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Importance-Satisfaction Analysis for Improvement of Young Farmers Fostering Support Policy (청년 농업인 육성지원제도 개선을 위한 중요도-만족도 분석)

  • Kim, Jin Jin;Lee, So Young
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the importance-satisfaction level for the improvement of the young farmers fostering support policy. According to the analysis result, the respondents answered that the current policy to foster young farmers is important. However, the actual satisfaction level of the project was found to be lower than the importance level. In the 'Keep up the Good Work' area, which is the first quadrant, 'a project to support young succession farmers and settling in farming' and 'a project to select and support succeeding agricultural managers'. It was found that the respondents highly evaluated the importance and satisfaction of the 'Young Succession Farmers Selection and Farm Settlement Support Project' and the 'Succession Farmers Selection and Support Project'. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually expand the project in the future.

A Study on Policies for Systematically Fostering Eligible Farmers based on Their Developing Stages (농업인력의 발전단계별 체계적인 육성방안 연구)

  • Suh, G.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.3-28
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried to devise comprehensive policies for systematically fostering the eligible farmers in Korea based on their vocational developing stages such as potential stage in juvenile days, preparing stage in agricultural schools and colleges, farm worker stage under farm manager, ownership farming stage and professional farm manager stage. Of course all of these developing stages are not necessary but desirable processing to be a good farmer. At least more than two stages are necessary to be a professional farm manager. In order to systematically foster the eligible farmers as many as demanded in Korea, appropriate policies in the every stage should be devised. As the result of this study, several programs were sugested as the appropriate policies such as development of school 4-H program in potential stage, scholarship program in preparing stage, supporting programs for the farmhouse-hold having a family's farm management agreement, development of the instalment savings program for the young farm workers and farmer's certificate program, etc.

Study of the Linkage of the Education System to foster Manpower of Culture Contents (문화콘텐츠 인력양성을 위한 교육시스템의 연동에 관한 연구)

  • 하판덕
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2004
  • The values of material civilizations that dominated the last century have been replaced with invisible values such as knowledge, information, and culture. The central axis of the world economy is also rapidly shifting from a capital and labor-intensive industry to a knowledge-based industry of software and contents. From the perspective of the industrialization of culture as multinational corporations and dominance and subordination relationships between cultures thereof, and crisis of cultural identity, the issues of support and fostering a culture industry arise. These have become major issues of concern in deciding national policies. In response to this trend, new departments related to culture contents in various universities have been established for fostering manpower in the field and the government policy to foster related human resources. However, actual results have not been currently achieved, despite the increase in quantity. This is due to the fact that the walls between culture contents departments were too high and thus education and fostering excellent human resources have not been properly conducted. It is also due to the obscure direction of education and a deficiency in the system. To cope with these problems, a systematic manpower-fostering education program should be developed through enhancement of the understanding of culture contents via linking education programs with detailed major fields of study. Accordingly, this study aims to identify changes in the current culture contents industry at home and abroad according to digitalization for fostering manpower of culture contents required in a rapidly changing environment of the culture contents industry. Then, it will review what influence has been made on the education system through the identification of personnel types through work flow charts and contents delivery modes following integration, as well as a desirable method to construct culture contents. Therefore, this study is a preliminary study on the means of fostering core personnel in the culture contents industry through linkage with the education system.

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The Longitudinal Effect of the Creative-Fostering Program for Pre-early childhood Teacher on their Problem Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy (예비유아교사를 위한 창의성교육 프로그램이 문제해결능력 및 자기효능감에 미치는 영향에 대한 단기종단연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung Eun
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to examine the short-term longitudinal effect of creativity-fostering programs for pre-early childhood teachers on their problem solving ability and self-efficacy. The participants of this study were 67 pre-early childhood teachers (36 from the experimental group and 31 from the control group) in Seoul, Kyunggi-do, and Chungcheong-do, Korea. Pre-early childhood teachers' problem solving ability and self-efficacy was measured three times. Data were analyzed with a 2×3 (group×test) two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures. The change in problem solving and self-efficacy appeared to be dependent on the group and test. Further statistical analysis of the data indicated that the participation of creativity-fostering programs for pre-early childhood teachers was longitudinally effective on their problem solving ability and self-efficacy.

The Desirable Development Direction of Farmer's Study Group in Agricultural Extension Work in Korea (품목별 농업인 연구모임의 발전방안)

  • Ko, Soon-Chul;Jung, In-Whan
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.527-548
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to suggest the developmental tasks for the successful fostering the Farmer's Study Group which have been guided by the agricultural extension work since 1994 in Korea. The 3,278 farmers study groups with 148,420 memberships have been organized in field of grains, cash crop, horticulture, livestock, improving living conditions, food processing and so on. Although the number of study groups have rapidly expanded, there also are tasks to be secured for their successful development in terms of (a) desirable phase of the study groups and goals of its fostering, (b) managements / administration of them, (c) long-term tasks to be reviewed. With regard to the desirable phase of the study groups and goals of its fostering, they should secure differential mission and the way of works compare to the other farmer's groups. Also, there should be consensus on the proper number of study groups to be fostered with a agricultural technical center at local level. With regard to the managements / administration of the study groups, there should be the different support, assistance and guidance according to the developmental level of the groups. For these, there should be evaluation works on the groups, and guidance manuals for the extension workers. Also extension works should facilitate the establishment of networks among groups over the counties. Finally, to establish the nationwide association in hierarchy and to make the cooperative works with similar farmer's group, doing the value-added activities rather than mere information exchange, and the introduction of capacity building programs for the extension workers are long-term tasks needed to review for the successful fostering study groups.

