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A Study on the Curriculum Design and Training Method for Fostering Librarians Specialized in Reading Healing (독서치유 전문사서 육성을 위한 교육과정 개발 및 양성방안 연구)

  • Cha, Sung-Jong;Hoang, Gum-Sook;Kim, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.77-109
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to strengthen librarian's capacity by developing curriculum and training system for fostering '(tentative name)Librarians Specialized in Reading Healing' as a field of professional librarians. For this purpose, curriculum and training system for fostering librarians specialized in reading healing are designed and presented through research methods including literature study, case study and 1, 2nd delphi survey. The final curriculum is composed of curriculum for 1st and 2nd grade licensed librarians specialized in reading healing and refresher training based on job description of librarians specialized in reading healing. The training system is based on the first and second level certification granted by completion of the course, thus is designed to meet requirements both for academic achievement and for career development in each grade.

Research on Establishing Master Plan to Foster Creative Human Resources (창의인재육성 마스터플랜 수립을 위한 기초연구)

  • Seo, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Sung-Kook;Byon, Jae-Gyu
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 2011
  • Enhancing individual competitiveness as well as national competitiveness by fostering creative human resources are one of the important visions of the nation. Thus, fostering creative human resources should be important mission of the nation. The purpose of this study is to identify what type of creative human resources is possible, based on Korean culture and background. Qualitative research experts was given to six experts of academics, institutes, and industries in science, humanities, social science, and art. The result indicated that key words for fostering creative human resources in Korea are 'fusion' and 'integration', and the definition and factors of creative human resources as well as educational strategy to foster it depend upon them. How to foster creative human resources in life-long learning also discussed.

Research for Development of Furniture Industry in a city of Gangneung and Donghae - Focused on Japanese Case Study and Survey of Local Businesses - (동해 강릉지역의 가구산업 조성을 위한 조사연구 - 일본 사례조사 및 지역 업체의 설문조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Jung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to develop furniture industry in eastern district of Gangwondo and a city of Gangneung and Donghae. Case study on furniture complex in Asahikawa, Japan and survey of furniture companies in Gangneung and Donghae city were implemented for understanding of present state, followed by analysis of problems. It can be summarized as follows. First, the basic operation method of Japanese furniture industry is to keep a balance between industry and academy. Universities or centers are in charge of education and fostering talents, such as allowing to promote and to sell products in design center gallery while corporations support it by lending expensive devices and conducting strength test analysis. Second, according to the survey of furniture companies in Gangneung, many difficulties in products development such as a shortage of designer, method, creative design were discovered. With respect to education and human force fostering, education for design and e-commerce were not sufficient, also marketing section has a problem with limited space for display and selling. Corporate support section is facing problems in receiving raw materials, aging of facilities, manufacturing and management methods. Consequently, it is considered that academic and industrial sections should implement their own roles by forming a bilateral network which connects local universities, high schools, relevant organization in the city and providence and furniture manufacturing companies to companies' product development, human force fostering and marketing in an attempt to activate the furniture industry in this area.

A study on the Education textbook at Normal School in Modern Korea (개화기 사범학교 『교육학』 교재 연구 - 기무라 도모지(木村知治)의 『신찬교육학』을 중심으로 -)

  • Hahn, Yong Jin
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the educational traits of Sinchan Kyoyukhak(新撰敎育學) which was the first western education textbook of Hansung Normal School(漢城師範學校) since 1895. The result of this study is as follows;First, the subject of education was firstly regulated by the Act of Hansung Normal School(漢城師範學校規則:1895.7.23). Second, even though this book was authored by the Japanese, Kimura Tomoji(木村知治), it is published for the textbook of Hansung Normal School and I presume that he is one of the employed foreigner by the Joseon Dynasty. Third, this textbook was effected more by the trend of utilitarianism of Spencer and Pestalozzi than that of Herbart's theory which is concerned to the teaching method. Fourth, the theory of three fostering of Sinchan Kyoyukhak(fostering the virtue, wisdom, and physical body) is connected with the Royal Doctrine for Building State(敎育立國詔書) by Kojong(fostering the virtue, physical body and wisdom) in 1895, but the order of those are not the same.

IT Fusion Global Education Methods for Fostering Global Teachers (글로벌 교원 양성을 위한 IT 융합 글로벌 교육 방법)

  • Kang, Ju-Young;Kim, Seong-Baeg;Kwon, Sang-Chul
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2016
  • To meet the requirements in the global age, the necessity and importance of global education in the field of education is rapidly increasing. However, according to the viewpoint on global education, a general consensus of its definition and model is not clear yet and the substantial outcome falls short of our expectation due to high cost, low effectiveness, and lack of persistency in the process of global education. Furthermore, there has been little research on global education for fostering global capabilities of pre-teachers. In this research, we compared and analyzed the ongoing global education programs for training global teachers in domestic universities. Also, through a study on IT fusion education system for tackling the difficulties in global education, we examined appropriate IT fusion education methods. In particular, beased on big data analysis techniques, we presented a recommendation system to complete a global curriculum, which can help a dual-degree or exchange student program.

