• Title/Summary/Keyword: finish machining

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A Study on the Thermal Deformation of a Cutting Tool in End Milling (엔드밀 작업에서 공구의 열변형에 관한 연구)

  • 홍민성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.97.2-101
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    • 1998
  • Machining process introduces thermal deformation of a cutter, which affects the surface finish of the workpieces. By measuring the temperature distribution of the cutter, thermal stress and deformation of the cutter are simulated. In addition, surface roughness of workpiece is simulated by the surface-shaping system. The result shows that thermal deformation deteriorates the surface roughness.

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Experimental Investigation of Concave and Convex Micro-Textures for Improving Anti-Adhesion Property of Cutting Tool in Dry Finish Cutting

  • Kang, Zhengyang;Fu, Yonghong;Chen, Yun;Ji, Jinghu;Fu, Hao;Wang, Shulin;Li, Rui
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.583-591
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    • 2018
  • Tool-chip adhesion impacts on cutting performance significantly, especially in finish cutting process. To promote cutting tools' anti-adhesion property, the concave micro-grooves texture (MGT) and convex volcano-like texture (VLT) were fabricated separately on lathe tools' rake faces by laser surface texturing (LST). Various orientations of MGT and different area densities (9% and 48%) and regions (partial and full) of VLT were considered in textured patterns designing. The following orthogonal cutting experiments, machining of aluminum alloy 5038, analyzed tools' performances including cutting force, cutting stability, chip shape, rake face adhesion and abrasion. It indicated that under dry finish cutting conditions, MGT contributed to cutting stability and low cutting forces, meanwhile friction and normal force reduced by around 15% and 10%, respectively with a weak correlation to the grooves' orientation. High density VLT tools, on the other hand, presented an obvious anti-adhesion property. A 5μm reduction of crater wear's depth can be observed on textured rake faces after long length cutting and textured rake faces presented half size of BUE regions comparing to the flat tool, however, once the texture morphologies were filled or worn, the anti-adhesion effect could be invalid. The bearing ratio curve was employed to analysis tool-chip contact and durability of textured surfaces contributing to a better understanding of anti-adhesion and enhanced durability of the textured tools.

Design and manufacture of hybrid polyrnerconcrete bed for high speed machine tool (초고속 공작기계용 Hybrid Poymer Concrete bed 의 설계와 제작)

  • 서정도;임태성;이대길;김태형;박보선;최원선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.404-409
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    • 2004
  • To maximize the productivity in machining molds and dies, machine tools should operate at high speeds. During the high speed operation of moving frames or spindles, vibration problems are apt to occur if the machine tool structures are made of conventional steel materials with inferior damping characteristics. However, self-excited vibration or chatter is bound to occur during high speed machining when cutting speed exceeds the stability limit of machine tool. Chatter is undesirable because of its adverse effect on surface finish, machining accuracy, and tool life. Furthermore, chatter is a major cause of reducing production rate because, if no remedy can be found, metal removal rates have to be lowered until vibration-free performances is obtained. Also, the resonant vibration of machine tools frequently occurs when operating frequency approaches one of their natural frequencies because machine tools have several natural frequencies due to their many continuous structural elements. However, these vibration problems are closely related to damping characteristics of machine tool structures. The polymer concrete has high potential for machine tool bed due to its good damping characteristics with moderate stiffness. This paper presents the use of polymer concrete and sandwich structures to overcome vibration problems. Also, co-cure bonding method for functional part mounting was exhibited experimentally, by which manufacturing time and cost for polymer concrete bed will be remarkably reduced.

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A Study on the Failure Characteristics of Ceramic Tool for Hardened Steels (경화강에 대한 세라믹공구의 손상특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김광래;유봉환
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 1997
  • This thesis is concerned with the study on the characteristics of the tool failure occuring at the beginning of cutting in finish machining of hardened steels such as carbon tool steel and alloy tool steel by a ceramic tool (Al2O3+TiC) with nose radius. In the machining of hardened carbon steel STC3, the wear mechanism on the flank face of the ceramic tool is abrasion wear. The mode of tool failure is developed into catastropic fracture with flaking. It is thought that the fracture caused by FeO and TiO2 results from the oxidation of Fe in the workpice and TiC in the ceramic tool and the deposit of Fe formed on the surface of the ceramic tool. In the machining of hardened alloy steel STD11, the wear mechanism on the flank face of the ceramic tool is that abrasion and adhesion wear exist simultaneously. The mode of tool failure at the beginning of cutting features is DOC notch wear. It is thought that the DOC notch wear caused by FeO and TiO2results from the oxidation of Fe and TiC in the workpiece and ceramic tool, respectively.

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Characteristics of Tool Deflection of Ball-end Mill Cutter in Pencil Cutting of the Corner (코너부의 펜슬가공시 볼엔드밀의 공구변형 특성)

  • Wang, Duck-Hyun;Yun, Kyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2 s.95
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1999
  • Ball-end milling process is widely used in the die and mold manufacturing because of suitable one for the machining of free-form surface. During the process, the pencil cutting operation can be adopted before finish cut to eliminate overload in uncut area caused by large diameter of ball-end mill. The ball-end mill cutter for the pencil cutting is easily deflected by cutting force due to the long and thin shape, and the tool deflection in pencil cutting is one of the main reason of the machining errors in a free-form surface. The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of deflected cutter trajectory by constructing measurement system with eddy-current sensor. It was found that the severe reduction of corner radius produced the overcut during the plane cutting. Up cutting method induced the overcut both plane and slope cutting, but down cutting one induced the undercut. From the experiments, down cutting with upward cutting path can generate the small undercut surface.

