• 제목/요약/키워드: health insurance benefits

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하악 제3대구치 발치의 결정에 관한 재고찰 - 발치 현황과 영향 인자를 중심으로 (Reconsideration of decision making for third molar extraction)

  • 박원서;김진학;강상훈;김문기;김봉철;최지욱;이상휘
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2011
  • Introduction: Third molar extraction is one of the most common procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The impacted third molar causes many pathological conditions, such as pericoronitis, caries, periodontitis, resorption of adjacent teeth, and cyst or tumors associated with impacted teeth. Extraction is often considered the treatment of choice for impacted lower third molars. On the other hand, imprudent extraction of deeply impacted third molars can cause permanent complications, such as inferior alveolar nerve damage. Therefore, guidelines for the extraction of lower third molars should be set to prevent embarrassing complications. This study examined the indication and current trends of the extracted lower third molars in the dental hospital of a dental college. Materials and Methods: 557 extracted third molars were evaluated at the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery of Yonsei University. The chief complaint, diagnosis, age and degree of impaction were analyzed to determine the tendency for the extraction of asymptomatic lower third molars. Results: The percentage of asymptomatic third molars was 40.8%. In cases of full impacted tooth or full erupted tooth, the percentage of asymptomatic teeth was more than 50% (52.4% and 54.3, respectively). Among those partially impacted teeth, 73.1% of them showed symptoms, such as pain, tenderness and swelling. In terms of age, pericoronitis was evident at a younger age, and dental caries/periodontitis was the main cause of removal in those aged over 50. Twenty nine cases (1.6%) had teeth associated with pathological changes Conclusion: The incidence of pathological changes to the lower third molar was relatively low. Surgical extraction is recommended in cases of partially impacted teeth. In Korea, the incidence of asymptomatic third molar extraction was relatively higher than in European countries. More careful attention would be desirable to consider the risks and benefits of lower third molar extraction.

노년기 농업노동의 사회복지비용 절감 효과 분석 (The Effect of Farming Labor in Later Life on the Social Welfare Expenditure)

  • 윤순덕;박공주;강경하
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 65세 이상 노인에게 공공의 사회보장부문에서 제공하는 사회적 급여를 사회복지비용이라 정의하고, 노인의 농업노동 참여가 사회복지비용 지출에 어떻게 영향을 미치며 농업노동 참여여부에 따라 1인당 그리고 한 해 사회복지비용 지출이 얼마나 차이가 있는지를 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 노인의 소득·의료보장을 위해 지출된 2003년도 교통수당, 경로연금, 국민기초생활보장 생계급여와 의료급여, 국민건강보험급여 등 생계지원비 및 의료지원비를 37개 동·읍·면사무소와 국민건강보험공단에 자료제공 협조를 요청하여 만 65세 이상 노인 799명에 대한 원자료를 수집·활용하였다. 65~74세, 75~84세, 85세 이상 등 3개 연령집단별로 분석한 결과, 첫째, 생계지원비 및 의료지원비 모두 모든 연령집단에서 농업노동에 참여한 노인보다 농업노동을 하지 않았던 노인에게 더 많이 지출되었다. 노인 1인당 차액은 연령집단에 따라 약간 차이가 있었는데 생계지원비는 113,959~361,132원, 의료지원비는 15,644~51,418원이었다. 둘째, 노인의 농업노동 참여여부는 65~74세, 75~84세 연령집단의 생계비 지출에, 65~74세 연령집단의 의료지원비 지출에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과를 기초로 하여 노년기 농업노동 참여에 따른 한 해 사회복지비용 절감액을 산출한 결과, 2003년도 기준 1304억원이었다.

아픈 노동자는 왜 가난해지는가? - 아픈 노동자의 빈곤화과정과 소득보장제의 경험 (Path to Poverty of Sick Workers and Fictional Korean Social Security)