Evaluation of Function of Upland Farming for Preventing Flood and Fostering Water Resources (밭농사의 수자원 함양과 홍수조절 기능에 대한 계량화 평가)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Kim, Moo-Sung;Eom, Ki-Cheol;Kang, Ki-Kyung;Yun, Hong-Bae;Seo, Myung-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.163-179
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    • 2003
  • Multifunctionality of agriculture which is not traded on the market now has been an important international issue in that it environmental and public benefits. We carried out to modify and to update the function of upland farming on flood prevention and fostering water resources. Economic values of environmental benefits were evaluated by replacement cost methods. Models to evaluate the function of preventing flood were selected as: (1)precipitation(flood-inducing) - runoff(A), (2) soil depth × soil air phase, (3) precipitation (flood-inducing) - runoff(B), (4) soil depth × effective porosity of soil. Models to estimate the function of fostering water resources were (1) saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) × duration of saturation(days) × (1-ratio of water flow directly into river), (2) precipitation × ratio of water fostered by rain resources × (area of upland/total land area), and (3) soil water retention quantity(under standing crop or tree) - SWRQ(in bare soil). Function of preventing flood was 883Mgha1 of water per year and 645 million Mg for the whole upland area. Function of fostering water resources was 94.1Mgha1 of water per year and 69 million Mg for the whole upland area. The value of flood-preventing function evaluated by replacement cost methods was estimated 1,428 billion won per year as compared to the cost for dam construction. The value of water resource fostering were estimated 8.6 billion won in the price of living water.

A Study on the Activation Strategies of the Inclusive Education and Disability Empathy Culture in the Information Society

  • Park, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the activation strategies of the inclusive education by sharing information & communication and creating a social disability empathy culture through literature review so that students with disabilities who receive inclusive education in general schools can get along with good friends and participate actively in various school or class events. The results of this study were as follows. First, in terms of volunteer activities of students without disabilities, the meaning, role, and activation strategies of inclusive education support for fostering disability empathy culture are described. Second, in terms of classroom management of classroom teachers, the meaning, role, and activation strategies of inclusive education support for fostering disability empathy culture are described. Third, in terms of special education teachers' role, the meaning, role, and activation strategies of inclusive education support for fostering disability empathy culture are described. Fourth, in terms of school administrators and educational administration institutions, the meaning, role, and activation strategies of inclusive education support for fostering disability empathy culture are described. The results of this study would be used as basic data to spread the disability empathy culture and improve the quality of inclusive education for students with disabilities to have inclusive education in the information society and be integrated into the community successfully.

An Operating Plans for the Interconnection between Local Agencies and Promotion of Professional Human Resources on the Special Education Convergence Based on 「Department of Support for the individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Graduate school」 (특수교육 융합 기반 「대학원 발달장애인지원학과」의 전문인력 양성체제 및 지역 유관기관 간 연계 운영방안)

  • Kim, Young-Jun;Kang, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted with the aim of exploring methods of fostering professional human resources of the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education and connection between local relevant institutions. To this end, research methods were constructed that combine literature exploration and expert meetings. First, the system for fostering professionals in the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education programs was presented interlinked with the system for fostering professional human resources in the organizational and academic categories. Next, the link operation plans between relevant local institutions under the "department of support for the individuals with developmental disabilities in graduate school" based on the convergence of special education programs were presented interlinked with core management measures for curriculum education and cooperative support. In order to conclude the preconditions for the realization of the above research results, we presented leadership of special education convergence on the support system for lifelong education for adults with developmental disabilities.

Analysis of Performance in Fostering the Companies Occupied in Technopark and its Characteristics: Focusing on Growth Path and Type (테크노파크 입주기업 육성의 성과 및 특성 분석: 성장경로 및 유형을 중심으로)

  • Seulbee Lee;Myungjun Oh;Jinhee Bae;Seseon Ryou
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.531-546
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzes the performance and characteristics of the fostering policies for the focusing on growth path and type occupied in the Technoparks. First, the companies occupied in the Technoparks have shown the characteristics of landing on an actual growth phase beyond the start-up and fostering phases, and when considering the possession of a dedicated R&D organization and the portion of highly educated technical personnel having masters and doctorate degrees, these companies have also entailed the characteristics of being a technological innovation company. Second, about 30% of the companies that left the Technoparks secured their own factories and offices after standing alone, indicating that the fostering function after startup in the Technoparks has been performing a significant role on the growth path of start-up companies from a temporal perspective. Third, a majority of the companies occupied in the Technoparks were composed of scale-up companies or preliminary scale-up companies that contained promising innovative growth potential. However, it seems to urgently require the acceleration of innovation because many companies are categorized into a stagnated growth type that demonstrates a high R&D investment but low sales revenue growth.