Evaluation of Beneficial Function for Organic Paddy Farming in Korea

  • Seo, M.C.;Park, K.L.;Ko, B.G.;Kang, K.K.;Ko, J.Y.;Lee, J.S.
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.108-110
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    • 2011
  • In order to evaluation of beneficial functions for organic farming, we have divided beneficial functions as 9 sub-functions such as flooding control, fostering water resources, purifying the air, mitigating summer climate, purifying water quality, decreasing soil erosion, accumulating soil carbon, conserving biodiversity, and preventing accidents from pesticides. And they were quantified by searching related repots and statistics, and surveying fields. Organic farming, especially organic paddy farming, showed that some functions like fostering water resources, accumulating soil carbon, conserving biodiversity, and preventing accidents from pesticides were higher than conventional paddy farming, while the others were almost similar. The fostering water resources function was evaluated as 4,297 ton ha1year1 to increase about 3.6% comparing with that of conventional farming. New function for accumulating soil carbon at organic paddy fields has been assessed by 4.67 ton ha1 in terms of long periods over 10 years. Considering area of organic paddy farming in Korea and value of carbon price, it was evaluated monetary value as 22.4 to 84.1 billion won using replaced method. It could be also evaluated that flooding control, fostering water resources, purifying the air, mitigating summer climate, purifying water quality, decreasing soil erosion, and preventing accidents from pesticides were 2,980, 123.4, 482.6, 87.5, 0.9, 55.6, and 284.1 billion won, respectively. Conserving biodiversity function would be very big at organic farming though it couldn't be evaluated as monetary value.

The Relationship between Multi-cultural Family Father's Participation in their Children's Fostering and Children's Vocabulary (여성 결혼 이민자의 다문화 가정에서 아버지의 양육참여실태와 유아의 어휘력과의 관계)

  • Lee, Min-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 2016
  • This study was to investigate 1) the effect of the variables (age, education level, average monthly income, occupation) relating to the multi-cultural family father(MF) on children's vocabulary(CV), 2) the relationship between the father's participation in their children's fostering(FPCF) and CV. FPCF in 24 MFs and CV were evaluated using the questionnaire, interview. The results are as follows: 1) There were significant correlations among father's education level, average income, occupation, and CV. FPCF scores. 2) There were no significant correlation between father's age and CV. 3) There were significant correlations between FPCF scores and CV. And some interview examples were illustrated in this paper.

A research of Ruyi(儒醫), Li-Chan(李梴)'s viewpoint on Taoism (명대(明代) 유의(儒醫) 이천(李梴)의 도교(道敎)이해)

  • Sung, Ho-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2013
  • Objective : The medicine originated from Taoist tradition which identifies itself with medicine, making a harmonic combination between taoist theory of life fostering(養生論) and confucianism was a everlasting task for Ru-Yi, Li-chan who attach great importance to Confucian-medicine. Differing from the ideological background of precedent medical theorists, made his own confucianism the main theory of medicine. I think we need a rational reflection over these issues and am trying to focus on it. I hereby analyse the Ru-Yi, Li-chan's viewpoint on Taoism since after Ming(明)-dynasty during which his theoretical ideology has bloomed in chinese medicine. Method : I analyze the sentences in Li-Chan's Yisuerumen(Medical beginner's book, 醫學入門) From the perspective of Confucianism and Taoism. Result & Conclusion : Li-Chan understood Taoism from the viewpoint of Confucian medicine. Thus, He accepted the life-fostering of Taoism from the point of Confucian-moral cultivation. He emphasized the role of the Xin(mind, 心) and he was rejected Taoist mysticism. He interpreted Medical classics-Huangdineijing(黃帝內經) from the perspective of the Confucian classics and understanding of each other was similar position. Because he was a Confucian scholar and medical scientists.

Do Long Term Savings Motives Foster Household Participation and Contribution to Savings Mechanisms in Rural Vietnam?

  • HA, Van Dung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2019
  • The paper aims to investigate the impacts of long-term savings motives on fostering household participation and contribution to savings mechanisms in rural Vietnam. The paper is organized in five parts: introduction, data description, methodology, empirical results, and conclusion. The quantitative methodology is employed and three simultaneous estimation methods, including instrumental variable model, two-step model, and Heckman model are used to test these impacts as well as the robustness of results. In each model, the paper examines the impacts of independent factors on both household participation and household contribution to savings mechanisms. Two sets of independent variables: long-term savings motives (profit-making investment, accumulation for big expenditure, providing for old age, and cost of educations) and control variables (dependency rate, number of people in household, and household wealth) are in each model. A set of dataset of 2,314 households for analysis is obtained from household survey in rural Vietnam. Robust statistical findings indicate that profit-making investment emerged to be the strongest motive fostering household participation to savings mechanisms while other long-term savings motives have little or no impact on fostering household participation to savings mechanisms. In addition, education investment encourages household contribution to savings mechanisms in rural Vietnam.