  • 이승윤;김기태
    • 한국사회정책
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.113-150
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 노동자가 업무 이외의 이유로 아프게 되면, 노동시장에서 어떻게 고용 불안정성을 경험하고 또 빈곤화를 경험하는지 분석한다. 특히 아픈 노동자에 대한 한국 사회보장제의 소득보장 기능을 분석하고, 상병수당이 부재한 한국 복지국가의 특수성이 아픈 노동자의 빈곤화에 미치는 영향에 주의를 기울이며 사례 연구를 실시했다. 연구 결과, 아픈 노동자들은 상병으로 고통을 경험해도 일단 '아파도 참는다'. 특히 불안정 노동을 하는 비정규직 노동자들은 아프면 몸을 회복할 수 있는 휴직을 누릴 수 있는 여지가 없이 실직을 경험하게 된다. 그리고 아파서 실직을 경험하게 되어도 소득 감소분을 채우기 위해 더 불안정한 노동이라도 지속하는 경향이 있었다. 그 과정에서 가족 등 주변 사회적 자원이 무너지는 양상도 보이면서, 빈곤화의 경로를 밟는 것이 관찰됐다. 상병과 실업이라는 복합적인 위기에 처한 노동자를 위한 사회보장제도에도 사각지대가 확인됐다. 산재를 겪은 노동자들은 산업재해 신고를 기피하는 사업주 탓에 제도의 혜택에서 벗어나기도 하였고 또 상병으로 실직한 노동자를 고용주가 '자발적 실업'으로 신고하여 실업수당에도 배제됐다. 본 연구는 노동자의 상병으로 인한 일자리 불안정화와 빈곤화 과정을 구체적으로 확인하는 연구로 의의가 있다. 또한 상병수당의 부재와 아픈 노동자의 관계가, 상병수당을 포함하여 한국 소득보장제에 어떠한 학술적, 정책적 함의를 가지는지 고찰했다.

원직복귀 산업재해 근로자의 의료이용에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Influencing the Health Care Utilization of Disabled Workers Who Returned to Their Original Workplace after Occupational Accident)

  • 이현주
    • 산업융합연구
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    • 제21권10호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 산업재해로 인해 신체장해가 남은 원직복귀 산업재해 근로자의 의료이용에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하여 의료이용의 접근성을 높이기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 2021년 근로복지공단 패널조사 자료에서 장해등급을 받고 원직복귀한 산업재해근로자 457명이다. 자료분석은 SPSS WIN 26.0를 이용하여 위계적 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과는 일용직, 하위층 경제상태, 육체적 활동 제약, 주관적 건강상태, 만성질환이 외래이용 횟수에 영향을 미쳤다. 그리고, 일상생활 지원자, 화상, 육체적 활동 제약이 의료비 지출에 영향을 미쳤다. 따라서 원직복귀 산업재해 근로자 의료이용의 접근성을 높이기 위해 사업장 내 보건관리자의 역할 확대와 사업주가 직장복귀 계획 수립시 의료이용 계획을 포함해야 하며, 아프면 쉴 수 있는 유급병가제도 도입에 관한 연구가 필요하다. 화상치료 및 재활급여 범위의 확대 방안을 마련하여 경제적 부담을 줄이는 것이 필요하다.

일부지역 근로자의 요통으로 인한 의료보험 이용 조사 (A Study on the Medical Insurance Utilization of Workers Suffering from Low Back Pain in an Area)

  • 이철갑;안현옥;류소연;박종;김기순;김양옥
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.764-778
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    • 1997
  • 근로자의 요통으로 인한 의료보험 이용 실태를 파악하기 위해 1993년부터 1995년까지 광주의 한 직장 의료보험조합에 소속된 남자 8,783명, 여자 1,400명계 10,153명의 의료보험 급여자료로부터 한국표준질병사인 분류코드상 요통과 관련된 변형성 배병증, 기타 배병증, 요추염좌에 해당되는 질환군의 치료시 이용한 의료보험 급여자료와 연구대상자의 일반적 특성을 결합시켜 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 1993년부터 1995년까지 3개년간 연구대상자의 요통으로 인한 수진율은 남자 17.1%, 여자가 19.4%였으며, 요통의 원인중 남녀 모두 '기타 배병증'이 가장 많은 비율 차지하였다. 2. 남녀 모두에서 연령 및 입사시 연령이 높을수록 요통으로 인한 수진율이 증가하는 경향이 있었다(p<0.001). 남녀 모두 근무기간이 길수록 수진율이 증가하는 경향을 보였으나, 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 남자에서는 시멘트 콘크리트제품 제조업 종사자가 유의하게 수진율이 높았으며(p<0.01), 여자에서는 생산직이 사무직보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.01). 3. 1993년부터 1995년까지 3개년간 요통의 수진율과 요통으로 인한 새로운 수진자의 발생율은 비슷하였지만, 세부적으로 남녀 모두에서 기타 배병증이 증가하는 경향이 있었다. 4. 수진량에 있어서는 연령별, 근무기간별, 산업별, 소득수준에 따라 수진자 1인당 평균외래수진건수에 있어서 유의한 차이가 있었고(p<0.05), 근무기간별로 수진자 1인당 평균외래방문회수가 유의한 차이를 보였다.(p<0.05). 이상을 종합해보면 매년 요통으로 인한 의료보험 이용자수가 증가하고 있으며, 특히 만성적인 장애를 유발하는 추간판탈출증을 포함하고 있는 '기타 배병증'이 현저하게 증가하고 있는 경향을 볼 때 산업장에서 효과적인 요통예방 및 관리 사업이 요구된다 하겠다.

