• Title/Summary/Keyword: first group maturity

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Estimation of Seroconversion Dates of HIV by Imputation Based on Regression Models

  • Lee, Seungyeoun
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.815-822
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study is to estimate the seroconversion date of the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection for the HIV infected patients in Korea. Data are collected from two cohorts. The first cohort is a group of "seroprevalent" patients who were seropositive and AIDS-free at entry. The other is a group of "seroincident" patients who were initially seronegative but later converted to HIV antibody-positive. The seroconversion dates of the seroincident cohort are available while those of the seroprevalent cohort are not. Estimation of seroconversion date is important because it can be used to calculate the incubation period of AIDS which is defined as the elapsed time between the HIV infection and the development of AIDS. In this paper, a Weibull regression model Is fitted for the seroincident cohort using information about the elapsed time since seroconversion and the CD4$^{+}$ cell count.The seroconversion dates for the seroprevalent cohort are imputed on the basis of the marker of maturity of HIV infection percent of CD4$^{+}$cell count.unt.

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Effect of Self-photoperiod on Live Weight, Carcass and Growth Traits in Quails (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica)

  • Coban, Omer;Lacin, Ekrem;Sabuncuoglu, Nilufer;Ozudogru, Zekeriya
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.410-415
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    • 2009
  • The weekly liveweight gain, growing and stress parameters of quails bred using two different types of lighting for 6 weeks following hatching were examined in this study. The first type of lighting was 23 L:1 D, continuous lighting (CL), widely used in the commercial system and the second was a self-photoperiod (SP) system consisting of a continuously lit chamber and a dark chamber the quails could move to as they wished. On the first 15 days, no difference was found in liveweight gain between the two breeding systems. On the $6^{th}$ week when the trial was completed, the liveweight of the male quails upon which CL lighting was used was 159.03 g while the weight of males in the SP group was 174.43 g; these values in female quails of the CL group were 179.15 g and in the SP group were 200.68 g. The CL group had lower testis volume (TVOM, $cm^{3}$) and testis weight (TW, g) than the SP group, however there was no difference between the groups in testis weight/body weight rate (BWTW %). In female quails, the ovary weight (OW, g) and the ovary weight/body weight rate (BWOW, %) values were higher in the SP group. The CL light regime was concluded to cause stress in male quails (CL, Heterophil/Lymphocyte ratio (H/L): 0.27; SP, H/L: 0.17). In conclusion; the SP system allowing the quails to regulate their light periods increased liveweight gain and enabled sexual maturity to be gained at an earlier period than in quail on the CL system and improved their welfare.

Maternal Child Rearing Behavior, Sibling Relationship and Children's Social Adjustment in Group Home and Original Home (그룹홈과 일반가정 아동의 어머니 양육행동과 형제자매관계 및 사회적 적응)

  • Cho, Song-Yon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the maternal child rearing behavior, sibling relationship, and children's social adjustment in group home and original home. Subjects of this study were 159 mothers and their children in Seoul and Gyounggi-do. Mothers responded to 'Korean Maternal Behavior Inventory', 'Sibling Relationship Questionnaire' and 'Social Maturity Scale'. The collected data were analyzed by ANCOVA, Pearson's partial correlation, factor analysis, and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ for internal consistency by SPSS PC program(10.0 version). The results were as follows; first, there was a significant difference in maternal rearing behavior between group home and original home. Original home mothers showed higher scores in reasoning guidance, affect, authoritarian control, achievement, overprotection, active involvement, and limit setting. Second, there was a significant difference in sibling relationship among two different homes. Sibling relationship in original home was more worm, intimate, and competitive. Third, there was no significant difference in social adjustment in those homes. Finally, there were different correlations among those homes. In original home, there were significant correlations between maternal rearing behavior and children's social adjustment, but there were no significant correlations between those variables.

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The Analysis of Maturity on Implementation of Safety and Health Management System in a Construction Company (건설업 안전보건경영시스템 실행의 성숙도 분석)

  • Oh, Byung Sub;Kwon, Chang Hee
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.310-318
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    • 2012
  • Actual condition by items based on the level of execution of Construction Company certified by Construction Safety and Health Management Systems (KOSHA 18001) was investigated, analyzed and evaluated reflecting various opinions fincluding safety experts, top management, audit experts, and construction engineers. Currently, the maintenance is being managed through internal audit after the safety and health management system has been certified, but it is difficult to identify the degree of continuous improvement. In order to present the standards to see the level of quantified system, this study was conducted. The purpose of this study is to present the system maturity evaluation tool to be used to reduce occupational accidents through proper establishment and continuous improvement of national health and safety management system. Results of this study are summarized through identification of current condition of implementation of KOSHA 18001 system, development of maturity measurement tool and verification as follows: First, priority of implementation for activities of headquarters and on-site was determined by importance of activities such as the risk assessment, safety and health accident prevention activities, performance assessment and monitoring, resource management and support, and management review and improvement in order. In addition, the expert group presented that association with continuous improvement activities could establish the system by presenting strengths, weaknesses and improvement subjects of system.

