• 제목/요약/키워드: ground water pollution

검색결과 159건 처리시간 0.026초

Persistent Organic Pollution and Arsenic Contamination in Asia Pacific Water: Case Study of Emerging Environmental Problems in Vietnam

  • Pham, Viet.H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2007
  • This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the present status of several environmental problems caused by emerging toxic substances such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and arsenic in various environmental media in Vietnam. Monitoring data reported during the 1990s demonstrated elevated contamination of DDTs in most of these compartments in Vietnam. Studies in frame of the Asia-Pacific Mussel Watch Program revealed that fish, mussels and resident birds from Vietnam contained higher concentrations of DDTs as compared to other countries in region, suggesting the role of Vietnamese environment as a significant emission source of DDT in the Southeast Asian region. The estimated dietary intakes of PCBs and DDTs for Vietnamese were relatively high among Asian developing countries, suggesting potential risk for humans posed by thesechemicals. Widespread contamination of some endocrine active compounds such as alkylphenols and phthalates was observed at various sites along the coasts of northern and middle Vietnam. The presence of significant source of bisphenol-A along Red River estuary was revealed with the concentrations comparable to those reported for developed nations. A case study on seasonal variation of alkylphenols and phthalates in surface water of river delta and estuary of north and middle Vietnam indicated the differences in distribution of these compounds between dry and rainy seasons. Higher concentrations of alkylphenols and phthalates were found in dry season in estuary; while the contrasting pattern was observed in the river delta, showing elevated residues in rainy season. This result suggests the different behavior of alkylphenols and phthalates in river delta and coastal environment. From ecotoxicological perspectives, concentrations of bis-phenol A and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalates [DEHP] in surface water from some locations in Vietnam exceeded the guideline values for Ecotoxicological Effects and the Environmental Risk Limit, respectively, suggesting potential for toxic implications on aquatic wildlife. Widespread and elevated arsenic contamination was discovered inour recent surveys in groundwater in a large area of suburban areas of Hanoi city, the capital of Vietnam. The most recent investigation in 4 villages showed about more than 50 % of groundwater samples contained As concentrations exceeding 50 g/L (the WHO and Vietnamese standard). In particular, in Son Dong villages, 58 % of samples analyzed contained As concentrations higher than 200 g/L. Good correlations were found in As concentrations in water and hair and urine of peoples in corresponding families, suggesting the chronic exposure to As by people living in As-contaminated ground water areas. In Son Dong village, As levels in hair (mean: 1.7 mg/kg dry wt) and urine (g/g creatinine) exceeding the reference values recommended by WHO, suggesting potential for human risk posed by long term accumulation of As in human body. Future studies should be focused on the time trends of POPs and EDCs in biota in Vietnam in order to predict future trend of contamination and to reveal new clues for understanding possible toxic impacts on aquatic organisms. The issues of arsenic contamination in groundwater and their chronic toxic implications on human health should be systematically investigated in the future.

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The Durability of Environmentally Friendly Inorganic Grouting Material(NDS) (친환경적인 무기질계 주입재(NDS)의 내구성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyejin;Lee, Jonghwi;Jung, kyoungsik;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • 제12권7호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the ground injection method using water glass as one of the components of the main resources and the products of the construction has some basic problems for permanent reinforcement of foundation and stopping leakage of water because it has some serious problems such as durability reduction, compression strength reduction and eluviation. This study was to evaluate the environmental impact and durability of the developed friendliness of Natural and Durable Stabilizer(NDS) of inorganic injection and Space Grouting Roket(SGR) with typical water glass type material. Two materials, NDS and SGR, were compared with each other by unconfined compressive strength test, fish poison test, durability test and triaxial permeability test. The results of the durability test indicated that the 28-day strength of the NDS was 1.5 times higher than that of the SGR. The fish poison test proved that the survival rate in the SGR and NDS is 50~70%, and 100%, respectively. Therefore, the NDS has higher survival rate than that of the existing SGR. The NDS will be considered by an environmentally friendly product and moreover it has a few problems for soil and groundwater pollution.

