• Title/Summary/Keyword: harvesting effect

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조.만생 사초용 호밀의 파종 및 수확시기에 관한 연구 II. 파종 및 수확시기별 수량 및 사료가치 ( Studies on the Seeding and Harvesting Dates of Early and Late Maturing Varieties of Forage Rye II. Yield and nutritive value influenced by seeding and harvesting

  • 권찬호;김동암
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 1994
  • In order to reduce the problems from the presence of rye crop residues in maize establishment and yield, and also to improve the growth, productivity and nutritive value of rye(Seca1e cereal L.). an experiment was canied out to determine the variety effect of rye on the forage production system and the eft'ect of seeding and harvesting dates on the production and quality of rye. 'This experiment was conducted at the forage testing field of S.N.U., Suweon, from September 1986 to May 1989. Heading date of an early maturing rye variety, Wintermore. was earlier 10 days than that of a late maturing rye variety, Kodiak. A 15-days delay in the seeding dates of early and late maturing varieties of rye tended to delay the heading dates of the rye varieties for 3 and 4 days, respectively. Dry matter and in vitro digestible dry matter yields were markedly increased with earlier seeding date. Before 20 April, the DM and IVDDM yeilds of an early maturing rye variety, Winterrnore. were higher than those of a late maturing rye variety, Kodiak. However, no such a trend was found between the early and late maturing varieties of rye after 27 April. Less than 35% of ADF was recorded until the harvesting dates of 13 and 27 p r i l for early and late maturing rye varieties, respectively, but less than 46% of NDF was maintained until the harvesting drtte of 13 April for botg varieties. Based on the results obtained from this experiment. it may be concluded that the most desirable forage production from corn-rye double cropping system is to advance the seeding time of rye toward the first 10 days of September as well as harvesting time toward the first heading stage with an early maturing rye variety.

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Effect of Pretreatments on Optimal Harvesting Stage and Harvesting Stages of Cut Roses Bred in Korea (국내 육성 절화 장미의 수확 적기와 수확 단계에 따른 전처리 효과)

  • Choi, Mok Pil;Lee, Poong Ok;Kim, Won Hee
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.573-579
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate optimal harvesting stage and the effects on cut roses of Korean cultivar harvested at different stages. Cut roses are harvested at three different flowering stages. The optimal harvesting stage of cut roses was different depending on varieties. The vase life of standard type 'Pink Song' and spray type 'Peace One' was extended when they were harvested in one and three stages, respectively. The vase life was generally increased when the cut roses were pretreated with a solution containing 2% sucrose + $200mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ aluminum sulfate + $200mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ $Mg(NO_3)_2$ + $50mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ $CaCl_2$ as compared to the control regardless of the harvesting stage. And this pretreatment solution improved the flower quality of cut roses bred in Korea. But the effects of pretreatment were varied depending on the harvesting stage.

Influence of Dichlorprop and MCPB on the Reduced Effect of Fruit Drop and Fruit Quality before and after Storage in Apples (생장조정제(生長調整劑) Dichlorprop 및 MCPB 처리(處理)가 사과의 후기낙과(後期落果) 경감효과(輕減效果) 및 저장후기(貯藏後期) 과실(果實)의 품질(品質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, H.S.;Kang, C.K.;Ryu, G.H.;Park, Y.S.;Jung, J.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 1991
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of plant growth regulators, dichlorprop and MCPB on the reduced effect of fruit drop and fruit quality before and after storage in apples. Dichlorprop was tested with dilution of 1000 at 30, 40, 50 days before harvesting, and MCPB with dilution of 4000 at 15, 25, 35 days before harvesting. The results are summarized as follows : Percentage of fruit drop was appeared to the notable reduction as compared with the untreated control when regulators was applied with dilution of 1000 at 30 days before harvesting by dichlorprop and with dilution of 4000 at 35 days before harvesting by MCPB. Degree of fruit colour showed to the remarkable promotion at all the treatment of 30, 40, 50 days before harvesting by dichlorprop as compared with the untreated control. Sugar contents in flesh was increased a little at the treatment of 30 days before harvesting by dichlorprop, but acid contents in flesh was reduced at all the treatment of 30, 40, 50 days before harvesting by dichloroprop and at 15, 25, 35 days before harvesting by MCPB. Passed firmness of fruit after storage was maintained at the treatment with dilution of 4000 at 35 days before harvesting. Therefore, it was repressed a softening of fruit, but by dichlorprop treatment at 30, 40, 50 days before harvesting, fruit firmmess was appeared to reduce according to the passage of storage period. Amount of ethylene evolution after storage was showed to reduce at all the treatment by early treated time of dichoroprop and MCPB, but carbon dioxide increased at treatment conditions such as the front. Accordingly, these relationship showed to be contrary each other.

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  • Ling, Zhi;Zhang, Lai
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.1357-1368
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    • 2014
  • This paper is concerned with a reaction-diffusion single species model with harvesting on n-dimensional isotropically growing domain. The model on growing domain is derived and the corresponding comparison principle is proved. The asymptotic behavior of the solution to the problem is obtained by using the method of upper and lower solutions. The results show that the growth of domain takes a positive effect on the asymptotic stability of positive steady state solution while it takes a negative effect on the asymptotic stability of the trivial solution, but the effect of the harvesting rate is opposite. The analytical findings are validated with the numerical simulations.