Gonadal Development, First Sexual Maturity and Sex Ratio of the Sun and Moon Scallop Amusium japonicum japonicum on the Coastal Waters of Jejudo, Korea (한국 제주도산 해가리비 Amusium japonicum japonicum의 생식소 발달, 군성숙도 및 성비)

  • Son, Pal-Won;Chung, Ee-Yung
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2005
  • Reproductive cycle, gonadosomatic index(GSI), egg diameter composition, first sexual maturity, sexually matured length(50% of first sexual maturity), and sex ratio of Amusium japonicum japonicum, were investigated by histological observations and morphometric data. Samples were collected monthly from the subtidal zone of Sogwipo, Jejudo, Korea, for two years. The sun and moon scallop Amusium japonicum japonicum is dioecious. Monthly variation in the GSI showed similar patterns with the reproductive cycle. Ripe oocytes were about $70{\sim}90\;{\mu}m$ in diameter and had thick egg membranes. The spawning period was from November to January, and the main spawning occurred between November and December when the seawater temperature was relatively low. From monthly changes in egg diameter composition, the spawning period was once a year, although the number of spawning frequencies is assumed to occur more than twice during the spawning season. The reproductive cycle of this species could be divided into five successive stages: early active stage(April to June), late active stage(June to September), ripe stage(October to November), spawning stage(November to January), and spent/resting stage(February to April). First sexual maturities in female and male scallops ranging from 85.1 to 90.0mm in shell length were over 50% and they were 100% for scallops over 90.0mm in shell length. In this population, sexually matured shell lengths(50% of rate of group maturity) in females and males were 86.96 and 86.59mm, respectively. The female to male sex ratio among individuals over 85.1mm in shell length was not significantly different from 1:1($X^2=0.18$, p>0.05). No evidence of hermaphrodite was found in histological sections of any scallop examined.

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Analysis of Venture Business Career Counseling Program Effectiveness (벤처창업진로상담 프로그램의 효과분석)

  • Chung, Woon Kyung;Byun, Sang Hae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a employment career counseling program on university student' by analyzing whether it would bring any changes to the selected. The subjects in this study were 60 university student who were users of A university in the city of A. An experimental group and a control group were organized with 60 university student' each, and a employment career counseling program was conducted in eight sessions, once a biweekly. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, the university student' who participated in the employment career counseling program showed improvement in career maturity. Second, the university student' who participated in the employment career counseling program expressed better career self-efficacy. Third, the university student' who participated in the employment career counseling program felt less career barriers.

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Predicting Regional Soybean Yield using Crop Growth Simulation Model (작물 생육 모델을 이용한 지역단위 콩 수량 예측)

  • Ban, Ho-Young;Choi, Doug-Hwan;Ahn, Joong-Bae;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_2
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    • pp.699-708
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    • 2017
  • The present study was to develop an approach for predicting soybean yield using a crop growth simulation model at the regional level where the detailed and site-specific information on cultivation management practices is not easily accessible for model input. CROPGRO-Soybean model included in Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) was employed for this study, and Illinois which is a major soybean production region of USA was selected as a study region. As a first step to predict soybean yield of Illinois using CROPGRO-Soybean model, genetic coefficients representative for each soybean maturity group (MG I~VI) were estimated through sowing date experiments using domestic and foreign cultivars with diverse maturity in Seoul National University Farm ($37.27^{\circ}N$, $126.99^{\circ}E$) for two years. The model using the representative genetic coefficients simulated the developmental stages of cultivars within each maturity group fairly well. Soybean yields for the grids of $10km{\times}10km$ in Illinois state were simulated from 2,000 to 2,011 with weather data under 18 simulation conditions including the combinations of three maturity groups, three seeding dates and two irrigation regimes. Planting dates and maturity groups were assigned differently to the three sub-regions divided longitudinally. The yearly state yields that were estimated by averaging all the grid yields simulated under non-irrigated and fully-Irrigated conditions showed a big difference from the statistical yields and did not explain the annual trend of yield increase due to the improved cultivation technologies. Using the grain yield data of 9 agricultural districts in Illinois observed and estimated from the simulated grid yield under 18 simulation conditions, a multiple regression model was constructed to estimate soybean yield at agricultural district level. In this model a year variable was also added to reflect the yearly yield trend. This model explained the yearly and district yield variation fairly well with a determination coefficients of $R^2=0.61$ (n = 108). Yearly state yields which were calculated by weighting the model-estimated yearly average agricultural district yield by the cultivation area of each agricultural district showed very close correspondence ($R^2=0.80$) to the yearly statistical state yields. Furthermore, the model predicted state yield fairly well in 2012 in which data were not used for the model construction and severe yield reduction was recorded due to drought.

