• Title/Summary/Keyword: health care clothing

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Comparison of Self-identified Thermal Tolerance and Wearing Habits in Winter between the Elderly Males and Females (남녀 고령자의 자각적 내한내열성과 겨울철 착의 행동 비교)

  • Park, Joonhee;Baek, Yoon-Jeong;Roh, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Joo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.530-543
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated elderly winter wearing habits and self-identified thermal tolerance in order to compare differences between older males and older females. We surveyed 269 participants: 119 males (age 76.9±5.9yr) and 150 females (age 76.1±5.7yr). Thirty one questionnaires were used: Self-identified cold and heat tolerance, clothing behavior, lifestyles related to the cold and health care, etc. High percentage of respondents (both males and females) felt vulnerable to the cold. The total number of outdoor clothes were 9.6±1.6 and 10.6±1.6 in males and females, respectively (p<.05). Wearing frequencies for thermal underwear were 84.0% and 82.4% in males and females, respectively. The using percentage of auxiliary heating devices was higher in females compared to males (p<.01). Males felt more cold in the head and face compared to females (p<.01). Self-identified cold tolerance had negative relationships with the total number of winter outdoor clothes for both males (r=-0.260) and females (r=-0.222) (p<.01). The perceived old age for both males and females was 72.4 yr. Sex differences should be considered when developing guidelines for winter clothing behavior for the elderly and educating them on how to improve health and cold tolerance.

An approach of Eastern Nursing Science for Regimen on the Oldman (노인 양생에 대한 한방간호학적 접근)

  • Wang, Myung-Ja;Cha, Nam-Hyun
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2002
  • This study attempted to develop fundamental data for East nursing intervention of nourish of life and health care from chronic disease augmented on the elderly. I understood that a point of nursing view and knowledges have limited to progress of life of quality on the oldman. In this context, this study was aimed to find out a possible of Eastern Nursing Sciences for the management of nourish of life and health care on the elderly and to suggest a distinct frame of Korean nursing intervention method which is unique. From the literature, this study identified that there are needed to intervene of livelihood of nourish of life, such as food and clothing, a feeling of moderation, moving and living(activity, sleeping, recumbency), sex for healthy and quality of life on the oldman. To propose, I suggested the traditional health method physically as Nursing intervention, such as Qi Kyong, Tae Kuk Kyun, Yuk Ja Kyoul, Oh Keum Hee etc and Moxibustion. Through there understand and percept importance and need of nourish of life on the elderly on results of literature view, as above, concrete East Nursing intervention of nourish of life on the elderly will be researched. Hence, we are needed to regain and to adapt Korean traditional health method which is the first draft on Korean Nursing tightly.

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An Exploratory Study on the Development of a Healthcare Smart Clothing for Measurement of Body Composition (체성분 측정용 스마트 의류 개발의 가능성 탐색)

  • Moon, Hui-Sung;Cho, Hyun-Seung;Park, Sun-Hyung;Lee, Joo-Hyeon;Cha, Kee-Chul;Shin, Sun-Young;Jung, Hyo-Il
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2007
  • We have developed and evaluated a smart clothing system for the measurement of body composition in real time. Two kinds of experimental clothes were developed in this study to investigate the effects of textile electrodes on the measurements. As long as the wearer maintained same posture, the magnitudes of impedance was measured identically even though he got into the clothing again. Moreover we found the clothing could measure the impedance of each body segment.

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Development and Usability Test of Baby Vest Prototypes with a Body Temperature Sensing Function

  • Yi, Kyong-Hwa;Song, Hayoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2020
  • This study developed a vest prototype capable of monitoring body temperature using textile electrodes to prevent the sudden death of babies as well as to determine the quality of developed products by evaluating usability with commercial products. Based on the results of the 7th Size Korea Project, a basic pattern for a vest prototype was drafted by applying the average size of two-year-old Korean babies. Two prototypes were the detachable (VEST I) and integrated textile electrodes vest type (VEST II), which followed the same design. The materials were 100% cotton single jersey (SJ) and double jersey (DJ). Six experts evaluated the usability of the developed vests (VEST I & VEST II) and commercial product (VEST M). The single-layer woven textile electrode appeared to have a slightly higher conductivity than the double-layer one. There was no statistical difference in the body temperature sensing function between VEST I and VEST II. Finally, the superiority of the VEST I was verified through a comparison with commercial products (VEST M). The usability test suggested that a wearable smart clothing system of the integrated conductive textile could be further commercialized for bio-monitor applications in Ubiquitous-health care.

