;유광근;이태호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1995
  • A study of expanding tobacco includes the steps of adjusting the moisture content of cut tobacco, without the use of exogenous impregnants by contacting the filler with a high velocity gaseous medium at elevated temperature such that heat is rapidly and substantially uniformly transferred from the medium to the filler for a total contact time sufficient to expand the tobacco leaves. Study is disclosed for drying and expanding cut tobacco by introducing the tobacco into an elongated tubular shaped conduit through which steam high temperature 150-35$0^{\circ}C$ and high velocity above the 18m1sec, super steam is recycled. moisture content of shreded tobacco leaves, immediately before treatment within the range of from 10% to 24% and, most preferably, within the range of from 18% to 21%. Expanding rate showed 70% in NC -82(B.3) and 42% in Burley -21(B.1) which is produced in 1993 under this condition. When expanding tobacco expanded tobacco did not change significally, but they were decreased at 27$0^{\circ}C$ very largely. The curtailment of cost price and physical and chemical properties of various items were improved in cigarettes. Key words : Expanding tobacco, Super steam tobacco expansion, Fast drying tobacco, High temperature treat tobacco, Puffing tobacco.

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Drying characteristics of lotus root under microwave and hot-air combination drying

  • Joe, Sung Yong;So, Jun Hwi;Lee, Seung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.519-532
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    • 2020
  • Because lotus root has a short shelf life, the quality easily deteriorates. Thus, the harvested lotus roots are processed into a variety of products. Drying is one of the simplest food preservation methods, which can increase food stability. However, the convective drying method takes a long time and requires high energy consumption. Combination drying methods have emerged to overcome the limitations of the convective drying method. This study investigated the drying characteristics of lotus root and determined the optimal drying model of lotus root depending on the microwave and hot-air combination drying conditions. The lotus root slices (5 mm in thickness and 40 mm in diameter) were dried by different drying conditions that were combined with three microwave power levels (50, 100, and 150 W) and two hot air temperatures (50 and 60℃) at a velocity of 5 m·s-1. Eight drying models were tested to evaluate the fit to the experimental drying data, and the effective moisture diffusion (Deff) values of the lotus root slices dried by combination drying were estimated. The combination drying time of the lotus root was significantly reduced with the high air temperature and microwave power. The effective moisture diffusion (Deff) of lotus root was more affected by the air temperature than microwave power intensity. Logarithmic model was most suitable to describe the drying curve of lotus root in the microwave-hot air combination drying method.

Post Harvest Technology for High Quality Rice (고품질 쌀 생산을 위한 수확 후 관리기술)

  • 김동철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2002
  • Post-harvest technology for rice was focused on in-bin drying system, which consists of about 100, 000 facilities in 1980s. The modernized Rice Processing Complex (RPC) and Drying Storage Center (DSC) became popular for rice dry, storage, process and distribution from 1990s. However, the percentage of artificial drying for rice is 48% (2001) and the ability of bulk storage is about 15%. Therefore it is necessary to build enough drying and bulk storage facilities. The definition of high quality rice is to satisfy both good appearance and good taste. The index for good taste in rice is a below 7% of protein, 17-20% of amylose, 15.5-16.5% of moisture contents and high concentration of Mg and K. To obtain a high quality rice, it is absolutely needed to integrate high technologies including breeding program, cropping methods, harvesting time, drying, storing and processing methodologies. Generally, consumers prefer to rice retaining below b value of 5 in colorimetry, and the whiteness, the hardness and the moisture contents of rice are in order of consumer preference in rice quality. By selection of rice cultivars according to acceptable quality, the periods between harvesting time and drying reduced up to about 20 days. Therefore it is necessary to develop a low temperature grain drying system in order to (1) increase the rate of artificial rice drying up to 85%, (2) keep the drying temperature of below 45C, (3) maintain high quality in rice and (4) save energy consumption. Bulk storage facilities with low temperature storage system (7-15C) for rice using grain cooler should be built to reduce labor for handling and transportation and to keep a quality of rice. In the cooled rice, there is no loss of grain quality due to respiration, insect and microorganism, which results in high quality rice containing 16% of moisture contents all year round. In addition, introducing a low temperature milling system reduced the percentage of broken rice to 2% and increased the percentage of head rice to 3% because of proper hardness of grain. It has been noted that the broken rice and cracking reduced significantly by using low pressure milling and wet milling. Our mission for improving rice market competitiveness goes to (1) produce environment friendly, functional rice cultivars, (2) establish a grade standard of rice quality, (3) breed a new cultivar for consumer oriented and (4) extend the period of storage and shelf life of rice during postharvest.

