• Title/Summary/Keyword: health care clothing

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병원근무자 유니폼에 의한 병원 내 감염에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 (The Association of Health Care Workers' Uniforms and Health Care-associated Infection: Systematic Review)

  • 정은영;김진현
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To identify an associations between health care workers' uniforms and health care-associated infection. Methods: Electronic databases, including Ovid-Medline, the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, KMbase, and KoreaMed, were searched. The search terms included doctor, nurse, health care worker/staff/assistant, clothing, (white) gown, uniform, (neck)tie, and attire. Only papers published in English and Korean were included. Results: 16 studies were selected from 1,900 references screened. All of the studies were non-comparative studies except for one. Four were conducted with doctors, six with nurses, one with health care workers including physiotherapists and one for medical staff plus visitors in a neonatal intensive care unit. Doctors more frequently changed their uniforms than neckties; therefore, the degree of contamination was more serious in neckties. The cuff zone was more likely to be heavily contaminated than other areas of long-sleeve gowns. Coats become contaminated quickly once worn, and colony counts reached a similar level within the first few hours after wearing them. Wearing a plastic apron or protective clothing did not prevent the bacterial contamination of nurses' uniforms, and the best way to decrease the contamination was changing to newly laundered uniforms before starting every duty. Conclusion: Healthcare workers' uniforms are a potential source of health care-associated infection although there was no robust evidence. The government must establish standards for laundering of uniforms or a requirement for institutions to provide a laundering service for healthcare workers' uniforms.

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Free size 환자복 개발을 위한 실험적 연구 (A Study on Developing Free Size Patient Clothing)

  • 황효영;송정아;송정흡
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.92-104
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    • 1998
  • Background : Hospitals in Korea are in trouble at ecomomic matters because of low cost of medical insurance, and consumers' demand for high quality. The management of inpatient clothing is very difficult. Especially the management of patient's clothing size is very difficult because the case mix of patients in wards is very different from the stocked clothing size. Because of the economic matters, the ward does not prepare enough size of clothing. The nurses in ward are in trouble with managing the clothing. So the nurses want free size patient clothing for ease management of clothing size. Method : The experimental inpatinets clothing is designed for in 170cm height refer to Korean standard. The fit of 8 subjects from 150 cm to 185 cm wearing experimental were evaluated by clothing specialists, nurses and patients. Result : 75.8% of evaluators like free size clothing. This results show that the fit of subjects from 160cm to 180cm was good in general but subjects with 150cm, 155cm, 185cm height showed poor fit.

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스마트 헬스케어 의류 구매의도에 대한 성별과 연령대별 영향 요인 - 기술수용모델(TAM), 의복속성, 건강라이프스타일, 패션혁신성을 중심으로 - (Influencing factors on purchase intention for smart healthcare clothing by gender and age - Focused on TAM, clothing attributes, health-lifestyle, and fashion innovativeness -)

  • 한희정
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.615-631
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    • 2019
  • Smart healthcare clothing combines IoT, new technology, and clothing construction to perform specific care functions, and its utility has been expanding rapidly within aging and diversified societies. However, the related market remains at an early stage of development due to limited regulation, lack of consumer awareness, and the need for not only technical development but promotion plans for potential users. This paper aims to analyze factors influencing purchase intention for smart healthcare clothing with biosignal monitoring, including variables in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), clothing attributes, health-related lifestyle factors, and fashion innovativeness. A survey was conducted on a sample of 300 males and 300 females ranging in age from 20 to 50 years, and data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived aesthetic attributes, health responsibility, and fashion innovativeness were overall significant predictors of using smart healthcare clothing. Additionally, perceived ease of use and physical activity in the male subsample, and perceived compatibility within the female group, also had significant effects. Furthermore, age was a determining factor; for subjects in the 30s age group, perceived usefulness, compatibility, and health responsibility had significant positive associations. The results of this study can provide basic guidelines for designing merchandising plans to expand user acceptance of smart healthcare clothing.

