• Title/Summary/Keyword: five-sounds

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Environmental Sound Classification for Selective Noise Cancellation in Industrial Sites (산업현장에서의 선택적 소음 제거를 위한 환경 사운드 분류 기술)

  • Choi, Hyunkook;Kim, Sangmin;Park, Hochong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.845-853
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a method for classifying environmental sound for selective noise cancellation in industrial sites. Noise in industrial sites causes hearing loss in workers, and researches on noise cancellation have been widely conducted. However, the conventional methods have a problem of blocking all sounds and cannot provide the optimal operation per noise type because of common cancellation method for all types of noise. In order to perform selective noise cancellation, therefore, we propose a method for environmental sound classification based on deep learning. The proposed method uses new sets of acoustic features consisting of temporal and statistical properties of Mel-spectrogram, which can overcome the limitation of Mel-spectrogram features, and uses convolutional neural network as a classifier. We apply the proposed method to five-class sound classification with three noise classes and two non-noise classes. We confirm that the proposed method provides improved classification accuracy by 6.6% point, compared with that using conventional Mel-spectrogram features.

Annoyance and sportiness perception of the acceleration sound by the driver and passengers (가속 사운드에 대한 운전자와 탑승객의 성가심과 스포티함 지각)

  • Kim, Seonghyeon;Altinsoy, M. Ercan
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.566-570
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    • 2021
  • This study presents a perceptual difference in acceleration sounds of a sporty sedan between the driver and passenger. We found a significant difference in annoyance and sportiness perception according to the acceleration sound level through subjective evaluations. The multimodal reproduction system, which can reproduce the driving image, motion, vibration, and sound, was applied for the test. A subjective experiment was conducted to evaluate the perceived intensity of annoyance and sportiness by varying the acceleration sound level in five steps of 3 dB. The experimental results showed that the driver perceives the acceleration sound less annoying than the passenger at a relatively low sound level. Meanwhile, the driver has perceived the acceleration sound more sporty than the passenger at a relatively high sound level. Moreover, it was found that passengers were 35 % less sensitive to an annoyance than drivers, whereas the driver was 74 % more susceptible to sportiness than passengers according to the sound level change. This finding is expected to be applied as a sound design strategy that differentiates the acceleration sound level in active sound design.

Strategies and difficulties of making Jeokbyeok-ga into Changguk (<적벽가> 창극화의 전략과 한계)

  • Lee, Jin-Joo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.31-67
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    • 2019
  • This thesis examines the difficulties of utilizing the narrative and music of Pansori: 판소리 in Changguk: 창극. For this examination, I consider that the reason for the difficulty of making Changguk is the difference between Pansori and Changguk as the genres. Most of the Changguk based on the traditional five Pansori works perform the narration and songs of Pansori literally. However, the original narrative of Pansori has a distinctive dual structure since the formation of its first and second half is created separately. As the drama genre visualizes the story and emphasizes the consistency of action, unlike Pansori, the duality of the original narrative can be seen as the inconsistency of the action. In addition, since the sounds of the original Pansori are rather explanatory than dramatic even in the climax scenes of Jeokbyeok battlefields, it is difficult to produce dramatic scenes in Changguk. The voices of the military, not in the original works, play important roles in revealing the hidden theme effectively in Changguk. However It is impossible to relocate the original text of Pansori into Changguk, as even the voices of the military lack verisimilitude in terms of narrative. Changguk can only be developed as its own work by actively researching and dismantling Pansori .

Analyzing the Impact of Plot Size in Vision-Based Time-Series Sound Classification

  • Euihyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, visualizing time-series data as images for use in vision-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) models has gained significant attention. This approach transforms temporal sequences into images that can be processed by deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Although its effectiveness has been demonstrated in various domains, the impact of plot size on model performance remains underexplored. In this study, we investigate the effect of varying plot sizes on classification accuracy by visualizing natural sounds (e.g., cats, crows) and testing five classes of 2,000 samples each using the YOLO model. While training was conducted on 320x320 plots, test sets were generated at six sizes (112x112 to 640x640). Results show that as the plot size of the test dataset diverged from that of the training dataset, both precision and recall decreased, highlighting the importance of plot size consistency in time-series visualization research.

