• Title/Summary/Keyword: group singing

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The Effects of Korean Traditional Music Education on the Development of Music Attitude and Rhythmic Sense (유아전통음악교육이 유아의 음악적 태도 변화와 리듬감 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Ae Kyung;Lee, Youn Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Korean traditional music education for young children on the development of musical attitude and rhythmic sense of young children. The subjects were 42 four or five-year-old children enrolled in two classes of a public kindergarten. Half were in the experimental and half were in the control group. Instruments were "Music Interest Test for Young Children" (Kim, 2000), "Musical Attitude Rating Scale for Young Children" (Ahn & Han, 1999) and "Primary Measures of Music Audiation" (Gordon, 1986). The procedure included pre-test, treatments and post-test paradigm. Experimental group had Korean traditional music activities three times per week, including listening, appreciation, singing, playing traditional instruments and creative movement. The control group was merely provided with materials related to the Korean traditional music. Data was analyzed by t-test. Results indicated significant differences in music attitude and rhythmic sense between the experimental group and the control group.

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Vocal Range of Older Adults in Comparison with Young Adults Depending on the Presence of Pitch Cues (음정제시 유무에 따른 노인과 성인의 음역대 비교)

  • Hong, Hyejin;Kim, Soo Ji
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the vocal range between the older and young adults depending on the absence and presence of pitch cues. Participants were 44 older adults aged from 60 to 85 years and 59 college students aged from 19 to 25 years. Each participant was instructed to vocalize for examining the possible highest pitch to the lowest pitch in two conditions; with and without pitch cues. Without pitch cues, the maximum and minimum pitch of male participants was higher in the older adults than in the young adults group, while the minimum pitch of females was lower in the older adults group than in the young adults group. When presented with pitch cues, young adults could expand their vocal range, but the older adults showed no significant changes in produced vocal ranges. The results indicate that the range of voice in older adults may be affected by aging and these results can be beneficial when selecting the appropriate range of song for singing activities with older adults.

The Study on the Effects of Vocal Function Exercise for Trained Singers (성악인의 발성능력 향상에 Vocal Function Exercise가 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Young-Kyung;Sim, Hyun-Sub;Jin, Sung-Min;Chung, Sung-Min
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.169-189
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    • 2003
  • Trained singers, one group of professional voice users, have much more interest on the voice than common people, and on its management, too. They train for singing beautiful songs, and, at the same time, try for efficient voice production. The present study was performed with three tenors and three baritones, undergraduate students majored in classical singing, to investigate the degree of improvement of their voice production efficiency through vocal function exercise, by measuring the three dependent variables, maximum phonation time, speed quotient of glottal contact, and the number of semi tones. For the baseline establishment, dependent variables were measured 3$\sim$6 times for two weeks. Then, the subjects exercised vocal function exercise for seven weeks, and after the termination of training, evaluation was performed four times for two weeks, to find the maintenance of the training effect. Vocal function exercise is composed of four successive steps: warm-up, stretching exercise, contracting exercise, power exercise. As results, all of six subjects showed improvement in the aspect of maximum phonation time, speed quotient if glottal contact, and the number of semitones.

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The Effect of Music Therapy on Cognitive Function, Behavior and Emotion of Dementia Elderly (음악요법이 치매노인의 인지기능, 행동, 정서에 미치는 효과)

