• 제목/요약/키워드: geometric accuracy

검색결과 839건 처리시간 0.026초

A Study on the Ubiquitous Wireless Tilt Sensors's Application for Measuring Vertical Deflection of Bridge (교량의 수직처짐 측정을 위한 유비쿼터스 무선경사센서 활용연구)

  • Jo, Byung Wan;Yoon, Kwang Won;Kim, Young Ji;Lee, Dong Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a new method to estimate the bridge deflection is developed by using Wireless Tilt Sensor. Most of evaluations of structural integrity, it is very important to measure the geometric profile, which is a major factor representing the global behavior of civil structure, especially bridges. In the past, Because of the lack of appropriate methods to measure the deflection curve of bridges on site, the measurement of deflection had been done restrictly within just a few discrete points along the bridge. Also the measurement point could be limited to locations installed with displacement transducers. So, in this study, the deflection of the structure was measured by wireless tilt sensor instead of LVDT(Linear Variable Differential Transformer). Angle change of tilt sensor shows structural behavior by the change of the resistor values which is presented to voltage. Moreover, the maximum deflection was calculated by changing the deflection angle which was calculated as V(measured voltage) ${\times}$F(factor) to deflection. The experimental tests were carried out to verify the developed deflection estimation techniques. Because the base of tilt measuring is the gravity, uniform measurement is possible independent of a measuring point. Also, measuring values were showed very high accuracy.

Development and Inspection of the Ortho-Calc v1.0 Program for the Calculation of the Orthometric Correction (정사보정량 계산을 위한 Ortho-Calc v1.0 프로그램의 개발과 검증)

  • Lee, Suk Bae;Sim, Jung Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2015
  • To determine the accurate height, it should be considered geometric height difference obtained by levelling as well as the physical height difference what so called orthometric correction. The orthometric correction amount is small enough to ignore at flatland but the amount is big at high mountains, so it should be considered to obtain accurate height at high mountains. But the calculation process is difficult and complex, not easy to calculate. So, to make the process easy using a user-friendly visual, a orthometric correction calculation program Ortho-Calc. v1.0 was developed in this study. This program was adopted the algorithm of Nassar and Hwang & Hsiao, and Strang Van Hees and it could be to selectivily calculate the correction amount. The inspection result exhibited high accuracy with the standard deviation of 0.024mm by the comparison of previous study. Therefore, This program Ortho-Calc. v1.0 developed in this study, will contribute orthometric correction calculation quickly and easily. And, if this program is widely popular, it could be expected to make a contribution the Benchmark's official height renewal using orthometric correction.

Performance Enhancement of the Attitude Estimation using Small Quadrotor by Vision-based Marker Tracking (영상기반 물체추적에 의한 소형 쿼드로터의 자세추정 성능향상)

  • Kang, Seokyong;Choi, Jongwhan;Jin, Taeseok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.444-450
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    • 2015
  • The accuracy of small and low cost CCD camera is insufficient to provide data for precisely tracking unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). This study shows how UAV can hover on a human targeted tracking object by using CCD camera rather than imprecise GPS data. To realize this, UAVs need to recognize their attitude and position in known environment as well as unknown environment. Moreover, it is necessary for their localization to occur naturally. It is desirable for an UAV to estimate of his attitude by environment recognition for UAV hovering, as one of the best important problems. In this paper, we describe a method for the attitude of an UAV using image information of a maker on the floor. This method combines the observed position from GPS sensors and the estimated attitude from the images captured by a fixed camera to estimate an UAV. Using the a priori known path of an UAV in the world coordinates and a perspective camera model, we derive the geometric constraint equations which represent the relation between image frame coordinates for a marker on the floor and the estimated UAV's attitude. Since the equations are based on the estimated position, the measurement error may exist all the time. The proposed method utilizes the error between the observed and estimated image coordinates to localize the UAV. The Kalman filter scheme is applied for this method. its performance is verified by the image processing results and the experiment.