PCM/Nylon6 복합사 염착특성

  • Lee, Jun-Hee;Kim, Hyung-Joo;Yim, Sang-Hyun;Im, Jung-Nam;Son, Young-A
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.35-35
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    • 2011
  • Phase change material(PCM) has thermal energy storage and been attracted attention. Latent heat of the organic PCM can keep maintaining temperature when the change of outside energy conditions influence to PCM. Thus, many researchers have interested to thermal energy storage ability and investigated to applications such as thermal storage of solar energy, bioclimatic building, icebank, medical application, clothing industry and so on. Among the many applications, investigation of the PCM in clothing industry is also important because the people has interest functional factor called health-care in the clothing. In addition, PCM can give them mild environment condition such suitable temperature control or humidity. To fabrics, the PCM has various methods such as microcapsule, padding and modified cross-section formation(Sheath/core). Sheath core PCM fabric has a better benefit of durability than other method. However, PCM sheath/core spinning is difficult. In addition, dyeing property is important to use clothing industry due to visual images. In this study, we investigated dyeing properties of Nylon/PCM sheath/core fabrics. Especially, we observed the relation between dyeing property and PCM including ratio. Various temperature and pH conditions were also studied to optimize dyeing properties as acid dye.

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A Study on Appearance Management Behavior of Male Consumers(I) - Focusing on the Age - (남성들의 외모관리행동에 관한 연구(I) - 연령을 중심으로 -)

  • Ku, Yang-Suk;Lee, Young-Ju;Choo, Tae-Gue
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the appearance management behavior and its motives according to male consumers' age. A set of questionnaire was administered to 398 male consumers. Data were analyzed by utilizing frequency, factor analysis, ANONA, and Crosstabs. The results showed that factors of the appearance management behavior were classified into such as fashion oriented, figure management, figure improvement, skin care, cosmetic surgery, hair care, and health oriented. The male consumers age in the 20s, were more conscious of the appearance management. The male consumers aged over 40s were more aware of figure management and hair care for better health oriented. Appearance management behavior motives were classified into individuality, sociality, and interest arousal. Most of the male consumers showed higher interests in sociality among appearance management motives for better personal relations at workplace and increasing competitive edge.

A Comparative Analysis of the Level of Occupational Health : Before and After the Subsidiary Program on Health Care Management of Small Scale Industries (영세사업장 보건관리 지원사업 실시 전후의 산업보건수준 비교 분석)

  • Jung, Hye Sun
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.58-83
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    • 1995
  • The small scale industries which have less than 30 employees occupy 86.5% of total number of industries in Korea. And though they have higher accident rate and lower environmental condition than big industries, it has been not mandatory to appointing health care manager at factory. So, from 1993, government subsidizes to the health care management of small industries. The purpose of this study is to identify the real feature of health care status in small industries, and to evaluate the level of health care management, before and after the subsidiary program. 65 small plating industries which have been managed by the same health care management support institution in 1993 were selected for study. Of the 65 industries, 3 which have not taken both environmental evaluation and health screening in 1994, and 9 which have closed were excluded from study sample. And the remaining 53 were analyzed by using the results of environmental evaluation and health screening, reported to the Ministry of Labor, before and after the subsidiary program, the analysis was done by the comparison of the two year paired data of the same industry. Over-permissible-limit rate, health screening implementation rate, above grade C rate were calculated and compared. The status of health care management ; 1. Of the sample industries, 96.9% provide protective equipment and 80.0% set up ventilating system. Protective gloves (89.2%) and protective clothing (80.0%) are widely provided, but ear plugs (4.6%) are rarely provided. 21.5% of the protective equipment are well put on, and 40.4% of the ventilating systems function well. 2. In 1993, 35 industries, 53.8% of the sample, checked working environment twice. Over-permissible-limit rates of heavy metal (12.2%), suspended particle (11.1%), noise (5.5%) were high. To put on protective equipment and to set up local ventilating system were pointed out by the examiners. 3. General health screening was done at 63.1% of the sample industries and 35.3% of total workers were examined. Specific health screening was done at 93.8% of the sample industries and 75.4% of workers were examined. 15.5% of workers was provided to be above grade C and to have digestive system disease (43.3%), circulatory disease (18.9%), and hematopoietic disease (14.2%), etc. 4. In 1993, the subsidiary program of health care management was provided in forms of health education, health counseling, and rounding check of working field. And 61.5%, 83.0%, 55.4% of sample industries respectively received it. The average visit per industry was 1.8. Comparisons of the level of occupational health before and after the subsidiary program ; 1. Over-permissible-limit rates of hazardous factors of 1993 and that of 1994 were compared. The rates of suspended particle, noise, organic solvent of 1994 (37.5%, 13.4%, 24.2% respectively) were higher than that of 1993 (25.0%, 6.0%, 6.3% respectively). In the case of acid, there was no difference between the rate of 1993 and that of 1994. Only the rate of heavy metal decreased from 12.9% in 1993 to 3.0% in 1994. 2. General health screening was done at 38.7% of the sample industries in 1993 and at 44.6% in 1994. But the implementation rate of specific health screening decreased from 72.4% in 1993 to 64.6% in 1994. 3. The implementation rate of specific health screening was analyzed by some health factors. The rate of suspended particle increased from 61.8% in 1993 to 91.2% in 1994. But the rates of the others-noise, organic solvent, heavy metal, specific chemical substances-decreased. 4. Above grade C rate in health screening increased from 27.8% in 1993 to 35.5% in 1994. But that of endocrine disorders and pulmonary disease decreased.

