• Title/Summary/Keyword: green construction

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Hybrid Green Roof-Planter Box System Design and Construction for PNU GI/LID Facility

  • Ladani, Hoori Jannesari;Shin, Hyun Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.192-192
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays, stormwaters have been affected by urbanization and climate change. These transition can cause many problems for hydrologic cycle by increasing runoff volume like flood and low water quality. As with other metropolises and peninsulas, Busan has involved with these problems too. Therefore, it is really vital to do some arrangements to solve them by low impact development (LID) technology. In fact, LID has been introduced to reduce runoff by applying some techniques such as green infrastructure (GI). In order to deal with the aforementioned issues in Busan, this study attempts to design and construct a hybrid green roof-planter box system at Pusan National University GI/LID Facility based on local weather. For this purpose, we used experiment and modeling method on some planter boxes and optimized them by trial and error method.

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A Study on the Cognition Structure of Green Environment of Resident in the Multi-family Housing (공동주택단지 거주자의 자연지향과 녹환경 인식구조에 관한 연구)

  • 김준식;김익환
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we analyzed the state of outdoor-space use and green-environment development for apartment residents, and investigated their ways of thinking on nature orientation and green environment. The results are as follows. 1) The ways of thinking and actual use of outdoor space by apartment residents appear different. 2) Due to the difference of apartment locations and complex environments, the state and reason of green environment construction are different between the residents of high-rise and low-storied apartments. 3) The residents of the low-storied apartments are more satisfied with the green environments of the complex than those of the high-rise apartments. In addition, constructing the green environment in a balcony and outdoor space enhances the satisfaction level of the apartment residents. 4) The residents of the low-storied apartments are passive in nature orientation, while those of the high-rise apartments are active. 5) Depending on the types of nature orientation, the apartment residents are grouped as 'people of nature experience', 'nature appreciators', or 'people of living-thing contact'. These groups show different patterns on the ways of thinking for outdoor space and green environment.

Correlation Analysis on the Duration and CO2 Emission Following the Earth-work Equipment Combination (토공장비조합에 따른 공사기간 및 이산화탄소 배출량의 상관성 분석)

  • Kim, Byungsoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.4D
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    • pp.603-611
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    • 2011
  • After Kyoto Protocol was adopted for green gas reduction, each nations are stepping up efforts to reduce $CO_2$ of a typical green gas. Construction industry also is trying $CO_2$ reduction with the techniques of two types which are software and hardware techniques. The software technique are Passive Design considered green gas emission and the environment impact assessment by LCA. The hardware techniques are adjustment of equipment system and development of eco- friendly material. But, it is nonexistent that a study related to $CO_2$ emission considered detail process in construction industry. This study analyzed the correlation of equipment combination, $CO_2$ emission and duration by calculate $CO_2$ emission follow to equipment combination on earth-work which is the process emitted most $CO_2$ among railway bedding construction.

Evaluation on the Outdoor Space in Farmhouse (농가 옥외공간의 평가 - 옥외공간의 구성요소를 중심으로 -)

  • 박인환;김보균;사공정희;장갑수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the components for the improvement of outdoor spaces in farmyards and to suggest guidelines for the planning of these spaces. The objects of this study were the general farmyards located around farmhouses which had government support for the construction of on-site gardens. The results were as follows: 1. Although over 50% of the general farmyards did not have gardens, most gardens of farmyards (90% and over) featured trees and/or flowers. This demonstrated that the residents of the farmyards thought positively about green spaces. 2. With the establishment of a garden, the self-image of the household improved along with the physical environment. Thus, the construction of the garden brought about psychologically and physically positive results. 3. Regarding the degree of satisfaction with green space and shade, the rate of farmyards with gardens was higher than those without. With more government support for developing such green spaces, satisfaction with them could increase. The same result was obtained regarding the degree of satisfaction towards visual harmony with nearby farmyards, indicating that neighboring farm households want to have positive relationships with one another. 4. The frequency of use of living space increased through the construction of gardens in farmyards, in spite of decreased working space. %is aspect could be used as data in the planning of gardens in farmyards. 5. The perceived necessity of gardens in the general farmyards and desire to construct new gardens rose. This preference was high in gardens with abundant greenery and a lot of rest facilities. This study suggests those reasons result from a poor farm economy. With government support, general farmyards without gardens could construct gardens. And we might infer that the residents' desire to construct a garden in general famyards had been influenced by a neighbor with a garden.