The effects of career exploration programs using career portfolio and teacher-directed on the career maturity and career identity in middle school students (커리어포트폴리오형 및 교사주도형 진로탐색 프로그램이 중학생의 진로성숙도와 진로정체감에 미치는 효과)

  • Shin, Im-Sun;Jang, Yoon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.85-104
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to carry out the career portfolio and the teacher-directed career exploration program in the unit of 'Industry and Career' of Technology·Home Economics and to find out how much those programs affect on career maturity and career identity in middle school students. The subjects were third-grade students who were selected at random from a middle school in Daegu. The subjects were divided into 60 for career portfolio group, 60 for teacher-directed group, and 60 for control group. Those programs were conducted totally in 9 sessions once or twice a week, and each session took 45 minutes. For pretest and post test, the questionnaire consisting of career maturity scale and career identity scale was used. To analyze data, ANCOVA was used and Scheffe test was conducted to examine significant differences between three groups. The main result of this study was the following : First, students who participate in the career portfolio and the teacher-directed career exploration program are more improved than those who have not been taught anything in determinacy and purpose of career maturity. Also, students who join in the career portfolio career exploration program are much more improved than those who join in the teacher-directed career exploration program in confidence and preparedness of career maturity. Second, students who join in the career portfolio career exploration program are more improved than those who join in the teacher-directed career exploration program in stability, goal directivity and assertiveness of career identity. Also students who participate in the lecture-oriented career exploration program are more improved meaningfully than those who have not been taught anything in the task orientation of career identity.

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A Systematic Review of Group Art Therapy for Korean College Students: Articles Published in Korea

  • Wei, Sun;Bo-ram, Park
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to guide the practice of group art therapy among Korean college students through a systematic review. Therefore, 164 studies relevant to group art therapy for Korean undergraduate students published in Korea from January 2001 to June 2021 were selected. This systematic review included 46 publications based on the PICO standards. The author systematically reviewed the included studies, summarized the characteristics and therapy effectiveness, and analyzed the overall research trends. The primary findings were as follows: First, the number of publications on group art therapy among Korean college students has significantly increased. According to a review of group art therapy characteristics, the majority of studies enrolled 6-10 participants (32 studies, 66.7%), applied 6-10 sessions (23 studies, 47.9%), and had an intervention time for each session of 90 minutes (25 studies, 53.2%). Second, research outcomes of group art therapy among Korean college students were grouped into self-related, society-related, emotion-related, and career-related outcomes. Regarding career-related outcomes, all studies found that group art therapy had a statistically significant impact on career-related outcomes, particularly on the levels of career decision-making and maturity. Most studies suggested that group art therapy had a positive effect on self-related, society-related, and emotion-related outcomes, with 6 studies finding no statistically significant effect of group art therapy on college students. Third, the most effective intervention for college students was the media-based group art therapy. In particular, college students had the most effective performance in career-related outcomes. This study is significant in that it uses a systematic review to integrate and summarize research results on group art therapy among college students over the last 20 years. This study revealed that group art therapy could positively and effectively affect Korean college students. Based on this systematic review, we expect to practice and develop group art therapy in Chinese college students with comprehensive guidance and convincing data.

A study on unmanned watch system using ubiquitous sensor network technology (유비쿼터스 센서 네트워크 기술을 활용한 무인감시체계 연구)

  • Wee, Kyoum-Bok
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.7
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    • pp.271-303
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    • 2009
  • "Ubiquitous sensor network" definition is this-Someone attaches electro-magnetic tag everything which needs communication between man to man, man to material and material to material(Ubiquitous). By using attached every electro-magnetic tag, someone detects it's native information as well as environmental information such as temperature, humidity, pollution and infiltration information(Sensor). someone connects it realtime network and manage generated information(Network). 21st century's war is joint combined operation connecting with ground, sea and air smoothly in digitalized war field, and is systematic war provided realtime information from sensor to shooter. So, it needs dramatic development on watch reconnaissance, command and control, pinpoint strike etc. Ubiquitous computing and network technologies are essential in national defense to operate 21st century style war. It is possible to use many parts such as USN combined smart dust and sensor network to protect friend unit as well as to watch enemy's deep area by unmanned reconnaissance, wearable computer upgrading soldier's operational ability and combat power dramatically, RFID which can be used material management as well as on time support. Especially, unmanned watch system using USN is core part to transit network centric military service and to get national defense efficiency which overcome the dilemma of national defense person resource reducing, and upgrade guard quality level, and improve combat power by normalizing guardian's bio rhythm. According to the test result of sensor network unmanned watch system, it needs more effort and time to stabilize because of low USN technology maturity and using maturity. In the future, USN unmanned watch system project must be decided the application scope such as application area and starting point by evaluating technology maturity and using maturity. And when you decide application scope, you must consider not only short period goal as cost reduction, soldier decrease and guard power upgrade but also long period goal as advanced defense ability strength. You must build basic infra in advance such as light cable network, frequency allocation and power facility etc. First of all, it must get budget guarantee and driving force for USN unmanned watch system project related to defense policy. You must forwarded the USN project assuming posses of operation skill as procedure, system, standard, training in advance. Operational skill posses is come from step by step application strategy such as test phase, introduction phase, spread phase, stabilization phase and also repeated test application taking example project.

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