  • PDF

단계적 행위변화 모형을 이용한 자궁경부암 검진행위 관련 요인 분석 - 국가 조기 암검진 대상자들을 중심으로 - (Analysis of Behavioral Stage in Pap Testing by Using Transtheoretical Model)

  • 이혜진;정상혁;신해림;오대규;이선희
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2005
  • Objective : To evaluate the relationships among sociodemographic characteristics, health behaviors, levels of pros and cons and stages of change in Pap testing for uterine cervical cancer. Methods : A questionnaire survey was performed on 560 randomly sampled people who were assigned to participate in a Pap testing program by the National Cancer Screening Project in 2003' between 25 September and 10 October in Gyeonggi, Korea. Data about the behaviors and intentions of Pap testing, sociodemographic characteristics, health behaviors, and levels of acknowledged benefit (pros) and barrier (cons) for Pap testing was collected. The stages of change were grouped according to behaviors and intentions of Pap testing as passive, active, and relapse. Results : Logistic analysis between the passive and active groups showed that city dwellers, 'high' and 'middle' groups in terms of the individual s health belief, those who had undergone a health examination within the past 2 years, and those who had undergone hormone replacement therapy had a higher odds ratios to be in the active group. As the 'benefit' scores increased and the 'Unnecessity' scores decreased, the probabilities to be in the active group increased. According to the logistic analysis results between the active and relapse groups, those who were 60 years or older, members of the National Heath Insurance, and those who had not undergone a health examination within the past 2 years had a higher odds ratio to be in the relapse group. The 'Benefit' scores were not significant in this relationship. The probabilities of being in the relapse group increased as the Unnecessity and 'Shamefulness' scores increased. Conclusions : In conclusion, health planners should inform women in the passive group of the benefits and necessity of Pap testing. It would be better to reduce the barriers to the active group of undergoing Pap smear. This study might be a useful guide for future planning of Pap testing program.

대형병원과의 협력관계를 맺고 있는 병.의원 경영자의 협력만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - 수도권소재 3개 대학과 협력관계를 맺고 있는 병의원을 중심으로 - (The Study on Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Clinic and Hospital CEOs on Affiliation with Large Size Hospitals)

  • 김양균;조철호;고인호
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.86-106
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of the study is 1) to explore clinic and hospital CEOs' satisfaction and expectation level on the affiliation with the larger size teaching hospitals, 2) to find the factors influencing the satisfaction and expectation level on the affiliation with the large hospitals. Data for analysis was collected to use self-administrative structured questionnaire on 335 CEOs of small or middle sized clinics and hospitals affiliated with large sized teaching hospitals located in Seoul and Kyung Ki Province. For the study, the researchers develop the constructs for questions on the satisfaction and the expectation of the affiliation, the attitude, knowledge on the affiliation, previous relationship of the affiliation, and selection guideline of the affiliation with exploratory factor analysis and reliability test. Through the confirmative factor analysis using AMOS 4, the researchers develop constructs based on exact relationship between constructs and questions. CEOs' expressive and unexpressive satisfaction level are 2.54 of 5 point(38.5 of 100) and 2.78 of 5 point(44.5 of 100), and the expressive and unexpressive expectation level are 2.77 of 5 point(44.3) and 3.16 of 5 point(54.0). These levels are relatively row for importance of affiliation. Expectation levels do not influence satisfaction levels. Attitude of affiliation influences expressive expectation and unexpressive satisfaction, reason for affiliation unexpressive satisfaction, and previous relationship to affiliated hospitals influence both of expressive and unexpressive satisfaction. The expressive expectation level and the expressive satisfaction level influence unexpressive expectation and unexpressive satisfaction, respectively. There is cognitive dissonance between expectation and satisfaction, therefore numbers of affiliation might be smaller or weaker in the future than present time. Many CEOs feel environmental press such as competition and the press of health insurance, but they might not think affiliation is best solution. Therefore, large hospitals try to give affiliated clinics and hospitals practical benefits to increase satisfaction and expectation levels, and they need to new affiliation form such as joint venture and joint ownership. The expectation and the satisfaction level was influenced by CEOs' gender, type of health service facilities, distances between the affiliated facility and the large mother hospital, and reason for affiliation.

