• Title/Summary/Keyword: global brand

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Apparel production methods of domestic fashion brands for the activation of K-fashion (K-패션 활성화를 위한 국내 패션브랜드의 의류생산 방식 고찰)

  • Ahn, Young-Sill;Kim, Hee-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to systematize various clothing production methods that domestic fashion brands are utilizing to produce fashion products, and to propose effective clothing production methods according to the characteristics. The research methods are contents analysis method of the literatures, articles, reports, and interviewing method of the practitioners who are in charge of the production of fashion. First, the clothing production methods of the domestic fashion brands are categorized as follows. It is divided into a fashion brand management method and a promotion company entrustment method based on who carries out the clothing production and management. The fashion brand management method is subdivided into the 'rental-production', 'CMT', and 'self-production' methods. All three methods are performed at domestic and global sourcing, but the CMT method is more utilized at the global sourcing. The promotion company entrustment method is subdivided into the 'full consignment production method', the 'CMT method involving promotion company', and 'direct buying method by promotion company'. All methods are performed at domestic and global sourcing. Second, the results of reviewing effective clothing production methods, according to characteristics are as follows. If fashion brands control the production and management, they use all three fashion brand management methods. The fashion brands use the promotion company entrustment method when they wants to offer special products, or the number of items is large, or the production management is difficult, or the manpower and equipment size is reduced. The domestic sourcing is utilized by fashion brands and promotion companies when production management is required for high quality apparel production, in case of trendy and complex designs, spot production, and in small quantity production. The global sourcing is utilized by fashion brands and promotion companies when it comes to lowering the production cost, fashion brands preferred the mass production of apparel with design that can be pre-planned.

Effects of Consumer Propensity and Brand Attitude on Brand Extension Assessment: Focused on Easy Mobile Payment Services (소비자 성향과 브랜드 태도가 브랜드확장평가에 미치는 영향: 모바일 간편결제 서비스를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seung Sin;Lin, Hai Bo;Kim, Kyoung Young;Yu, Jiang Chuan;Lee, Young Hee
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.399-417
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    • 2017
  • The recent globalization of the consumer market has highlighted the importance of a brand; subsequently, brand extension is strategically used to launch of various products and services. Especially, various and new services based on information and communication technology for the convenience of consumers have been provided continuously. This study examined consumer's evaluation for brand extension centered on the brand extension as a mobile payment service through consumer propensity and familiarity as well as attitude toward a brand. The research is as follows. First, it shows that self-efficacy and implicit theories among consumer characteristics positively influence familiarity and attitude toward a brand. Second, it shows that the planned consumption tendency among consumption characteristics of a consumer positively affect familiarity toward a brand. Third, it is confirmed that the brand extension on parents brand affects the attitude towards brand extension, and the attitude towards brand extension is connected to a willingness to recommend through the purchase intention. This study empirically confirms the importance of consumer propensity, the consumer's perception, and evaluation towards the brand extension of the company as well as the continuous efforts and required company activities to build and form a positive attitude and familiarity of consumers for the brand. This study can be used as basic data for the strategy development of brand extensions in service companies.