Image Mosaicking Using Feature Points Based on Color-invariant (칼라 불변 기반의 특징점을 이용한 영상 모자이킹)

  • Kwon, Oh-Seol;Lee, Dong-Chang;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2009
  • In the field of computer vision, image mosaicking is a common method for effectively increasing restricted the field of view of a camera by combining a set of separate images into a single seamless image. Image mosaicking based on feature points has recently been a focus of research because of simple estimation for geometric transformation regardless distortions and differences of intensity generating by motion of a camera in consecutive images. Yet, since most feature-point matching algorithms extract feature points using gray values, identifying corresponding points becomes difficult in the case of changing illumination and images with a similar intensity. Accordingly, to solve these problems, this paper proposes a method of image mosaicking based on feature points using color information of images. Essentially, the digital values acquired from a digital color camera are converted to values of a virtual camera with distinct narrow bands. Values based on the surface reflectance and invariant to the chromaticity of various illuminations are then derived from the virtual camera values and defined as color-invariant values invariant to changing illuminations. The validity of these color-invariant values is verified in a test using a Macbeth Color-Checker under simulated illuminations. The test also compares the proposed method using the color-invariant values with the conventional SIFT algorithm. The accuracy of the matching between the feature points extracted using the proposed method is increased, while image mosaicking using color information is also achieved.

Development of a New Lumped-Mass Stick Model using the Eigen-Properties of Structures (구조물의 동적 고유특성을 이용한 새로운 집중질량모델 개발)

  • Roh, Hwa-Sung;Youn, Ji-Man;Lee, Hu-Seok;Lee, Jong-Seh
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2012
  • For a seismic design or performance evaluation of a structure, an experimental investigation on a scale model of the structure or numerical analysis based on the finite element model is considered. Regarding the numerical analysis, a three-dimensional finite element analysis is performed if a high accuracy of the results is required, while a sensitivity or fragility analysis which uses huge seismic ground motions leads to the use of a lumped-mass stick model. The conventional modeling technique to build the lumped-mass stick model calculates the amount of the lumped mass by considering the geometric shape of the structure, like a tributary area. However, the eigenvalues of the conventional model obtained through such a calculation are normally not the same as those of the actual structure. In order to overcome such a deficiency, in this study, a new lumped mass stick model is proposed. The model is named the "frequency adaptive-lumped-mass stick model." It provides the same eigenvalues and similar dynamic responses as the actual structure. A non-prismatic column is considered as an example, and its natural frequencies as well as the dynamic performance of the new lumped model are compared to those of the full-finite element model. To investigate the damping effect on the new model, 1% to 5% of the critical damping ratio is applied to the model and the corresponding results are also compared to those of the finite element model.

Runoff Analysis for Urban Unit Subbasin Based on its Shape (유역형상을 고려한 도시 단위 소유역의 유출 해석)

  • Hur, Sung-Chul;Park, Sang-Sik;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.491-501
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    • 2008
  • In order to describe runoff characteristics of urban drainage area, outflow from subbasins divided by considering topography and flow path, is analyzed through stormwater system. In doing so, concentration time and time-area curve change significantly according to basin shape, and runoff characteristics are changed greatly by these attributes. Therefore, in this development study of FFC2Q model by MLTM, we aim to improve the accuracy in analyzing runoff by adding a module that considers basin shape, giving it an advantage over popular urban hydrology models, such as SWMM and ILLUDAS, that can not account for geometric shape of a basin due to their assumptions of unit subbasin as having a simple rectangular form. For subbasin shapes, symmetry types (rectangular, ellipse, lozenge), divergent types (triangle, trapezoid), and convergent types (inverted triangle, inverted trapezoid) have been analyzed in application of time-area curve for surface runoff analysis. As a result, we found that runoff characteristic can be quite different depending on basin shape. For example, when Gunja basin was represented by lozenge shape, the best results for peak flow discharge and overall shape of runoff hydrograph were achieved in comparison to observed data. Additionally, in case of considering subbasin shape, the number of division of drainage basin did not affect peak flow magnitude and gave stable results close to observed data. However, in case of representing the shape of subbasins by traditional rectangular approximation, the division number had sensitive effects on the analysis results.

A Study on Geoid Model Development Method in Philipphines (필리핀 지오이드모델의 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Pena, Bonifasio Dela
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2009
  • If a country has her geoid model, it could be determine accurate orthometric height because the geoid model could provide continuous equi-gravity potential surface. And it is possible to improve the coordinates accuracy of national control points through geodetic network adjustment considering geoidal heights. This study aims to find the best way to develop geoid model in Philippines which have similar topographic conditions as like Malaysia and Indonesia in Eastsouth asia. So, in this study, it is surveyed the general theories of geoid determination and development cases of geoid model in Asia and it is computed that the geoidal heights and gravity anomalies by spherical harmonic analysis using EGM2008, the latest earth geopotential model. The results show that first, the development of gravimetric geoid model based on airborne gravimetry is needed and second, about 200 GPS surveying data at national benchmark is needed. It is concluded that it is the most reasonable way to develop the hybrid geoid model through fitting geometric geoid by GPS/leveling data to gravimetric geoid. Also, it is proposed that four band spherical Fast fourier transformation(FFT) method for evaluation of Stokes integration and remove and restore technique using EGM2008 and SRTM for calculation of gravimetric geoid model and least square collocation algorithm for calculation of hybrid geoid model.

