• Title/Summary/Keyword: health satisfaction

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A Research in the Characteristic of Arthritis Patienth (관절염환자(關節炎患者)의 특성(特性)에 대한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Kang Jeam-Dug;Nam Chul-Hyun;Kim Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.149-165
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    • 1997
  • In order that, investigating the feature of patients suffering arthritis, analysing its contents, and grasping a Primary factor affecting it, I might offerbasic datas which could help to plan and perform healthy affairs to thake precautions beforehand, I have investigated, analysed, and studied a total of 320 patients suffering arthritis, who have received physiotherapy in hospital located in Teaegu area for five months, from November 1 1995 to March 30 1996, of which summary and conclusion is this. 1. The general feature of patients in investigative objects In the distribution of the distinction of sex, men accounted for 26.9% and women, for 73.1%, and, in the fistribution of age, 60-year-old or more, most for 27.2% and from 20 to 29 years old, least for 14.0%. In the distinction of a vocation, housewives most accounted for 34.7% and students(jobless men), least for 19.3%. In the distinction of a matrimonial state, married persons most accounted for 76.7% and people living alone(divorce, separation by death, separation), least for 11.4%. In the distinction of an economic state, the middle classes most accounted for 73.5% and the upper classes, least for 2.9%. In the distinction of their academic careers, graduates of a primary school most accounted for 26.9% and graduates of university, for 14.1%, of which patients, having the ability to decode the national language, reached to 11.3%. In the distinction of the house form, people living in independent houses most accounted for 76.4% and residents in apartment(having an elevator), least for 9.4%. 2. In the distribution of the recurring state in the distinction of the feature, the recurring group was more than the group of patients falling that ill at first as 62.2% and in the distinction of the feature of the recurring group, the recurring group turned high in case of men being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce, separation by death, separation), students (joblessmen), people working in farming, stockbeeding, forestry, fisheries, a simple labour, graduates of a primary school I having the ability to decode the national language, the upper classes, people part two years since they begined to suffer arthritis, people who had members having ever experienced arthritis among families. 3. In the distribution of arthritis on the distinction of bodily pars, a knee articulation most accounted for 50.2% and the articulation of fingers, for 8.8%, wile the simultaneous, several parts (multiple) accounted for 35.1%. In the distinction of the feature, arthritis of a knee turned high in case of men being from 20s to 30s years old, unmarried persons, people having academic careers of university, the middle classes, residents in apartment (having stairs). In the dictnction of a feature the case of several parts (multiple) turned high in case of women being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce, separation by death, separation), people having the ability to decode th. national language, the graduates of a primary school, the upper classes, residents in apartment (having elevator). 4. In the distribution of arthritis on e distinction of a contracting term, two years or more most accounted for 51.6% and the case of contacting from one year to two years, for 15.3%. Analysing the distinction of the feature, the case of two years or more turned high in case of women being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone (divorce separation by death, separation), the upper classes, people having the ability to decode the national language, residents in apartment (having elevator). 5. In the distribution of an treatment institution before patients came to help, their not curing most accounted for 39.1%, general, orthopedic, neurological surgery (physical therapy), for. 20.0%, and th. therapy of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, moxacautery, Chinese medicine), for 17.5%, and a pharmacy (medical therapy), for 13.4%. The case of patients not curing, in the distinction of a feature, turned high in case of men 20s years old, unmarried, the lower classes, people having academic careers of university, residents in apartment (having elevator). 