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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: finite element numerical simulations

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Multiphase Modeling on the Convective Transport of an Organic Solvent through Unsaturated Soils (비포화 토양층 내 유기 용매의 이류 이동에 대한 다상 모델링)

  • Lee Kun Sang
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2004
  • In-situ photolysis is one of the most promising ways to clean up a soil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). This study focuses on the mathematical description and model development of the convective upward transport of an organic solvent driven by evaporation and photodecomposition at the surface as the major transport mechanism in the clean up process. A finite-element-based numerical model was proposed to incorporate effects of multiphase flow on the distribution of each fluid, gravity as a driving force, and the use of van Genutchen equation for more accurate description of k-S-p relations. This paper presents results of extensive numerical calculations conducted to investigate the various parameters that play a role in the solvent migration through a laboratory-scale unsaturated soil column. The numerical results indicate that gravity affects significantly on the fluids distribution and evaporation for highly permeable soils. The soil texture has a profound influence on the fluid saturation profile during evaporation process. The amount of solvent convective motion increases with increasing evaporation rates and decreasing initial water saturation. Simulations conducted in this study have shown that the developed model is very useful in analyzing the effects of various parameters on the convective migration of an organic solvent in the soil environments.

Behavior of a steel bridge with large caisson foundations under earthquake and tsunami actions

  • Kang, Lan;Ge, Hanbin;Magoshi, Kazuya;Nonaka, Tetsuya
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.575-589
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    • 2019
  • The main focus of this study is to numerically investigate the influence of strong earthquake and tsunami-induced wave impact on the response and behavior of a cable-stayed steel bridge with large caisson foundations, by assuming that the earthquake and the tsunami come from the same fault motion. For this purpose, a series of numerical simulations were carried out. First of all, the tsunami-induced flow speed, direction and tsunami height were determined by conducting a two-dimensional (2D) tsunami propagation analysis in a large area, and then these parameters obtained from tsunami propagation analysis were employed in a detailed three-dimensional (3D) fluid analysis to obtain tsunami-induced wave impact force. Furthermore, a fiber model, which is commonly used in the seismic analysis of steel bridge structures, was adopted considering material and geometric nonlinearity. The residual stresses induced by the earthquake were applied into the numerical model during the following finite element analysis as the initial stress state, in which the acquired tsunami forces were input to a whole bridge system. Based on the analytical results, it can be seen that the foundation sliding was not observed although the caisson foundation came floating slightly, and the damage arising during the earthquake did not expand when the tsunami-induced wave impact is applied to the steel bridge. It is concluded that the influence of tsunami-induced wave force is relatively small for such steel bridge with large caisson foundations. Besides, a numerical procedure is proposed for quantitatively estimating the accumulative damage induced by the earthquake and the tsunami in the whole bridge system with large caisson foundations.

Large eddy simulation of a square cylinder flow: Modelling of inflow turbulence

  • Tutar, M.;Celik, I.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.511-532
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    • 2007
  • The present study aims to generate turbulent inflow data to more accurately represent the turbulent flow around a square cylinder when the inflow turbulence level is significant. The modified random flow generation (RFG) technique in conjunction with a previously developed LES code is successfully adopted into a finite element based fluid flow solver to generate the required inflow turbulence boundary conditions for the three-dimensional (3-D) LES computations of transitional turbulent flow around a square cylinder at Reynolds number of 22,000. The near wall region is modelled without using wall approximate conditions and a wall damping coefficient is introduced into the calculation of sub-grid length scale in the boundary layer of the cylinder wall. The numerical results obtained from simulations are compared with each other and with the experimental data for different inflow turbulence boundary conditions in order to discuss the issues such as the synthetic inflow turbulence effects on the 3-D transitional flow behaviour in the near wake and the free shear layer, the basic mechanism by which stream turbulence interacts with the mean flow over the cylinder body and the prediction of integral flow parameters. The comparison among the LES results with and without inflow turbulence and the experimental data emphasizes that the turbulent inflow data generated by the present RFG technique for the LES computation can be a viable approach in accurately predicting the effects of inflow turbulence on the near wake turbulent flow characteristics around a bluff body.