Corporate Brand Management of SK

  • Lee, Jinyong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 2018
  • SK group has been a pioneer in overall brand management and, more recently, in CSR-imbedded brand management. SK vision of "improving itself to give greater happiness to all of its customers" and the symbol mark of "Wings of Happiness" are some good examples of integrating distinct brand identities of various member companies. After impressive growth and expansions into diverse business areas, SK group is ranked as the third largest company based on asset amounts according to the Fair Trade Commission of Korea, only after Samsung and Hyundai Motor groups. SK brand management can be analyzed, using the framework of 4 stages - 'infrastructure', 'planning', 'doing', and 'seeing' stages. In order to secure 'infrastructure' of brand management system, SK has invested huge resources to the 'SK BMS' (SK Brand Management System). At the 'planning' stage, the most important task of SK like other Korean business groups is perhaps to adopt a well-organized 'brand identity (BI) system' which may consolidate brand values of individual member companies. In actuality, SK BI consists of Customer Happiness located at the center and 3 other elements of Pride, Professionalism, and Customer-orientation. At the 'doing' stage, the slogan of 'OK! SK' and the logo of 'Wings of Happiness' have been placed at the core of the SK group brand building programs. SK adopts the principle of 'independent yet united', pinpointing that each member company independently works for its business performance but it is, at the same time, encouraged to integrate its capabilities for the SK group brand. In addition, SK has sought 'shared growth' with business partners for happiness for all the members in the society. 'Social Contribution Philosophy' based on SK value of 'creation of greater happiness' is again one of the most important guidelines for CSR (corporate social responsibility) at the doing stage. At the seeing stage, SK regularly evaluates its branding programs. SK has shown some very impressive achievements in brand management: (1) a core identity of 'Customer Happiness' participating member companies may share, (2) harmonious relationships between the group brand management office and brand management divisions of member companies, and (3) consistency-keeping in brand management over time. However, there remain two major challenges: (1) globalization of SK and (2) reinforcing sustainable superiority over not only Korean rivals but also global ones.

The effect of attribute evaluation and consumption value on the purchase involvement in the global luxury fashion brands (소비자의 글로벌 럭셔리 패션브랜드 속성 평가 및 소비가치가 구매 관여에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mun Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.215-228
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the attributes of consumers global luxury fashion brands and to find the impact of consumer value, meaning the social and pleasure values derived from brands on product purchase involvement. The method in this study was analysis of a total of 298 responses to a questionnaire. The results indicate, first of all, that among the attribute evaluations of global luxury brands, traditionality and splurge affect purchasing involvement. However, prestige and originality were found to have no influence on purchasing involvement. Second, the responses to the questionnaire indicate that social and pleasure values had a statistically significant effect on purchase of luxury brands. Third, the value of cross-group attributes evaluation and consumption value to differences in purchase involvement has had statistically significant results. In conclusion, the traditional and Splurge natures of the luxury global fashion industry's brand, social consumption value and pleasure consumption value affect the level of purchase involvement. This underscores the importance of attribute Evaluation(traditional and splurge) and consumption value(social and pleasure) when planning consumer marketing strategies for global luxury fashion brands in the future.

A Study on the Effect of Brand Image, Trust, Commitment and Brand Loyalty on Capital Area and Non Capital Area Coffee Shop - Focusing on Mediating Effect of Trust and Commitment - (수도권과 수도권이외 지역 커피전문점의 브랜드이미지와 브랜드충성도 간 신뢰와 관계몰입의 매개효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Byong-Nam;Moon, Sung-Sik
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.182-198
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating role of trust and relational commitment on capital area and non capital area coffee shop. In order to meet its purpose, we surveyed 264 customers who visited coffee shop in capital area and non capital area. The results are as follows: First, trust was played a mediator role between a brand image and relational commitment. Second, Relational commitment was played a mediating role between trust and brand loyalty. Third, Trust and relational commitment was played a mediator role between brand image and brand loyalty.

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The Influences on Consumers' Brand Preference and Repurchase Intention Through Strategic Visual Merchandising of Fashion Retail Store - Focusing on Global SPA Brands in Korea - (패션 판매공간의 VMD 구성요인이 브랜드 선호도와 재구매의도에 미치는 영향 - 국내 글로벌 SPA브랜드 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mil-Suk;Han, Hae-Ryon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2014
  • Due to prolonged recession and limited spending of the consumers, domestic fashion brands are putting their efforts in pursuing competitiveness in order to survive in an intense competition, and because of this reason, VMD is being considered significant as a strategy for store environment improvement. An empirical research regarding analysis for systematic strategic VMD configuration factors of fashion retail store and relationship of repurchase intention that have effects on increase in sales was conducted. Thus, this study considers importance and spatial interrelation of VMD configuration factors of fashion retail store through theoretical consideration, and based on this, VMD configuration factors were restructured into reconcilability, attractiveness and epidemicity. An empirical validation through theoretical hypotheses and survey for relationships among VMD configuration factors, brand preference and repurchase intention was conducted. As a result of path analysis, VMD configuration factors reconcilability, attractiveness and epidemicity have effects on repurchase intention, and it was analyzed that epidemicity has the biggest effect on consumers. Also, it was found that brand preference has effects on repurchase intention and through this, as favorability and customer satisfaction for brand has effects on repurchase intention, it is judged that creating a strong brand image and brand image building is important the most for improving brand preference.

