• Title/Summary/Keyword: height resolution

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Automatic Building Reconstruction with Satellite Images and Digital Maps

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Yom, Jae-Hong;Shin, Sung-Woong;Oh, Jae-Hong;Park, Ki-Surk
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.537-546
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    • 2011
  • This paper introduces an automated method for building height recovery through the integration of high-resolution satellite images and digital vector maps. A cross-correlation matching method along the vertical line locus on the Ikonos images was deployed to recover building heights. The rational function models composed of rational polynomial coefficients were utilized to create a stereopair of the epipolar resampled Ikonos images. Building footprints from the digital maps were used for locating the vertical guideline along the building edges. The digital terrain model (DTM) was generated from the contour layer in the digital maps. The terrain height derived from the DTM at each foot of the buildings was used as the starting location for image matching. At a preset incremental value of height along the vertical guidelines derived from vertical line loci, an evaluation process that is based on the cross-correlation matching of the images was carried out to test if the top of the building has reached where maximum correlation occurs. The accuracy of the reconstructed buildings was evaluated by the comparison with manually digitized 3D building data derived from aerial photographs.

A Study on the Accuracy of GNSS Height Measurement Using Public Control Points (공공기준점을 이용한 GNSS 높이측량 정밀도 분석 연구)

  • WON, Doo-Kyeon;CHOI, Yun-Soo;YOON, Ha-Su;LEE, Won-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2021
  • In order to construct a precision geoid, it has been diversified into land, sea, aviation, and satellite gravity measurement methods, and measurement technology has developed, making it possible to secure high-resolution, high-precision gravity data. The construction of precision geoids can be fast and conveniently decided through GNSS surveys without separate leveling, and since 2014, the National Geographic Information Institute has been developing a hybrid geoid model to improve the accuracy of height surveying based on GNSS. In this study, the results of the GNSS height measurement were compared and analyzed choosing existing public reference points to verify the GNSS height measurement of public surveys. Experiments are conducted with GNSS height measurements and analyzed precision for public reference points on coastal, border, and mountainous terrain presented as low-precision areas or expected-to-be low-precision in research reports. To verify the GNSS height measurement, the GNSS ellipsoid height of the surrounding integrated datum to be used as a base point for the GNSS height measurement at the public datum. Based on the checked integrated datum, the GNSS ellipsoid of the public datum was calculated, and the elevation was calculated using the KNGeoid18 model and compared with the results of the direct level measurement elevation. The analysis showed that the results of GNSS height measurement at public reference points in the coastal, border, and mountainous areas were satisfied with the accuracy of public level measurement in grades 3 and 4. Through this study, GNSS level measurement can be used more efficiently than existing direct level measurements depending on the height accuracy required by users, and KNGeoids 18 can also be used in various fields such as autonomous vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Surface Topography by Using Digital Tolansky Interferometer (Digital Tolansky 간섭계의 개발과 이를 활용한 Surface Topography)

  • 정영욱
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1990.02a
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 1990
  • Digital Tolansky interferometer which is Tolansky interferometer interfaced to the computer through CCD TV-camera, is developed and applied to the surface topography. First, resolution of this system is determined by minimum measurable thickness of thin film. Theoretical analysis and experimenatal results are compared. Second, surface topographic picture of thin is obtained by two orthogonal fringes. Using linear fitting method, height distribution of specimen is obtained and 3-dim. picture is plotted.

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Development of a High-Resolution Near-Surface Air Temperature Downscale Model (고해상도 지상 기온 상세화 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Jeong, Hyeong-Se;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 2021
  • A new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model has been developed for use to improve near-surface air temperature forecasts. The model includes a series of physical and statistical correction methods that account for un-resolved topographic and land-use effects as well as statistical bias errors in a low-resolution atmospheric model. Operational temperature forecasts of the Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) were downscaled at 100 m resolution for three months, which were used to validate the model's physical and statistical correction methods and to compare its performance with the forecasts of the Korea Meteorological Administration Post-processing (KMAP) system. The validation results showed positive impacts of the un-resolved topographic and urban effects (topographic height correction, valley cold air pool effect, mountain internal boundary layer formation effect, urban land-use effect) in complex terrain areas. In addition, the statistical bias correction of the LDAPS model were efficient in reducing forecast errors of the near-surface temperatures. The new high-resolution downscale model showed better agreement against Korean 584 meteorological monitoring stations than the KMAP, supporting the importance of the new physical and statistical correction methods. The new physical/statistical diagnostic downscale model can be a useful tool in improving near-surface temperature forecasts and diagnostics over complex terrain areas.

