• Title/Summary/Keyword: high temperature drying

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High Temperature Drying of Pitch Pine Lumber (리기다소나무 고온건조)

  • Yeo, Hwan-Myeong;Shim, Sang-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of high temperature drying to pitch pine (Pinus rigida) lumber, especially intended for use as lamina of structural glued laminated timber (glulam), to enhance the efficient utilization and provide added-value to that species. The high temperature schedule and drying procedures utilized were shown to be reasonable for drying glulam lamina due to the occurrence of small moisture gradients, minimal residual drying stress, and low warpage. Through preliminary tests, it was confirmed that residual resin at lamina surfaces did not adversely affect the gluing process. However, quantitative analysis of resin is required for developing a method to constrain the occurrence of pitch trouble with respect to decreasing long-term adhesive and finish durability of glulam in use after manufacturing. The final moisture content of high temperature dried lamina was much lower than target moisture content and discoloration was more severe than anticipated. In a further study, it will be necessary to determine the optimal drying conditions, such as temperature, humidity, drying time, and top load restraint level, which could best control discoloration, warpage, and moisture content of the lamina, while minimizing fuel expense.

Drying Characteristics and Drying Model of Red Pepper (고추의 건조특성(乾燥特性)과 건조모델에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Y.J.;Koh, H.K.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 1986
  • This study was performed to find out drying characteristics and develop drying model for the design of an efficient dryer or drying system of red peper. The basic model which describes drying phenomenon of red pepper was firstly established, and drying tests were conducted at 14-different drying conditions. In this test, the effects of drying air temperature and relative humidity on the rate of drying were undertaken. Finally, a new drying model based on these experimental results was developed to describe the drying characteristics of red pepper. The results from this study may be summarized as follows. 1. Drying constant of the basic model established from Lewis' experimental model and diffusion equation was theoretically deduced as a function of moisture content and inner-temperature of red pepper. 2. From the results of drying tests, drying air temperature was found to have the greatest effect on the rate of drying. However, the effect of temperature was small for the condition of high relative humidity, and for low temperature, the effect of relative humidity was found to be large even though the range of relative humidity was low. 3. Modified Henderson equation was found to be better than Chung equation as the EMC model for the estimation of the equilibrium moisture content of red Pepper. 4. Constant-rate drying period did not exist in the red pepper drying test. And falling-rate drying period was divided into three distinct phases. Drying rate was dependent on the moisture content, the inner-temperature of red pepper and the change of physical property due to drying. 5. Drying constant increased with decrease of free moisture content, but it decreased at the end of the drying period. Also, drying constant was dependent on the drying air temperature and relative humidity. 6. The new drying model developed in this study was found to be most suitable in describing the drying characteristics of red pepper. Therefore, it may be concluded that drying time could be accurately estimated by the new drying model.

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Effect of Reserve Air-Drying of Korean Pine Heavy Timbers on High-temperature and Low-humidity Drying Characteristics (예비천연건조가 잣나무 중목구조부재의 고온저습건조 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang-Jin;Lee, Nam-Ho;Park, Moon-Jae;Park, Joo-Saeng;Eom, Chang-Deuk
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2014
  • The pre-air-drying of Korean pine before the high-temperature and low-humidity drying was shown to be effective in uniform moisture content distribution and prevention of surface check. Our results suggest that initial moisture content of the timber also plays important role in high-temperature and low-humidity drying method. The pre-air-drying also helps in the reduction of surface checks in Korean pine when compared to the Korean pine dried by only high-temperature and low-humidity. End-coating was not effective in the prevention of twist, shrinkage, case hardening and internal checks. The pre-air-drying reduces the internal tension stresses which occur during high-temperature and low-humidity drying thus decreasing case hardening and also preventing internal checks. The pre-air-drying decreases the moisture content and causes shrinkage which leads to increased twist in the Korean pine.