An Investigation of Brand Communication in Small and Medium-sized Cities in China Based on Grounded Theory

  • QunQing Zhang;XueHua Jin
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.162-179
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    • 2024
  • With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, the economic development and market potential of small and medium-sized cities have been constantly enhanced, with the urbanization competition having been caught in the vortex of homogenization. However, small and medium-sized cities are exposed to limited resources and funds, and therefore need to be more flexible and innovative in the strategy implementation, while urban brand communication is one of the key factors to promote the competitiveness of cities. Taking the small and medium-sized cities in China as the research objects, this study, based on the domestic and foreign theories about the brand communication of small and medium-sized cities, as well as other city-related theories, analyzes textual materials about the current situation and new changes in brand communication of small and medium-sized cities with grounded theory, reflecting on the problems in brand communication in China's small and medium-sized cities. Combining the basic elements of urban brand communication, a model for constructing brand communication strategies for small and medium-sized cities is further proposed, so as to provide the differentiated and distinctive strategies for the construction and communication of urban brands in small and medium-sized cities in China, as well as provide a new perspective and strategy on how to enhance the competitiveness and contribute to the sustainable economic development of small and medium-sized.

The Influence of Consumers' Knowledge for Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Evaluation: Focusing on Chinese Consumers (기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 소비자의 지식이 제품브랜드의 평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중국 소비자를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyungsin;Lee, Sooyoung;Park, Sunrae
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2011
  • Both industrial interest and academic research are increasingly focusing on the need to institute a business environment whereby Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assumes a major role. It is suggested that four kinds of responsibilities constitute total CSR: economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. Consumers tend to obtain positive perceptions toward the companies which collectively or partially fulfill these responsibilities. Moreover, the company image transfer process is the influence of consumer attitudes toward certain brands on overall evaluation of the company. To understand the image transfer process, we examine the influence of CSR level evaluation on overall brand evaluation in China, where active competitions among global brands exist.

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The Effects of Congruence between Self-Image and the Advertising Image of Chinese Consumers on Advertising and Brand Attitudes -The Moderating Role of a Fashion Advertising Model's Nationality-

  • Cui, Yu Hua
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the various responses of Chinese consumers, depending on the nationality of the fashion advertising model featured in an advertisement; it explores the effects of a congruence between self-image and advertising image (CSIAI) on consumer attitudes. This study was conducted by collecting data online; 200 samples selecting a Korean model and 200 samples selecting a Chinese model with a fashion brand were analyzed. A structural equation model confirms the conceptual framework for the influence of CSIAI on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. The results show that the perceived CSIAI of consumers positively influences their attitude toward the advertising and the brand, and further, that advertising and brand attitudes significantly affect the purchase intention of consumers. This positive relationship is moderated by the nationality of the model. These findings suggest that the nationality of the model can serve as an important retail mix for global marketers. Other results and management implications are also discussed.

The Influence of Product Types and Consumer Involvement on Consistent and Inconsistent Brand Extensions (모 브랜드의 제품유형 및 관여유형이 일치.불일치 확장브랜드 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, In-Hyok;Kim, Ki-Suk;Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.67-92
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the influence of the mother brand's product types on the consumers' brand evaluations on consistent and inconsistent brand extensions. The study shows that brand extensions consistent with the mother brand's product type have better brand evaluations than inconsistent brand extensions. The study also shows that brand extensions consistent with utilitarian mother products are much more important than consistent brand extensions with hedonic mother brands. Furthermore, results show that the types of consumer involvement influence the consumers' brand evaluations by interacting with types of mother brands and consistency of brand extensions.

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