A Robust Staff Line Height and Staff Line Space Estimation for the Preprocessing of Music Score Recognition (악보인식 전처리를 위한 강건한 오선 두께와 간격 추정 방법)

  • Na, In-Seop;Kim, Soo-Hyung;Nquyen, Trung Quy
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a robust pre-processing module for camera-based Optical Music Score Recognition (OMR) on mobile device. The captured images likely suffer for recognition from many distortions such as illumination, blur, low resolution, etc. Especially, the complex background music sheets recognition are difficult. Through any symbol recognition system, the staff line height and staff line space are used many times and have a big impact on recognition module. A robust and accurate staff line height and staff line space are essential. Some staff line height and staff line space are proposed for binary image. But in case of complex background music sheet image, the binarization results from common binarization algorithm are not satisfactory. It can cause incorrect staff line height and staff line space estimation. We propose a robust staff line height and staff line space estimation by using run-length encoding technique on edge image. Proposed method is composed of two steps, first step, we conducted the staff line height and staff line space estimation based on edge image using by Sobel operator on image blocks. Each column of edge image is encoded by run-length encoding algorithm Second step, we detect the staff line using by Stable Path algorithm and removal the staff line using by adaptive Line Track Height algorithm which is to track the staff lines positions. The result has shown that robust and accurate estimation is possible even in complex background cases.

An Atmospheric Numerical Simulation for Production of High Resolution Wind Map on Land and A Estimation of Strong Wind on the ground (고해상도 육상바람지도 구축을 위한 기상장 수치모의 및 지상강풍 추정)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Jong-Kil;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Choi, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Min-Jeong
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.145-149
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    • 2009
  • High-resolution atmospheric numerical system was set up to simulate the motion of the atmosphere and to produce the wind map on land. The results of several simulations were improved compare to the past system, because of using the fine geographical data, such as terrain height and land-use data, and the meteorological data assimilation. To estimate surface maximum wind speed when a typhoon is expected to strike the Korea peninsula, wind information at the upper level atmosphere was applied. Using 700hPa data, wind speed at the height of 300m was estimated, and surface wind speed was estimated finally considering surface roughness length. This study used formula from other countries and estimated RMW but RMW estimation formula apt to Korea should be developed for future.

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Sensitivity Analysis of Wind-Wave Growth Parameter during Typhoon Season in Summer for Developing an Integrated Global/Regional/Coastal Wave Prediction System (전지구·지역·국지연안 통합 파랑예측시스템 개발을 위한 여름철 태풍시기 풍파성장 파라미터 민감도 분석)

  • Oh, Youjung;Oh, Sang Meong;Chang, Pil-Hun;Kang, KiRyong;Moon, Il-Ju
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.179-192
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    • 2021
  • In this study, an integrated wave model from global to coastal scales was developed to improve the operational wave prediction performance of the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA). In this system, the wave model was upgraded to the WaveWatch III version 6.07 with the improved parameterization of the source term. Considering the increased resolution of the wind input field and the introduction of the high-performance KMA 5th Supercomputer, the spatial resolution of global and regional wave models has been doubled compared to the operational model. The physical processes and coefficients of the wave model were optimized for the current KMA global atmospheric forecasting system, the Korean Integrated Model (KIM), which is being operated since April 2020. Based on the sensitivity experiment results, the wind-wave growth parameter (βmax) for the global wave model was determined to be 1.33 with the lowest root mean square errors (RMSE). The value of βmax showed the lowest error when applied to regional/coastal wave models for the period of the typhoon season when strong winds occur. Applying the new system to the case of August 2020, the RMSE for the 48-hour significant wave height prediction was reduced by 13.4 to 17.7% compared to the existing KMA operating model. The new integrated wave prediction system plans to replace the KMA operating model after long-term verification.