A Study on the Recognition of Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED) from the Survey of Multi-complex Residents in Newtown (신도시 공동주택 거주자 대상의 녹색건축 인증제도 인식도 조사 및 분석)

  • Mok, Seon-Soo;Park, Ah-Reum;Cho, Dong-Woo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2013
  • Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design(G-SEED) has been used for environmental friendly building certification since 2002. The certification criteria initialed with multi-residential building and now it expands to 10 criteria for new and existing building types. The purpose of this study is to understand current recognition of G-SEED from the survey of multi-complex residences in newtown. From the general question, 75.2% of responders answered the period of living term between 1~3 years, 58.6% lived in $102.48{\sim}132.23m^2$ residential area and 65.2% owned their residences. The 43.2% of respondents recognized that their residences gained G-SEED certification by G-SEED emblem(31.6%). This is the significant meaning to understand public recognition of G-SEED and how to approach the strategy for raising the G-SEED recognition. The responders expected positive influence for economical value from G-SEED and also 75.3% of responders agreed with that G-SEED would be a decision make to buy and rent their residences. Second, residents responded that the consideration issue for green building is energy & prevention of environmental pollution(27.7%) which carries equal concern in G-SEED criteria category. The result of this survey verifies that the current level recognition of G-SEED of the responder's perspectives still is not well-known but it confirmed they have a positive expectation. Therefore, from this result, G-SEED needs to draw road map with detail plans for developing G-SEED with public participation.

Feasibility Analysis on Ground-level Stations and Wireless Power Transfer Technology Applications for Monorail System

  • Hwang, Karam;Chung, Jong-Duk;Lee, Kibeom;Tak, Junyoung;Suh, In-Soo
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2014
  • Subway systems have been a proved method of public transport and are widely used in major cities around the world. However, the time and cost it takes to construct such systems are very high, as it requires underground tunnels. Cities in various countries have implemented monorail systems as public railway transport as it can be more economical and quicker compared to subway systems in terms of construction. In addition, it provides more convenience towards the public as it is not affected to traffic, and also provides an aerial view of the city. However, the overall construction cost for monorail systems is still significantly high, and as a possible solution to further reduce the overall cost, implementation of ground-level stations and wireless power transfer technology has been proposed in this paper. A concept application layout of ground-level stations and wireless power transfer systems has been discussed, using the Daegu monorail Line 3 system as a simulation base. The expected cost for monorail systems implementing ground-level stations and/or wireless power transfer technology has been estimated based on literature survey, and was compared with the current construction cost of Daegu monorail system. Based on comparison, it has shown that implementation of ground-level stations are the most economical, and can be easily implemented for either starting or expanding the monorail line. Implementation of wireless power transfer technology is also economical, but is more feasible when starting a new monorail line as it requires components which will alter the configuration of the train and infrastructure.

Knowledge Domain and Emerging Trends of Intelligent Green Building and Smart City - A Visual Analysis Using CiteSpace

  • Li, Hongyang;Dai, Mingjie
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2017
  • As the concept of sustainability becomes more and more popular, a large amount of literature have been recorded recently on intelligent green building and smart city (IGB&SC). It is therefore needed to systematically analyse the existing knowledge structure as well as the future new development of this domain through the identification of the thematic trends, landmark articles, typical keywords together with co-operative researchers. In this paper, Citespace software package is applied to analyse the citation networks and other relevant data of the past eleven years (from 2006 to 2016) collected from Web of Science (WOS). Through this, a series of professional document analysis are conducted, including the production of core authors, the influence made by the most cited authors, keywords extraction and timezone analysis, hot topics of research, highly cited papers and trends with regard to co-citation analysis, etc. As a result, the development track of the IGB&SC domains is revealed and visualized and the following results reached: (i) in the research area of IGB&SC, the most productive researcher is Winters JV and Caragliu A is most influential on the other hand; (ii) different focuses of IGB&SC research have been emerged continually from 2006 to 2016 e.g. smart growth, sustainability, smart city, big data, etc.; (iii) Hollands's work is identified with the most citations and the emerging trends, as revealed from the bursts analysis in document co-citations, can be concluded as smart growth, the assessment of intelligent green building and smart city.