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Far Infrared Rays Drying Characteristics of Tissue Cultured Mountain Ginseng Roots (산삼배양근의 원적외선 건조특성)

  • Li, H.;Kwang, T.H.;Ning, X.F.;Cho, S.C.;Han, C.S.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the drying characteristics of tissue cultured mountain ginseng roots. The far infrared rays dryer of a double blast system used for this experiment can control the drying parameters such as far infrared heater temperature and air velocity. The far infrared rays drying tests of tissue cultured mountain ginseng roots were performed at air velocity of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 m/s, under drying air temperature of 50, 60, and $70^{circ}C$, respectively. The results were compared with one obtained by the heated air drying method. The drying characteristics such as drying rate, color, energy consumption, saponin components and antioxidant activities were analyzed. The results showed that the drying rate of far infrared rays drying was faster than that of heated air drying and due to high temperature of drying air and fast air velocity, the far infrared rays drying of double blast type was superior to the heated air drying. The value of the color difference for heated air drying was 10.11${\sim}$12.99 and that of far infrared rays drying was in the range of 7.05${\sim}$7.54, which was in the same drying condition, also energy consumption of far infrared rays drying was in the range of 3575${\sim}$6898 kJ/kg-water. At the same time, the antioxidant activities using far infrared rays drying were higher than those using heated air drying.

Drying Performance Simulation for the Basic Design of a Heat Pump Dryer (열펌프 건조기의 기본 설계를 위한 건조 성능 해석)

  • Lee, Kong-Roon;Kim, Ook-Joong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.860-867
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    • 2007
  • Heat pump drying has a great potential for energy saving due to its high energy efficiency in comparison with conventional air drying. In the present study, the performance simulation for the basic design of a heat pump dryer has been carried out. The simulation includes one-stage heat pump cycle, simple drying process using the drying efficiency. As an example, the heat pump cycle with Refrigerant 134a has been investigated. For the operating conditions such as the average temperature of the condenser, the heat rate released in the condenser, the flow rate of drying air, and drying efficiency, the simulation has been carried out to figure out the performance of the dryer. The parameters considered in the design of the dryer are COP, MER, SMER, the rate of dehumidification, the temperature and humidity of drying air and those parameters are compared for different conditions after carrying out the simulation.


  • Goto, Kiyokazu;Miwa, Yoshihiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1996.06c
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    • pp.878-885
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    • 1996
  • The brown rice drying is effective for energy saving and cost reduction. However, deterioration after drying is one problem, because the skin damage occurs during the drying. So, the measures to preserve the quality has been investigated. One of major quality deteriorations is the oxidation of fat which is contained in the bran layer. So, milling should be carried out to remove the fat as soon as possible after brown rice drying. And the low temperature storage is also worth to be examined for prevention of oxidation. The effect of skin damage on the increase of fat oxidation was clarified. For the grain of skin damage, the increased of fatty acid vaule was remarkable after 70 days elapsed from occurrence of skin damage even in $15\;^{\circ}C$ condition. Therefore it is impossible to keep grain as brown rice form after brown rice drying. For the clean rice and excessively milled rice, the quality can be preserved even in high temperature of $30\;^{\circ}C$. Therefore the brown rice drying can b applied practically using the clean rice technique.

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An Experimental Study for Dryer (건조기 고안 제작에 관한 연구)