A Study on the Perceived Stress Level of Mothers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients (신생아 중환자실에 입원한 환아 어머니의 스트레스)

  • Kim Tae Im
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.224-239
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    • 2000
  • This descriptive study was conducted to understand the contents and degree of parental stress level in the NICU patients, and to give a baseline data in developing nursing intervention program. Subjects were the 62 mother of hospitalized newborn in NICU of 1 University Hospital in Taejon City from May 1st, 1999 to November 30th, 1999, who agreed to take part in this study. The instrument used in this study were Parental Stressor Scales : NICU(PSS:NICU) developed by Miles et al. and validated by 3 NICU practitioners and 3 child health nursing faculties. The questionnaire has 4 dimensions and 45 items; sight and sounds of NICU(5 items), babies' appearance and behavior(19 items), parental role alteration and relationship with their baby(10 items), communication with health team(11 items). The questionnaire asks parents to rate each item on a five-point Likert type scale that ranges from (1) to (5). Total scores representing overall stress from the NICU environment are calculated by summing response to each item. A high score indicates high stress. A subscale score is calculated by summing the responses to each item in the subscale. Cronbach's α coefficients were .93. The data was analyzed as average, Frequency, Standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient by use of SPSS/PC+. The results of this study is summarized as follows ; 1. The total perceived stress level score of mothers was slightly high(3.6±.7). The highest scored dimension was 'appearance and behavior of the baby'(3.9±1.5), and next were 'relationship with their baby and parental role change'(3.5±1.4), 'communication with health team'(3.4±.9), 'sight and sounds of NICU'(3.2±.8). 2. Two variables were statistically significant with PSS:NICU total scale ; mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition (r=.482, P=.002) and mother's religious attendance(t=2.83, P=.01). The more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe, the higher the total stress score. There were high stress score noted in the mother of no religious attendance. 3. Four variables were statistically significant with NICU environment subscale ; mother's educational background(F=3.45, P=.04), religious attendance(t=2.28, P=.04), sex of the baby(t=2.83, P=.01) and NICU patients' hospital day(r=.359, P=.004). That is mother with high educational background and girl baby were high NICU environment subscale score. 4. Four variables were statistically significant with appearance and behavior of the baby subscale ; when first saw baby(F=3.52, P=.04), incubator care(t=2.83, P=.01), mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition(r=.303, P=.017), number of NICU visit(r=.441, P=.002). That is, seeing the baby first in the NICU and recieved incubator care was very stressful. Also, the more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe and more NICU visit, the higher the appearance and behavior of the baby subscale stress score. 5. Four variables were statistically significant with relationship with their baby and parental role change subscale ; when first saw baby(F=3.37, P=.04), sex of the baby(t=2.36, P=.03), incubator care(t=5.60, P=.00), mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition(r=.401, P=.001). That is, seeing the baby first in the NICU and girl baby was very stressful. Also, the more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe, the higher the relationship with their baby and parental role change subscale stress score. 6. Three variables were statistically significant with communication with health team subscale ; mother's educational background (F=3.63, P=.04), incubator care(t=4.24, P=.00), gestational age(r=-.394, P=.047), and birth weight(r=-.460, P=.004). That is, mother with high educational background and receiving incubator care were high communication with health team subscale score. Also, the shorter the gestational age and smaller the baby's birth weight, the higher the communication with health team subscale score. In conclusion, information about physical environment of NICU, the mother's perceived severity of baby's illness state, maternal role change related variables and the knowledge of characteristics of NICU patients must be included in nursing intervention program of mother's of NICU patients in reducing the maternal stress and anxiety level.

