• Title/Summary/Keyword: health budget

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The Effect of the Regional Factors on the Variation of Suicide Rates: Geographic Information System Analysis Approach (Geographic Information System 분석방법을 활용한 시·군·구 지역별 자살률에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Park, Seong-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2014
  • Background: Previous studies showed that the characteristics of population and regions were related to the suicide rates. This study purposed to analyze the relationships between regional factors and suicide rates with spatial analysis model. Methods: This is a cross sectional study based on the statistics of 2011 which was extracted from the 229 City Gun Gu administrative districts in Korea. Cause of death statistics on each district was used to produce the age-, sex-adjusted mortality rates resulting from suicide. Regional characteristics were measured by the number of doctors engaged in medical institutions per 1,000 population, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population, number of marriages per 1,000 population, and percent of welfare budget in general accounting. Statistical analysis was performed by using SAS ver. 9.3 and ArcGIS ver. 10.2 was used for geographically weighted regression (GWR). Results: In ordinary least square (OLS) regression, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population had a significant positive relationship with the standardized mortality rate per 100,000 population. Marriages per 1,000 population and the proportion of welfare budget in the general accounting had significant negative relationships with the mortality rates. Meanwhile, GWR provided that the directions of variable, divorced people's rate per 1,000 population, were varied depending on regions. The adjusted $R^2$ was improved from the 0.32 in OLS to the 0.46 in GWR. Conclusion: Results of GWR showed that regional factors had different effects on the suicide rates depending on locations. It suggested that policy interventions for reducing the suicide rate should consider the regional characteristics in obtaining policy objectives.

Measurement of Severity of Hazards and Investment in Occupational Safety & Health According to Ship Types Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP를 이용한 조선업 선종별 위험도 및 안전관리 수요 예산에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Bin;Chang, Seong-Rok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2012
  • Although reinforcement of work intensity caused by the recent prosperity of shipbuilding businesses and the steady increasing of results which produces orders has difficulties with heavy workload, unique work circumstance in shipbuilding industry where main and subcontractor do the job together is not easy to manage its safety systematically. According to KOSHA(Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency), there were 2, 587 deaths of 95,806 disaster victims a year on average for late 6 years(2003-2008), therein 36,605 disaster victims and 646 death in manufacture where shipbuilding have 2,287 victims, 6.25% of total disaster victims and 45 deaths, 6.97%. Moreover it shows much higher accident rate in shipbuilding industry in Korea than well developed countries in this industry as Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and so it does about 3 to 10 times higher in case of death. Compared to Japan with a shipbuilding competition of orders received system, 2 times and 2.3 times higher for each and it is more than 2 times higher than accident rate of all domestic industries. These increasing of disaster result in a labor-management dispute and it is necessary that more positive efforts and investments because there occurs blind spot, neglected industry safety and health management by lack of them, Therefore this study, for the effective safety and health management of shipbuilding industry, attempts to analyze risk on kinds of ships and budget needed in safety management through classifying ships that are being made recently by three dominate major companies. For this, we carried out a survey and interview targeting experts related to shipbuilding industry and used AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) for result analysis. It is considered that cost of safety and health management will be spent more effectively on the results about risk on kinds of ships and budget needed in safety management in the study and that this study can contribute to decreasing disasters in shipbuilding industry.

AHP를 이용한 중소기업형 의료기기 개발사업의 선정

  • 조근태;하상도;김성민;염용권
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2000
  • Recently, due to the primary emphasis of health industry and to the restriction of budget, setting the priorities for effective and efficient investment on the medical device and material products has been one of the critical issues in the government sector. This paper shows how an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model can be used for assessing selected medical device and material products for grant of the Ministry of Health & Welfare. The final results show that unabsorbable suture is the most attractive medical device product among 88 evaluated products, followed by IV cannula, central venous catheter.