Transfer matrix formulations and single variable shear deformation theory for crack detection in beam-like structures

  • Bozyigit, Baran;Yesilce, Yusuf;Wahab, Magd Abdel
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.73 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to estimate crack location and crack length in damaged beam structures using transfer matrix formulations, which are based on analytical solutions of governing equations of motion. A single variable shear deformation theory (SVSDT) that considers parabolic shear stress distribution along beam cross-section is used, as well as, Timoshenko beam theory (TBT). The cracks are modelled using massless rotational springs that divide beams into segments. In the forward problem, natural frequencies of intact and cracked beam models are calculated for different crack length and location combinations. In the inverse approach, which is the main concern of this paper, the natural frequency values obtained from experimental studies, finite element simulations and analytical solutions are used for crack identification via plots of rotational spring flexibilities against crack location. The estimated crack length and crack location values are tabulated with actual data. Three different beam models that have free-free, fixed-free and simple-simple boundary conditions are considered in the numerical analyses.

Cyclic Stress-strain Hardening Model of AC4C-T6 Alloy at Cryogenic Temperature (극저온 상태에서 AC4C-T6 의 가공 경화 모델 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Kim, Kyung-Su;Lee, Jang-Hyun;Yoo, Mi-Ji;Choung, Joon-Mo
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.498-509
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    • 2009
  • Present study is concerned with the simulation of plasticity models for the cyclic stressstrain behavior of aluminum alloy AC4C-T6 that can be used for primary materials of LNG cargo pump. Material model of cyclic hardening and plasticity for aluminum alloy AC4C-T6 was investigated through experiments and numerical simulations. Monotonic tensile and cyclic tension-compression test under symmetric load cycles was performed at both room temperature and cryogenic temperature of 165C. Based on the experimental data plastic hardening models were evaluated for isotropic/kinematic/combined hardening. FEA (Finite Element Analysis) models which describe the cyclic stress-strain relationship were evaluated for the simulation of plasticity. An appropriate hardening model is proposed comparing the results of FEA with those of experiments.

Three-Dimensional Mold Filling Simulation for Multi-layered Preform in Resin Transfer Molding (다층 예비성형체에 대한 삼차원 충진해석)

  • Yang, Mei;Song, Young-Seok;Youn, Jae-Roun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.137-140
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    • 2005
  • Resin transfer molding (RTM) is one of the most popular processes for producing fiber reinforced polymer composites. In the manufacture of complex thick composite structures, analysis on flow front advancement on the resin impregnating the multi-layered fiber preform is helpful for the optimization of the process. In this study, three-dimensional mold filling simulation of RTM is carried out by using CVFEM (Control Volume Finite Element Method). On the assumption of isothermal flow of Newtonian fluid, Darcy’s law and continuity equation are used as governing equations. Different permeability tensors employed in each layer are obtained by experiments. Numerically predicted flow front is compared with experimental one in order to validate the numerical results. Flow simulations are conducted in the two mold geometries, rectangular plate and hollow cylinder. Permeability tensor of each layer preform in Cartesian coordinate system is transformed to cylinder coordinates system so that the flow within the multi-layered preforms of the hollow cylinder can be calculated exactly. Our emphasis is on the three dimensional flow analysis for circular three-dimensional braided preform, which shows outstanding mechanical properties such as high impact strength and toughness compared with other conventional two-dimensional laminar-structured preforms.

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3-D FEM Analysis of Forming Processes of Planar Anisotropic Sheet Metal (평면이방성 박판성형공정의 3차원 유한요소해석)