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Spectral Properties of the Sound From the Mechanical Valve Employed in an Implantable Biventricular Assist Device (이식형 양심실 보조 장치에 사용된 기계식 판막의 음향 스펙트럼 특성)

  • 최민주;이서우;이혁수;민병구
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.439-448
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    • 2001
  • This paper considers the acoustical characteristics of the closing click sounds of the mechanical valves employed in an implantable biventricular assist device (BYAD) and their re1evance to the Physical states of the valved. Bj rk Shiley Convexo Concave tilting disk valve was chosen for the study and acoustic measurement was made for the BYAD operated in a mock circulatory system as well as implanted in an animal (sheep). In the BYAD operated in the mock circulatory system. three different states of the valve were examined, ie. normal. mechanically damaged. pseudo-thrombus attached. Microphone measurement for the BVAD implanted in the animal was carried out for five days at a regular time interval from one day after implantation. Characteristic spectrum of the sound from the valve was estimated using Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) in which the optimal order was determined according to Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) . It was observed that the mechanical damage of the valve resulted in changes of the structure of the acoustic spectrum. In contrast. the thrombus formed on the valve did not change much the basic structure of the spectrum but brought about altering the spectral Peak frequencies and energies. Maximum spectral Peak (MSP) with the greatest energy was seen at 2 kHz for the normal valve and it was shifted to 3 kHz for the calve attaching the Pseudo-thrombus. Unlike the normal valve, strong spectral Peak appeared around 7 kHz in the sound from the valve mechanically damaged. In the case of the BYAD implanted in the animal. as the thrombus grew, acoustic energy was reduced relatively more in the low frequency components (〈 2 kHz) and the frequencies of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd MSP were increased little. The thrombus formation would result in reduction in both the variability of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd MSP and the value of the BIC optimal order.

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A Study on Dress Design through the Visualization of Music - Focused on the expression of rhythmic sense - (음악의 시각화에 의한 의상디자인 연구 - 리듬감의 표현을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu Kum-Wha;Nam Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2006
  • This study measured and analyzed musical sense objectively, and visualized it to express visual effects as if watching music with the eye. For the visualization of music, we examined the concept of synesthesia and the correlation between hearing and seeing, and reviewed theoretical grounds and a number of cases necessary in reproducing musical sense visually based on synesthetic expression. Furthermore, we studied the visual elements and associated colors of rhythm to prove that visual conception of music through various approaches enable a transitional approach to aesthetic exploration and interpretation. The conclusions drawn from this research are as follows. First, classic music selected for visualization had musical characteristics highly correlated with dress design. Second, basic formative elements suggested as materials of visualization in this study were suitable in their form for expressing the rhythmic sense of music and, because they started from the most basic form, they were effective in extracting design elements. Third, when the result of the questionnaire survey, which was focused on the visualization of the rhythmic sense of the five pieces of classic music, was analyzed from the aspect of sensibility ergonomics, design elements of each piece of music were obtained in an objective and scientific way. Fourth, it was confirmed that common concepts could be derived from intangible elements such as forms and sounds observed in the rhythmic sense of music obtained from the result of the questionnaire survey. Fifth, works were made based on the results of this study and, according to the result, musical images can express sense through dress design and obtain visual effects as if watching music with the eye. Dress desist through the visualization of music in this study was an attempt to suggest that the language of music can be expressed in dress design, a visual formative language, based on synesthetic expression. Through this attempt, we confirmed the infinity of music as motives of dress design and suggested a method of aesthetic expression demanded in contemporary society that is pursuing aesthetic values.

