• Title/Summary/Keyword: foundations

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Applicability Analysis of Foundation Reinforcement Method for Expanding Underground Parking Lot Using AHP Technique (AHP기법을 활용한 지하주차장 기초보강공법의 적용성 분석)

  • Shin, Myeong-Ha;Lee, Chansik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2017
  • The shortage of parking lots in aged apartment complexes built from the 1980s to the mid 1990s is serious. When we look at the case of parking lot expansion in the aged apartment complexes, the method of extending the underground parking lot vertically occupies the majority. It is very important to secure the structural safety of the foundations when the existing buildings are enlarged. In the case of underground vertical work, the work space should be narrow, so that a method with excellent safety, environmental and construction properties should be applied. Urban construction is also required to use construction methods and equipment with low noise and vibration. This study analyzed the factors influencing the selection of the foundation reinforcement method for the expansion of the underground parking lot and Weights of influence factors were calculated. The purpose of this study was to analyze the applicability of the foundation reinforcement method. Factors influencing the applicability of the foundation reinforcement method were derived through expert interviews and The AHP technique was used to calculate the weight of the influencing factors. It was evaluated by experts on the applicability of the foundation reinforcement method. It conducted a case study on two types of underground parking lot expansion type and compared the applicability of the foundation reinforcement method.

Analysis on High School Students' Recognitions and Expressions of Changes in Concentration as a Rate of Change (변화율 관점에서 농도 변화에 대한 인식과 표현의 변화 과정에 대한 분석)

  • Lee, Dong Gun;Kim, Suk Hui;Ahn, Sang Jin;Shin, Jae Hong
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.333-354
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    • 2016
  • The aim of the present study is twofold. One is to confirm a hypothesis that a student's rate concept influences her conceiving change of a function in the view of rate of change and the other is to build up foundations for understanding the transition process from her rate concept to the concept of rate of change when she investigates the change of concentration as an intensive quantity. We explored how three participating high school students recognized and expressed change of given functions by using their rate concept as a conceptual tool. The result indicates that a change in students' rate concept might have an effect on understanding how function values change in term of rate of change. We also expect that it could be a catalyst for further research for clarifying the relationship between students' rate concept and their development of a concept of rate of change as a foundation for learning calculus.

A Study on Isolation Performance of High Damping Rubber Bearing Through Shaking Table Test and Analysis (진동대 실험 및 해석을 통한 고감쇠 고무받침의 면진성능 연구)

  • Kim, Hu-Seung;Oh, Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2016
  • The research, development and use of seismic isolation systems have been increasing with the gradual development of structure safety assurance methods for earthquakes. The High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDRB), one type of seismic isolation system, is a Laminated Rubber Bearing using special High Damping Rubber. However, as its damping function is slightly lower than that of the Lead Rubber Bearing, a similar seismic isolation system, its utilization has not been high. However, the HDRB has a superior damping force to the Natural Rubber Bearing, which has similar materials and shapes, and the existing Lead Rubber Bearing has a maleficence problem in that it contains lead. Thus, studies on HDRBs that do not use lead have increased. In this study, a test targeting the HDRB was done to examine its various dependence properties, such as its compressive stress, frequency and repeated loading. To evaluate the HDRB's seismic performance in response to several earthquake waves, the shaking table test was performed and the results analyzed. The test used the downscaled bridge model and the HDRB was divided into seismic and non-seismic isolation. Consequently, when the HDRB was applied, the damping effect was higher in the non-seismic case. However, its responses on weak foundations, such as in Mexico City, represented increased shapes. Thus, its seismic isolator.

Development of Pre-Service and In-Service Information Management System (iSIMS) (원전 가동전/중 검사정보관리 시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, H.J.;Choi, S.N.;Kim, H.N.;Kim, Y.H.;Yang, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2004
  • The iSTMS is a web-based integrated information system supporting Pre-Service and In-Service Inspection(PSI/ISI) processes for the nuclear power plants of KHNP(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.). The system provides a full spectrum coverage of the inspection processes from the planning stage to the final report of examination in accordance with applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements. The major functions of the system includes the inspection planning, examination, reporting, project control and status reporting, resource management as well as objects search and navigation. The system also provides two dimensional or three dimensional visualization interface to identify the location and geometry of components and weld areas subject to examination in collaboration with database applications. The iSIMS is implemented with commercial software packages such as database management system, 2-D and 3-D visualization tool, etc., which provide open, updated and verified foundations. This paper describes the key functions and the technologies for the implementation of the iSIMS.

