• Title/Summary/Keyword: fluvial

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Post LGM Fluvial Environment and Palynological Changes of South Korea

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Bong, Pil-Yoon;Nahm, Wook-Hyun;Lee, Heon-Jong;Lee, Yung-Jo;Hong, Sei-Sun;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Jin-Wkan;Oh, Keun-Chang
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2003
  • In Korea terrestrial fluvial sequences can be used as pedological and sedimentological markers indicating a millenium-scale environmental and climatic changes imprinted in fluvial sub-environments, which in turn are represented by the cyclicity of fluvial sands, backswamp organic muds, and flooding muds intercalations of frostcracked or dessicated brown paleosols. Post LGM and Holocene fluvial and alluvial sedimentary sequences of Korea are formed in such landscapes of coastal, floodplain, backswamp and hillslope areas. Among them, the most outstanding depositional sequences are fluvial gravels, sands and organic mud deposits in coastal, fluvial, or alluvial wetlands. The aim of this study is to explain the sedimentary sequences and palynofloral zones since the last 15,000years, on the basis of organic muds layers intercalated in fluvial sand deposits. Jangheung-ri site of Nam river, Soro-ri site of Miho river, Youngsan rivermouth site in Muan, Oksan-ri site of Hampyeong and Sanggap-ri site of Gochang are illustrated to interpret their sedimentary facies, radiocarbon datings, and palynofloral zonation. Up to the Middle to Late Last Glacial(up to 30-35Ka), old river-bed, flooding, and backswamp sequences contain such arboreal pollens as Pinus, Abies, and Picea, and rich in non-arboreal pollens like Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Ranunculaceae, and Compositae. During the LGM and post-LGM periods until Younger Dryas, vegetation has changes from the sub-alpine conifer forest(up to about 17-11Ka), through the conifer and broad-leaved deciduous forest, or mixed forest (formed during 16,680-13,010yrB.P), to the deciduous and broad-leaved forest (older than 9,500yrB.P). In the Earliest Holocene flooding deposits, fragments of plant roots are abundant and subjected to intensive pedogenic processes. During Holocene, three arboreal pollen zones are identified in the ascending order of strata; Pinus-Colyus zone(mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest, about up to 10Ka), Alnus-Quercus forest (the cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, about 10Ka-2Ka), and Pinus forest (the conifer forest, about after 2Ka), as examplified in Soro-ri site of Cheonwon county. The palynological zonations of Soro-ri, Oksan-ri, Sanggap-ri, Youngsan estuary, and Gimhae fluvial plain have been recognized as a provisional correlation tool, and zonations based on fluvial backswamp and flooding deposits shows a similar result with those of previous researchers.

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Concepts and Geomorphic Properties on Fluvial Terraces (하안단구의 개념과 지형 특성)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • To reinterpret the meaning of fluvial terraces in the Quaternary researches, the concepts and geomorphic properties of fluvial terraces are reviewed. Fluvial terraces are the alluvial landform that was once river channel or floodplain by paleochannel flowed in elevated areas from the current river by active incision of rivers due to the climatic changes and/or uplifts. As fluvial terraces are the remnants of alluviums after incisions of rivers, the major factors influencing on the incisions are the falling of erosion base, increase of river discharge and distinct geomorphic phenomenon of river. While it is generally known that fluvial terraces deposits in the upper or middle reaches of large rivers were formed during glacial periods, the deposits may be formed at the various periods due to the diverse natural environments and geomorphic properties of specific rivers, because there have been numerous cases that the ages of fluvial terraces in the upper or middle reaches of large rivers in Korea and China can be correlated to the interglacial periods.

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Did Fluvial Terrace of Mountain Streams in Korea Form in Each Glacial Stage? (우리나라 산지 하천의 하안단구는 매 빙기마다 형성되었는가?)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2019
  • This study summarizes domestic and foreign previous works on fluvial terrace with absolute ages to discuss formative process of climatic terrace in Korea. Different from traditional climatic terrace model, approximately three quarters from foreign works have argued that formation of climatic terrace can be attributed to medium- and short-term climatic change or other environmental factors, rather than long-term climatic change of glacial and interglacial cycles. Based on previous works on fluvial terrace in Korea, it can be suggested that fluvial terrace in Korea formed not due to long-term climatic change of 100,000-year cycles related to glacial and interglacial cycles, but due to medium- and short-term climatic change or climatic event of tens of thousands of years related to intensity change in summer monsoon, one of the important factors affecting precipitation in Korea.