ECG 생체신호 측정을 위한 실용적 U-헬스케어 의복개발 (Development of the Practical Garment Apparatus to Measure Vital Sign of ECG for U-Health Care)

  • 박혜준;홍경희;김승환;신승철
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.292-299
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    • 2007
  • Development of portable device measuring the vital sign continuously with no limit of time and space is absolutely prerequisite for the U-health care that grafts the ubiquitous concept into medical system. Accordingly, it requires to develop a garment style apparatus for measuring vital-sign that is easy to wear on for a long time period. This study suggests a method to improve the insulation of electric cable and the skin adhesion of electrode by integrating the electric conductive material to garment, in order to develop a garment apparatus for measuring ECG for U-health care. Results of the research are as follows; In order to provide the adjacent conductive yarns with insulation, braid with narrow woven end was interlaced using polyester yarn. As a result, the direct contact between electric conductive yarns was restrained, which would be interposed into pin-tuck structured cable. Washable silicone gel applied around the electrode made of electric conductive fabric improved the adhesion, which prevents electrodes from dropping off from the skin surface during body movement. ECG signals on the human subject were tested using the garment apparatus developed by the above method. And the result was that the clear QRS wave formation in the typical form of ECG could be measured in both conditions of still and moving state as well. The result of this study is expected to contribute for the production of U-health care related medical apparatus by accelerating the practical uses of the garment measuring vital sign at a reasonable price.

고기능성 스포츠레저웨어의 프리미엄가격 지각에 대한 연구 - 스포츠레저활동도, 웰빙 건강 의식 및 인구통계적 특성과 관련성을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Premium Price Perception for High Functional Sports/Leisure Wear related to Sports/Leisure Activity, Well-being Health Consciousness, and Demographic Variables)

  • 정인희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권9호
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    • pp.1506-1518
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    • 2009
  • This study identifies the relationships among demographic variables, well-being health consciousness, sports/leisure activity, and the perceived premium price for high functional sports/leisure wear. An empirical study was conducted with the data collected by questionnaires distributed to male and female respondents aged 15 and over. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, MANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and regressions were used to analyze 244 answers. As a result, 3 factors were determined for well-being health consciousness: nature-friendly life, premium consumption for health, and health care. The older group pursued a nature-friendly life more than the younger group, the female group pursued premium consumption for health more than male group, and older women and younger men pursued health care more than their counterparts. Sports/leisure activity was relatively intensive in the male group and in the younger group. Sports/leisure activity was explained by male characteristic and health care factors. Sports/leisure activity was the only element for predicting the perceived premium price ratio for high functional sports/leisure wear.

다목적 환자복 개발을 위한 연구 (The Study on Developing Multipurpose Patient Clothing)

  • 송정흡;송정아
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제6권1_2호
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    • pp.48-79
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    • 1999
  • Background : The clothing is considered as second skin. The patient clothing needs basic clothing demands which are comfortable, functional and aesthetical and special demeands which are associated with medical examination, treatment and management of daily-life inconveniences. The patient is weak and labile to psychic trauma and has limitation of movement. So the help of others is needed. But recent patient clothing does not satisfy above demands. So the design, making and management of patient clothing to satisfy those demands are very important. The purpose of this study' is to develop multipurpose clothing which is comfortable, functional, aesthetical and satisfying patients and medical personnels. Method : The questionnaires of existing patient clothing were tested by patients, medical doctors, and nurses. After analyzing two types of questionnaires, eight types of experimental patient clothing were made. After preference test, shortcomings were removed and merits were adapted. One type of multipurpose patient clothing mixing eight above experimental clothing was made. The state of wearing and moving were videotaped. The videotape-recoding was watched by patient, caregivers(medical doctors, nurses) and clothing specialists. Result : The general reaction for experimental clothing were positive by the group of patients, medical personnels and clothing specialist, there were significant differences among three groups. Conclusion : It was thought that to develop one type of multipurpose clothing is possible. If the studys for patient clothing which are free-size and economic matters that are type of clothes and method of washing are made in depth, the desirable patient clothing will appear.

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신체매력 지각이 건강증진행동 및 외모관리행동에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Perception of Physical Attractiveness on Health Promoting Behavior and Appearance Management Behavior)

  • 이은실
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perception of physical attractiveness and demographic variables on health promoting behavior and appearance management behavior. This study used a questionnaire. The participants were 325 adult women. The results were as follows. As they were younger, their perception of physical attractiveness was more positive, and they were a tendency to manage their appearance with clothing, makeup, skin care, and hair style more active. As they were older, they perceived higher in the mental and physical health promoting behavior. The higher perception of physical attractiveness people had, the higher awareness of mental health promoting behavior they had. Finally, appearance management behaviors such as clothing, cosmetics, and body care were found to have a positive effect on physical health promoting behavior.

