• Title/Summary/Keyword: geophysics

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Generalized Rapid Relaxation Inversion of Two-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Survey Data (GRRI를 이용한 2차원 MT 탐사자료의 역산)

  • Jeong, Yong-Hyun;Suh, Jung-Hee;Shin, Chang-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 1998
  • Inversion schemes of 2-D MT survey data generally take enormous computational time and computer memory. In addition, careful attention must be paid in handling MT data, especially in cases of TM mode, inversion results can be seriously distorted because of static effect caused by current channeling across inhomogeneous surface boundaries. There-fore inversion algorithm using the GRRI scheme for TM mode MT data was implemented. This scheme is based on a perturbation analysis with a locally 2-D analysis and local inversions were sequently performed over each divided section without additional forward modelings. The algorithm was applied to several synthetic data for the purpose of verification of its efficiency and applicability. With less computer resources than conventional schemes, it could handle static effect directly by including current channeling across inhomogeneous boundaries. Thus it is expected to be used for an useful tool such as a real-time inversion scheme in the field.

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Three-dimensional Seismic Refraction Travel Time Tomography for Dipping Two Layers (경사 2층 구조를 위한 3차원 굴절탄성파 주시 토모그래피)

  • Cho Dong-heng;Cho Kwang-ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1998
  • This paper deals with tomographic travel time inversion of three dimensional seismic refraction survey conducted over a dipping interface. The slowness, and thus velocity as its reciprocal, distribution on the subsurface interface is to be determined applying an ART with under-relaxtion parameter. The models chosen are realistic, i.e., most likely to be met in engineering seismics, and the interface includes anomalous zones. It is found that, generally speaking, the inversion could be misleading or meaningless without the correction of the dip of the interface. This is rather surprising when we recall that usual assumption for the interpretation of refraction seismics data is the horizontal attitude of structures within the limit of $15^{\circ}$ dip or so. To make the present method tenable for a new means of routine seismics, some practical ways of identifying head wave arrivals are to be devised.

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Travel Time Calculation Using Mono-Chromatic Oneway Wave Equation (단일주파수 일방향파동방정식을 이용한 주시계산)

  • Shin, Chang-Soo;Shin, Sung-Ryul;Kim, Won-Sik;Ko, Seung-Won;Yoo, Hai-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2000
  • A new fast algorithm for travel time calculation using mono-chromatic one-way wave equation was developed based on the delta function and the logarithms of the single frequency wavefield in the frequency domain. We found an empirical relation between grid spacing and frequency by trial and error method such that we can minimize travel time error. In comparison with other methods, travel time contours obtained by solving eikonal equation and the wave front edge of the snapshot by the finite difference modeling solution agree with our algorithm. Compared to the other two methods, this algorithm computes travel time of directly transmitted wave. We demonstrated our algorithm on migration so that we obtained good section showing good agreement with original model. our results show that this new algorithm is a faster travel time calculation method of the directly transmitted wave for imaging the subsurface and the transmission tomography.

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Development of 3D Visualization Program for Comparison of Core Log Data and Tomography Data in Subsidence Area (지반침하지역 시추자료와 토모그래피 자료의 비교를 위한 3차원 가시화 프로그램 개발)

  • Ahn Jo-Beom;Yoon Wang-Jung
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we have developed a 3-D visualization program that is helpful in the interpretation or comparisons of geologic and geophysical data, which have been acquired to understand the cause of ground subsidence in the residential area and to establish reinforcement strategy. The visualization program was developed under the Windows operating system for convenient use and easy understanding. It uses Visual C++ for the Graphic User Interface and the OpenGL for graphic handling. Since this program is user-friendly, even users who do not have the basic idea about GIS or CAD can get very useful information with this program. The applicability of the program has been verified by visualizing the real core log and resistivity tomography images obtained from the ground subsidence area. These results have shown that the program is very useful for comparisons of these two data for the interpretation of subsurface structures.

Application and Improvement of Complex Frequency Shifted Perfectly Matched Layers for Elastic Wave Modeling in the Frequency-domain (주파수영역 탄성파모델링에 대한 CFS-PML경계조건의 적용 및 개선)

  • Son, Min-Kyung;Cho, Chang-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2012
  • Absorbing boundary conditions are used to mitigate undesired reflections that can arise at the model's truncation boundaries. We apply a complex frequency shifted perfectly matched layer (CFS-PML) to elastic wave modeling in the frequency domain. Modeling results show that the performance of our implementation is superior to other absorbing boundaries. We consider the coefficients of CFS-PML to be optimal when the kinetic energy becomes to the minimum, and propose the modified CFS-PML that has the CFS-PML coefficient ${\alpha}_{max}$ defined as a function of frequency. Results with CFS-PML and modified CFS-PML are significantly improved compared with those of the classical PML technique suffering from large spurious reflections at grazing incidence.