  • 최재갑
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.3677-3684
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    • 1975
  • A newly devised dryer with heated air for the farm products, especially suited for high water content materials such as red pepper, Beer ground, each Vegetables, and Low water content materials such as Rough rice was tested for its thermal efficiency and drying mechanism, and the optimum conditions for each sample were established. In order to improve the present rural situation of drying farm products which entirely dependent upon natural solar radiation, a study upon an economic multi-parpose dryer was conducted. A series of drying tests were run first with red pepper which is one of the important cash crop in Korean farm. And successive series of tests were also run with such proaucts as garlic, sweet potatoes, green onion, radish, Beer ground and Rough rice. The results from the above experiment in drying system with heat dryer can be summarized as follows. 1. Drying duration could be shortened by the tempering effect in high water content crop such as red pepper and beer ground. 2. The color changes occured in around 20% water content in red pepper. The degree of color change was heavily affected by high temperature and short drying duration. 3. The drying condition of red pepper was most favourable at the temperature of 85$^{\circ}C$ in early stage and 80$^{\circ}C$ in middle stage and 75$^{\circ}C$ at the final stage, and with the air rate of 0.81㎥/sec and with sample amount of 200kg. 4. The drying condition of Rough rice(I.R.667) was most favourable at the templature of 40$^{\circ}C$ in early stage and 35$^{\circ}C$ in middle stage and final stage and with the air rate of 0.2㎥/sec and with sample amount of 75kg. 5. In order to prevent the color change of red pepper and to assure high efficiency in drying mechanism, it was necessary to lower the temperature as the time passes in drying process. 6. For vege tables, the drying rate were short in early stage and there was also tempering effect. However, for garlics, Constant drying rates through the early and final stages were observed and there were no tempering effects. 7. The drying condition or capability were as follows; Sample drying temp($^{\circ}C$) amount of material(kg) drying time(hr) Red pepper 85 200 9 Garlic 85 150 7 Sweet potato 85 200 6 Green Onion 85 200 4 Carrot 85 200 4 Radish 90 250 4 Rough rice(I.R.667) 35 75 4 Beer ground 90 320 3 Considering the above result of experiments, if this kind of dryers were distributed Korean farm and the optimun process were practiced in rural area, it would certainly help them improving the qualites of their product preventing their undue losses, and thus assuring an increase of Korean farm income and promotion of their living standards.

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Drying Characteristics of Oak Mushroom Using Stationary Far-infrared Dryer (정치식 원적외선 건조기를 이용한 표고버섯의 건조특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Fu;Li, He;Han, Chung-Su;Park, Jong-Soo;Lee, Hae-Cheol;Cho, Sung-Chan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.6-12
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the drying characteristics of oak mushroom using stationary far-infrared dryer. Drying characteristics was measured at drying air velocity 0.4 to 0.6 m/s and drying temperature 50, 60, and 70$^{\circ}C$, respectively. With high temperature of far-infrared heater and fast air velocity, the far-infrared drying rate of double air flow system was better than conventional heated-air drying as much as 39%. The value of color difference (E) of oak mushroom before and after drying was 8.95 by using heated air drying and was in the range of 3.76$\sim$6.98 by the far-infrared drying. The shrinkage rate of oak mushroom after heated air drying was higher than that of air velocity, 0.6 m/s of far-infrared drying conditions, and was lower than that of air velocity, 0.4 m/s of far-infrared drying conditions. The content of free amino acid was higher in far-infrared drying than heated air drying.

Thin Layer Drying Model of Sorghum

  • Kim, Hong-Sik;Kim, Oui-Woung;Kim, Hoon;Lee, Hyo-Jai;Han, Jae-Woong
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was performed to define the drying characteristics of sorghum by developing thin layer drying equations and evaluating various grain drying equations. Thin layer drying equations lay the foundation characteristics to establish the thick layer drying equations, which can be adopted to determine the design conditions for an agricultural dryer. Methods: The drying rate of sorghum was measured under three levels of drying temperature ($40^{\circ}C$, $50^{\circ}C$, and $60^{\circ}C$) and relative humidity (30%, 40%, and 50%) to analyze the drying process and investigate the drying conditions. The drying experiment was performed until the weight of sorghum became constant. The experimental constants of four thin layer drying models were determined by developing a non-linear regression model along with the drying experiment results. Result: The half response time (moisture ratio = 0.5) of drying, which is an index of the drying rate, was increased as the drying temperature was high and relative humidity was low. When the drying temperature was $40^{\circ}C$ at a relative humidity (RH) of 50%, the maximum half response time of drying was 2.8 h. Contrastingly, the maximum half response time of drying was 1.2 h when the drying temperature was $60^{\circ}C$ at 30% RH. The coefficient of determination for the Lewis model, simplified diffusion model, Page model, and Thompson model was respectively 0.9976, 0.9977, 0.9340, and 0.9783. The Lewis model and the simplified diffusion model satisfied the drying conditions by showing the average coefficient of determination of the experimental constants and predicted values of the model as 0.9976 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.0236. Conclusion: The simplified diffusion model was the most suitable for every drying condition of drying temperature and relative humidity, and the model for the thin layer drying is expected to be useful to develop the thick layer drying model.


  • Park, Sun Myung;Park, Tae Seon
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2015
  • Turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics of textile machine are numerically investigated. To examine the influence of flow structures on the drying performance of fabrics, the nozzle shape of high temperature chamber is changed. For several nozzles, flow and heat transfer characteristics are discussed. The results show that the drying performance is improved by controlling the angle and arrangement of nozzles corresponding to different drying conditions. This feature is strongly related to the enhancement of turbulent fluctuations and secondary flows.