• Title/Summary/Keyword: five-sounds

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  • Ueda, Yuichi;Sakata, Tadashi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.441-445
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    • 2009
  • We have developed a real-time software tool to extract a speech feature vector whose time sequences consist of three groups of vector components; the phonetic/acoustic features such as formant frequencies, the phonemic features as outputs on neural networks, and some distances of Japanese phonemes. In those features, since the phoneme distances for Japanese five vowels are applicable to express vowel articulation, we have designed a switch, a volume control and a color representation which are operated by pronouncing vowel sounds. As examples of those vowel interface, we have developed some speech training tools to display a image character or a rolling color ball and to control a cursor's movement for aurally- or vocally-handicapped children. In this paper, we introduce the functions and the principle of those systems.

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Design Considerations of Auditory Feedback for Enhancing The Usability of Portable Digital Electronic Products (휴대용 디지털 전자제품의 사용성 향상을 위한 청각적 피드백의 고려)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Seok;Park, Min-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2000
  • Non-verbal sound feedback, called earcon, has been used for portable digital electronic products to give appropriate information for the selected function. This study evaluated usability based on user cognition time, error rate, and subjective satisfaction using 20 male and female subjects. The study compared five major user functions from a portable digital electronic product with currently available earcons and the same functions from the product with the new earcons (suggested by this study) which considered user cognitive characteristics, such as loudness, pitch, melody, and length. For subjective evaluation, the study assessed various earcons by subjective impression of sounds using the seven-point rating scales. Major statistical results indicated that the new earcons significantly reduced user error rates and generally improved user performance functions, such as 'play, off, stop, fast forward, and rewind.'

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Snoring Detection using Polyvinylidene Fluoride Vibration Sensors (Polyvinylidene Fluoride 진동센서를 이용한 코골이 검출)

  • Jee, Duk-Keun;Wei, Ran;Kim, Hee-Sun;Im, Jae-Joong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2011
  • Sleep diseases such as snoring and sleep apnea are physically, mentally harmful and results serious health problems. Snoring, known as breathing noise, is caused by coupled oscillation of the airway when the air passes through the trachea, and sleep apnea is caused by upper airway blockage. In order to solve these problems, many attempts have been made to detect the snoring during sleep and alleviate it. In this study, a new sensing system and analysis algorithm were developed in order to detect snoring sounds correctly under various sleep environments. Two polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) vibration sensors were used inside the pillow. The first PVDF sensor detects vibration transmitted through skull caused by snoring. And the second PVDF sensor detects both snoring sounds and ambient noises. The signals of two sensors were acquired through the designed analog circuits, and analyzed for snoring detection. Ten volunteers were participated for the experiment under five different conditions. Data from two PVDF sensors were processed by the established analysis algorithm, and snoring sounds were compared to noises. The results indicated that the energy of snoring is 70% bigger than that of ambient noise, which proves effectiveness of sensing system and analysis algorithm. Further study would be continued for more wide clinical studies with various environment noises. Based on this study, development of anti-snore pillow and sleep monitoring system for comfort sleep could be developed.

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Unmanned Water Treatment System Based on Five Senses Technology to Cope with Overloading of Customized Smart Water Grid Machines (스마트워터그리드 맞춤형 기계과부하시 오감기술을 이용한 무인 수처리 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeol;You, Kwan-Jong;Jung, Yoon-Soo;Ahn, Tae-Hyoung;Lee, Hak-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2017
  • In or To use, manage, and preserve sustainable water resources for the current and future generations amid the threat of abnormal climate, it is necessary to establish a smart water grid system, the next-generation intelligent water management system. In this study, sensors, which make use of the five senses to watch, listen, and detect machine vibration, bearing temperature, machine operation sounds, current, voltage, and other symptoms that cannot be verified when the irrigation facilities are running, are used to establish various decision-making criteria appropriate to on-site situations. Based on such criteria, the unmanned conditions in the facilities were verified and analyzed. Existing technologies require on-site workers to check any defects caused by overloading of machines, which is the biggest constraining factor in the application of an unmanned control system for irrigation facilities. The new technology proposed in this study, on the other hand, allows for the unmanned analysis of the existence of machine vibration. This controls the decision-making process of any defect based on the analysis results, and necessary measures are taken automatically, resulting in improved reliability of the unmanned automation.

Consideration of Issues on the Naming Application of Hunminjeongum Hangul Pronunciation (훈민정음 한글발음의 성명학 적용 논점 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki-Seung;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2019
  • The study aims to examine the rationality of the naming system with five properties of Korean pronunciation, which is used by most Korean name writer currently. A phonetic naming system is based on the premise that when a name is called, the sounds will have an audible effect on the speaker and the listener, and this phenomenon would ultimately have a good or bad influence on the owner of the name. The phonetic naming system is to name it by using five elements' coexistence and conflict of Korean pronunciation, and there are many progressing arguments that represent 'The Principles of Creation of Hunminjeongeum', 'The Historical Origin of Phonetic Naming System' and 'The Relevance of Modern Korean' etc. In the process of determining the validity of these arguments, distortion between the principles of creation of Hunminjeongeum and naming, a weak historical basis of the phonetic naming system, errors and problems in the usage of five elements of pronunciation, and fallacy of modern Korean phonology appear. For these reasons as above, the Korean phonetic naming system is concluded to be unreasonable, which claims not to be in line with the intention of creating Hunminjeongeum.