Automatic Person Identification using Multiple Cues

  • Swangpol, Danuwat;Chalidabhongse, Thanarat
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1202-1205
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a method for vision-based person identification that can detect, track, and recognize person from video using multiple cues: height and dressing colors. The method does not require constrained target's pose or fully frontal face image to identify the person. First, the system, which is connected to a pan-tilt-zoom camera, detects target using motion detection and human cardboard model. The system keeps tracking the moving target while it is trying to identify whether it is a human and identify who it is among the registered persons in the database. To segment the moving target from the background scene, we employ a version of background subtraction technique and some spatial filtering. Once the target is segmented, we then align the target with the generic human cardboard model to verify whether the detected target is a human. If the target is identified as a human, the card board model is also used to segment the body parts to obtain some salient features such as head, torso, and legs. The whole body silhouette is also analyzed to obtain the target's shape information such as height and slimness. We then use these multiple cues (at present, we uses shirt color, trousers color, and body height) to recognize the target using a supervised self-organization process. We preliminary tested the system on a set of 5 subjects with multiple clothes. The recognition rate is 100% if the person is wearing the clothes that were learned before. In case a person wears new dresses the system fail to identify. This means height is not enough to classify persons. We plan to extend the work by adding more cues such as skin color, and face recognition by utilizing the zoom capability of the camera to obtain high resolution view of face; then, evaluate the system with more subjects.

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Analyzing the Relationship between the Spatial Configuration of Urban Streets and Air Quality (도시가로의 형태요소와 대기질과의 관계 연구)

  • Chu, Junghyun;Oh, Kyushik;Jeong, Yeun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2009
  • The traffic volume of Seoul is extremely high in comparison to other major cities in Korea, and the result has been harmful physical and mental exposure to pollution by Seoulites on a regular basis. The street air pollution is more important than the others, because the air pollution generated by street traffic directly impacts the health of nearby pedestrians. This problem requires urgent attention and resolution. Among the factors creating the air pollution originating from the street, is the configuration of streets, which have emerged as the most significant because it is related to air and pollutant dispersion. Therefore, this study was conducted under the assumption that street form affects the air quality. Study sites were classified by street characteristics, and air quality was analyzed in each class. Then the OSPM (Operational Street Pollution Model) was employed to simulate the relationship between street configuration and air quality of streets within the old city center and new city center in Seoul. After that this study analyzed the correlation between air pollution and the spatial configuration of urban streets (ex. street width, building height, building density, etc.) to determine their contributions to air pollution. The outcome of this study is as follows : First, the result that was derived from the correlation analysis between street configuration and air quality hewed that the air pollution of the street is influenced by the average height of building, width of the roads as well as traffic volume. On the roadside, the concentration level of $NO_2$ is mainly affected by the average height of building and the deviation of building height along the street and CO is affected by street width. The outcome of this study can be used as a basis for more sound urban design policies, and the promotion of desirable street environments for pedestrians.

Combination Surgery of Silicone Tube Intubation and Conjunctival Resection in Patients with Epiphora

  • Kim, Seon Tae;Jin, Long Yu;Ahn, Hee Bae
    • Korean Journal of Ophthalmology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.438-444
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To compare the success rates of performing only silicone tube intubation versus carrying out both conjunctival resection and silicone tube intubation. Methods: The subjects of this study involved 62 patients (96 eyes) between October 2015 and May 2017 who were diagnosed as having punctal stricture or nasolacrimal duct stenosis. Out of 96 eyes, 47 underwent only silicone tube intubation, and 49 underwent both silicone tube intubation and conjunctival resection. Three parameters were measured at 1, 3, and 6 months after the surgery: the area of the tear meniscus using RTVue-100 anterior segment optical coherence tomography, the height of the tear meniscus using a slit lamp microscope, and the subjective satisfaction of patients as a result of improved sympotms like epiphora. The surgery was considered successful when the patients' experienced the resolution of symptoms and reduction of the area and height of the tear meniscus. Results: The area of the tear meniscus, height of the tear meniscus, and subjective satisfaction of patients was superior in the group that underwent both silicone tube intubation and conjunctival resection compared silicone tube intubation only. Based on these results, the success rate of the surgery was 68.9% in the group that underwent only silicone tube intubation and 78.7% in the group that underwent both silicone tube intubation and conjunctival resection. Conclusions: The resection of relaxed plica semilunares seems to increase the success rate of silicone tube intubation through the reduction of the area and height of the tear meniscus. Therefore, after determining the degree of conjunctivochalasis, if it was found to be severe, a combination with conjunctival resection was expected to increase the success rate of the surgery.