• Title/Summary/Keyword: finite element numerical simulations

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Design of Distributed Modal Transducer by Optimizing Gain-weights of Interface Circuit (인터페이스 회로의 이득 최적화를 통한 분포형 모달 변환기의 설계)

  • 김지철;황준석;유정규;김승조
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.444-449
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    • 1998
  • A modal transducer in two-dimensional structure can be implemented by varying the distributed transducer's gain spatially. In this paper, a method based on finite element method is developed for optimizing spatial gain distribution of PVDF transducer to create the modal transducer for specific modes. Using this concept, one can design the modal transducer in two-dimensional structure having arbitrary geometry and boundary conditions. As a practical means for implementing this continuous gain distribution without repoling die PVDF film, the gain distribution is approximated by optimizing gain-weights of interface circuit. The whole spatial area of the PVDF film is divided into several electrode segments and the signals from each segment are properly weighted and summed by interface circuit. This corresponds to the approximation of a continuous function using discrete values. The electrode partition is optimized using the genetic algorithm. Gain-weights are optimized using the simplex search method. A modal sensor for first to fourth modes of aluminum plate is designed using PVDF film with gain-weighted interface circuit. Various lamination angles of PVDF film are taken into consideration to utilize the anisotropy of the PVDF film. Performance of the optimized' PVDF sensor is demonstrated by numerical simulations..

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  • Lee, Kun-Sang
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2006
  • A mathematical model is described for the prediction of convective upward transport of an organic solvent driven by evaporation at the surface, which is known as the major transport mechanism in the in-situ photolysis of a soil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(TCDD). A finite-element model was proposed to incorporate the effects of multiphase flow on the distribution of each fluid, gravity as a driving force, and the use of hysteretic models for more accurate description of k-S-p relations. Extensive numerical calculations were performed to study fluid flow through three types of soils under different water table conditions. Predictions of relative permeability-saturation-pressure (k-S-p) relations and fluids distribution for an illustrative soil indicate that hysteresis effects may be quite substantial. This result emphasizes the need to use hysteretic models in performing flow simulations including reversals of flow paths. Results of additional calculations accounting for hysteresis on the one-dimensional unsaturated soil columns show that gravity affects significantly on the flow of each fluid during gravity drainage, solvent injection, and evaporation, especially for highly permeable soils. The rate and duration of solvent injection also have a profound influence on the fluid saturation profile and the amount of evaporated solvent. Key factors influencing water drainage and solvent evaporation in soils also include hydraulic conductivity and water table configuration.

Failure of circular tunnel in saturated soil subjected to internal blast loading

  • Han, Yuzhen;Liu, Huabei
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.421-438
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    • 2016
  • Explosions inside transportation tunnels might result in failure of tunnel structures. This study investigated the failure mechanisms of circular cast-iron tunnels in saturated soil subjected to medium internal blast loading. This issue is crucial to tunnel safety as many transportation tunnels run through saturated soils. At the same time blast loading on saturated soils may induce residual excess pore pressure, which may result in soil liquefaction. A series of numerical simulations were carried out using Finite Element program LS-DYNA. The effect of soil liquefaction was simulated by the Federal Highway soil model. It was found that the failure modes of tunnel lining were differed with different levels of blast loading. The damage and failure of the tunnel lining was progressive in nature and they occurred mainly during lining vibration when the main event of blast loading was over. Soil liquefaction may lead to more severe failure of tunnel lining. Soil deformation and soil liquefaction were determined by the coupling effects of lining damage, lining vibration, and blast loading. The damage of tunnel lining was a result of internal blast loading as well as dynamic interaction between tunnel lining and saturated soil, and stress concentration induced by a ventilation shaft connected to the tunnel might result in more severe lining damage.