Comparison of process and cost of disposal methods for brucellosis infected bovine carcasses: burial, recycling, and incineration (브루셀라병 감염소 사체처리 방법별 절차 및 소요비용 비교: 매몰, 재활용, 소각)

  • Yoon, Hachung;Yhee, Ji-Young;Yu, Chi-Ho;Kim, Jong-Hyuk;Moon, Oun-Kyong;Park, Jee-Yong;Nam, Gun-Wook;Sur, Jung-Hyang;Rhee, Hae-Chun;Kim, Tae-Jong;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2009
  • In Korea, burial is the most common method of disposing animal carcasses culled due to brucellosis infection. However, burial has many disadvantages such as shortage of appropriate burial sites, possibile pollution of ground water supply, and negative view of the public. In this study, we have reviewed 3 legal methods for disposing bovine carcasses, which are burial, incineration, and rendering. We also described the overall process, advantages and disadvantages, and required costs for each method. About 75% of bovine brucellosis outbreak farms had less than 3 reactors, and in our study, rendering required the least amount of cost for farms with a small number of reactors (1-3 heads). Our findings suggest that the use of rendering should be encouraged for farms with bovine brucellosis and other methods considered only if rendering is inappropriate.

Assessment of Photochemistry of OH and NO3 at Jeju Island During Asian Dust-Storm Period of the Spring 2001

  • Shon, Zang-Ho;Keith N. Bower;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Lee, Gangwoong;Kim, Jiyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 한국대기환경학회 2002년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.429-429
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the influence of long-range transport of dust particles and air pollutants on photochemistry of OH and NO3 at Jeju Island (33.17 N, 126.10 E) during the Asian dust-storm (ADS) period in April 2001. The atmospheric concentrations of criteria pollutants (O3, NO2, CO) and sulfur species were measured at a ground station on Jeju Island, Korea as part of the ACE-Asia intensive operation. Three ADS events were observed during the periods of 10-12, 13-14, and 25-26 April, respectively. The concentrations of the criteria pollutants (i.e., O3, NO2, and SO2) were not significantly different from those during the non-Asian-dust-storm (NADS) period. Average OH and NO3 levels at Jeju Island during the study period (ADS and NADS) were estimated to be 4-10 × 105 moleculescm3 and 2-4 pptv, respectively. Two main sources of OH radical were the primary production from the reaction of water vapor (H2O) and O(1D) radicals and the reaction of HO2 with NO. CO was a dominant sink of OH during the ADS period: whereas NO2 was the most important during the NADS period. for NO3 radical, a reaction of NO2 with O3 was the most important atmospheric source; while N2O5 uptake on dust particles was the most dominant sink during the ADS period.

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Recycling of Carbon Particle from Phenol Resin Waste using Supercritical Fluid (초임계 유체를 이용한 폐페놀수지로부터 카본입자 재활용 연구)

  • Cho, Hang-Kyu;Lim, Jong Sung
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.220-224
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated a new recycling method of phenol resin, which is widely used to make electric insulation boards and adhesives, into carbon particles by using supercritical fluids. Because phenol resin is insoluble and infusible, most of the phenol resin wastes are buried in the ground or incinerated, which leads to environmental pollution. Therefore, development of a new method to recycle phenol resin waste is an urgent issue. In this study, phenol resin waste was treated with four sub/supercritical solvents: ethanol, acetone, water, and methanol. For all the sub/supercritical solvents, the phenol resin wastes were broken down into carbon nano particles at much lower temperatures than that required in the existing carbon particle manufacturing processes. We investigated the difference of morphologies and physical properties of recycled carbon particles according to the use of various solvents. As a result, carbon nano particles with the same amorphous structure were obtained from phenol resin waste with the usage of various sub/supercritical solvents at much lower temperature.

Analysis of the Status of Mine and Methods of Mine Geospatial Information Construction Technology for Systematic Mine Management (체계적인 광산관리를 위한 광산현황 및 광산공간정보 구축 기술 분석)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제19권9호
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2018
  • Mining is important as a national key industry that supplies energy and raw materials that are the basis for industrial development. On the other hand, mine development is necessarily accompanied by mineralization, for example, ground subsidence, heavy metal pollution, and water pollution. The mine hazard has a large range of damage, and it takes much time and cost to recover. In addition, there is a need for systematic mining management in order to prevent damages from occurring continuously. In this study, the present status of domestic mining industry and geospatial information construction technology for mining management were investigated. 95% of the mines surveyed were nonmetallic, and limestone mines accounted for 67%, and the constructed mine spatial information is not constructed with 3D geospatial information due to 2D current status, section, and geological map. Considering the results of the survey and analysis of 3D laser scanner and characteristics of Korean mine, handheld scanner is considered to be the most suitable method for constructing mine geospatial information. In addition, the data acquired through the 3D laser scanner can effectively visualize the object, and it can contribute to the systematic management of mining because it can be used for various purposes such as generation of drawings and calculation of volume.