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A Study of Improvement of School Health in Korea (학교보건(學校保健)의 개선방안(改善方案) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Soo Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.118-135
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    • 1988
  • This study is designed to analyze the problems of health education in schools and explore the ways of enhancing health education from a historical perspective. It also shed light on the managerial aspect of health education (including medical-check-up for students disease management. school feeding and the health education law and its organization) as well as its educational aspect (including curriculum, teaching & learning, and wishes of teachers). At the same time it attempted to present the ways of resolving the problems in health education as identified her. Its major findings are as follows; I. Colculsion and Summary 1. Despite the importance of health education, the area remains relatively undeveloped. Students spend a greater part of their time in schools. Hence the government should develop a keener awareness of the importance of health education and invest more in it to ensure a healthy, comfortable life for students. 2. At the moment the outcomes of medical-check-up for students, which constitutes the mainstay of health education, are used only as statistical data to report to the relevant authorities. Needless to say they should be used to help improve the wellbeing of students. Specifically, nurse-teachers and home-room teachers should share the outcomes of medical-check-up to help the students wit shortcomings in growth or development or other physical handicaps more clearly recognize their problems and correct them if possible. 3. In the area of disease management, 62.6, 30.3 and 23.0 percent of primary, middle, and highschool students, respectively, were found to suffer from dental ailments. By contrast 2.2, 7.8, and 11.5 percent of primary, middle and highschool students suffered from visual disorders. The incidence of dental ailments decreases while that of visual impairments increases as students grow up. This signifies that students are under tremendous physical strain in their efforts to be admitted by schools of higher grade. Accordingly the relevant authorities should revise the current admission system as well as improve lighting system in classrooms. 4. Budget restraints have often been cited as a major bottleneck to the expansion of school feeding. Nevertheless it should be extended at least, to all primary schools even at the expense of parents to ensure the sound growth of children by improving their diet. 5. The existing health education law should be revised in such a way as to better meet the needs of schools. Also the manpower for health education should be strengthened. 6. Proper curriculum is essential to the effective implementation of health education. Hence it is necessary to remove those parts in the current health education curriculum that overlaps with other subjects. It is also necessary to make health education a compulsory course in teachers' college at the same time the teachers in charge of health education should be given an in-service training. 7. Currently health education is being taught as part of physical education, science, home economics or other courses. However these subjects tend to be overshadowed by English, mathematics, and other subjects which carry heavier weight in admission test. It is necessary among other things, to develop an educational plan specifying the course hours and teaching materials. 8. Health education is carried out by nurse-teachers or home-room teachers. In connection with health education, they expressed the hope that health education will be normalized with newly-developed teaching material, expanded opportunity for in-service training and increased budget, facilities and supply of manpower. These are the mainpoints that the decision-makers should take into account in the formation of future policy for health education. II. Recommendations for the Improvement of Health Education 1. Regular medical check-up for students, which now is the mainstay of health education, should be used as educational data in an appropriate manner. For instance the records of medical check-up could be transferred between schools. 2. School feeding should be expanded at least in primary schools at the expense of the government or even parents. It will help improve the physical wellbeing of youths and the diet for the people. 3. At the moment the health education law is only nominal. Hence the law should be revised in such a way as to ensure the physical wellbeing of students and faculty. 4. Health education should be made a compulsory course in teachers' college. Also the teachers in service should be offered training in health education. 5. The curriculum of health education should be revised. Also the course hours should be extended or readjusted to better meet the needs of students. 6. In the meantime the course hours should be strictly observed, while educational materials should be revised in no time. 7. The government should expand its investment in facilities, budget and personnel for health education in schools at all levels.

