• 제목/요약/키워드: green construction

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합성 PC 보의 하부철근 이음 및 정착방법에 따른 경제성 검토 (Economic Analysis of Connection and Anchorage Methods of Bottom Rebar for Composite Precast Concrete Girder)

  • 조원현;임채연;김선국
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2015년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.11-12
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    • 2015
  • Green Frame is a Rahmen structure made of composite precast concrete members. According to the concrete design code, a lower rebar of precast concrete girder, should be extended to the inner precast concrete column. However, such extension of lower rebar may sharply reduce its constructability. To satisfy the criteria, the connection and anchorage of beam rebar should be taken into consideration, yet it is difficult to use lapping as it is not easy to ensure enough space when Green Frame method is adopted. To solve this, a new method of lower rebar connection and anchorage was developed, and this study is intended to review economic feasibility prior to applying the method developed onto sites. The study result can be used as basic data for selection of the optimal joint and anchorage method for lower rebar of the green frame construction.

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역지붕 녹화옥상시스템[KICT-GRS2004]의 우수유출 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (A Experimental Study on Effluence Characteristic of the Rainfall in the IRMA Green Roof System of KICT)

  • 장대희;김현수;이건호;문수영
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2005
  • The Purpose of this study is development and analysis of Effluence Characteristic of the Rainfall in the IRMA Green Roof System(developed in KICT) Plus 50 program is an internal research project at KICT(Korean Institute of Construction Technology) which has it as an object ; to lengthen the building's life 50-year or more and reduce energy conception 50% than present. Green roof system is one of the most important theme in the Plus 50 program. Generally, a Green Roof System has a positive effect on the thermal conductivity in winter, the micro cooling effect on building and city by evaporation in summer, the flood-control effect by runoff-reduction or the treated rainwater-quality of green roof system and so on. However, inspection of the physical effect of green roof system does not consider in Korea. Above all, long-term monitoring and a whole observation of green roof system is needed to probate the effect. So a new experimental method could be tried in this research, which is never attempted in Korea. The measurement by a bucket with a great volume, 1L, gives a new dimension of measuring green roof effect to measure the permanent running flood from a wide roof. This offers a reasonable result on a long-term measuring of a running water. Additionally, the thermal behavior of the IRMA(Insulated Roof Membrane Assembly), known in the western europe as a reasonable solution at green roof system by economical benefits and easy construction, would be experimented.

국내 에너지다소비건물의 용도별.지역별 온실가스 배출원단위분석 연구 (A Study on the Greenhouse Gas Intensity of Building Groups and Regional in Korea)

  • 이충국;서승직
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 2012
  • Our country set the mid-term reduction goal of greenhouse gases up to 2020 in accordance with Bali roadmap agreed in 2007 through the negotiation with UNFCCC in 2009 and specified the proper goal as by the Basic Act on Green Growth that went into effect at April, 2010. First of all the enlargement of green building construction has been suggested as a worldwide strategy to achieve the green house gas reduction. Building area is one of most important sectors for the countermeasure of climate change agreement and the achievement of national green house gas reduction goal and the need to reduce its green house gases has been increased accordingly. The objective of the study is to examine the status and characterization of mass energy consumption local governmental buildings' green house gas emissions depending on usage (hotel, school, apartment, hospital) through the green house gas emission source unit analysis. The result indicated that the energy source unit was proportional to green house gas source unit and hotel showed the highest green house gas emission source unit per open area of construction unit, followed by hospital, apartment, and then school. In case of apartment, green house gas emission source unit per open area of construction unit decreased as year went on. Meanwhile school building showed a striking increase in the annual energy source unit.

친환경 건축물 인센티브 제도의 실효성 분석에 관한 기초연구 (A Study on Analysis of Effectiveness of Incentive by Green Building Certification Criteria)

  • 권경수;이석원;김주형;김재준
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2012년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.119-120
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    • 2012
  • The government has offered incentives to encourage private companies that are to meet the Green Building Certification Criteria. Despite offering these incentives, the Green Building Certification Criteria record share of newly-built building in 2010 is 0.35%, very low. Effectiveness of Green Building Incentive applied by the Green Building Certification Criteria is questioned. So we attempts to analysis about effectiveness of Green Building by using Cost-Benefit Analysis. But if we want to use CBA, we need to draw cost, benefit factors that compose the incentive. So in this study, for applying CBA, we analysis cost, benefit factors.

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블록형 패널을 이용한 옥상녹화 하부시스템의 건식화 $\cdot$ 일체화 시공기술에 대한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study of the Dried and Unified Execution Technology for the Sub-Organization of the Green Roofs System using the Panel of Block Type)

  • 문유석;장상묵;홍채호;차윤정;오상근
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2007년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.119-123
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the green roofs market is active, but most constructors use former waterproofing method. So there are a lot of problems in the sub-organization of the green roofs system. I studied to use the block panel for the sub-organization of the green roofs system and I tested about the effectiveness of waterproofing, root barrier, drainage, and insulation. I have not found any problems about waterproofing, root barrier, drainage, and insulation in the results. The sub-organization of the green roofs system using the block panel is effective for waterproofing, root barrier, drainage, and insulation. We can apply it to the dried and unified execution technology.