6. In e distribution of the extent of satisfaction with treatment, common most accounted for 54.4% and some satisfaction, for 32.8%. The case of common, in the distinction of a feature, turned high, in case of men living alone from 50s to 60s years old (divorce, separation by death, separation), married persons, the upper classes, people having academic careers of university, residents in independent house, residents in apartment (having elevator), 7. In the distribution of the degree of knowledge of the cause of arthritis, patients knowing that the cause is to use very much a articulation in normal times most accounts for 60.1%, and patients knowing the state of short nutrition as a cause, for 2.5%. The case of patients knowing that the cause is to use very much in normal times, in the distinction of a feature, turned high in·case of ment being 20s and 60s years old or more, unmarried persons, e lower classes, people having the ability to decode. the national language, people having academic careers of university, residents in apartment (having stairs), 8. In the distribution of the state of physical exercise before arthritis contracted, patients exercising very much on the whole most accpimend for 40.3%, and patients not exercising, for 34.7%. The case of patients exercising very much on the whole, in the distinction of the feature, turned high in case of men being from 50s to 60s years old or more, people living alone(divorce, separation by death, separation), the lower classes, people having the ability to decode the national language, graduates of a primary school, residents in apartment (having elevator). 9. In the taste of patients suffering from arthritis, while the group of patients falling that ill at first and the recurring group didn't smoke cigarets, during alcohol and coffee on the whole, and the group of patients falling once again that ill drank a cup of distilled linquor and three cup of coffee or more on the whole per one day, and the group of patients falling that ill at first liked sort of vegetables and the recurring group liked very much sons of vegetables and fresh and meat in their loving food normal times. 10. Analysing the distribution on the dining table used by patients and the structure of a powder room, at first, in the structure of a powder room, the group of patients filling that ill have a toilet stool using as their sits, and a Bush toilet on the whole, and the recurring group, a toilet stool using as their sits and conventional type, and in the structure of a dinning table, the group of patients falling that ill at first and the recurring group turned high, each as 66.9% and 6.3%, who have a dining table carring here and there. 11. In the distribution of patients of arthritis in relation to stress, the case that they feeled severly symptoms of arthritis when thay got stress, turned high, each, as 78.6% in the recurring poop, and the case not knowing, as 61.5% in the first group. In the extent of stress normal times, the case that they got much stress on the whole turned high, each, as 72.4% in e recurring group, and the care that got less stress on the whole, as 60.0%. 12. In the distribution on the distinction of symptoms and impedimental extent, the recurring group turned high in each variable. Analysing the feature of the recurring group, in the distinction of symptoms, the case that they fooled much that the node of an articulation is stiff, turned high, as 71.6, and in the distinction of treatment before. patients came to helpk, the theraphy of Chinese medicine (physical theraphy), as 84.4%, the theraphy of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, moxacautery, Chinese medicine), as 73.2%, and in the distinction of the satisfing extent on treatment, the case of comman, as 72.3%, and in the cause of arthritis, the case not recruiting their health after a birth, as 68.5%, and the case not recovering wholely an articulation having got hurt, as 62.8%, and in the state of physical exercise before they begined suffering from arthritis, the case exercising very much on the whole, (as 74.2%), and in the extent of subjective impediment, the case of not being able to act almost, as 66.7%, the case of acting but feeling some hard, as 66.3%. 13. The correlation in variables in relation to arthritis Analysing realted variables, the recurring frequency showed correlation with such as the extent that patients got stress normal times, and the exercising state before suffering arthritis, and showed contra-correlation with academic careers, the wights, coffee. The cigaret, e loving food of taste, showed corralation with the weight, stature, alcohole as the loving food of taste. On the basis of this result medical members of heal, who are related to the regular education, public education or development of this program, should be concerned to prevent orthris.