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A Study on the status of school health and analysis of factors affecting school nurse's activity in the elementary school (서울지역(地域) 중고등학교(中高等學校) 학교보건실태(學校保健實態) 및 양호교사 업무수행(業務遂行)에 관(關)한 요인분석(要因分析))

  • Ko, Young Aie
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.34-49
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the status of school health and analyze affecting factors of school nurses' self confidence and nursing activities of the secondary school in Seoul. The data was collected from 13th of August to 30th of October. The self reported questionairs were distributed during one of the school nurses seminars held in Seoul and 93 secondary school nurses answered. Analysis of the data was done utilizing SPSS for percentage, mean, T-test ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficients. The results of study are summerized as follows; 1. General Characteristics The mean age of the subjects was 33.4 and mean length of experience as a school nurse was 7.3 years. 79.5 percent of them had clinical experiences and the mean clinic experience was 2.1 years. The majority of them were graduate of the baccalaureate nursing programs and 82.8 percent of them were married. 72.0 percent of the sample had religion, and 60.2 percent of them were in the national or public schools. 90.3 percent of them had independent duty. 2. The status of school health resources In average, there were 2,445 students, 37 classes and 63 teachers per school nurse. 48.4 percent of them were aware of the school budget. The budget for school health was 585,000 won per school in average. 30.0 percent of the schools had school health organization. The schools whose health clinics were on the first floor consisted of 79.3 percent, among them 42.9 percent were on the center of the building office. 3. Activities of school health nursing The average number of students using health clinic were 430 per month. The majority of the problem was digestive problem. There were 7.5 times of mean correspondences with parents per year. The activities of the school nurses were clinic management (29.0%), health care services (23.5%) and health education (14.1%). 4. The degrees of self confidence of the school nurse and nursing activities Self confidence measured by 6 items of self-reported questionaires scored by 4 point Likert Scale revealed. The nurses' self-confidence was 2.922 in clinic management, 2.909 in health education, 2.759 in program planning and evaluation, 2.757 in health care services, 2.692 in management of school environment, and 2.250 in operation of school health organization. The nursing activities scored by 2 point. The nursing activities was 1,870 in program planning and evaluation, 1.853 in health education, 1.843 in clinic management, 1.739 in health care services, 1.696 in management of school environment and 1.265 in operating of school health organization. 5. Factors affecting self confidence and nursing activities of school nurses The general characteristics of the school nurses and the school health resources were related to self confidence and nursing activities. The most significant variable to nurses' self confidence was type of the school ownership and the presence of school health organization was the most significant factor to nursing activities.

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A Study on the Utilization of Volunteers in the Visiting Health Services of Health Centers (보건소의 방문보건사업에서 자원봉사자 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 최은숙;정헤선
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2000
  • This study is conducted to promote the activation of volunteer activities on the basic of the voluntaarry participation of local by investigating the utillzation of volunteers and analyzing this realted factors in the visiting health services of health centers. Subjects in this study were the whole 245 health centers. Data were collected from April, 12, 1999 to May, 31, 1999, and data for analyses were ones of 41 respondents, which answer " they utilize volunteers in visting health services". The summary of resulth was as follows : 1. In case that the type of health centers is one of county, in case that the number of staff in health center is over 80, in case that model business in not performed, in case that the degree of local financial independence is over 50%, and in case that the location of health centers in not good, there had more of volunteers in visiting health services. 2. 51.2% of analysing health centers answered that the utilization of volunteers has been done since 1998. 56.1% answered that they utillzed volunteers "over 4 hours" per person in a week. The average number of volunteers who was engaged at those visiting health services was 43.3. 3. Most of volinteers were housewives(73.2%). As for the action duration of volunteers. 68.8% answered " under 6 months". 4. As to the tasks of volunter activities, 75.6% were "home services" and 63.4% were "movable bath services". As for the tasks they intend to utilize, 90.2% answered " home services", 73.2% answered "movable health services". 5. Asked abount the purpose in utilizing volunteers, 75.6% answered "to induce the participation og local people". 65.9% answered "to provide various kinds of services". 66.7% provided some kind of education and training for volunteers. 6. Concerming evaluation of performance by volunteers, 90.2% answered " satisfactory". With reagards to the reason for that, 52.9% answered " volunteers can provide kinds of services". and 50.0% answered " volunteers can help local people to care their health". As for the obstacles to the utilization, 51.2% answered " the diffculty of recruitment for volunteers" and 43.9% answered "lack of budget and manpower needed for the utilization of volunteers".lty of recruitment for volunteers" and 43.9% answered "lack of budget and manpower needed for the utilization of volunteers".lunteers&".ot;.