Research on Current Execution of Knowledge Management in Taiwan's Medical Organizations

  • Tien, Shiaw-Wen;Liu, Chiu-Yen;Chung, Yi-Chan;Tsai, Chih-Hung;Chen, Ching-Piao
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2008
  • Since the execution of National Health Insurance system in Taiwan, the competition of medical industry is becoming more and more severe. The ways the hospital operate knowledge management (KM) concept, combine current human resources and professional knowledge by information techniques and upgrade the competitiveness through reinvention of organizational culture have become the important issues. This research is based on the relationship between KM and organizational operation, integrates the characteristic of medical institutions and framework of medical knowledge cycle and starts the research subject by questionnaires from three dimensions: current situation of KM construction in medical organizations, executive effect of KM activities and the challenges faced by KM; subsequently, from qualitative interview, this research attempts to understand how a medical organization executes and adjusts in the consideration of theory and reality as well as quality and costs when actually operates the organization. This research accesses to KM system application of medical institutions and the empirical executive benefits and difficulties through questionnaires. The research results are as follows: (1) having initial understanding toward current KM establishment of medical institutions; (2) confirming the most important items of KM establishment of medical organizations; (3) understanding the most difficulty which the medical organizations encounter when executing KM; (4) establishing medical knowledge cycle figure of the hospitals receiving interviews. Through case interview, this research profoundly accessed to the actual operation of KM application of medical organizations. The target hospitals intended to try many medical KM measures; however, during to complicated hospital organizations and cultural characteristics, the promotion was not successful and the results were not apparent. The most difficulty was to change the employees’ behavior. The targets believed that only the continuous promotion of KM can allow it to be an important aspect of organizational culture and the competitiveness could constant be upgraded.

Up-regulation of HOXB cluster genes are epigenetically regulated in tamoxifen-resistant MCF7 breast cancer cells

  • Yang, Seoyeon;Lee, Ji-Yeon;Hur, Ho;Oh, Ji Hoon;Kim, Myoung Hee
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제51권9호
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    • pp.450-455
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    • 2018
  • Tamoxifen (TAM) is commonly used to treat estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. Despite the remarkable benefits, resistance to TAM presents a serious therapeutic challenge. Since several HOX transcription factors have been proposed as strong candidates in the development of resistance to TAM therapy in breast cancer, we generated an in vitro model of acquired TAM resistance using ER-positive MCF7 breast cancer cells (MCF7-TAMR), and analyzed the expression pattern and epigenetic states of HOX genes. HOXB cluster genes were uniquely up-regulated in MCF7-TAMR cells. Survival analysis of in slico data showed the correlation of high expression of HOXB genes with poor response to TAM in ER-positive breast cancer patients treated with TAM. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments showed that the overexpression of multi HOXB genes in MCF7 renders cancer cells more resistant to TAM, whereas the knockdown restores TAM sensitivity. Furthermore, activation of HOXB genes in MCF7-TAMR was associated with histone modifications, particularly the gain of H3K9ac. These findings imply that the activation of HOXB genes mediate the development of TAM resistance, and represent a target for development of new strategies to prevent or reverse TAM resistance.

뇌지주막하 출혈 후 뇌혈관 연축에 대한 동맥내 Papaverine 주입의 치료효과 (Effect of the Intra-arterial Papaverine Infusion on the Symptomatic Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage)

  • 신준재;이재환;신용삼;허승곤;김동익;이규창
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2001
  • Objective : To clarify the benefits and therapeutic effects of intra-arterial papaverine infusion on the symptomatic cerebral vasospasm, we analyzed the results of treatment in 32 patients retrospectively. Methods : A total of 510 patients underwent surgical clipping or endovascular intra-aneurysmal treatment for ruptured intracranial aneurysm between May, 1996 and June, 1999. The delayed ischemic deficit(DID) was developed in 90 of 510 patients. Of these 90 patients, 32 developed symptomatic vasospasm inspite of using modest "3H therapy". The brain CT scan was taken before the intra-arterial infusion of papaverine. The 32 patients underwent 42 intra-arterial papaverine infusion. The symptomatic vasospasm was divided into three groups : deterioration of mental status(Group 1), appearance of a focal neurologic deficit(Group 2), or both(Group 3). We measured Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS), arterial diameters, and cerebral circulation time(CCT) at the time of pre- and postangioplasty. Results : The number of patients in group 1, 2 and 3 were 26, 7, 9 respectively. Eighteen cases showed improvement of GCS more than 2 scores, 16 more than 1, and 8 showed no change of GCS. Average cerebral circulation time(CCT) was decreased ranging from 0.0%-67.5%, and arterial diameters were increased in 21 cases ranging from 1 to 4 folds. Conclusion : Intra-arterial papaverine infusion seemed to have therapeutic effects on symptomatic vasospasm by improving the neurological signs and increasing the arterial diameter. We suggest that intra-arterial papaverine infusion would be an useful adjunctive therapeutic modality in symptomatic vasospasm.

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