Geochemical Properties and Source Areas of Fluvial Terrace Deposits - A Case Study in Danyang and Geum River Basins - (하안단구 퇴적층의 지구화학적 특성과 기원지 - 단양천, 금천 유역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Chung-Sun;Cho, Young-Dong;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2019
  • This study tries to reveal source areas of fluvial terrace deposits in Danyang and Geum River basins located in the northern and southern parts of the Sobaek Mountains, respectively, through geochemistry. The samples analyzed in this study show different grain size properties and can be grouped into the coarse, medium and fine samples. Grain size properties suggest that the coarse samples are typically fluvial deposits and geochemistry from the coarse samples is also similar to that from the bedrocks within the basins. The fine samples show geochemical properties different from the bedrocks and similar to loess deposits in Korea. However, different geochemical concentrations among the fine samples can be also recognized, indicating mixtures of loess materials with weathering products of the bedrocks. One sample among the medium samples is considered as fluvial deposit due to geochemical similarity to the bedrocks, while geochemistry from another sample among the medium samples indicates that loess materials were mixed with more abundant weathering products of the bedrocks than those in the fine samples.

Analysis of Fluvial Terraces at Kohyun River in Youngcheon City (경북 영천시 고현천의 하안단구 지형 분석)

  • Cho, Young-Dong;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.447-462
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    • 2009
  • Kohyun River basin is located at southern parts of Taebaek Mountains and most of river basins consists of sedimentary rock. The aims of this study are to investigate the distribution characteristics and processes of fluvial terraces at Kohyun River, using scientific methods such as classification of fluvial landforms, analysis of geomorphological deposits, XRD and OSL age dating. In Kohyun River basin are three levels terraces from T1 to T3. Fluvial terraces are assumed to be erosional terraces according to deposited situation of alurium and existences of bedrock riverbed. From the result of OSL age dating, formation age of fluvial terrace 1(T1) is calculated about 37,000 yr.B.P.(MIS 3), and fluvial terrace 2(T2) is calculated about 113,000 yr.B.P.(MIS 5). Therefore, fluvial terraces at Kohyun River are assumed to be formed at warmer period in the glacial stages or cooler period in the interglacial stages. The incision rate of fluvial terrace 1 at Kohyun River is calculated to be 0.054m/ka, and the incision rate of fluvial terrace 2 is calculated to be 0.115m/ka. This results suggest to lower incision rate than other rivers in Korea because of low uplift rates and little discharge.

Late Pleistocene Fluvial Sequence in South Korea

  • Kim, Ju-Yong;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Nahm, Wook-Hyun;Lee, Yung-Jo;Park, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2004
  • In South Korea a Pedo-sedimentary Sequence(PS) indicating the Last Glacial Maximun(LGM) is typified y a brown to dark brown, relatively stiff paleosol layers formed by repetitive freezing and thawing processes which in turn left characteristi glossic textures in soil-solum, polygolnal structures with a flagipans, vertical soil wedges or freezing cracks, and horizontal foliations, As a pre-LGM sedimentary sequences (older than 25Ka), the Old Fluvial Sequence(OFS) overlain by the Slope Sedimentary Sequence(SS) are distributed commonly at the base level higher than 14-15m above present river-bed along the major river basin. After the LGM (ca. 18Ka), the Young Fluvial Sequence(YFS) appears at an altitude ascending order of sedimentary profiles. In this fluvial organic muds of Jangheungri site(Jinju), Sorori site(Cheonwon), and Youngsan estruarine rivermouth(Mokpo) were exemplified in order to interpret their formation ages and environments. As result of $^{14}C$ datings, the formation ages of te organic muds are Boelling to Alleroed (MIS-1). These organic muds were fomed in fluvial backswamp or local pond/bog in response to shifting fluvial system. On the basis of palynological production dominant with Abies/Picea-Betula and Ranunculaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae, and Graminae, it was interpreted that more boreal to subboreal condition was prevailed rather than temperate like today during the formation of organic muds and soil moisture condition was a repetition of wet and dry condition.

