• Title/Summary/Keyword: high resolution satellite image

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Accuracy analysis on the temperature measurement with thermistor (인공위성용 서미스터의 온도측정 정확도 분석)

  • Suk, Byong-Suk;Lee, Yun-Ki;Lee, Na-Young
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2008
  • The thermistors and AD590 are widely used for temperature measurement in space application. The resistance of thermistor will vary according to the temperature variation therefore the external voltage or current stimulus signal have to be provided to measure resistance variation. Recently high resolution electro optic camera system of satellite requires tight thermal control of the camera structure to minimize the thermal structural distortion which can affects the image quality. In order to achieve $1^{\circ}$(deg C) thermal control requirement, the accuracy of temperature measurement have to be higher than $0.3^{\circ}$(deg C). In this paper, the accuracy of temperature measurement using thermistors is estimated and analyzed.

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3-D Building Reconstruction from Standard IKONOS Stereo Products in Dense Urban Areas (IKONOS 컬러 입체영상을 이용한 대규모 도심지역의 3차원 건물복원)

  • Lee, Suk Kun;Park, Chung Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3D
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    • pp.535-540
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    • 2006
  • This paper presented an effective strategy to extract the buildings and to reconstruct 3-D buildings using high-resolution multispectral stereo satellite images. Proposed scheme contained three major steps: building enhancement and segmentation using both BDT (Background Discriminant Transformation) and ISODATA algorithm, conjugate building identification using the object matching with Hausdorff distance and color indexing, and 3-D building reconstruction using photogrammetric techniques. IKONOS multispectral stereo images were used to evaluate the scheme. As a result, the BDT technique was verified as an effective tool for enhancing building areas since BDT suppressed the dominance of background to enhance the building as a non-background. In building recognition, color information itself was not enough to identify the conjugate building pairs since most buildings are composed of similar materials such as concrete. When both Hausdorff distance for edge information and color indexing for color information were combined, most segmented buildings in the stereo images were correctly identified. Finally, 3-D building models were successfully generated using the space intersection by the forward RFM (Rational Function Model).

A Control Method for designing Object Interactions in 3D Game (3차원 게임에서 객체들의 상호 작용을 디자인하기 위한 제어 기법)

  • 김기현;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 2003
  • As the complexity of a 3D game is increased by various factors of the game scenario, it has a problem for controlling the interrelation of the game objects. Therefore, a game system has a necessity of the coordination of the responses of the game objects. Also, it is necessary to control the behaviors of animations of the game objects in terms of the game scenario. To produce realistic game simulations, a system has to include a structure for designing the interactions among the game objects. This paper presents a method that designs the dynamic control mechanism for the interaction of the game objects in the game scenario. For the method, we suggest a game agent system as a framework that is based on intelligent agents who can make decisions using specific rules. Game agent systems are used in order to manage environment data, to simulate the game objects, to control interactions among game objects, and to support visual authoring interface that ran define a various interrelations of the game objects. These techniques can process the autonomy level of the game objects and the associated collision avoidance method, etc. Also, it is possible to make the coherent decision-making ability of the game objects about a change of the scene. In this paper, the rule-based behavior control was designed to guide the simulation of the game objects. The rules are pre-defined by the user using visual interface for designing their interaction. The Agent State Decision Network, which is composed of the visual elements, is able to pass the information and infers the current state of the game objects. All of such methods can monitor and check a variation of motion state between game objects in real time. Finally, we present a validation of the control method together with a simple case-study example. In this paper, we design and implement the supervised classification systems for high resolution satellite images. The systems support various interfaces and statistical data of training samples so that we can select the most effective training data. In addition, the efficient extension of new classification algorithms and satellite image formats are applied easily through the modularized systems. The classifiers are considered the characteristics of spectral bands from the selected training data. They provide various supervised classification algorithms which include Parallelepiped, Minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, Maximum likelihood and Fuzzy theory. We used IKONOS images for the input and verified the systems for the classification of high resolution satellite images.

