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Physical Properties of Old Fluvial Aggregates in the Southeastern of Jeonnam Province, Korea  

Kim Ju Yong (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Oh Keun Chang (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Yang Dong Yoon (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Hong Sei Sun (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Chang Soo Bum (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Lee Jin Young (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Rim Hyun Soo (Dept. of Geological & Environmental Hazards Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
Publication Information
Economic and Environmental Geology / v.38, no.3, 2005 , pp. 319-334 More about this Journal
Some of old fluvial sediments are originally composed of fine and silty-clay grains with sands or some of them have been segregated by weathering as a result of the influence of groundwater fluctuations. For this reason, some of old fluvial sediments are not suitable for using as fine aggregates. Furthermore, the old fluvial aggregates with comparatively good quality have been exploited for a long time and quality of most remainders have been significantly poor. Though many old fluvial aggregates do not satisfy the quality controls(QC) standards such as KS F2526 and KS F 2527, they must be utilized to various usage suitable far different quality categories. Thus, we try to make constant efforts to utilize aggregates of all qualities. This study shows that physical properties of old fluvial aggregates are both controlled by source rocks and also related to old fluvial environment.
old fluvial aggregates; groundwater fluctuations; weathering; quality controls; KS F 2526 and KS F 2527;
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  • Reference
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