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Development of New Rapid Prototyping System Performing both Deposition and Machining(I);Process and Framework (적층과 절삭을 복합적으로 수행하는 새로운 개녕의 판재 적층식 쾌속 시작 시스템의 개발(I);공정 및 기반구조)

  • Heo, Jeong-Hun;Hwang, Jae-Cheol;Lee, Geon-U;Kim, Jong-Won;Han, Dong-Cheol;Ju, Jong-Nam;Park, Jong-U
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.8 s.179
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    • pp.1958-1967
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    • 2000
  • Rapid Prototyping( RP ) has been increasingly applied in the process of design and development of new products. RP can shrink the time and expense required to bring a new product from initial concept to production. However, the necessity of using RP for short-run manufacturing is continuously driving a development of a cost-effective technique that will produce completely-finished quality parts in a very short time. To meet these demands, the improvements in production speed, accuracy materials, and cost are crucial. Thus, a new hybrid-RP system performing both deposition and machining in a station is proposed in this paper. It incorporates both material deposition in layers and material removal from the outer surface of the layer to produce the required surface finish. The new hybrid-RP system can dramatically reduce the total build time and fabricate largo-sized and freeform objects because it uses very thick layers, i.e.

Application of Sandwich Structure with Rigid Core for High Speed Machine Tool Bed (Rigid Core 샌드위치 구조의 초고속 공작기계 베드 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 서정도;이대길;김태형;박보선;최원선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.113-116
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    • 2003
  • To maximize the productivity in machining molds and dies, machine tools should operate at high speeds. During the high speed operation of moving frames or spindles, vibration problems are apt to occur if the machine tool structures are made of conventional steel materials with inferior damping characteristics. However, self-excited vibration or chatter is bound to occur during high speed machining when cutting speed exceeds the stability limit of machine tool. Chatter is undesirable because of its adverse effect on surface finish, machining accuracy, and tool lift. Furthermore, chatter is a major cause of reducing production rate because, if no remedy can be found, metal removal rates have to be lowered until vibration-free performances is obtained. Also, the resonant vibration of machine tools frequently occurs when operating frequency approaches one of their natural frequencies because machine tools have several natural frequencies due to their many continuous structural elements. However, these vibration problems are closely related to damping characteristics of machine tool structures. This paper presents the use of polymer concrete and sandwich structures to overcome vibration problems. The polymer concrete has high potential for machine tool bed due to its good damping characteristics with moderate stiffness. In this study, a polymer concrete bed combined with welded steel structure i.e., a hybrid structure was designed and manufactured for a high-speed gantry-type milling. Also. its dynamic characteristics were measured by modal tests.

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Wear Characteristics of CBN Tools on Hard Turning of AISI 4140 (고경도강(AISI 4140, HrC60)의 하드터닝에서 가공속도 및 윤활조건 변경에 따른 CBN 공구의 마모 특성)

  • Yang, Gi-Dong;Park, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Myung-Gyu;Lee, Dong Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.799-804
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    • 2014
  • Hard turning is a machining process for hardened materials with high surface quality so that grinding process can be eliminated. Therefore, the hard turning is capable of reducing machining time and improving productivity. In this study, hardened AISI4140 (high-carbon chromium steel) that has excellent yield strength, toughness and wear resistance was finish turned using CBN tools. Wear characteristics of CBN tool was analyzed in dry and MQL mixed with nano-particle (Nano-MQL). The dominant fracture mechanism of CBN tool is diffusion and dissolution wear on the rake surface resulting in thinner cutting edge. Abrasive wear by hard inclusion in AISI4140 was dominant on the flank surface. Nano-MQL reduced tool wear comparing with the dry machining but chip evacuation should be considered. A cryogenically treated tool showed promising result in tool wear.

A Study on the Improvement of Cutting Force and Surface Roughness in MQL Turning (MQL 선삭가공에서 절삭력과 표면거칠기 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang Young-Kug;Chung Won-Jee;Jung Jong-Yun;Lee Choon-Man
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2006
  • At present, industry and researchers are looking for ways to reduce the use of lubricants because of ecological and economical reasons. Therefore, metal cutting is to move toward dry cutting or semi-dry cutting. One of the technologies is known as MQL(Minimum Quantity Lubrication) machining. This research presents an investigation into MQL machining with the objective of deriving the optimum cutting conditions for the turning process of SM4SC. To reach these goals several finish turning experiments were carried out, varying cutting speed, feed rate, oil quantity and so on, with MQL and flood coolant. The surface roughness and cutting force results of tests were measured and the effects of cutting conditions were analyzed by the method of Analysis of Variance(ANOVA). From the experimental results and ANOVA, this research proposed optimal cutting conditions to improve the machinability in MQL turning process.

Machining Characteristics According to the Thickness Change When Wire-cut Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Carbide (초경합금재 와이어컷 방전가공시 두께변화에 따른 가공 특성)

  • 이재명;김원일;이윤경;왕덕현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.820-823
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    • 2000
  • The characteristics of wire deflection, surface roughness and roundness were observed on changing discharge time for electrical discharge machining(EDM) of tungsten carbide in various conditions of thickness. The wire deflection was decreased as increasing discharge time and wire tension, the gap of deflection was decreased after thickness 60mm and discharge time of 6μs due to the changing from fundamental mode to vibration mode. The deflection is the smallest at the water specific resistivity of 7.5 kΩ ㆍcm. The deflection is found to be decreased as increasing dwell time, and the result is due to the vibration of the pressure and the amount of the dielectric. The component of copper(Cu) and zinc(Zn), which is the main material of wire electrode, was observed for rough wire-cutting EDM of STD-11. This phenomena is found to be decreased as the number of EDM is increased. But it will be improved by changing the material and the shape of wire. The roundness of middle is found to be worse than that of upper and it is increased as the thickness of material is increased.

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