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A Study on the Expressed Desire at Discharge of Patients to Use Home Nursing and Affecting Factors of the Desire (퇴원환자의 가정간호 이용의사와 관련 요인)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Young-Eun;Lee, Myung-Hwa;Sohn, Sue-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate factors related to the intent of using home nursing of chronic disease patients who got out of a university hospital. For the purpose, the study selected 153 patients who were hospitalized and left K university hospital with diagnoses of cancer, hypertension, diabetes and cerebral vascular accident and ordered to be discharged and performed interviews with them and surveys on their medical records to obtain the following results. For this study a direct-interview survey and medical record review was conducted from June 28 to Aug. 30, 1998. The frequency and mean values were computed to find the characteristics of the study subjects, and $X^2$-test, t-test, factor analysis and multiple logistic regession analysis were applied for the analysis of the data. The following results were obtained. 1) When characteristics of the subjects were examined, men and women occupied for 58.8% and 41.2%, respectively. The subjects were 41.3 years old in aver age and had the monthly aver age earning of 0.99 million won or below, which was the most out of the total subjects at 34.6%. Among the total, 87.6% resided in cities and 12.4 in counties. The most left the hospital with diagnosis of cancer at 51.6%, followed by hyper tension at 24.2%, diabetes at 13.7% and cerebral vascular accident at 7.2%. 2) 93.5% of the selected patients had the intent of using home nursing and 6.5%, didn't. Among those patients having the intent, 85.6% had the intent of paying for home nursing and 14.4%, didn't. The subjects expected that the nursing would be paid 9,143 won in aver age and 47.7% of them preferred national authorities as the main servers. 86.3% of the subjects thought that home nursing business had the main advantage of making it possible to learn nursing methods at home and thereby contributing to improving the ability of patients and their facilities to solve health problems. 3) Relations between the intent of use and characteristics of the subjects such as demography-related social, home environment, disease and physical function characteristics did not show statistically significant differences among one another. Compared to those who had no intent of using home nursing, the group having the intent had more cases of male patients, the age of 39 or below, residence in cities, 5 family member s or more, no existence of home nursing servers, leaving the hospital from a non-hospitalized building, disease development for five months or below, hospitalization for ten days or more, non-hospitalization with in the recent one month, two times or over of hospitalization, leaving the hospital with no demand of special treatment, operation underwent, poor results of treatment, leaving the hospital with demand of rehabilitation services, physical disablement and high evaluation point of daily life. 4) Among those patients having the intent of using home nursing, 47.6% demanded technical nursing and 55.9%, supportive nursing. As technical nursing,' inject into a blood vessel ' and 'treat pustule and teach basic prevention methods occupied for 57.4%, respectively, topping the list. Among demands of supportive nursing, 'observe patients 'status and refer them to hospitals or community resources as available, if necessary' was the most with percent age point of 59.5. Regarding the intent of paying for home nursing, 39.2% of those patients wishing to use the nursing responded paying for technical services and 20.2, supportive services. In detail, 70.0% wanted to pay for a service stated as 'inject into a blood vessel', highest among the former services and 30.7%, a service referred to as 'teaching exercises needed to make the body of patients move', highest among the latter. When this was analyzed in terms of a relation between the need(the need for home nursing) and the demand(the intent of paying for home nursing), The rate of the need to the demand was found two or three times higher in technical nursing(0.82) than in supportive nursing(0.35). In aspects of tech ical nursing, muscle injection(1.26, the 1st rank) was highest in the rate while among aspects of supportive nursing, a service referred to as 'teach exercises needed for making patients move their bodies normally'(0.58, the 1st rank). 5) factors I(satisfaction with hospital services), II(recognition of disease state), III(economy) and IV(period of disease) occupied for 34.4, 13.8, 11.9 and 9.2 percents, respectively among factors related to the intent by the subjects of using home nursing, totaled 59.3%. In conclusion, most of chronic disease patients have the intent of using hospital-based home nursing and satisfaction with hospital services is a factor affecting the intent most. Thus a post-management system is needed to continue providing health management to those patients after they leave the hospital. Further, supportive services should be provided in order that those who are satisfied with hospital services return to their community and live their in dependent lives. Based on these results, the researcher would make the following recommendation. 1) Because home nursing becomes more and more needed due to a sharp increase in chronic disease patients and elderly people, related rules and regulations should be made and implemented. 2) Hospital nurses specializing in home nursing should be cultivated.