Analysis of Soil Erodibility Potential Depending on Soil and Topographic Condition - A Case Study of Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyungsangnam-do, South Korea- (토양 및 지형 조건에 따른 토양침식 잠재성 분석 - 경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, In-Hwan;Jang, Gab-Sue;Lee, Geun-Sang;Seo, Dong-Jo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • Changes in the soil physical property and the topographic condition derived from agricultural activities like as farming activities, land clearance and cutting down resulted in environmental and economic problems including the outflow of nutrient from farms and the water pollution. Several theories on the soil conservation have been developed and reviewed to protect soil erosion in the regions having a high risk of erosion. This study was done using the USLE model developed by Wischmeier and Smith (1978), and model for the slope length and steepness made by Desmet and Govers (1996), and Nearing (1997) to evaluate the potential of the soil erodibility. Therefore, several results were obtained as follows. First, factors affecting the soil erosion based on the USLE could be extracted to examine the erosion potential in farms. Soil erodibility (K), slope length (L), and slope steepness (S) were used as main factors in the USLE in consideration of the soil, not by the land use or land cover. Second, the soil erodibility increased in paddy soils where it is low in soil content, and the very fine sandy loam exists. Analysis of the slope length showed that the value of a flat ground was 1, and the maximum value was 9.17 appearing on the steep mountain. Soil erodibility showed positive relationship to a slope. Third, the potential soil erodibility index (PSEI) showed that it is high in the PSEI of the areas of steep upland and orchard on the slope of mountainous region around Dokjigol mountain, Dunji mountain, and Deummit mountain. And the PSEI in the same land cover was different depending on the slope rather than on the physical properties in soil. Forth, the analysis of land suitability in soil erosion explained that study area had 3,672.35ha showing the suitable land, 390.88ha for the proper land, and 216.54ha for the unsuitable land. For unsuitable land, 8.71ha and 6.29ha were shown in fallow uplands and single cropping uplands, respectively.

Digital simulation model for soil erosion and Sediment Yield from Small Agricultural Watersheds(I) (농업 소류역으로부터의 토양침식 및 유사량 시산을 위한 전산모의 모델 (I))

  • 권순국
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 1980
  • A deterministic conceptual erosion model which simulates detachment, entrainment, transport and deposition of eroded soil particles by rainfall impact and flowing water is presented. Both upland and channel phases of sediment yield are incorporated into the erosion model. The algorithms for the soil erosion and sedimentation processes including land and crop management effects are taken from the literature and then solved using a digital computer. The erosion model is used in conjunction with the modified Kentucky Watershed Model which simulates the hydrologic characteristics from watershed data. The two models are linked together by using the appropriate computer code. Calibrations for both the watershed and erosion model parameters are made by comparing the simulated results with actual field measurements in the Four Mile Creek watershed near Traer, Iowa using 1976 and 1977 water year data. Two water years, 1970 and 1978 are used as test years for model verification. There is good agreement between the mean daily simulated and recorded streamflow and between the simulated and recorded suspended sediment load except few partial differences. The following conclusions were drawn from the results after testing the watershed and erosion model. 1. The watershed and erosion model is a deterministic lumped parameter model, and is capable of simulating the daily mean streamflow and suspended sediment load within a 20 percent error, when the correct watershed and erosion parameters are supplied. 2. It is found that soil erosion is sensitive to errors in simulation of occurrence and intensity of precipitation and of overland flow. Therefore, representative precipitation data and a watershed model which provides an accurate simulation of soil moisture and resulting overland flow are essential for the accurate simulation of soil erosion and subsequent sediment transport prediction. 3. Erroneous prediction of snowmelt in terms of time and magnitute in conjunction with The frozen ground could be the reason for the poor simulation of streamflow as well as sediment yield in the snowmelt period. More elaborate and accurate snowmelt submodels will greatly improve accuracy. 4. Poor simulation results can be attributed to deficiencies in erosion model and to errors in the observed data such as the recorded daily streamflow and the sediment concentration. 5. Crop management and tillage operations are two major factors that have a great effect on soil erosion simulation. The erosion model attempts to evaluate the impact of crop management and tillage effects on sediment production. These effects on sediment yield appear to be somewhat equivalent to the effect of overland flow. 6. Application and testing of the watershed and erosion model on watersheds in a variety of regions with different soils and meteorological characteristics may be recommended to verify its general applicability and to detact the deficiencies of the model. Futhermore, by further modification and expansion with additional data, the watershed and erosion model developed through this study can be used as a planning tool for watershed management and for solving agricultural non-point pollution problems.