Improved Resolution of Paper-based Sensor for Proline Detection by Low-temperature Drying of Ninhydrin Solution (닌히드린 용액의 저온 건조에 의한 프롤린 검출을 위한 종이기반 센서의 분해능 개선)

  • Ji-Kwan, Kim;Young-Soo, Choi
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.428-432
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we describe the improvement of the resolution of a paper-based sensor by fabricating a high-concentration ninhydrin part using a low-temperature drying method to detect proline with high resolution. In the conventional paper-based sensor for detecting proline, the ninhydrin part is fabricated at room temperature, and in this process, the ninhydrin solution spreads around the ninhydrin part. Therefore, the concentration of the ninhydrin part becomes lower than that of the applied solution, lowering the resolution of the sensor. The proposed paper-based sensor better improved the sensitivity of the sensor compared to the existing sensor by fabricating a high-concentration ninhydrin part through drying the ninhydrin solution using a low-temperature drying method. Owing to the experiment, the intensity of the green color of the paper-based sensor with the integrated ninhydrin part fabricated at 10 ℃ is approximately 20% lower than the paper-based sensor with an integrated ninhydrin part fabricated at room temperature, indicating better sensor resolution. Therefore, the paper-based sensor with an integrated ninhydrin part fabricated at a high concentration could be useful for diagnosing drought.

A Study on Drying Characteristics and Drying Model Development of Korean Ginseng (인삼의 건조특성 구명 및 건조모델 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Byeong-Min;Lee, Jong-Ho;Park, Seung-Je
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 1992
  • Drying characteristic data for peeled ginseng were obtained to determine dominant drying factors and fitted with five selected drying models and an empirical model. Among air temperature, relative humidity and diameter of ginseng root, drying air temperature was found to be the most influencing factor on drying rate. Drying velocity appeared faster as the drying temperature increased but its effect was less at high temperature than at low temperature. Quality change during the drying process did not occur except when relative humidity was 75fb. At high relative humidity, skin color of ginseng was turned to light brown. Approximate-Diffusion and the Empirical model for drying were in a good agreement with experimental data. The models are as follows; $.$ Approximate-Diffusion model MR = A$.$exe(-k$.$1) A = 1.72 + 0.407 In(D) - 0.0000963T3 - 0.358 In(RH) + 0.0000945 RH2 B= 1.01 + 0.0195RH - 0.O0518D2 + 0.0708 In(T) - 0.492 In(RHI-D.0000933RH2$.$Empirical model MR= Cl + Cs$.$In(t) Cl= 1.14+0.382 In(D)-0.00008477a-0.139 In(RH)+0.0000664RH2 Cs=0.440-0.0224 In(D)-0.193 In(T)+0.0000464T2-0.00000771RH2

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High Temperature Drying of North American Ginseng for Management Decision Making

  • Bailey, W.G.;Dalfsen, K.B.van;Guo, Y.P.
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.141-145
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    • 2003
  • The multi-year production cycle for ginseng can be rapidly depreciated by inferior post-harvest activities. This research examines the character of high temperature drying regimes for North American ginseng root to assist management decision making. The objective is a very rapid drying regime, that will not result in physical or chemical damage to the root and that would not alter the actual dry root weight. Research is presented using drying temperatures of 55, 70 and 105 C. Temperatures above these rapidly cause substantive physical damage to the root samples and seriously compromise the dry root values determined. Temperatures below these behaved quite similar to actual dryer regimes (approximately 38 C). Laboratory results indicate that there are differences between the three temperature regimes tested. Careful usage of the 70 C regime, over a period of two to three days in a convection drying oven, has distinct merit.

Effects of the Knife-Incising and Longitudinal Kerfing Treatment on High-Temperature Drying Characteristics of Red Pine Square Timber (배할 및 자상-인사이징 처리가 소나무 정각재의 고온건조 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chang-Jin;Lee, Nam-Ho;Oh, Seung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.677-684
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to confirm the effects of the knife-incising and longitudinal kerfing treatment on high-temperature drying characteristics of red pine square timber with dimensions of thickness 15 cm. The range of final moisture content was investigated 5.6% to 7.5% after drying. The differences did not exist in the moisture content and distribution according to the pretreatment condition. In the case of longitudinal kerfing treatment, the surface check occurrence was reduced than the control. In addition, the twist had a tendency to decrease due to the longitudinal kerfing treatment. The knife-incising and longitudinal kerfing treatment were investigated to be ineffective on internal checks and drying shrinkage.