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Implementation Strategy for the Elderly Care Solution Based on Usage Log Analysis: Focusing on the Case of Hyodol Product (사용자 로그 분석에 기반한 노인 돌봄 솔루션 구축 전략: 효돌 제품의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Junsik;Yoo, In-Jin;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2019
  • As the aging phenomenon accelerates and various social problems related to the elderly of the vulnerable are raised, the need for effective elderly care solutions to protect the health and safety of the elderly generation is growing. Recently, more and more people are using Smart Toys equipped with ICT technology for care for elderly. In particular, log data collected through smart toys is highly valuable to be used as a quantitative and objective indicator in areas such as policy-making and service planning. However, research related to smart toys is limited, such as the development of smart toys and the validation of smart toy effectiveness. In other words, there is a dearth of research to derive insights based on log data collected through smart toys and to use them for decision making. This study will analyze log data collected from smart toy and derive effective insights to improve the quality of life for elderly users. Specifically, the user profiling-based analysis and elicitation of a change in quality of life mechanism based on behavior were performed. First, in the user profiling analysis, two important dimensions of classifying the type of elderly group from five factors of elderly user's living management were derived: 'Routine Activities' and 'Work-out Activities'. Based on the dimensions derived, a hierarchical cluster analysis and K-Means clustering were performed to classify the entire elderly user into three groups. Through a profiling analysis, the demographic characteristics of each group of elderlies and the behavior of using smart toy were identified. Second, stepwise regression was performed in eliciting the mechanism of change in quality of life. The effects of interaction, content usage, and indoor activity have been identified on the improvement of depression and lifestyle for the elderly. In addition, it identified the role of user performance evaluation and satisfaction with smart toy as a parameter that mediated the relationship between usage behavior and quality of life change. Specific mechanisms are as follows. First, the interaction between smart toy and elderly was found to have an effect of improving the depression by mediating attitudes to smart toy. The 'Satisfaction toward Smart Toy,' a variable that affects the improvement of the elderly's depression, changes how users evaluate smart toy performance. At this time, it has been identified that it is the interaction with smart toy that has a positive effect on smart toy These results can be interpreted as an elderly with a desire to meet emotional stability interact actively with smart toy, and a positive assessment of smart toy, greatly appreciating the effectiveness of smart toy. Second, the content usage has been confirmed to have a direct effect on improving lifestyle without going through other variables. Elderly who use a lot of the content provided by smart toy have improved their lifestyle. However, this effect has occurred regardless of the attitude the user has toward smart toy. Third, log data show that a high degree of indoor activity improves both the lifestyle and depression of the elderly. The more indoor activity, the better the lifestyle of the elderly, and these effects occur regardless of the user's attitude toward smart toy. In addition, elderly with a high degree of indoor activity are satisfied with smart toys, which cause improvement in the elderly's depression. However, it can be interpreted that elderly who prefer outdoor activities than indoor activities, or those who are less active due to health problems, are hard to satisfied with smart toys, and are not able to get the effects of improving depression. In summary, based on the activities of the elderly, three groups of elderly were identified and the important characteristics of each type were identified. In addition, this study sought to identify the mechanism by which the behavior of the elderly on smart toy affects the lives of the actual elderly, and to derive user needs and insights.

Psychosocial Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression (산후우울증의 심리사회적 위험요인)

  • Park, Si-Sung;Han, Kwi-Won
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.124-133
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    • 1999
  • Objective : Postpartum depression(PPD) was known to be caused by many factors including various psychosocial risk factors. This study was performed to identify the psychosocial risk factors for ppd, preliminarily in Korea. Methods : A group of 119 postpartum women, each of whom was at 6 to 8 weeks after delivery was identified at the time when they visited to the child health clinic or postnatal check-up clinic. The risk factors were surveyed by the self-reported questionnaire. The items of questionnaire were consisted of known risk factors in other studies and other possible stress-related factors. PPD was assessed by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) and the degree of postpartum depression was determined by its score. Results : 16 women(13.45%) in the high risk group were diagnosed as PPD among the 119 women. Risk factors including past experience of depressive symptoms and low level of marital satisfaction were founded more frequently in women in the high risk group than in the low risk group. The score of EPDS was significantly high in the group who experienced depressive symptoms in the past, anxiety or depression during pregnancy, stressful life event during the period of recent pregnancy and postpartum, and who had low level of marital satisfaction. There was a positive correlation between age and the score of EPDS. However, the postpartum depressive symptoms were not influenced by the level of education, job, retirement due to pregnancy and delivery, wanted or unwanted pregnancy, delivery method, feeding method, the hospitalization of infant, expected and real gender of infant. Conclusion : These results suggest that PPD is quite frequent at postpartum period. Various risk factors contribute to the development of PPD. If clinicians pay attention to the risk factors of PPD and give appropriate psychiatric intervention to the mothers during pregnancy and postpartum, it will be easy for the clinicians to recognize and treat PPD in the early stage.