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Study on Improvement Measures of Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design for Expansion of Applying Green Roof - Focused on LEED in the USA and BREEAM in the UK - (옥상녹화 적용확대를 위한 녹색건축인증제도 개선방안 연구 - 미국 LEED 및 영국 BREEAM의 비교·분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Kwon, Hyuck-Sam;Kim, Jung-Gon;Lee, Bum-Sik
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2018
  • Green roof in Korea has been recognized as part of landscape area and local governments enacted municipal ordinance for supporting green roof thereby assisting part of expenses spent for green roof within a range of budget for buildings which are eligible for the green roof support of existing buildings. However, it is necessary to enforce a regulation of mandatory green roof for new buildings in order to expand green roof application and provide a variety of assistances such as subsidy payment, tax relief, and mitigation of floor area ratio-related regulation as done in other advanced nations. In particular, LEED(Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design) in the USA applies additional point directly for green roof in terms of the reduction in heat island effects. For example, the following items are beneficial to have additional points: habitat preservation or restoration, external space, rainwater management, reduction in outdoor water usage, minimum energy performance, and optimum energy performance. In addition, the BREEAM(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) in the UK specifies green roof as one of assessment items to be complied in terms of diversity of species. As such, LEED and BREEAM reflect direct and indirect effects of green roof on assessment criteria, which suggest a direction to green building certification criteria in Korea where only additional points are given for green roof according to soil depth.

A Current State of Multihousing Evaluation Based on the Construction Criteria and Performance Codes of Green Homes (친환경주택의 건설기준 및 성능규정에 의한 공동주택 평가현황에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seul-Bi;Yu, Ki-Hyung;Yoon, Seong-Hoon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: In Korea, buildings make up 20.5% (2012) of the gross national energy consumption, so they are a major target for greenhouse gas reduction. In particular, energy consumption in multihousing represents approximately 32.6% of the entire building sector. With improving energy performance being the focus, efforts are continuously being made to reinforce standards and systems in greenhouse gas reduction. This study investigated the current status of multihousing in Korea in terms of energy performance as described in the performance evaluation reports submitted (to an institution that specializes in reviewing the performance evaluation of green homes) based on the construction criteria and performance codes for green homes and examined if the evaluation criteria using related methodologies were appropriate. The results will provide helpful information for reviewing the future directions of operations and amendments to the systems. Method: The overall characteristics of the system were examined using the evaluation methodologies (and current state of revisions) of the performance codes for green homes and comparing them with similar systems. Also, the current state of application and energy performance (conducted according to the evaluation methodologies) were compared by the evaluation institution for multihousing neighborhoods that were assessed for five years from 2010 to 2014. Result: It has been confirmed that the performance codes for green homes are different from other similar systems in evaluating performances of multihousing in that they allow both quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluation, and they consider both energy and sustainability simultaneously in the evaluation. Furthermore, regarding the adoption rate of the forms for the two evaluation methods (Form 1 - quantitative and Form 2 - qualitative), the rate preferring Form 2 increased gradually in time to reach 55.3% in 2014. In analyzing the rate of overall energy reduction (submitted in Form 1) and the coefficient of thermal transmission for each part (submitted in Form 2), it was observed that the deviation between the performance submitted and the criteria decreased in line with the level of reinforcement.

A Study on Technology Priorities for Green Highway (녹색도로 구현을 위한 기술 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Hwa;Cho, Won-Bum;Kim, Se-Hwan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2012
  • It is not surprising to hear news about irresistible natural disasters all over the world due to climate change. Korean Government has focused on developing a variety of green technologies to reduce green house gasses, in particular, carbon dioxide. This study suggested 18 technology divisions for achieving green highway technology development in six different sub-sectors considering life-cycle of roadway and surveyed 29 highway and/or transportation professionals of three institutes using AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis to construct "Green Highway"and realize carbon emission reductions and energy use efficiency in a road sector in Korea. Expert Choice Software was used to rank 18 technology divisions weighted by two-level choices. Transport Operating Infrastructure Improvement, Roadway Policy Implementation, Green Transportation(such as Pedestrian and Bicycle) were highly ranked by respondents according to results of the AHP modeling. Among the 18 divisions, technology policy for supporting R&D investments from development to commercialization was ranked as the most significant one to be focused. Green Transportation Facility Design/Construction/Operation and Eco-Friendly Roadway Plan were followed as expected since professionals have thought that the planning/design step of the life-cycle is a starting point to reduce carbon dioxide from roads more and more. Additionally, comparing the results with the Government investment trend 2006-2011 for the roads, it can be interpreted that the Government should invest to the R&D area more widely than before to promote element and core technology development for Green Highway Construction. Above all, small and mid-sized businesses have to be invested as well as encouraged to undertake green highwayrelated objects to accomplish the divisions which ranked high.