Development of Dry/Wet Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Flow Analysis (2차원 흐름해석을 위한 마름/젖음 알고리듬의 개발)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho;Han, Kun-Yeun;Choi, Seung-Yong;Oh, Hyun-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.624-628
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    • 2008
  • Two-dimensional flow analysis is a way to provide good estimates for complex flow features in flow around islands and obstructions, flow at confluence and flow in braided channel. One of difficult problems to develop a two-dimensional hydraulic model is to analyze dry and wet area in river channel. Dry/wet problem can be encountered in river and coastal engineering problems, such as flood propagation, dam break analysis, tidal processes and so on. The objective of this study is to develop an accurate and robust two-dimensional finite element method with dry/wet technique in complex natural rivers. The dry/wet technique with Deforming Grid Method was developed in this study. The Deforming Grid Method was used to construct new mesh by eliminating of dry nodes and elements. The eliminated nodes and elements were decided by considering of the rising/descending velocity of water surface elevation. Several numerical simulations were carried out to examine the performance of the Deforming Grid Method for the purpose of validation and verification of the model in rectangular and trapezoidal channel with partly dry side. The application results of the model were displayed reasonable flow distribution.

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Thermal creep effects of aluminum alloy cladding on the irradiation-induced mechanical behavior in U-10Mo/Al monolithic fuel plates

  • Jian, Xiaobin;Ding, Shurong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.802-810
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    • 2020
  • Three-dimensional finite element simulations are implemented for the in-pile thermo-mechanical behavior in U-Mo/Al monolithic fuel plates with different thermal creep rates of cladding involved. The numerical results indicate that the thickness increment of fuel foil rises with the thermal creep coefficient of cladding. The maximum Mises stress of cladding is reduced by ~85% from 344 MPa on the 98.0th day when the creep coefficient of cladding increases from 0.01 to 10.0, due to its equivalent thermal creep strain enlarged by 3.5 times. When the thermal creep coefficient of Aluminum cladding increases from 0 to 1.0, the maximum mesoscale stress of fuel foil varies slightly. At the same time, the peak mesoscale normal stress of fuel foil can reach 51 MPa on the 98.0th day for the thermal creep coefficient of 10, which increases by 60.3% of that with the thermal creep un-occurred in the cladding. The maximum through-thickness creep strain components of fuel foil differ slightly for different thermal creep coefficients of cladding. The dangerous region of fuel foil becomes much closer to the heavily irradiated side when the creep coefficient of cladding becomes 10.0. The creep performance of Aluminum cladding should be optimized for the integrity of monolithic fuel plates.

Analysis Model for Predicting the Flexural Behavior of RC Beam Strengthened with FRP (FRP로 보강된 RC보의 휨거동 예측을 위한 해석모델)

  • Hong, Ki-Nam;Lee, Bong-No;Han, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents a new simple two-dimensional frame finite element able to accurately estimate the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete beams flexurally strengthened externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) strips and plates. The proposed analysis model considers distributed plasticity with layer-discretization of the cross-sections and the bond-slip behavior of epoxy layer. The proposed model is used to predict the load-carrying capacity and the applied load-midspan deflection response of RC beams subjected to bending loading. Numerical simulations and experimental measurements are compared based on numerous tests available in the literature and published by different authors. The numerically simulated response agree remarkably well with the corresponding experimental results. Thus, the proposed model is suitable for efficient and accurate modeling and analysis of flexural strengthening of RC beams with externally bonded FRP sheets/plates and for practical use in design-oriented parametric studies.

Experimental and FE simulations of ferrocement columns incorporating composite materials

  • Shaheen, Yousry B.I.;Mahmoud, Ashraf M.;Refat, Hala M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.155-171
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a proposed method for producing reinforced composite concrete columns reinforced with various types of metallic and non metallic mesh reinforcement. The experimental program includes casting and testing of twelve square columns having the dimensions of 100mm×100mm×1000mm under concentric compression loadings. The test samples comprise all designation specimens to make comparative study between conventionally reinforced concrete column and concrete columns reinforced with welded steel mesh, expanded steel mesh, fiber glass mesh and tensar mesh. The main variables are the type of innovative reinforcing materials, metallic or non metallic, the number of layers and volume fraction of reinforcement. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of employing the new innovative materials in reinforcing the composite concrete columns. The results of an experimental investigation to examine the effectiveness of these produced columns are reported and discussed including strength, deformation, cracking, and ductility properties. Non-linear finite element analysis; (NLFEA) was carried out to simulate the behavior of the reinforced concrete composite columns. The numerical model could agree the behavior level of the test results. ANSYS-10.0 Software. Also, parametric study is presented to look at the variables that can mainly affect the mechanical behaviors of the model such as the change of column dimensions. The results proved that new reinforced concrete columns can be developed with high strength, crack resistance, and high ductility properties using the innovative composite materials.