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Researches on fluvial terraces in Korea (한국의 하안단구 연구)

  • LEE, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2011
  • This study summarizes the research history of fluvial terraces in Korea and examines the geomorphic properties of fluvial terraces in Korea based on the previous works. The research history of fluvial terraces in Korea can be divided into the three periods. The theories of fluvial terraces were spread by the early geomorphologists during the period of Japanese colonial era to mid-1980s. The dissertations on the fluvial terraces were intensively published during the late 1980s to 1990s and their discussions were the center of geomorphology researches in Korea. Since 2000s, the discussions have become more mature and researches have been quantitatively increased as the various methodologies have been developed. The fluvial terraces in Korea are mostly developed in the western and eastern parts of the Taebaek Mountains, upper and middle reaches of Han and Nakdong River, and in the western slopes of Sobaek Mountains, middle reaches of Namhan River, upper and middle reaches of Geum and Seomjin River. Along these rivers in actively uplifted areas, fluvial terraces with much higher altitude from riverbed are observable and incision rates are relatively high. In the sense of the formation ages, they have developed in not regular patterns by the climatic changes during the Quaternary, but in more complicated aspects by the environmental conditions such as climate, hydrology, geology and geomorphology in the specific drainage basins.

Grain Size Partitioning Using the Weibull Function and Origin of Fluvial Terrace Deposits (Weibull 함수를 이용한 입도 분리와 하안단구 퇴적층의 기원)

  • Park, Chung-Sun;Cho, Young-Dong;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2019
  • This study tries to reveal transport mechanism and origin of components from fluvial terrace deposits in Danyang and Geum River basins, through grain size partitioning using the Weibull function. Grain size parameters suggest that the samples analyzed in this study can be grouped into the coarse, fine and medium samples. The coarse samples are partitioned into three or four components. More than 65% of the coarse samples consist of components by suspension and saltation by fluvial process, while components by attachment to coarse grains or aggregates and/or by individual grains deposited under non-flow condition are also found in the coarse samples. The fine samples consist of four components and components found in loess deposits in Korea occupy >70%, suggestive of the same transport mechanisms (westerlies and winter monsoon) and common source areas with loess deposits in Korea. However, components by aeolian process from local sources as well as by fluvial process are also found in the fine samples. The medium samples are partitioned into components with similar sizes to the coarse and fine samples, respectively.

Paleo-red Soil on the High Fluvial Surface in the Middle Basin of Nam-Han River (남한강 중류 하성고위면의 고적색토)

  • Kang, Young-Pork;Lee, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.828-835
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the landform development of fluvial terrace and the soil characteristics occurring on the terrace deposit. In order to achieve the purpose, the characteristics of soil profiles, the physic-chemical properties of soils that are developed on terrace deposits and X-ray diffraction analysis of clay were investigated. The horizon of Al in the high fluvial surface is silt clay loam of red (2YR 4/6). The soil structure is a developed granular structure. The horizon of B1 is silt clay reddish-brown (2.5YR 4/6). The soil structure is a medium subangular blocky structure. This red soil structure is made on heavy textured and compactly packed parent materials of high terrace sediments and usually has A-B-C profile. In most cases, clay accumulations in B-horizon and clay cutans on ped surfaces are observed, which mean the formation of agrillic horizon. As the result of this study, soils derived from fluvial terrace deposits on high fluvial surfaces are considered paleo-red soil which were developed by pedogenese-strong desilicification and rubefaction and strong leaching of bases- under warmer bio-climatic condition during in the old Pleistocene period.

Physical Properties of Old Fluvial Aggregates in the Southeastern of Jeonnam Province, Korea (전남 동남부 지역에 부존하는 육상골재의 물성특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Ju Yong;Oh Keun Chang;Yang Dong Yoon;Hong Sei Sun;Chang Soo Bum;Lee Jin Young;Rim Hyun Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.3 s.172
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    • pp.319-334
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    • 2005
  • Some of old fluvial sediments are originally composed of fine and silty-clay grains with sands or some of them have been segregated by weathering as a result of the influence of groundwater fluctuations. For this reason, some of old fluvial sediments are not suitable for using as fine aggregates. Furthermore, the old fluvial aggregates with comparatively good quality have been exploited for a long time and quality of most remainders have been significantly poor. Though many old fluvial aggregates do not satisfy the quality controls(QC) standards such as KS F2526 and KS F 2527, they must be utilized to various usage suitable far different quality categories. Thus, we try to make constant efforts to utilize aggregates of all qualities. This study shows that physical properties of old fluvial aggregates are both controlled by source rocks and also related to old fluvial environment.