  • Sim, Hyang-Mi;Chung, Seung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: This study was to observe the effects of music therapy on the cognitive function, behavior, and emotions of elderly dementia patients, and to seek musical mediation for them. This study was conducted with patients in the Dementia Sanitarium in C City from March 13 to April 17. Method: The design of research was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design and the subjects were 25 patients-15 of whom were in the experimental group with 10 in the control group. The music therapy consisted of favorite music listening in the morning, favorite music group singing activity after lunch, and relaxing music listening after dinner. The schedule was followed 6 days a week for 2 weeks for a total of thirty-six session. The effect of music therapy was measured by MMSE-K and the behavior and emotion measuring equipment which had been derived by the researcher. The verification of the effects is that the score of cognitive function, behavior, and emotions of the experimental and the control group which were measured after the therapy had been applied was analyzed by descriptive statistics and t - test using SPSS WIN program. Result: 1) The degree of cognitive function of the experimental group which was received the music therapy is $11.53{\pm}5.37$ which is a little higher than the control group which is $11.20{\pm}6.32$, but it is not significant statistically (t= .14, p= .887). The first hypothesis which had assumed the recepients would have had a higher cognitive function level than the other was rejected. 2) Behavior score of the experimental group that received the music therapy is $68.90{\pm}7.86$ which is higher than the control group which is $66.40{\pm}11.13$, but it is not significant statistically(t= .61, p= .548). The second hypothesis which had assumed the recepients would have had a higher behavior level than the other was rejected. 3) Emotions score of the experimental group that received the music therapy is $42.13{\pm}5.04$ which is higher than the control group which is $35.20{\pm}6.12$, and it is significant statistically(t=3..09, p= .009). The third hypothesis which assumed the recepients would have had a higher emotion level was supported. Conclusion: music therapy which is composed of listening to music and group singing activity is an effective strategy for improvement of the emotions of the dementia elderly. But, the effect of music therapy on the cognitive function and behavior of elderly dementia patients is not significant statistically.

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Intraindividual and Interindividual Variations of Stereotyped Songs in Gray-headed Bunting (Emberiza fucata) (붉은뺨멧새 Stereotyped song 내 Syllable의 개체내, 개체간 변이 비교)

  • Kim, Kil-Won;Park, Shi-Rvons
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.476-486
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    • 1993
  • From a population in Kang-Nae, Cheong-won, Chung-Buk, acoustic behaviours of Gray-headed Bunting (Emberizo fucata) were obsenred. The singing of males was classified into two major types, stereotyped song and squeaky song. The stereotyped songs of eight territorial males were recorded Intraindividual and individually distinctive features were studied. Individuals produced their song in distinctive ways in terms of song duration and the number of syllables. Gray-headed Buntings sang various syllable types. We found that a male produced more constant syllables in anterior group than those in posterior group. Males sang distinctive syllables among them. Some syllable types which were frequently appeared in an anterior group. In these analyses, we suggest that the anterior groups in songs of a Gray-headed Bunting express the constant information and the posterior groups contribute to situational communication.

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The Effect of Music Experiences on Language Development in Child Care Toddler (만2세 영아의 음악경험이 언어발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Inju
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2008
  • This research studied the effects of music experiences on the language development of toddlers in the day care setting. Subjects were 44(23 experimental group; 21 control group) 29- to 42-month-old children. The experimental group experienced 10 weeks of music activities, including musical sense, singing, listening, playing instruments, improvisation, finger plays, movement, simple games, word-sound music games and music routines. Language development was tested by the Preschool Receptive-Expressive Language Scale(Kim et al. 2003). Significant differences were found in the receptive language development of 30- to 36-month-old and in the expressive language development of 36- to 42-month-old toddlers, respectively.

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A Study of Individuality of Seung_Hwan Lee's Music Represents (이승환의 음악에서 나타나는 개성에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Hae-Kwon;Cho, Tae-Seon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.409-415
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    • 2015
  • Summary. With the advent of the internet and the concept of social network service, people of present days are flooded daily with new varieties of the communication channel. One of the most affected group of people may be singing artists. This over-growing number of communication channels pushes singers to put just as many efforts to establish and groom his or her unique identity as an artist. In old 'pre-internet' days, any singing artist's superficial features, like the tone of voice or stage presentation, were the only transcriptive criteria upon which the artist was adjudicated. New developments in technology, however, have set a new paradigm for singing artists of the present day. Respective criteria of today extend beyond the realm of music and comprise musicianship, requiring much scrupulous attention on the various area to propagate and protect one's unique identity as an artist. In light of this phenomenon, this study looks into Mr. Lee, Seung Hwan whom may undoubtedly be one of the most representative ballad singers of 90's. We can probably see his music in 5 features such as Rock Sound based on using various instruments, World Music Sound, Massive Choir, Challenge for the New Style, Lyrics of Life. As a singer-songwriter, he colored numerous albums and influenced the era, unlike many others. He still works vigorously, worthy of his epithet, a 'present-progressive' artist. The object of this study is how Mr. Lee has been proactively dealing with the phenomenon above.