Aeroelastic Stability Analysis of Hingeless Rotor Blades with Composite Flexures

  • Kim, Seung-Jo;Kim, Ki-Tae;Jung, Sung-Nam
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.512-521
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    • 2002
  • The flap-lag-torsion coupled aeroelastic behavior of a hingeless rotor blade with composite flexures in hovering flight has been investigated by using the finite element method. The quasisteady strip theory with dynamic inflow effects is used to obtain the aerodynamic loads acting on the blade. The governing differential equations of motion undergoing moderately large displacements and rotations are derived using the Hamilton's principle. The flexures used in the present model are composed of two composite plates which are rigidly attached together. The lead-lag flexure is located inboard of the flap flexure. A mixed warping model that combines the St. Versant torsion and the Vlasov torsion is developed to describe the twist behavior of the composite flexure. Numerical simulations are carried out to correlate the present results with experimental test data and also to identify the effects of structural couplings of the composite flexures on the aeroelastic stability of the blade. The prediction results agree well with other experimental data. The effects of elastic couplings such as pitch-flap, pitch-lag, and flap-lag couplings on the stability behavior of the composite blades are also investigated.

Direct displacement-based seismic assessment of concrete frames

  • Peng, Chu;Guner, Serhan
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2018
  • Five previously-tested reinforced concrete frames were modelled using a nonlinear finite element analysis procedure to demonstrate the accurate response simulations for seismically-deficient frames through pushover analyses. The load capacities, story drifts, and failure modes were simulated. This procedure accounts for the effects of shear failures and the shear-axial force interaction, and thus is suitable for modeling seismically-deficient frames. It is demonstrated that a comprehensive analysis method with a capability of simulating material constitutive response and significant second-order mechanisms is essential in achieving a satisfactory response simulation. It is further shown that such analysis methods are invaluable in determining the expected seismic response, safety, and failure mode of the frame structures for a performance-based seismic evaluation. In addition, a new computer program was developed to aid researchers and engineers in the direct displacement-based seismic design process by assessing whether a frame structure meets the code-based performance requirements by analyzing the analysis results. As such, the proposed procedure facilitates the performance-based design of new buildings as well as the numerical assessment and retrofit design of existing buildings. A sample frame analysis was presented to demonstrate the application and verification of the approach.

Numerical analysis of tunnel in rock with basalt fiber reinforced concrete lining subjected to internal blast load

  • Jain, Priyanka;Chakraborty, Tanusree
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2018
  • The present study focuses on the performance of basalt fiber reinforced concrete (BFRC) lining in tunnel situated in sandstone rock when subjected to internal blast loading. The blast analysis of the lined tunnel is carried out using the three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear finite element (FE) method. The stress-strain response of the sandstone rock is simulated using a crushable plasticity model which can simulate the brittle behavior of rock and that of BFRC lining is analyzed using a damaged plasticity model for concrete capturing damage response. The strain rate dependent material properties of BFRC are collected from the literature and that of rock are taken from the authors' previous work using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB). The constitutive model performance is validated through the FE simulation of SHPB test and the comparison of simulation results with the experimental data. Further, blast loading in the tunnel is simulated for 10 kg and 50 kg Trinitrotoluene (TNT) charge weights using the equivalent pressure-time curves obtained through hydrocode simulations. The analysis results are studied for the stress and displacement response of rock and tunnel lining. Blast performance of BFRC lining is compared with that of plain concrete (PC) and steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) lining materials. It is observed that the BFRC lining exhibits almost 65% lesser displacement as compared to PC and 30% lesser displacement as compared to SFRC tunnel linings.