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Evaluation of Importance and Performance by Dietitians about Events Marketing at School Foodservice Operations in Busan (부산지역 학교급식 영양사의 이벤트 마케팅에 대한 중요도와 수행도 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1794-1800
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    • 2009
  • This research was performed to acquire dietitians' attitudes toward events marketing at school foodservice operations in the Busan area. A total of 359 questionnaires were distributed to dietitians employed at school foodservice operations in Busan from July 1 to 31, 2006 (response rate: 93%). All dietitians assessed the importance and performance of event marketing at 3.39/5.00 and 2.78/5.00. The elementary and high school had significantly (p<0.01) higher average scores of performance of event marketing than those of the middle school. The contract managed foodservices had significantly (p<0.01) higher average scores of performance of event marketing than those of the independent managed foodservices. In the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), high importance and high performance (B area: doing great) were seasonal event, traditional festival day event, subdivisions of the seasonal event, environment event, school event, the day event and high importance whereas low performance (A area: focus here) was health event. Event marketing increased customer satisfaction and confidence. Therefore, these results suggest that there may be a need to implement special events at school foodservice in order to increase students' satisfaction.

Occupational Stress of Hospital Workers (병원종사자의 직업성 스트레스에 관한 연구 - 서울시내 500병상 이상 병원종사자를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Cheon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this thesis is to study theoretical access to the methods that have been used for the research of occupational stress, thereby providing management methods of occupational stress of hospital workers. With a stress model of hospital workers set up from the viewpoint of organization management, 929 sets of questionnaires were collected from intern doctors, resident doctors, nurses, nursing aides, pharmacists, medical technicians, workers in patient affairs(reception and medical insurance workers), administrators and clerks from the 8 hospitals in Seoul with more than 500 beds. Upon variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis of the collected questionnaires, this work examined how differences in stress caused by specific occupations and formulated a method of stress management for the hospital workers. The results are as follows. 1) If some duties of the nurses suffering from role-overloaded stress are transferred to the nursing aides dissatisfied with insufficient role, the two grunting groups can be satisfied at the same time. It is also necessary to transfer some jobs of the overloaded workers in patient affairs to the administrators, or the other way around. To reduce stress of conflict and ambiguity of role caused by the obscure division of roles between the workers, the role of each occupation should be delineated and the clear division of roles should be translated into action strictly according to that delineated. 2) Stress of inefficiency of organization from which the student doctors suffer can be relieved by management of participation. If they have access to the process of decision-making in general hospital affairs and consequently their understanding and the autonomy of job performance are promoted, such stress will be reduced. 3) To cope with stress of career development from which nurses, medical technicians, administrators, workers in patient affairs suffer, it is necessary to establish whether they have a chance to revive their careers, whether there are any ways of remotivation for less contributive workers, and whether they encourage each other to develope their careers. If they are given a chance to develope their careers, such stress will be relieved. 4) Pharmacists, suffering from stresses of living and personal relations, have strong cohesive power among themselves and organize a well-integrated team; thereby reducing the stress of personal relations and increasing productivity. 5) For administrators and student doctors confined to lesser social supports and for nurses and workers in patient affairs whose recognition of stress and job satisfaction are affected by social supports, emotional and informational supports for job performance help alleviate an individual's mental, and physical stress. 6) In addition to the above-mentioned stress-management methods, if an organizational coping strategy is provided according to the types of stress from the general viewpoint of the whole group of hospital workers, it would be of great help to managing stress. For example, the redesign of jobs, the management of objective, the improvement of working environment, the formation of an autonomous working group and various working plans can be set up for those who suffer from stress related to inappropriate role, while career counseling and development of career process can be provided for those dissatisfied with career development. Participation in the process of decision-making and the restructuring of the organization are needed for those who suffer from stress of malfunctioning organization, whereas creation of a supportive organizational atmosphere is desired for those who feel stressed due to personal relations. As well, such organizational coping strategies. as the increase of welfare facilities, seminars and educational programs and provision of health-promotion facilities can be provided.