  • 이승열;금영탁;박진무
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2113-2122
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    • 1994
  • The 3-D FEM analysis for simulating the stamping operation of planar anisotropic sheet metals with arbitrarily-shaped tools is introduced. An implicit, incremental, updated Lagrangian formulation with a rigid-viscoplastic constitutive equation is employed. Contact and friction are considered through the mesh-normal, which compatibly describes arbitrary tool surfaces and FEM meshes without depending on the explicit spatial derivatives of tool surfaces. The consistent full set of governing relations, comprising equilibrium equation and mesh-normal geometric constraints, is appropriately linearized. The linear triangular elements are used for depicting the formed sheet, based on membrane approximation. Barlat's non-quadratic anisotropic yield criterion(strain-rate potential) is employed, whose in-plane anisotropic properties are taken into account with anisotropic coefficients and non-quadratic function parameter. The planar anisotropic finite element formulation is tested with the numerical simulations of the stamping of an automotive hood inner panel and the drawing of a hemispherical punch. The in-plane anisotropic effects on the formability of both mild steel and aluminum alloy sheet metals are examined.

The Selection of Measurement Positions for BEM Based NAH Using a Non-conformal Hologram to Reduce the Reconstruction Error

  • Oey, Agustinus;Ih, Jeong-Guon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1018-1021
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    • 2007
  • This paper explores the use of BEM based NAH to reconstruct the surface vibration of a plate in a rectangular finite cavity, in which the distances between sensors and the nearest points on the source surface are not equal. In such circumstances, different degree of information on propagating and non-propagating wave components will be detected by sensors at different positions, as well as the influence of measurement noise will vary significantly from the nearest points of measurement to the farthest ones. On the other hand, the condition number of the vibro-acoustic transfer function matrix relating normal surface velocities and field pressures will becomes high, numerically indicating an increase of linear dependency between rows of transfer function matrix. The combination of poor measurement and high condition number will result inaccurate reconstruction. Therefore, one approach to be investigated in this work is to select the measurement positions in such ways that reduce measurement redundancy, as it indicated by the condition number. The improvement is found to be significant in the numerical simulations utilizing two different criterions, spanning from over-determined to under-determined cases, and in the validation experiment.

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Analysis of Flexible Media: II. Including Aerodynamic Effect (유연매체의 거동해석: II. 공기의 영향을 고려한 해석)

  • Jee, Jung-Geun;Jang, Yong-Hoon;Park, No-Cheol;Park, Young-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1335-1340
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    • 2007
  • The media transport systems, such as printers, copy machines, facsimiles, ATMs, cameras, etc. have been widely used and being developed rapidly. In the development of those sheet-handling machineries, it is important to predict the static and dynamic behavior of the sheet with a high degree of reliability because the sheets are fed and stacked at such a high speed. Flexible media are very thin, light and flexible, so they behave in geometric nonlinearity with large displacement and large rotation but small strain. In the flexible media analysis, aerodynamic effect from the surrounding air must be included because any small force can make large deformation. In this paper, surrounding air was modeled by incompressible Navier-Stokes flow and an arbitrary Lagranigan-Eulerian(ALE) finite element method with automatic mesh-updating technique was formulated for large domain changes. In the numerical simulations, the results with consideration of the air fast decayed and converged into static results while the results without considering air oscillated continuously.

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Sensitivity Analysis of Dry/Wet Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis (2차원 유한요소해석을 위한 마름/젖음 알고리듬의 민감도 분석)

  • Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Sang-Ho;Choi, Seung-Yong;Hwang, Jae-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.827-831
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    • 2009
  • Recently, frequency occurring flood and drought has increased the necessity of an effective water resources control and management of river flows. Therefore, the simulation of the flow distribution in natural rivers is great importance to the solution of a wide variety of practical flow problems in water resources engineering. However The serious problem facing two-dimensional hydraulic model is the treatment of wet and dry areas. The objective of this study is to investigate the wet and dry parameters that have direct relevance to model performance in situations where inundation of initially dry areas occurs. Several numerical simulations were carried out, which examined the performance of the marsh porosity method for the purpose of sensitivity analysis. Experimental channel and a variety of channel were performed for model tests. The results were compared with those of the observation data and simulation data of existing model. The RMA-2 model displayed reasonable flow distribution compare to the observation data and simulation data of existing model in dry area for application of natural river flow. As a result of this study, effectively applied marsh porosity method provide a reliable results for flow distribution of wet and dry area, it could be further developed to basis for extending to water quality and sediment transport analysis.

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