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Measure of sports financing efficiency for sports development (체육발전을 위한 체육재정의 효율적 지원 방안)

  • Cho, Song-Hyun;An, Gwi-Lyun;Cho, Tae-Soo
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2015
  • Because our country was currently carrying out of municipality, a local independent athletic policy was required. The purpose of this study was to identify what extent athletic budget apportioned from the government, and review how to allocate a reasonable budget for each local government. We investigated detailed current situation of policy through literature review. Based on the athletic budget of the central government, financial independence rate of local governments, the results of 2012 London Olympics, and etc, the conclusions are as follows. (1) It should be increased more the athletic budget of the government. In addition, it should be stopped that the proceeds generated from the sports business is supported in unrelated sports sector. (2) It should be supported by considering the financial independence rate of local government and local characteristics. (3) It should be supported by the different rate based on a fair assessment results of each sports group. (4) Sports for all aid projects should be transformed into quality-based aid increasing the actual value from quantity-based support. (5) It should establish the valid principles and standards that can be fair distribution of athletic finances.

Design of Ground Station System for CubeSat STEP Cube Lab. (큐브위성 STEP Cube Lab.의 지상국 시스템 설계)

  • Jeon, Younghyeon;Chae, Bonggeon;Jeong, Hyeonmo;Jeon, Seongyong;Oh, Hyunung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2012
  • CubeSats classified as pico-class satellite require a ground station to track the satellite, transmit a command, and receive an on-orbit data such as SOH (State-of-Health) and mission data according to the operation plan. For this, ground station system has to be properly designed to perform a communication to with the satellite with enough up- and down-link budgets. In this study, a conceptual design of the ground station has been performed for the CubeSat named as STEP Cube Lab. (Cube Laboratory for Space Technology Experimental Project). The paper includes a ground station hardware interface design, link budget analysis and a ground station software realization. In addition, the operation plan of the ground station has been established considering the STEP Cube Lab. mission requirements.

Project Priority for Community Focusing on the Residents

  • Oh, Youngkyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting the community well-being of residents through empirical analysis. Rather than just identifying the variables that promote residents' subjective happiness, we focused on factors affecting residents' living condition. In order to empirically investigate the influencing factors, we constructed the analysis data using the Gyeonggi-do survey. We analyzed it by using linear regression analysis. Through the effects of influencing factor analyzed, we could find implications for public project's priority in budget distribution. It could be suggested that local public projects for residents should be focused on improving programs such as job satisfaction, resident health, and neighborhood relations in order to effectively raise community well-being level.

Structure Evaluation of Korean Health Promotion Programs (우리나라 보건소 건강증진 사업의 구조적측면 평가)

  • Lee Chung Yul;Kim Hee Soonl;Lee Tae Wha;Ham Ok Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate demonstration health promotion programs offered by 18 health centers in a structural aspect of the health centers. Methods: The Evaluation Committee was organized with professors from collaboration universities and researchers of this study. Using structure evaluation frame. reports from 18 health centers were reviewed by the committee. Evaluation categories included organizational change, manpower construction, budget, and manpower training and education. Results: Only 5 health centers out of 18 have independent health promotion department. Nurses played a major role for health promotion programs. Other health personnel participated in the health promotion programs included dental hygienists, nutritionists, and exercise specialists. Related to program budgets. local government support rates were varied by the region. Various kind of manpower training was offered to health personnel for the health promotion programs including smoking control. exercise, alcohol, nutrition, and so forth. Conclusion: The study results indicated that establishment of independent health promotion department, maintenance of same manpower construction, provision of diversity manpower training were the factors that foster effective health promotion programs.

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