• Title/Summary/Keyword: fisheries resource management

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A Case Study on the Construction of Information Technology Architecture in MOMAF (정보기술아키텍처 구축 사례 연구: 해양수산부문을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Jae-Hwa;Kim, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 2006
  • It was on the rise importantly to provide the efficient management process of the organization for dealing with the change about information and business management quickly and consistently. It was suggested with the architectural model on information technology to provide it in theoretically. The Federal Government and budget organization of the USA used it on actual business and the terms of EA (Enterprise Architecture) and are raising the efficiency of management. NCA (National Computerization Agency) of Korea published the book - "The Research about establishing ITA (Information Technology Architecture) and appling the standards". After being applied the model on MOGAHA (Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs) and MIC(Minisstry of Information and Communication), the concrete case was made. MOMAF (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) drove the leading model. The report ascertained the basic contents of ITA and researched the case of USA, MOGAHA, MIC, and tried to analyze the contents of appling maritime and fisheries area. The report contained the definition of purpose through analyzing environment and establishing the vision and the principles based on them. The report also contained the contents of architecture based on the standard of NCA - "The Government Standard Meta Model version 2.0" - and researched the MOMAF's Reference model using Government Reference model. The report established the investment architecture and the process of information technology asset management. It ascertained the characteristic of maritime & fisheries area and the subject of developing the MOMAF's ITA sustainably.

Modern Capital Theory and Optimal Fisheries Management (현대자본이론과 최적어업관리)

  • 박장일
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 1992
  • It has been recognized, virtually from the time of its inception, that fisheries economics, like other aspects of resource economics, should ideally be cast in capital-theoretic terms. The fish population or biomass can be viewed as a capital stock in that, like conventional or man-made capital, it is capable of yielding a sustainable consumption flow through time. This study is to introduce the optimal control theory which was extended from the theory of calculus of variations into the study of former static theory of fisheries economics started by Gordon (1954). The optimal control theory eliminated the inadequacies of the classical techniques to a large extent. From this point of view, this study, on the base of Schaefer model, summerizes most of major results achieved so far, but does so in a manner such that the links with capital theory are made transparent. This study explores two sets of problems. The first concerns the optimal approach to the equilibrium stock, i.e. the optimal investment policy. The second set of problems arises from the relaxation of the highly restrictive assumption of autonomy (i.e. the assumption that the parameters are independent of time), then concludes the relaxation of linearity assumption together with the complexities caused by that.

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Sexual Maturation of the Marbled Flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae off the Coastal Waters of Pohang in the East Sea, Korea (동해 포항 연안 문치가자미(Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae)의 성 성숙)

  • Haeyoung Choi;Kyung Mi Jeong;Jeong-Ho Park;Seong Yong Moon;Gi Chang Seong;Gun Wook Baeck
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the sexual maturation of the marbled flounder Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae, a commercially important flatfish species, through monthly sampling from the coastal waters of Pohang in the East Sea of Korea in 2022. We analyzed monthly changes in total length (TL), gonadosomatic index, maturity stage, and 50%, 75%, and 97.5% group maturity based on visual assessments and histological analysis of the gonads. The spawning period was determined to be from December to May. The TL at 50% maturity was 26.4 cm for females and 24.8 cm for males. These findings provide a basis for developing resource management strategies for Pleuronectidae.

Study to Select a Strategic Fisheries for the Encouragement of a Long Term Planning Project in the Korean Fishing Industry. (한국어업의 장기적 진흥계획을 위한 전략 업종 선정에 관한 연구)

  • 장수호
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-68
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    • 1970
  • This is a study of a long term project to encourage the Korean fishing industry. It seeks to supply a sound theoretical background in an attempt to liberalize the capital investment of the industry. However, the discussions developed in this thesis are based on, the existing world's fisheries resources, the possibility of their prospective cultivation, and the analysis of the evolution of Korean fisheries and fisheries organization. According to the reasults of the analysis ; out of the prospective world fisheries resources which are estimated at about 200 millions m/t the total yield per year is only about 70 millions m/t (1969), and Korea occupies only 850 thousands m/t. This therefore means that the Korean fishing industry allows much room for further growth. But the purpose of Korea's existing fishing industry organizations is entirely directed toword coastal fisheries and their functions never reache beyond the limit of off-shore fisheries. Thus almost 99% of the fisheries population engage in small scale fisheries along the coast line. The result is that the resource are almost exhausted by such over-exploitation. Being faced by this fact, it is of urgent necessity to modernize the management of fisheries as well as to encourage larger scale management of fisheries industries. This should be accompanied by the liberalization of capital investment. For this purpose this study also recommends the unification or annexation of small organizations to establish larger ones that will function for a larger scale industry. and further this study recommends that, in order to reorganize the existing fisheries organizations, a principle of selection should be applied in the areas of (1) maximum sustainable yields, (2) the possibility of forming an enterprise and (3) the maintenance of organization stability.

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Target Strength of Anchovy Engraulis japonicaus by Theoretical Acoustic Scattering Model (음향산란이론모델을 이용한 멸치(Engraulis japonicus)의 음향산란강도 추정)

  • Geunchnag Park;Wooseok Oh;Yoo-won Lee;Hyoung Been Lee;Kyounghoon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.302-309
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    • 2024
  • This study estimates the target strength of anchovy Engraulis japonicus required for studying their distribution and density using acoustics and evaluates the acoustic scattering characteristics of anchovies by frequency using the Kirchoff ray mode (KRM) model. The experiment was conducted on 30 anchovies with 4.7-21.5 cm total length. The maximum TScm (Simming angle, 9.1°; standard deviation, ± 13.1°) according to total length was -66.9, -65.2, -64.4, and -63.4 dB at 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz, respectively. The average TScm (Simming angle: 9.1°, standard deviation: ± 13.1°) according to total length was -68.9, -68.8, -69.6, and -70.0 dB at 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz, respectively. The results of this study provide an important basis for future studies that use acoustics to estimate the target strength of anchovies.