Comparison of subjective voice symptoms in elite vocal performers and professional voice users (전문 음성사용자와 직업적 음성사용자의 주관적 음성증상 비교)

  • Ji-sung Kim
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to provide knowledge helpful for understanding voice problems related to occupations in the clinical field through an investigation and comparison of subjective vocal symptoms of 12 professional actors and 12 speech-language pathologists Among the 11 symptoms, "Difficulty with high pitch when singing," "Hypertension in the neck when speaking," and "Feel voice fatigue" were the most frequent symptoms in both groups. Additionally, the professional voice users reported a higher frequency of "Difficulty with high pitch when singing" (p=.049), "Hoarse voice" (p=.021), "Difficulty (requiring effort) when speaking" (p=.032), "Pain in the neck when speaking" (p=.009), and "Feel vocal fatigue" (p=.018) than the elite vocal performer group. This may be due to the different voice-related environments and differences in voice demands during occupational activities between the two groups.

The Change of the Length of Vocal Tract in Singers according to the Phonation at Different Levels of Pitch (성악인에서 발성 시 음의 높낮이에 따른 성도 길이의 변화)

  • Ban, Jae-Ho;Kim, Chang-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Hyuk;Lee, Kyung-Chul;Jin, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.14-16
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    • 2006
  • Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of vocal tract length according to the level of the pitch by the singers. Materials and Methods: Fifteen tenors were asked to produce successive /a/ sound in G4(382Hz) for the head register, C3(131Hz) for the chest register and usual speaking sound. The control group consisted of 15 males of an similar age who are not professional singers. The length of vocal tract was calculated by applying the formula of Fn=(2n-1) c/4L(F : formant frequency, c : the speed of sound in the vocal tract(350m/sec), L : length of vocal tract, $n=1,2,3,4,{\ldots}{\infty}$). Results: In singer's group, there showed no significant statistical difference of length among head and chest register and usual speaking sound. However in the control group, there showed statistically significant difference of length. Comparison of the absolute difference in the length of vocal tract by changing level of pitch in phonation, between the control group and the singers group. Changing from G4 phonation to C3 phonation and C3 phonation to usual speaking sound showed statistically difference of vocal tract length was less in the singers group than the control group. Conclusion: The change of vocal tract length, in either speaking or singing, was less in singers than the control group. We could assume that the singers maintain their larynx position constantly throughout the pitch range when phonation.

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Vocal Efficiency Measures in Classically Trained Western Singers (서양음악을 전공으로 하는 성악인에서의 음성효율 측정)

  • 정성민
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 1998
  • Background and Objectives : Singers, the vocal equivalents of Olympic athletes, may present with vocal dysfunction in the singing voice before adverse effects are noted in the speech mode. For the classically trained singers, any imbalance in the respiratory, laryngeal or resonatory subsystems may manifest first in technical compensations. Therefore it is necessary that baseline values be available in order to differentiate technique related dysfunction from abnormalities within the phonatory system. Materials and Methods : Vocal efficiency measures were collected from 55 classically trained singers and 20 untrained adults. All singers was divided into 3 groups : (1) Singers who have normal larynx with out voice symptoms. (2) Singers who have vocal nodule without voice symptoms. (3) Singers who have vocal nodule with voice complaints. Results and Conclusion : Results were compared with each other. Differences in each group wert found, suggesting the need for separate normative data to be used for the evaluation of the classically trained singers.

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