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Effects of Artificial Acid Mist on Leaf Injury and Surface Wettability of Several Broad-Leaved Species (인공산성연무(人工酸性煙霧)의 처리(處理)가 몇 활엽수종(闊葉樹種)의 엽피해(葉被害)와 엽표면(葉表面)의 친수성(親水性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Gab Tae;Um, Tae Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제85권4호
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 1996
  • To seek effective methods for evaluating air pollution and acid rain injury, artificial acid mist(pH 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5) and ground water(pH 6.5) were treated on the potted seedlings of Ligustrum obtusifolium, Cercis chinensis, Hibiscus syriacus and Sophora japonica. Leaf chlorophyll contents, characteristics of leaf-injury, wettability-measurement of diameter of water-droplets on the leaf surface-among treatments were investigated. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Chlorophyll contents of Ligustrum obtusifolium and Hibiscus syriacus measured on June 3 were highest in pH 2.5 plot, but those of Cercis chinensis and Sophora japonica were relatively low level. Chlorophyll contents of Ligustrum obtusifolium measured on August 24 was highest in pH 2.5 plot, but those of Cercis chinensis, Hibiscus syriacus and Sophora japonica were highest in the control. 2. Changes of chlorophyll contents with acid mist treatments were differed among tree species. 3. For all the tested species, leaf injury(injured leaf number and rate, and injured leaf area) increased with decreasing pH levels of acid mist. 4. Leaf tissue injury seemed to be related with the wettability of the leaf surface. Measurement of diameter of water-droplets on the leaf surface might be useful criteria for acid rain or acid mist injury for the glabrous leaved species, such as, Cercis chinensis, Sophora japonica, etc.

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Development of Accident Response Information Sheets for Hydrogen Fluoride (불화수소에 대한 사고대응 정보시트 개발)

  • Yoon, Young Sam;Park, Yeon Shin;Kim, Ki Joon;Cho, Mun Sik;Hwang, Dong Gun;Yoon, Jun heon;Choi, Kyung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Hazardous Materials
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2014
  • We analyzed the demand of competent authorities requiring adequate technical information for initial investigation of chemical accidents. Reflecting technical reports on chemical accident response by environmental agencies in the U.S. and Canada, we presented information on environmental diffusion and toxic effects available for the first chemical accident response. Hydrogen fluoride may have the risk potential to corrode metals and cause serious burns and eye damages. In case of inhalation or intake, it could have severe health effects. The substance itself is inflammable, but once heated, it decomposes producing corrosive and toxic fume. In case of contact with water, it can produce toxic, corrosive, flammable or explosive gases and its solution, a strong acid, may react fiercely with a base. In case of hydrogen fluoride leak, the preventive measures are to decrease steam generation in exposed sites, prevent the transfer of vapor cloud and promptly respond using inflammable substances including calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, ground limestone, dried soil, dry sand, vermiculite, fly ash and powder cement. The method for fire fighting is to suppress fire with manless hose stanchions or monitor nozzles by wearing the whole body protective clothing equipped with over-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus from distance. In case of transport accident accompanied with fire, evacuation distance is 1,600m radius. In cae of fire, fire suppression needs to be performed using dry chemicals, CO2, water spray, water fog, and alcohol-resistance foam, etc. The major symptoms by exposure route are dyspnoea, bronchitis, chemical pneumonia and pulmonary edema for respiration, skin laceration, dermatitis, burn, frostbite and erythema for eyes, and nausea, diarrhea, stomachache, and tissue destruction for digestive organs. In atmosphere, its persistency is low, and its bioaccumulation in aquatic organism is also low.