Evaluation of Permanent Lateral Displacement of a Cyclic Laterally Loaded Pile in Sandy Soil (모래지반에서 횡방향 반복하중을 받는 말뚝의 영구수평변위 평가)

  • Baek, Sung-Ha;Kim, Joon-Young;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Chung, Choong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2017
  • Pile foundations that support offshore structures or transmission towers are dominantly subjected to cyclic lateral loads due to wind and waves, causing permanent displacement which can severely affect stability of the structures. In this study, a series of cyclic lateral load tests were conducted on a pre-installed aluminum flexible pile in sandy soil with three different relative densities (40%, 70% and 90%) in order to evaluate the permanent displacement of a cyclic laterally loaded pile. Test results showed that the cyclic lateral loads accumulated the irreversible lateral displacement, so-called permanent displacement. As the number of cyclic lateral load increased, accumulated permanent displacement increased, but the permanent displacement due to one loading cycle gradually decreased. In addition, the permanent displacement of a pile increased with decrement of relative density and decreased by soil saturation. From the test results, the normalized permanent displacement defined as the cumulative permanent displacement to the initial permanent displacement ratio was investigated, and empirical equations for predicting the normalized permanent displacement was developed in terms of relative density of the soil and the number of cyclic lateral load.

A Study of the foundations of culture established the Sosu Seowon (소수서원(紹修書院) 건립의 문화적 토대 연구 - 회헌(晦軒) 안향(安珦)의 선비정신을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hwa
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.48
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    • pp.41-63
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    • 2012
  • This research paper is aims to study the Zhu Xi school of Neo-Confucianism culture based on the Sosu seowon. Also This research paper is to discuss study and scholars correlation the Sosu seowon. The Sosu seowon is mainly made up of the Zhu Xi school of Neo-Confucianism development. The Sosu seowon was the cradle of scholars and bureaucrats. Scholars who study of orthodox Neo-Confucianism in the our country was respected academic spirit of An Whyang in the study of orthodox Neo-Confucianism. An Whyang is symbolic existence of the Sosu seowon. He knew well the importance of learning. He was the person to represent the Sosu seowon. Toegye and Sinje are handed down to the fundamental principle brought in on the orthodox Neo-Confucianism caused by An Whyang. This research paper is to based upon on academic spirit of An Whyang in the study of orthodox Neo-Confucianism. Scholars who study of orthodox Neo-Confucianism thought that the nation's happiness made appointment to a competent person learned the orthodox Neo-Confucianism caused by An Whyang related to the Humanism education.

Humanity in the Posthuman Era : Aesthetic authenticity (포스트휴먼시대의 인간다움 : 심미적 진정성)

  • Ryu, Do-hyang
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.45-69
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    • 2018
  • This is an attempt to reflect on humanity in the post-human era. Here, I think that the question of future human beings should be critically raised in the following two meanings. First, can post-humans recover the body, emotions, nature and women's voices suppressed by modern enlightened subjects? Second, can post-humans preserve humanity by fighting inhumanity without presupposing human essence or immutable foundations? In answer to these questions, I will have a dialogue with M. Heidegger(1889-1976), W. Benjamin(1892-1940), Th. W Adorno(1903-1969). The three philosophers looked at the inhuman world situation brought about by modern subjects and technology, and found the possibility of new human beings. The three philosophers' new human image are the three possible models of post-humanism, 'a human being as ek-sistence' (Heidegger, Chapter 2), 'the man who restored the similarity with the other through innervation' (Benjamin, Chapter 3), 'A human being who negates the inhuman society' (Adorno, Chapter 4), and examines the current status of each. In conclusion, as long as the fourth industrial revolution is developed as a system of digital capitalism that controls the world as a whole from human senses, impulses, and unconsciousness, the necessity of the post-human era is aesthetic authenticity.