Gravimetric Terrain Correction using Triangular Element Method (삼각요소법을 이용한 중력자료의 지형보정)

  • Rim, Hyoung-Rea;Lee, Heui-Soon;Park, Young-Sue;Lim, Mu-Taek;Jung, Hyun-Key
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2010
  • We developed a precise terrain correction program using triangular element method (TEM) for microgravity data processing. TEM calculates gravity attraction of arbitrary polyhedra whose surface is patched by triangles. We showed that TEM can calculate more precise terrain effect than conventional rectangular prism method. We tested the accuracy of TEM on the cone model which has analytic solution. Also, we tested the accuracy of TEM on the slope model, this results showed that there are big differences calculated by TEM and rectangular prsim method (RPM) on slope model. The developed terrain correction program was applied on the gravity data on the southern area near sea shore of Korean peninsula, calculated terrain effect very precisely.

Site Investigation of a Reclaimed Saline Land by the Small Loop EM Method (소형루프 전자탐사법에 의한 간척지 지반조사)

  • Kim, Ki-Ju;An, Dong-Kuk;Cho, In-Ky;Kim, Bong-Chan;Kyung, Keu-Ha;Hong, Jae-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2010
  • The small loop electromagnetic (EM) method is a fast and convenient geophysical tool which can provide resistivity distribution of shallow subsurface. Especially, it can be a useful alternative of resistivity method in a very conductive environment such as a reclaimed saline land. We applied the multi-frequency small loop EM method for the site investigation of reclaimed saline land. We inverted the measured EM data using one dimensional (1D) inversion program and merged to obtain three dimensional (3D) resistivity distribution over the survey area. Finally, comparing he EM results with the drill log and measured soil resistivity sampled at 16 drill holes, we can define the site character such as thickness of landfill, salinity distribution, and etc.

Modified Electrical Resistivity Survey and its Interpretation for Leakage Path Detection of Water Facilities (수변구조물의 누수 경로 탐지를 위한 변형된 전기비저항 탐사 및 자료 해석)

  • Lee, Bomi;Oh, Seokhoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.200-211
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    • 2016
  • To support cross potential array and direct potential array, the array for leakage detection of all kinds of water facilities is proposed and it is named as the D-Lux array. The D-Lux array data are arranged to a coloured matrix and it is called the D-Lux view. Low potential difference of anomalous zone shown in D-Lux view implies the indication of leakage zone. Furthermore, for an intuitive interpretation of D-Lux array, equipotential distribution map is made by using D-Lux and direct potential array data. Equipotential distribution map makes us possible to predict import point, export point and the path of water leakage that we could have not anticipated in D-Lux view and the graphs. The water tank experiment and numerical analysis were carried out as preparatory experiment and the field explorations were conducted at a concrete weir and a fill dam. As a result, effective and specific detection of leakage path was possible for the concrete weir and the fill dam.

A New Method for Leveling Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometric Data (항공 방사능 탐사 자료 맞추기의 새로운 방법)

  • Park, Yeong-Sue;Rim, Hyoungrea;Lim, Mutaek;Shin, Young Hong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2016
  • Data leveling utilizing baseline survey makes existing old data be smoothly compiled, and also keep characteristics of data, such as small high frequency anomaly information. The previously proposed leveling method may easily loose or damage the original characteristics of the data. This paper suggests a new leveling method. New method determines the leveling coefficients using regional field of the original data, which is composed by data on the grids point coincided with baseline survey grid, while existing method uses all grid data without any considerations. Results of new leveling method on test area shows that new method make two data sets compiled more smoothly and trends of data distribution expressed more clearly. And then, it also preserves high frequency information well.

Changes of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Caused by Large-scale Earthquakes and Recent Earthquakes Occurred Around the Korean Peninsula (국외 대규모 지진과 최근 발생한 국내지진에 의한 이온층 총 전자수 변화)

  • Kim, Byeong-Hoon;Seo, Ki-Weon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2016
  • We investigated pre- and post- seismic total electron content (TEC) anomalies in ionosphere caused by recent large-scale earthquakes around the globe and additionally examined whether the similar phenomena are detected in connection with the earthquakes around the Korean Penisula. TEC anomalies associated with the large-scale earthquakes showed the similar results to previous studies. In addition, we newly found the similar TEC changes from the recent 2016 Ecuador earthquake (M7.8). However, the post-seismic TEC changes would be falsely interpreted as the pre-seismic TEC changes dependent on the post-processing of TEC observation. We also investigated the possibility of TEC responses from the recent domestic earthquakes including 2016 Gyeongju earthquake but could not find any anomalous TEC changes. This is probably because the domestic earthquakes release significantly smaller acoustic wave energy than that of large-scale earthquakes occurring in plate boundaries.