A revised ecosystem-based fishery risk assessment incorporating IUU fishing (IUU어업을 고려한 생태계기반 자원평가)

  • Youjung KWON;Sung Il LEE;Chang Ik ZHANG
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.244-257
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    • 2024
  • Considering the negative impact of IUU fishing on fishery resources and fishery management, a revised approach for estimating risks of the ecosystem-based fisheries assessment (EBFA) of Zhang et al. (2011) was developed that incorporates three components of the IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing as penalties. In this study, we introduced ways to develop indicators of IUU fishing suitable for the Korean fishery and apply them to ecosystem-based resource assessment. The indicator for the illegal fishing component was set as the fishing without licenses or permits, and that for the unreported fishing component was set as unreported fishing activities. Indicators for the unregulated fishing component were set as fishing operated by illegal fishing gear, illegal fish capture, fishing operations in prohibited fishing area, and fishing with restrict permits. IUU fishing significantly impacts the stock of target species. Therefore, in this study, the influence of IUU fishing is included in the Species Risk Index (SRI) at the species level, and weights are assigned based on the ratio of the stock, as $SRI={{\sum\limits_j}{\lambda}_j{\cdot}ORI/{\sum\limits_j}{\lambda}_j}+P_f(B_i/B)$. The revised ecosystem-based fisheries assessment method, which considers the impact of IUU fishing, was applied to major fisheries on the south coast of Korea. It is necessary to reduce the non-reporting rate through the expansion of the TAC system and improve the accuracy of statistical compilation. To this end, the electronic fishing reporting system, which is being implemented on all vessels in Korean distant water fishing vessels, should be introduced to the coastal and offshore fisheries as well.

Age and Growth of Anchovy Engraulis japonicus in the South Sea of Korea (한국 남해안 멸치(Engraulis japonicus)의 연령과 성장 연구)

  • Kyung-Mi Jung;Seong Yong Moon;Jae Mook Jeong;Heeyong Kim
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2024
  • We studied the age and growth of anchovies Engraulis japonicus, collected using three different fishing gears (drag net, set net, and bottom trawl) in the South Sea of Korea from November 2020 to October 2021.To determine the age, 344 speciemens were analyzed by reading the otolith sagittal plane. Monthly changes in the growth of translucency at the edge and the marginal increment ratio revealed that annuli in otoliths were fully formed in March once a year. We compared four different types of growth equations, and found that the data set of observed length at age (yearly) as estimated the growth parameter (L = FL 16.17 cm, k = 0.33/year, t0 = -1.65) fitted well on the von Bertalanffy growth curve.

Priority Analysis for Resource Development of Waterfront in Jeju Region - Using AHP method (AHP 기법을 적용한 제주지역 친수공간 자원화방안 요인의 중요도 분석)

  • Boo, Chang-San;Kim, Suk Jong;Kim, Mincheol
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2013
  • Recently, in the context of increased interest for marine tourism, Jeju region of South Korea has attractive waterfront space and also has potential requirements for development. The objective of this paper was to analyze the priority for resource development of waterfront in Jeju region. In order to calculate the importance of factors related to the development of waterfront in Jeju area, this study conducted exploratory factor analysis to extract the factors and established the AHP model based on the factors name focusing on a total of 198 tourists. In this study, in accordance with the procedures of AHP analysis, pairwise comparisons were conducted focusing on a total of 15 experts. Especially, difference test between groups (academics and bureaucratic) was conducted. In the 1st criterion for evaluation, 'exploring experience' factor is most important thing and 'facilities & infrastructure' factors were in the following order. In the secondary criterion, AHP analysis showed that experience facilities, environmental management, and absence of residents consciousness were the important factors. In the future time, the results of this research can be utilized as basic data in the aspects of tourism development in Jeju waterfront region.

The Research on the GaP of Technical Efficiency in Korean Fishing Managements : The Case Study on the Off-shore Stow Nets Fishery (어업경영체간 생산효율성 격차 분석을 통한 정책방향 고찰 - 근해안강망어업을 중심으로 -)

  • 옥영수
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2003
  • Main target of fishing policy was enlargement of fishing catches in Korea after 1960s. This has caused sustainable decrease of the amount on the fisheries resource. In the result, fishing managements in Korea have suffered from aggravation of management. In this research, it is estimated the technical efficiency on Korean Off-shore Stow Nets Fishery that was made publication by Farrel in 1957. According to the analysis, Its were excessive to the gap of technical efficiency among Korean Off-shore Stow Nets Fishing boats. The gaps were excessive not only among each fishing managements but also by tonnage class and by region. Then we can recognize we need the change of Fishing Policy. That is, we should change for main target of fishing policy from enlargement of fishing catches to the policy of Price. And we should consider the supply of standard tonnage boats and specialization of fisheries by regions.

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Development of a pre-treatment and recycled chip manufacturing device for recycling biodegradable gillnet waste fishing gear (생분해 자망 폐어구 재활용을 위한 전처리 및 재생칩 제조 장치 개발)

  • Jaehyun BAE;Sung-Jae WON;Subong PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 2024
  • In response to the global interest and efforts towards reducing plastic use and promoting resource recycling, there is a growing need to establish methods for recycling discarded fishing gear. In Korea, various technologies are being developed to recycle discarded fishing gear, but significant technical and policy challenges still remain. In particular, biodegradable gill nets require a pre-treatment process to separate biodegradable materials from other substances and to remove salt before recycling. Therefore, this study aims to develop a pre-treatment device for recycling biodegradable gill nets and to evaluate the feasibility of recycling them.