  • Zaman, Gul;Kang, Yong-Han;Jung, Il-Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2010
  • In this work, we consider a nonlinear budworm model by a system of three ordinary differential equations originally created by Ludwig et al. in 1978. The nonlinear system describes the dynamics of the interaction between a budworm and a fir forest. We introduce stability techniques to analyze the dynamical behavior of this nonlinear system. Then we use constant effort harvesting techniques to control the budworm population. We also give numerical simulations of the population model with harvest and without harvest.

Study on the Energy Harvesting System Using Piezoelectric Direct Effect of Piezo Film (압전 필름의 압전정 효과를 이용한 에너지 저장 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Bum-Kyoo;Lee, Woo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2008
  • Piezoelectric materials have been investigated as vibration energy converters to power wireless devices or MEMS devices due to the recent low power requirements of such devices and the advancement in miniaturization technology. Piezoelectric power generation can be an alternative to the traditional power source-battery because of the presence of facile vibration sources in our environment and the potential elimination of the maintenance required for large volume batteries. This paper represents the new power source which supplies energy device node. This system, called "energy harvesting system", with piezo materials scavenges extra energy such as vibration and acceleration from the environment. Then it converts the mechanical energy scavenged to electrical energy for powering device This paper explains the properties of piezo material through theoretical analysis and experiments The developed system provides a solution to overcome the critical problem of making up wireless device networks.

Analysis of the Failure Position in the Unimorph Cantilever for Energy Harvesting (에너지 하베스팅용 압전 캔틸레버의 위치에 따른 파단점 분석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chan;Jeong, Dae-Yong;Yoon, Seok-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Jai
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2007
  • Energy harvesting from the vibration through the piezoelectric effect has been studied for powering the wireless sensor node. As piezoelectric unimorph cantilever structure can transfer low vibration to large displacement, this structure was commonly deployed to harvest electric energy from vibrations. Piezoelectric unimorph structure was composed of small stiff piezoelectric ceramic on the large flexible substrate. As there is the large Young's modulus difference between the flexible substrate and stiff piezoelectric ceramic, flexible substrate could not homogeneously transfer the vibration to stiff piezoelectric ceramic. As a result, most piezoelectric ceramics had been broken at the certain point. We measured and analyzed the stress distribution on the piezoelectric ceramic on the cantilever.

Wireless Energy-Harvesting Cognitive Radio with Feature Detectors

  • Gao, Yan;Chen, Yunfei;Xie, Zhibin;Hu, Guobing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.4625-4641
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    • 2016
  • The performances of two commonly used feature detectors for wireless energy-harvesting cognitive radio systems are compared with the energy detector under energy causality and collision constraints. The optimal sensing duration is obtained by analyzing the effect of the detection threshold on the average throughput and collision probability. Numerical examples show that the covariance detector has the optimal sensing duration depending on an appropriate choice of the detection threshold, but no optimal sensing duration exists for the ratio of average energy to minimum eigenvalue detector.

Development of High Performance Photoelectrode Paste Doped Glass Powder for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (염료감응형 태양전지용 유리분말이 함유된 고효율 광전극 페이스트 개발)

  • Zhao, Xing Guan;Jin, En Mei;Gua, Hal-Bon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.427-431
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    • 2011
  • Hybrid $SiO_2-TiO_2$ photoelectrode with different type of layers was investigated in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Use of a thin layer of nanocrystalline $TiO_2$ would imply reduction in the amount of dye coverage, however, lower amount of dye in the thin films would imply fewer electron generation upon illumination. So, thus, it becomes necessary to include a $SiO_2-TiO_2$ layer for increase light harvesting effect such that the lower photon conversion due to thin layer could be compensated. In this paper reports the use of transparent high surface area $TiO_2$ layer and an additional $SiO_2-TiO_2$ layer, thus ensuring adequate light harvesting in these devices. The best solar conversion efficiency 6.6% under AM 1.5 was attained with a multi-layer structure using $TiO_2$ layer/$SiO_2-TiO_2$ layer/$TiO_2$ layer for the light harvesting and this had resulted to about 44% increase in photocurrent density of dye-sensitized solar cells.

Mechanization of Pine Cone Harvest(II) -Shearing Characteristics of Shoots of Korean Pine Trees- (잣 수확의 기계화 연구(II) -잣나무 가지의 전단 특성-)

  • Kang, W.S.;Kim, S.H.;Lee, J.S.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 1994
  • This reasearch was performed to provide the fundamental intonation for the mechanization of Korean pine cone harvest when the shoot shearing method is adopted. Shear force and stress of pine cone shoots were measured and analyzed for this purpose. Samples are selected along their harvesting time and tested in 17 levels of shoot diameter from 10 to 26mm with 1mm increment. 1) Shear force-deformation characteristics showed that shoot reached its rupture point after 2 to 4 of bio-yield points. It was supposed that these multiple bio-yield points were caused by the discrete compression of wood parts which are composed of water, nutrient, resin, etc. 2) Required shear force to shear shoot was proportional to the square of shoot diamter, however, shear force for shoots of early harvesting time(Aug. 31) was proportional to the shoot diameter. Variance of shear force was increased as the harvesting time was delayed. Shear forces were distributed from 468N(Aug. 31, 12mm dia) to 4153N(Aug. 31, 26mm dia) disregarding the sampling date. 3) The average shear stresses by sampling dates were 744,822, and 883N/m2, respectively, and for the earlier shoot samples shear stress was quite smaller than the others. Shear stress was proportional to shoot diameter squared, and the effect of shoot diameter on the shear stress was decreased as harvesting time was delayed.

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