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Each Section Based on Visitor's Satisfactions of the Dulegil in Bukhansan National Park (북한산국립공원 둘레길 탐방객 만족도에 따른 구간별 특성화 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo;Hur, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Sun-Hee;An, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Dulegil in Bukhansan National Park in dispersing peak climbing hikers, characterize each section of Dulegil and suggest ideas of improvement. This study was conducted based on the survey completed by visitors in all 21 sections of Dulegil. After the construction of Dulegil, the number of visit to Dulegil grew and it was analyzed that Dulegil attracted new visitors given that the rate of young people(aged 19~30) who visited for the first time was quite high. Regarding the frequency of peak climbing, 7.6% of the respondents said "decreased" and 46.2% said "increased", showing that Dulegil's effect to disperse peak climbing hikers is nominal. Seven qualities were evaluated regarding Dulegil's level of satisfaction. Out of those seven, the quality of recreational place and taking a walk achieved high scores of 3.74 and 3.61 respectively. The quality of culture and history scored the lowest with 3.09. The analysis on the characteristic of each section of Dulegil, reason of visit, and the visitors' level of satisfaction showed that Dulegil is now regarded as a place where they can improve their health through light exercise and walking. In addition, a positive effect can be expected for a long time since there are different ways of utilizing the resources of the National Park, such as getting in touch with nature, preserving ecology, learning history and enjoying beautiful landscapes. If infrastructure and programs specific to each section of Dulegil were improved in a long-term perspective, it would be effective to encourage peak climbers and enjoy the lower parts of the mountain.

School Dietitians' Perception and Performance on a School Foodservice Menu Evaluation (학교급식 영양(교)사의 메뉴평가에 대한 인식과 시행 현황)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyung;Ahn, Sun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.1172-1178
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of a school foodservice menu evaluation and the perception of the school's dietitian on menu evaluation. Questionnaires were distributed to 448 school dietitians with an official letter, and a total of 292 responses were used for analysis. More than 90% of the respondents stated that a menu evaluation for the school foodservice was necessary. The major barriers to menu evaluation were "excessive workload" and a "lack of know-how", and the expected benefits were "increased satisfaction of customers" and "increased foodservice efficiency". The menu evaluation for "student preferences", "health improvement", and "ease of quality management" categories were performed in more than 45% of schools. The proportion of subjects who answered that "customer satisfaction" and "increased efficiency of foodservice" were expected benefits of menu evaluation were significantly higher in the menu evaluation group (p<0.05).

Relation Between Obesity Indices and, Nutritional Knowledge Nutritional Status and Blood Parameters in Obese Middle-School Students (비만 중학생의 비만도와 영양지식, 영양섭취상태 및 혈액성상과의 상관성)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Yoon-Shin;Cho, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Kyeong-Hi;Lee, Bo-Bae;Sung, Mi-Kyung;Sung, Chung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between obesity indices, nutritional knowledge, nutritional intake status, and some blood parameters in obese middle-school students. Anthropometric measurement, 24-hour recall for dietary intake, blood analysis and Questionnaire response including nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitude, and self-satisfaction were conducted in 42 obese middle-school students (28 male and 14 female) participated in the nutritional camp program carried by Bucheon district public health center in Kyunggi-do. The mean age of subjects was 13.9 years. The average body weight, BMI, obesity index, WHR and percent body fat were 75.5 kg, 29.1 kg/$m^2$, 30.1, 0.89 and 33.3% in male subjects, and 67.8 kg, 27.5 kg/$m^2$, 25.3, 0.81 and 34.6% in female subjects. The average nutritional attitude, the self-satisfaction and the nutritional knowledge scores were no significant difference between male and female subjects. Average intake of energy were 85.5% of RDA in males and 98.1% of RDA in females. The percentage of energy from fat was higher in both male (29%) and female (26%) subjects than recommended level. Calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B$_2$, vitamin C, niacin and folate intakes were below the RDA for them. In the results of correlation analysis, body weight, BMI and obesity index were positively correlated with systolic blood pressure and cholesterol intake. There was a negative correlation between percent body fat and nutritional knowledge. Body weight was negatively related to HDL-cholesterol, whereas it has positive relation with RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit. BMI and obesity index were negatively related to HDL-cholesterol, but positively related to RBC, respectively. WHR showed positive relationship with serum GPT, glucose and MCV.