A Study on Possibility of Improvement of MIR Brightness Temperature Bias Error of KOMPSAT-3A Using GEOKOMPSAT-2A (천리안2A호를 이용한 다목적실용위성3A호 중적외선 밝기 온도 편향오차 개선 가능성 연구)

  • Kim, HeeSeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.12
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    • pp.977-985
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    • 2020
  • KOMPSAT-3A launched in 2015 provides Middle InfraRed(MIR) images with 3.3~5.2㎛. Though the satellite provide high resolution images for estimating bright temperature of ground objects, it is different from existing satellites developed for natural science purposes. An atmospheric compensation process is essential in order to estimate the surface brightness temperature from a single channel MIR image of KOMPSAT-3A. However, even after the atmospheric compensation process, there is a brightness temperature error due to various factors. In this paper, we analyzed the cause of the brightness temperature estimation error by tracking signal flow from camera physical characteristics to image processing. Also, we study on possibility of improvement of MIR brightness temperature bias error of KOMPSAT-3A using GEOKOMPSAT-2A. After bias compensation of a real nighttime image with a large bias error, it was confirmed that the surface brightness temperature of KOMPSAT-3A and GEOKOMPSAT-2A have correlation. We expect that the GEOKOMPSAT-2A images will be helpful to improve MIR brightness temperature bias error of KOMPSAT-3A.

Study on the Estimation of leaf area index (LAI) of using UAV vegetation index and Tree Height data (UAV 식생지수 및 수고 자료를 이용한 엽면적지수(LAI) 추정 연구)

  • MOON, Ho-Gyeong;CHOI, Tae-Young;KANG, Da-In;CHA, Jae-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.158-174
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    • 2018
  • The leaf area index (LAI) is a major factor explaining the photosynthesis of vegetation, evapotranspiration, and energy exchange between the earth surface and atmosphere, and there have been studies on accurate and applicable LAI estimation methods. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the actual LAI data, UAV image-based vegetation index, canopy height and satellite image (Sentinel-2) LAI and to present an effective LAI estimation method using UAV. As a result, among the six vegetation indices in this study, NDRE ($R^2=0.496$) and CIRE ($R^2=0.443$), which contained red-edge band, showed a high correlation. The application of the canopy height model data to the vegetation index improved the explanatory power of the LAI. In addition, in the case of NDVI, the saturation problem caused by the linear relationship with LAI was addressed. In this study, it was possible to estimate high resolution LAI using UAV images. It is expected that the applicability of such data will be improved if calibration and correction steps are carried out for various vegetation and seasonal images.

A Study for Estimation of High Resolution Temperature Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Models during Heat Waves (위성영상과 머신러닝 모델을 이용한 폭염기간 고해상도 기온 추정 연구)

  • Lee, Dalgeun;Lee, Mi Hee;Kim, Boeun;Yu, Jeonghum;Oh, Yeongju;Park, Jinyi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1179-1194
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates the feasibility of three algorithms, K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN), Random Forest (RF) and Neural Network (NN), for estimating the air temperature of an unobserved area where the weather station is not installed. The satellite image were obtained from Landsat-8 and MODIS Aqua/Terra acquired in 2019, and the meteorological ground weather data were from AWS/ASOS data of Korea Meteorological Administration and Korea Forest Service. In addition, in order to improve the estimation accuracy, a digital surface model, solar radiation, aspect and slope were used. The accuracy assessment of machine learning methods was performed by calculating the statistics of R2 (determination coefficient) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) through 10-fold cross-validation and the estimated values were compared for each target area. As a result, the neural network algorithm showed the most stable result among the three algorithms with R2 = 0.805 and RMSE = 0.508. The neural network algorithm was applied to each data set on Landsat imagery scene. It was possible to generate an mean air temperature map from June to September 2019 and confirmed that detailed air temperature information could be estimated. The result is expected to be utilized for national disaster safety management such as heat wave response policies and heat island mitigation research.

Optimal Site Selection of Carbon Storage Facility using Satellite Images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 활용한 CO2 지중저장 후보지 선정)

  • Hong, Mi-Seon;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Cho, Hyung-Sig;Han, Soo-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2011
  • In the face of growing concern about global warming, increasing attention has been focused on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. One method to mitigating the release of carbon dioxide is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS includes separation of carbon dioxide from industrial emission in plants, transport to a storage site, and long-term isolation in underground. It is necessary to conduct analyses on optimal site selection, surface monitoring, and additional effects by the construction of CCS facility in Gyeongsang basin, Korea. For the optimal site selection, necessary data; geological map, landcover map, digital elevation model, and slope map, were prepared, and a weighted overlay analysis was performed. Then, surface monitoring was performed using high resolution satellite image. As a result, the candidate region was selected inside Gyeongnam for carbon storage. Finally, the related regulations about CCS facility were collected and analyzed for legal question of selected site.