Extraction of Water Depth in Coastal Area Using EO-1 Hyperion Imagery (EO-1 Hyperion 영상을 이용한 연안해역의 수심 추출)

  • Seo, Dong-Ju;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.716-723
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    • 2008
  • With rapid development of science and technology and recent widening of mankind's range of activities, development of coastal waters and the environment have emerged as global issues. In relation to this, to allow more extensive analyses, the use of satellite images has been on the increase. This study aims at utilizing hyperspectral satellite images in determining the depth of coastal waters more efficiently. For this purpose, a partial image of the research subject was first extracted from an EO-1 Hyperion satellite image, and atmospheric and geometric corrections were made. Minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation was then performed to compress the bands, and the band most suitable for analyzing the characteristics of the water body was selected. Within the chosen band, the diffuse attenuation coefficient Kd was determined. By deciding the end-member of pixels with pure spectral properties and conducting mapping based on the linear spectral unmixing method, the depth of water at the coastal area in question was ultimately determined. The research findings showed the calculated depth of water differed by an average of 1.2 m from that given on the digital sea map; the errors grew larger when the water to be measured was deeper. If accuracy in atmospheric correction, end-member determination, and Kd calculation is enhanced in the future, it will likely be possible to determine water depths more economically and efficiently.

Scan Matching based De-skewing Algorithm for 2D Indoor PCD captured from Mobile Laser Scanning (스캔 매칭 기반 실내 2차원 PCD de-skewing 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Nam-woo;Sa, Se-Won;Ryu, Min Woo;Oh, Sangmin;Lee, Chanwoo;Cho, Hunhee;Park, Insung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2021
  • MLS (Mobile Laser Scanning) which is a scanning method done by moving the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is widely employed to capture indoor PCD (Point Cloud Data) for floor plan generation in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) industry. The movement and rotation of LiDAR in the scanning phase cause deformation (i.e. skew) of PCD and impose a significant impact on quality of output. Thus, a de-skewing method is required to increase the accuracy of geometric representation. De-skewing methods which use position and pose information of LiDAR collected by IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) have been mainly developed to refine the PCD. However, the existing methods have limitations on de-skewing PCD without IMU. In this study, a novel algorithm for de-skewing 2D PCD captured from MLS without IMU is presented. The algorithm de-skews PCD using scan matching between points captured from adjacent scan positions. Based on the comparison of the deskewed floor plan with the benchmark derived from TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning), the performance of proposed algorithm is verified by reducing the average mismatched area 49.82%. The result of this study shows that the accurate floor plan is generated by the de-skewing algorithm without IMU.

Mechanical Properties of Metallic Additive Manufactured Lattice Structures according to Relative Density (상대 밀도에 따른 금속 적층 제조 격자 구조체의 기계적 특성)

  • Park, Kwang-Min;Kim, Jung-Gil;Roh, Young-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2021
  • The lattice structure is attracting attention from industry because of its excellent strength and stiffness, ultra-lightweight, and energy absorption capability. Despite these advantages, widespread commercialization is limited by the difficult manufacturing processes for complex shapes. Additive manufacturing is attracting attention as an optimal technology for manufacturing lattice structures as a technology capable of fabricating complex geometric shapes. In this study, a unit cell was formed using a three-dimensional coordinate method. The relative density relational equation according to the boundary box size and strut radius of the unit cell was derived. Simple cubic (SC), body-centered cubic (BCC), and face-centered cubic (FCC) with a controlled relative density were designed using modeling software. The accuracy of the equations for calculating the relative density proposed in this study secured 98.3%, 98.6%, and 96.2% reliability in SC, BCC, and FCC, respectively. A simulation of the lattice structure revealed an increase in compressive yield load with increasing relative density under the same cell arrangement condition. The compressive yield load decreased in the order of SC, BCC, and FCC under the same arrangement conditions. Finally, structural optimization for the compressive load of a 20 mm × 20 mm × 20 mm structure was possible by configuring the SC unit cells in a 3 × 3 × 3 array.