A Review of Responses of Nursing Students Following Clinical Maternity Nursing Practice (모성 간호 실습 후 분만과정에 대한 간호학생의 심리적 반응 고찰 -모성 간호 실습, 실습에 대한 간호학생의 심리적 반응-)

  • Cho, Cheong-Ho
    • 모자간호학회지
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1994
  • The purposes of this study were to identify responses of nursing students following clinical maternity nursing practice, to develop data of further effective clinical maternity nursing practice, to understand nursing students perceive the natural maturation process toward pregnancy delivery and puerperal process, to help the nursing students achieve personality growth and development through clinical maternity nursing practice. The subjects were 35 senior nursing students from the Department of Nursing Science of Chung-Ang University. The data were collected from the 1st semester (Feb.22$\sim$June 9) to the 2nd semester(Aug.23$\sim$Nov.10), 1993 through self-reporting using an open ended questionnaire about perception and feelings regarding the normal delivery process. The data analysis used descriptive method. Results of the study were as follows : 1. Following clinical practice in maternity nursing, the responses of the nursing students were collected included both positive and negative aspects. The positive responses were classified in to four categories and each category included subgroups. One group, labelled as $\ulcorner$The birth of noble life$\lrcorner$ had a subgroup, (I felt the mystery and wonder of life), another group, $\ulcorner$After delivery, comfort and satisfaction$\lrcorner$ with the subgroup (I can bear to see the comfort and relief beyond pain) (C/S is better than vaginal delivery) (Very easy), the 3rd group, $\ulcorner$ I realized family friendship and support$\lrcorner$ with subgroup (Honorable, Magnificient) (I thank my parents ) (It's good to looking at my husband's support), and the 4th group, $\ulcorner$The birth of a healthy baby$\lrcorner$, with its subgroup, (baby looks pretty and healthy). 2. The negative responses were classified in eight categories and each category included subgroups. One group labelled as $\ulcorner$Fear$\lrcorner$, had subgroups of (Terrible, Horrible) (Shock) (Dread), another group, $\ulcorner$Tension$\lrcorner$, and its subgroup, (I became tense about stories heard before clinical practice), the 3rd group, $\ulcorner$surprise$\lrcorner$ and its subgroup (I was surprised at the delivery process), the 4th group, $\ulcorner$Power lessness$\lrcorner$ and its subgroup, (I watched the labor pain impatiently), the 5th group $\ulcorner$Apathy$\lrcorner$ ; and its subgroup, (I didn't feel the empathy for the labor pain of the pregnant women), the 6th group, $\ulcorner$Disgust$\lrcorner$ and its subgroup, (Disgust, Embarrassed), the 7th group, $\ulcorner$Inevitable destiny$\lrcorner$ and its subgroups (necessity of self-sacrifice and difficulty) (I accepted it as a women's destiny) (I can't do it), the last group, $\ulcorner$There seems to be trouble$\lrcorner$ and its subgroup, (It seems to have been a little too hard for mother and baby). Suggestions for further studies are as follows : 1. Nursing students should receive intensive education about $\ulcorner$The birth of noble life$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$After delivery, comfort and satisfaction$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$I realized family friendship and support$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$The birth of a healthy baby$\lrcorner$, so that a more positive attitude can be developed before clinical maternity nursing. 2. Nursing students should be given an orientation which is reality based and related clinical maternity nursing (using for A.V. Materials), so that they will not feel they tension, of the negative categories. 3. Nursing students should be received articles on Pain Relief Method, so that they will be prepared activie and positive in the clinical practice, and therefore they will not feel the powerlessness, of the negative categories. 4. F/U for responses of nursing students should be checked following clinical maternity nursing to evaluate the effects of the instruction.

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