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Selection of Auditory Icons in Ship Bridge Alarm Management System Using the Sensibility Evaluation (감성평가를 이용한 선교알람관리시스템의 청각아이콘 평가)

  • Oh, Seungbin;Jang, Jun-Hyuk;Park, Jin Hyoung;Kim, Hongtae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.401-407
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    • 2013
  • In parallel with the development of ship equipment, bridge systems have been improved, but marine accidents due to human error have not been reduced. Recently, research in nautical bridge equipment has focused on suitable ergonomic designs in order to reduce these errors due to human factors. In a bridge of a ship, there are numerous auditory signals that deliver important information clearly to the sailors. However, only a few studies have been conducted related to the human recognition of these auditory signals. There are three types of auditory signals: voice alarms, abstract sounds, and auditory icons. This study was conducted in order to design more appropriate auditory icons using a sensibility evaluation method. The auditory icons were rated to have five warning situations (engine failure, fire, steering failure, low power, and collision) using the Semantic Differential Method. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as basic data for auditory displays inside bridges and for integrated bridge alarm systems.

Hemorrhargic Effusion Caused by Chronic Torsion of Right Middle Lung Lobe with Concurrent Ovarian Tumor in a Female Miniature Poodle Dog (난소종양이 병발한 암컷 푸들에서 오른쪽 중간엽 폐염전으로 인한 만성적인 출혈성 흉수 증례)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan;Hong, Subin;Kim, Minkyung;Shin, Jeong-In;Jang, Yun-Sul;Lee, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.530-535
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    • 2015
  • An 11-year-old intact female miniature poodle presented with a four-month history of hemorrhagic effusion. The patient was alert on physical examination, although muffled heart sounds were noted upon auscultation of the right hemithorax. The radiographic finding was pleural effusion. Ultrasonography revealed cystic changes in both ovaries and several nodules in the liver. A refractory opacity in the right lung field, as visualized with computer tomography (CT), was diagnosed as right middle lung lobe torsion with a collapsed bronchus. Five days after diagnosis, a right fifth intercostal thoracotomy was performed to remove the right middle lung lobe; the right middle lung lobe was grossly shrunken as a result of chronic lung lobe torsion. Ovariohysterectomy was also performed. Histopathologic examination revealed papillary adenocarcinoma in both ovaries and suspected metastasized ovarian adenocarcinoma cells in the lung lobe. The patient recovered favorably and had been doing well up to two months post-surgery. However, after four months, the dog presented with respiratory difficulty. The radiographic findings were pleural effusion and collapse of the right cranial and left caudal lung lobes. Malignant cells of epithelial origin were observed in the pleural effusion. The tumor cells were suspected to be metastasized cells from the previously resected lung lobe. Although cancer treatment was recommended, the suggestion was suspended and the dog was discharged from hospital. This was a case of lung lobe torsion that had occurred because of hemorrhagic effusion due to tumor. Although ovariohysterectomy and lobectomy were performed, there was a relapse of hemorrhagic effusion because of metastasized tumor from the previously resected lung lobe.

Study on the Application of Christian Education by Zeraim, Jewish Talmud (유대교 탈무드 제라임(Zeraim)의 기독교교육 적용방안에 대한 연구)

  • Ok, Jang-Heum
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.109-144
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    • 2020
  • In the 21st century, Our Korean churches should be reborn and truly restored in the situation korean churches have been criticized socially and adversely affected Christian missions. In this situation, the researcher analyzed the Zeraim(Agriculture) of the Jewish scripture Talmud as an alternative to solving the problems of the Korean church. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, the background of the emergence of Talmud, the main contents of Talmud Zeraim, and the application of Talmud Zeraim's Christian education were divided and analyzed. Through the Jewish Talmud Zeraim, five possibilities of application were suggested to solve the problems of Korean churches. First, it is a Christian education for a blessed life. Second, it is a Christian education that pursues social justice, life, and integrity of creation. Third, it is Christian education for a life that appreciates God's grace. Fourth, it is a Christian education for realizing the commandments and practicing the teachings. Fifth, it is a Christian education that pursues conventional spirituality. Researchers believe that the mission and direction of Christian education without losing their identity and faith under the numerous hardships in history should be found in the faith and life of Jews who have regained their traditional spirituality centered on the law (Torah) and Talmud which are the God's words. From now on, the Korean church should boldly clear up its mistakes and move on to education that humbly accepts the sounds of social criticism and can make a fresh recovery.