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Wife's Employment and Family Economic Status (주부취업과 가계경제구조)

    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to analyze the family economic status by wife's employment. The data used in the study was taken from 1994 Expenditure Survey of Urban Families. The results showed that 33.2% of family income of employed-wife families was from wife's earnings and employed-wife families took more family income compared to nonemployed-wife families. In total expenditure eployed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families. Employed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families these categories such as food away from home rent domestic services clothing & shoes education public transportation and miscellaneous; spent on health care utilities communication and private transportation. The amount of savings of employed-wife families was more than of nonemployed-wife families.

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An Analysis of Consumer Emotion for Product Planning of Smart Clothing (스마트 의류 상품 기획을 위한 감성 효과 분석)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seung;Kim, Jung-Ho;Koo, Hye-Ran
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2014
  • This study aims at providing basic data for product planning to design smart clothing and to develop applications, focusing on consumers by satisfying their emotions through analyzing emotional factors on smart clothing, comparing emotional differences between conventional clothing and it, reviewing changes of consumers' emotion by integrating the product and clothing and researching differences of preference and purchase intention between smart clothing and traditional one. As the results of the study, emotional factors for smart clothing were analyzed with total 6 including 'technical', 'comfort', 'aesthetic', 'modern', 'fun' and 'multiple' factors. Among them, except for 'comport', five emotional factors showed emotional factors between conventional sport-casual clothing and smart clothing. That is, emotional factors of 'technical', 'aesthetic', 'modern', 'fun' and 'multiple' were emphasized more in smart clothing than conventional ones, indicating that they should be considered in planning products of smart clothing. Though there was no significant difference of preference between smart clothing and conventional clothing, in case of comparison of averages, that of smart clothing was a little higher. For purchase intention, smart clothing was lower than the conventional clothing. So preference seems to be not directly related to consumers' immediate purchase. To make consumers' interests and preference to result in purchase, it is necessary to develop smart clothing with more various applications and to prepare commercializing strategies. As the results of the analysis on free-descriptive questionnaire survey, consumers were interested in development of smart clothing to help diet with functions including energy harvesting from body motion, calorification and perspiration, measurement of motion and calory consumption as well as health-care type smart clothing to measure heartbeat and ECG. Reflecting these requirements from the consumers, they should be utilized as guidance to develop smart clothing in the future.

Development of Tight-Fitting Garments with a Portable ECG Monitor to Measure Vital Signs (휴대용 심전도 기기와 직물형 전극을 이용한 생체정보 측정용 밀착 의복 개발)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Hee; Kim, Seung-Hwan;Yang, Young-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.112-125
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    • 2010
  • A Holter monitor is used for ECG monitoring of ambulatory daily life in hospital. However, the use of this apparatus causes skin allergies and discomfort in patients because of the attachment gel and tapes used to attach disposable electrodes to the skin. In this study, the development of tight-fitting clothing connected to a portable Holter monitor was proposed. In addition, the use of conductive fabrics as electrodes was proposed; this will enable the use of garments in u-health care for measuring ECG signals. The male subjects were university students in the ages of 20 to 24. Subjective wear sensations of the experimental garments were rated using seven Likert scales. A Likert type scale was used for the evaluation and a 7 point score indicates that it provided the best fit as a tight-fitting upper clothing. Clothing pressure was measured using an air-pack-type pressure sensor (model AMI 3037-2) at 4 locations (the conductive fabric electrode) As results, a male basic sloper for upper clothing was developed and that pattern was manipulated to the tight fit pattern by considering the reduction rate of the percentage stretch in the fabric. The developed tight-fitting garment was superior in terms of subjective sensation and 6t. The mean pressure of the garment with reduction rates of 40% in width and of 50% in length was 8.45gf/cm2. A conductive fabric electrode was developed by considering the sewing method and the developed electrode was detected well. The ECG data were recorded for 13 hr 19 min 44 sec and the artifacts in the ECG signals were recorded for 9 hr 3 min 46 sec (total time: 22 hr 23 min 23 sec). The artifacts data were obtained during heavy activities.