Lee Jema's Theory of Cultivating the Self (이제마의 수신론)

  • Choi, Dae-woo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.141
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    • pp.287-311
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    • 2017
  • The major purpose of this article is to analyze Lee Jema's idea of 'cultivating the self,' and therefore reveal a difference between his idea and 'cultivating and nurturing (the mind)' shown in traditional medicine and Neo-Confucianism. For this purpose, I first analyzed 'cultivating and nurturing (the mind)' of traditional medicine and Neo-Confucianism and showed Lee Jema's originality by studying philosophical foundations of Sasang constitutional Medicine. The idea of 'cultivating and nurturing (the mind)' is transcendental in that it pursues the unity between humans and the principle of natural changes or the Heaven. However, Lee Jema developed his own medical theory by analyzing an ontological structure of human beings and nature and life, and reinterpreting four beginnings on the basis of experience. He reinterpreted humans as a being in the structure of time and space, and relationships with others. In addition, he reinterpreted nature and life and four beginnings as the capability of wisdom and action and the function of mind and body. Therefore, he tried to overcome a transcendental thinking to aim for the unity of humans with the Heaven. Also, he discovered that the most important reason for disease is biased emotions (moral/private) because biased emotions influenced the function of mind and body. The causal relationship is the basis of his medical theory. Therefore, his idea of cultivating the self is focused on being careful not to make emotions biased. This reveals that even though Sasang constitutional theory came from the traditional medical theory and Confucian morality, it developed on a different philosophical foundation. In this regard, I tried to differentiate Lee Jema's idea of cultivating the self from 'cultivating and nurturing (the mind)' which aims for the unity between humans and the principle of changes or the Heaven.

An Analysis of the Policy Effect on Institutionalization of Gender Responsive Budgeting - Focusing on World Bank 73 Countries - (성인지 예산 제도화의 정책적 효과 분석 - World Bank 73개 국가를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Heejeong;Hong, Sunghyun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.29-66
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the study was to point out the limitation of the conceptual discussions in which researches on gender responsive budgeting have remained so far and to empirically analyze the effect of institutionalization of gender responsive budgeting on the gender equality by using macro data. The units of the analysis were 73 countries which implements gender responsive budgeting among the 229 countries registered in the World Bank. Panel data were established on the materials of 7-year period from 2006 to 2012, which were analyzed by Fixed Effect Model. Gender Equality (Gender Gap Index) which is the ultimate goal of gender budgeting was established as the dependent variable while Institutionalization of Gender Responsive Budgeting (formal and qualitative classification) was established as the independent variable. In addition, social and economic factors, political factors and geographical factors which were judged to affect dependent variables were established as control variables. As a result of analysis, the institutionalization of gender responsive budgeting has positive effect on gender equality. Thus, the study confirmed that gender responsive budgeting has positive effect on gender equality in countries with legal, procedural and formal foundations rather than in countries with simple rhetoric in catchwords and documents. Moreover, the higher the level of institutionalization of gender responsive budgeting is, the more positive effect it has on the gender equality. Therefore, the study found out that efforts need to be accompanied to enhance the level of institutionalization in order to increase the effectiveness of institutionalization of gender responsive budgeting.

Design Methodology on Steel-type Breakwater II. Pile Design Procedure (철재형 이안제 설계기법 연구 II. 하부기초 설계 단계)

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyun;Oh, Se-Boong;Kweon, Hyuck-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the design procedure of substructure of the steel-type breakwater was described and the actual foundation design was performed for the test bed. The site investigation was executed at the Osan-port area, in Uljin, Gyeongbuk, where the steeltype detached breakwater is constructed. The foundation mainly depends on the lateral load and uplift force due to the wave force. Since the superstructure is stuck out about 9.0m from the ocean bed, the foundation must resist on the lateral force and bending moment. After considering various factors, the foundation type of this structure was determined by the steel pipe pile(${\varphi}711{\times}t12mm$). On the stability of pile foundation, the safety factors of the pile on the compressive, lateral and uplift forces were grater than the minimum factor of safety. The displacements of pile under the working load were evaluated as the values below the permissible ones. Based on the subgrade reaction method, we evaluated the relationship of subgrade reaction and displacement for the lateral and the vertical directions in the layers. The structural analyses along with the foundation were perfomed and the effect of pile foundations were compared quantitatively.