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A Basic Study to Measure the Effectiveness of the Korean Green Building Certification System in Terms of Sustainability

  • Park, Young Jun;Son, Kiyoung;Ahn, Sungjin;Kim, Sunkuk
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.615-623
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    • 2012
  • Humanity is facing a number of serious issues associated with increased energy consumption and environmental pollution. Various studies/guidelines concerning sustainable building construction have suggested solutions to these disastrous problems, including: net-zero energy buildings, the green building certification system, and others. Sustainability pursues three expected effects: environmental, social, and economic merits. Korean Green Building Council (K-GBC) has also announced the Korean Green Building Certification System (K-GBCS) since 2003 based on sustainability. Some positive social and environmental aspects of the K-GBCS have already been reported. However, it is somewhat difficult to verify its economic merits, which are crucial to ensuring the validity of the K-GBCS. This research aims to verify the economic merits of the eco-friendly Korean-style condominiums accredited by K-GBCS. Following this, the expected economic effectiveness of K-GBCS will be examined in terms of sustainability. The underlying assumption is that the potential economic effect should reflect the actual economic merits, and should reflect the value of the housing in particular. According to the analysis of the variance, it can be concluded the value of green certified buildings is statistically higher than the value of non-certified buildings. Furthermore, it was also observed that this tendency was more dominant in Gyeonggi Province than in the City of Seoul. This may be caused by one of the variables: the proximity to downtown. In future studies, this variable should be studied in greater detail.

녹색건축인증 건축물 유지관리 평가제도 발전을 위한 연구 (The Analysis for Development Evaluation System of G-SEED Building Maintenance and Management)

  • 김유진
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2016년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.261-262
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, Green building certification system had been operated for more than 10 years and Expired certification buildings are ever-increasing. However, post management of building and qualification standard for re-certification(G-SEED) aren't exist, certificated green building don't have smoothly maintenance and management. Therefore, analysing the status and situation of similar system such as building maintenance and management, to suggest the direction of evaluation for green standard for energy and environmental design.

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한국과 일본 녹지체계의 발전 특성에 대한 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Development Characteristic of Parks and Green Systems between Korea and Japan)

  • 박구원
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2006
  • Japan has been tried to integrate Western planning theories into its parks and green systems in the past. However this effect has been regarded unsuccessful. One of reasons for this is that the green systems have been treated as an urban facility, instead as systems. Another reason has to deal with greenbelt's stationary and reservation characteristics that make difficulty to respond timely to the rapid urbanization. The parks and green systems in Korea was introduced in 1990 and began to be promoted fully with the 'Parte and Green Master Plan' established in 2005. However, due to its short history, incomplete aspects exist in its philosophy and methods for promoting the system. Based on these experiences, the current green zone plans in Japan considers the green structure as an independent institution and amenity plan, not a tool of urban planning, that can be a medium for realization of urban visions. And main characteristics of this approach are 1) classifying the green structure into four categories in order to respond to urban forms and purposes, 2) pursuing confirmity with urban planning, and 3) executing the landscape plan based upon core green areas. From reviews upon experiences of Japan as well as considerations on demands and conditions of green systems in Korea, we proposed the following five new strategies for the construction of the urban parte and green system in Korea. They are 1) to develop urban parks and green systems into a genre of urban development improving the quality and local competitiveness of cities rather than a means of urban planning; 2) to form the integrated structure of urban green zones; 3) to transform the urban parte and green systems into practical systems as the centers of localities; 4) to raise criteria for planning and execution plans for effective implementations of the urban parte and green systems, and 5) to provide specific guidelines for the construction of urban parks and green systems through organizing research groups or specialists.

ICT 융합기술을 활용한 암반특성 예측기능을 가진 유압 브레이커 개발에 관한 연구 (Research of Hydraulic Breaker with Rock Properties Predictability Using the ICT)

  • 윤복중;이길수;임훈;이호연;이명규;권혁진;김갑태;주진무
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제41권7호
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    • pp.683-689
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    • 2017
  • 고유가, 환경규제 등의 국제무역환경 변화에 따라 수출주력상품인 유압 브레이커의 고부가가치화를 위하여 지능형 전자제어유압시스템 분야인 ICT 융합기술을 활용하여 암반특성을 예측하고 최적모드(다단형)로 구동하는 지능형 파쇄기술 및 에너지 효율을 극대화할 수 있는 유압 브레이커 개발에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서는 암반의 강도에 따라 최적의 타격력을 제공하기 위해 근접센서를 이용해 암반 타격 시 피스톤의 하강 깊이를 측정하고 이를 통해 암반의 특성을 판별하여 타격력을 결정하는 피스톤 스트로크의 길이를 솔레노이드 밸브를 이용해 제어하였다. 다단 타격시스템을 위해 컨트롤러와 디스플레이/조작장치를 개발하였고, 무선통신을 이용하여 상호 정보교환이 가능하도록 하였다. 최종적으로 암반 강도에 따라 3단으로 타격할 수 있는 제어시스템을 개발하였고, 실차실험을 통해 이를 검증하였다.

건설산업의 녹색교통 성과지표 적용성 (Applicability of Green Transportation Performance Index in the Construction Industry)

  • 배진희;박희성
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.470-477
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    • 2012
  • 최근 에너지 소비 증가, 화석연료 사용의 증가로 인해 기후관련 정책이 논의 되고 있다. 건설 산업에서도 이산화탄소 배출량 감소와 녹색 건설을 위한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 기존 문헌 조사와 전문가 설문조사를 통하여 교통 시설물의 친환경 성과를 비교 분석 할 수 있는 지표를 제시하였다. 지표는 경제적, 사회적, 환경적 성과지표로 구분하였으며, 경제적 지표 14개, 사회적 지표 10개, 환경적 지표 12개를 제시하였다. 도출된 지표의 적용 가능성을 검증하기 위해 건설 산업에 종사하는 실무자를 대상으로 설문조사를 통해 각 지표별로 관련성, 명확성, 적시성, 비교가능성, 자료획득 가능성을 평가하였다. 그리고 제시된 지표의 활용을 위한 방안을 제시하였다.