Changes of Phenolic Compounds Affected by Different Drying Method in Leaves and Stems of Peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) (작약 잎과 줄기의 건조 방법에 따른 Phenol 화합물의 변화)

  • Kim, Se-Jong;Park, Jun-Hong;Choi, Seong-Yong;Kim, Kil-Ung
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    • v.51 no.spc1
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to identify changes of chemical components affected by different drying method and temperature conditions in leaves and stems of peony plant. Drying methods were the dried air heated $(50^{\circ}C)$, far-red ray $(50^{\circ}C)$, room temperature and oven dry $(50^{\circ}C)$. Drying temperature were 40, 50, 60, 70 and $80^{\circ}C$ on far-red ray dryer. Among the drying methods, the contents of components were the highest in far-red drying and normal temperature drying as compared with air heated drying and oven drying. Among the drying temperature conditions, the contents of components were the highest in drying temperature at $40^{\circ}C$ and decreased in high temperature of $70^{\circ}C\;and\;80^{\circ}C$.


  • Kim, Y.H.;Cho, Y.K.;Cho, K.H.;Keum, D.H.;Han, C.S.;Han, J.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.396-404
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    • 2000
  • Post harvest processes for rice include drying, storage and processing. Drying has a great effect on the quality of the grain. The existing rice centers are with the ill equipped, especially with drying and storage facilities. The rice harvesting has bully mechanized, a large volume of rice with high moisture content are taken to the rice processing complex(RPC). Three, the need for drying and storage facilities becomes more urgent. At present the daily drying capacity of RPC can't exceed over 40~50 M/T. Therefore new technology and facilities for a high quality and main efficient drying should be introduced one such technology is the continuous flow drying system. This research, aims to test performance efficiency the mixed continuous flow grain dryer was whose daily drying capacity is 100 M/T. The results of the performance tests of the dryer are shown as follows; (1) The temperature distribution of the drying modules were measured by a temperature recorder. The fifth module showed the highest value, followed by the seventh and the third. (2) When the intake air temperature was $55^{circ}C$, the drying rates were 1.7 and 2.6%, wb/pass in the exhaust temperatures of 20 and $22^{circ}C$. And when the intake air temperature was $60^{circ}C$, the drying rates were 1.7 and 2.3%, wb/pass in the exhaust temperatures of 22 and $25^{circ}C$. (3) The average increased rate of cracked grains after the drying process was 0.7% which is below the tolerance limit (2.0%) of the continuous grain dryer.

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High-temperature drying of Pinus densiflora and Pinus rigida dimension lumber (소나무와 리기다소나무 평소각재(平小角材)의 고온건조(高溫乾燥))

  • Park, Moon-Jae;Jung, Hee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1987
  • Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et. Z.) and pitch pine(Pinus rigida Mill) $5{\times}10cm$ dimension lumber were dried in a kiln providing a cross-circulation velocity of 5 m/sec at dry-and wet-bulb temperatures of 116 and $71^{\circ}C$, followed by 3 hours at 91 and $85^{\circ}C$. Compared to dimension lumber dried lumber were as follows. 1. To dry to 10 percent moisture content, the high-temperatures schedule of Korean red pine and pitch pine lumber took less than one seventh the time required by the conventional kiln drying schedule. 2. High-temperature drying rate and conventional drying rate to 10 percent moisture content of Korean red pine lumber were 2.75 and 0.35%/hr, and those of pitch pine lumber were 3.38 and 0.46%/hr respectively. 3. Compared to lumber of both species on conventional schedule, moisture gradient of high-temperature lumber was greater. 4. Compared to lumber on conventional schedule, maximum surface checking of high-temperature lumber of both species was severer, and maximum end checking of high-temperature lumber of both species was similar to that of lumber on conventional schedule. 5. Compard to lumber on conventional schedule, Korean red pine lumber dried at high temperature showed more honeycombing, but pitch pine lumber dried at high-temperature showed significantly slighter honeycombing. 6. Compared to lumber on conventional schedule, the high-temperature lumber showed less warping lumber of both species. 7. Collapse and casehardening of Korean red pine and pitch pine lumber on both scheules were slight.

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