The effects of Korean double-headed drum janggu rhythm on the life forces for the elderly made by In-seok Seo

  • Ko, Kyung Ja;Kim, Ji-Youn;Oh, Ji Yun
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.3.1-3.3
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this article is to argue that rhythm of janggu may have meaningful effects as a form of vitality for the elderly. Janggu is the most popular and soft pitched instrument in the percussion family in Korean music. It is warm and soft makes very deep and exquisite sounds. Janggu is a source of Korean national pride because of unique, manifestation of yin-yang five-elements represented in Korean music. The meaning and influence of rhythm in human is in essence and natural. This style paper is a course of happy life and a basic step toward in the world. Music therapy has been employed as a therapeutic intervention to facilitate healing across a many of clinical populations. A cheerful rhythm of janggu promotes the vitality of the elderly. This joining has contributed to the vitality, health improvement and the whole body for the elderly. Instead of visiting hospital, they sit in front of the janggu what could be better than a daily dose of exercise. Therefore, the author thinks this might help them forget their anxieties, this very moment, janggu music rhythm therapy lays the foundation of a more vital lifestyle.

Diction Problem of Student Singers Based on the Vocal Tract Resonance (성도 공명을 중심으로 한 성악 전공 대학생의 발음법 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Suk
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2000
  • Vocal tract resonances are of paramount importance to voice sounds. Resonance frequencies determine vowel quality and the personal voice timber. The aim of this study was to make an effective diction program according to tuning formant frequencies by adjusting the vocal tract shape in professional voice users. Twelve male student singers and eleven female student singers participated in this study. The subjects repeated five simple vowels /a, e, i, o, u/ in normal speech and singing. The spoken vowels and sung vowels were measured by formant frequencies and the singer's formant frequencies using CSL and DSP Sona-Graph. Separately, Plot formants program was used to draw the vowel chart. The results were as follows. (1) Total formant frequencies of female singers were 11% higher than those of males singers in singing. (2) The F1 and F3 of sung vowels increased compared to F1 and F3 spoken vowels. However, The F2 of sung vowels decreased in comparison with F2 of spoken vowels. (3) Posterior vowel /u/ were moved anteriorly. This phenomenon seemed to be due to head voice singing training. (4) Singer's formant frequencies in student singers appeared according to the part: 2560 Hz for baritone, 2760 Hz for Tenor, 2821 Hz for Mezzo soprano and 3420 Hz for soprano.

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Phonological processes of consonants from orthographic to pronounced words in the Seoul Corpus

  • Yang, Byunggon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • This paper investigates the phonological processes of consonants in pronounced words in the Seoul Corpus, and compares the frequency distribution of these processes to provide a clearer understanding of conversational Korean to linguists and teachers. To this end, both orthographic and pronounced words were extracted from the transcribed label scripts of the Seoul Corpus. Next, the phonological processes of consonants in the orthographic and pronounced forms were tabulated separately after syllabifying the onsets and codas, and major consonantal processes were examined. First, the results showed that the majority of the orthographic consonants' sounds were pronounced the same way as their pronounced forms. Second, more than three quarters of the onsets were pronounced as the same forms, while approximately half of the codas were pronounced as variants. Third, the majority of different onset and coda symbols were primarily caused by deletions and insertions. Finally, the five phonological process types accounted for only 12.4% of the total possible procedures. Based on these results, this paper concludes that an analysis of phonological processes in spontaneous speech corpora can improve the practical understanding of spoken Korean. Future studies ought to compare the current phonological process data with those of other languages to establish universal patterns in phonological processes.

Automatic detection of speech sound disorder in children using automatic speech recognition and audio classification

  • Selina S. Sung;Jungmin So;Tae-Jin Yoon;Seunghee Ha
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2024
  • Children with speech sound disorders (SSDs) face various challenges in producing speech sounds, which often lead to significant social and educational barriers. Detecting and treating SSDs in children is complex due to the variability in disorder severity and diagnostic boundaries. This study aims to develop an automated SSD detection system using deep learning models, leveraging their ability to transcribe audio, efficiently capture sound patterns on a vast scale, and address the limitations of traditional methods involving speech-language pathologists. For this study, we collected audio recordings from 573 children aged two to nine using standardized prompts from the Assessment of Phonology and Articulation for Children. Speech-language pathologists analyzed the recordings and identified 92 children with SSDs. To build an automatic SSD detection system, we used a dataset to train neural network models for automatic speech recognition and audio classification. Five different methods are studied, with the best method achieving 73.9% unweighted average recall. While the results show the potential of using deep learning models for the automatic detection of SSDs in children, further research is needed to improve the reliability of the models widely used in practice.

Vibration Stimulus Generation using Sound Detection Algorithm for Improved Sound Experience (사운드 실감성 증진을 위한 사운드 감지 알고리즘 기반 촉각진동자극 생성)

  • Ji, Dong-Ju;Oh, Sung-Jin;Jun, Kyung-Koo;Sung, Mee-Young
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.158-162
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    • 2009
  • Sound effects coming with appropriate tactile stimuli can strengthen its reality. For example, gunfire in games and movies, if it is accompanied by vibrating effects, can enhance the impressiveness. On a similar principle, adding the vibration information to existing sound data file and playing sound while generating vibration effects through haptic interfaces can augment the sound experience. In this paper, we propose a method to generate vibration information by analyzing the sound. The vibration information consists of vibration patterns and the timing within a sound file. Adding the vibration information is labor-intensive if it is done manually. We propose a sound detection algorithm to search the moments when specific sounds occur in a sound file and a method to create vibration effects at those moments. The sound detection algorithm compares the frequency characteristic of specific sounds and finds the moments which have similar frequency characteristic within a sound file. The detection ratio of the algorithm was 98% for five different kinds of gunfire. We also develop a GUI based vibrating pattern editor to easily perform the sound search and vibration generation.

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