다문화 가정의 의복 실태와 섬유 선호도에 관한 연구 (Study of the Clothing Behavior and Fiber Preferences of Multicultural Families)

  • 최인려
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.863-875
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the clothing behavior, care and the fiber preferences of multi-cultural families living in Korea. The data was collected using questionnaire surveys based on pre-tests, and a main survey conducted in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Chungcheong Province. The 258 participants came from 151 multi-cultural families and 107 Korean families. The results of this study were as follows: First, Filipinos owned more clothes than the Chinese and bought clothes more frequently. The Filipinos spent 10,000~30,000 Korean won on all types of clothing. Each time, the Chinese spent more money when purchasing jackets. Second, when health was the greatest concern for underclothes, they chose cotton fiber as their preferred fiber. When beauty was of greatest concern for blouses they chose cotton. When beauty was of greatest concern for skirts and jackets they chose natural fibers such as silk, wool or linen. Filipinos preferred synthetic fibers because they are easy to care for, and the Chinese preferred natural fibers due to their beauty, especially for pants. Third, multi-cultural families laundered at home using only a washing machine. All fibers were laundered together into the washer without any sorting. This study can contribute to providing basic data for an understanding of the clothing behavior and laundry styles of multi-cultural families which may be useful data in the apparel market in Korea given the relative and direct changes relevant to various clothing cultures.

Research Trends on Healthcare Wearables Published in Korean Journals

  • Kim, Nam Soon;Do, Wol Hee
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.607-616
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    • 2020
  • Health care wearables are devices that are attached to or combined with the human body to improve the health care capabilities of the human body that can be safely and adjustable according to preference. This study provided direction for future research on healthcare wearables in the field of clothing science, considering trends observed in this field from 2010 to 2019. Over the last 10 years, 812 studies have been conducted on healthcare wearables in Korea. Research has increased significantly since 2015, with a large number of articles published in this field. The research for this study was broken down into the following categories: technology development, marketing analysis, and technology analysis. The results according to the research method demonstrated that development and production methods were used most frequently, followed by trend analysis, experiment and evaluation, and survey. An analysis of keywords in the articles studied revealed that device, healthcare, big data (biometric data and database), and healthcare convergence technologies were trending. Similarly, detailed research on healthcare wearable devices and related technologies was actively being conducted. However, focusing on fiber, textiles, design, and clothing articles, in relation to the field of clothing in healthcare wearables, only 81 articles were found on this topic (10.0%), which was low compared to other studies. Therefore, it was determined that more research on healthcare wearables is necessary in the field of clothing.

노년기 여성의 의복행동 연구 (A Study on he Clothing Behaviors of the Aged Women)

  • 김진구;이유경
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.347-370
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    • 1995
  • The elderly population of Korea has been significantly increasing due to advances in public health, medical care, and quality of life. Social, economical influence of the elderly population has been increasing, too. Research regarding elderly people is important because many elderly people take care of their appearance and clothing, and clothing plays an important role in the elderly women's everyday life. This study investigated the life satisfaction, appearance satisfaction, and clothing behavior of women aged 55 years and older who were residents of Seoul. The results of this study are as followings: 1. The importance of various factors on clothing behavior is different. They are management, clothing importance, fashion indifference, information search and purchase planning, clothing dependence, status symbol, and conformity in order of the importance. 2. Age has a positive relationship with each of fashion indifference and clothing dependence, but a negative relationship with information search and purchase planning. 3. Age has a positive relationship with each of life satisfaction and allowance. 4. Appearance satisfaction is positively related with age, but is significantly related with neither allowance nor education. 5. There are positive relationships between life satisfaction and all clothing behavior factors except status symbol. 6. Appearance satisfaction are siginicantly correlated with management, conformity, clothing dependence, and clothing importance. And life satisfaction has more significant relationship with clothing behavior than appearance satisfaction does.

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