Online Refocusing Algorithm Considering the Tilting Effect for a Small Satellite Camera (위성 카메라의 틸트 효과를 고려한 온라인 리포커싱 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Da Hyun;Hwang, Jai Hyuk;Hong, Dae Gi
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 2018
  • Small high-resolution Earth observation satellites require precise optical alignment at the submicron level. However, misalignments can occur due to the influence of external factors during the launch and operation despite the sufficient alignment processes that take place before the launch. Thus, satellites need to realign their optical elements in orbit in what is known as a refocusing process to compensate for any misalignments. Refocusing algorithms developed for satellites have only considered de-space, which is the most sensitive factor with respect to image quality. However, the existing algorithms can cause correction error when inner and external forces generate tilt amount in an optical system. The present work suggests an improved online refocusing algorithm by considering the tilting effect for application in the case of a de-spaced and tilted optical system. In addition, the algorithm is considered to be efficient in terms of time and cost because it is designed to be used as an online method that does not require ground communication.

Acquisition and Accuracy Assessment of topographic information of inaccessible areas (위성영상을 이용한 비접근지역의 지형정보 획득 및 정확도 평가)

  • 고종식;최윤수;김욱남;이상준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2004
  • It is transformed map data of different coordinate system into unique system and We triedto make topographic map on non-accessible area. We transformed Russian map coordinates(Krassovsky, G-K projection) intoWGS-84, TM projection and assessed accuracy. The RMSE(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$13.67m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$14.67m) using only SCP(Survey Control Point) is more accurate than that(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$24.26m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$25.32m) using SCP, intersection of road, bridge. Exterior orientation parameters are estimated using rigorous modelling and GCPs are classified with SCP, intersection of road, bridge. Rigorous modelling is performed with each classified GCP. The modelling result usingonly SCP(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$13.53m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$14.22m) is more accurate than that using intersection of road(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$16.l1m, in North and South bearings: ${\pm}$23.85m), bridge(in East and West bearings : ${\pm}$17.21m, in North and South bearings : ${\pm}$21.82m). The results means that SCP is more accurate than intersection of road, bridge because of edit to generate map. therefore, SCP is suitable for object of GCP in paper map(1:50,000). Geographic information on non-accessible area and analysis is performed. The results of stereoscopic plotting is well matched old map data on road, railroad but, many objects are generally editted. It is possible to update on new objects(building, tributary ‥‥etc). Ability of description using SPOT-5(stereo) is more than features and items included in 1:50,000 topographic map. Therefore, it is possible to make large scale map than 1:50,000 topographic map using SPOT-5 imagery. But, there are many problems(accurate GCPs, obtain of high resolution stereoscopic satellite imagery in a period ‥‥ etc) to make topographic map on non-accessible area. It is actually difficult to solve these problems. therefore, it is possible to update 1:50,000 topographic map in part of topographic map generation.

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Analyzing Characteristics of Forest Damage within the Geum-buk Mountain Range (금북정맥의 산림훼손 특성 분석)

  • Jang, Gab-Sue;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2008
  • The characteristics of forest damage in the Geum-buk Mountains were analyzed by using satellite images and a field survey for landscape conservation purposes. A survey scope was fixed using DEM, and areas of damage in the mountain range were analyzed via ArcMap v. 9.2 using SPOT 5 images, a high resolution satellite image. All damaged areas were reviewed and corrected in a field survey. As a result, 75 roads were found to completely fragment forest patches. Of those roads, 26 have the width under 3m, which means that the fragmentation of the forest by these roads may have a minor effect on forest habitat and its ecosystems, while other roads such as two-lane roads may have broader detrimental influences on the ecosystem. Two thousand eighty-three sections of accounted for a total area of about 5,760.7ha. Orchard areas including chestnut tree plantations were ranked as the largest in the damaged area within the Geum-buk Mountains, followed by public facility areas and grassland areas. This means that man-made land usage has progressed in the area regardless of slope and elevation.