• Title/Summary/Keyword: finish machining

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A Study on the Charactdristics of CNC Deep Hole Maching for Marine Part Materials with the Sintered Carbide Gun Drill (초경합금 Gun Drill에 의한 박용 부품 재료의 CNC 심공가공 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 전태옥;심성보
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.64-74
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    • 1994
  • The gundrill is capable of machining for having large length to diameter ratio in single pass. The techniques of gundrill and gun boring began developing in the late 18th century with the need for more accurate bores in rifle, cannon, machinery part and marine part etc. The main feature of the gun drilling provides a stabilizing cutting force resultant necessary for self guidance of the drill head. A study of the accuracy and surface finish of holes produced would reveal quite useful information regarding the process. The thesis deals with the experimental results obtained during gun drilling on marine part materials for different machining conditions.

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The Effect of Cutting Conditions on Surface Roughness in MQL Turning. (MQL 선삭가공시 가공조건의 표면거칠기 영향 분석)

  • 이춘만;황영국;정종윤
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2004
  • At present, industry and researchers are looking for ways to reduce the use of lubricants because of ecological and economical reasons. Therefore, metal cutting is to move toward dry cutting or semi-dry cutting. This paper presents an investigation into MQL(Minimum Quantity Lubrication) machining with the objective of deriving the optimum cutting conditions for the turning process of SM45C. To reach these goals several finish turning experiments were carried out, varying cutting speed, feed rate and oil quantity, with MQL. The surface roughness results of tests were measured and the effects of cutting conditions were analyzed by the method of Analysis of Variance(ANOVA). From the experimental results and ANOVA, it is found that a better surface roughness can be obtained by decreasing oil quantity and feed rate.

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Development of Fine Blanking Dies for Forming Small Sized Module Gear (미소 모듈기어의 Fine Blanking 성형금형 개발)

  • Kim J. S.;Shim H. B.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2002
  • In recent automotive industries, fine blanking technology widely used in production of components with relatively thick gauges in brake systems, seat recliner, door locks, and auto transmission systems. Due to its advantages to obtain almost final product quality using fine blanking forming process without additional finish machining processes, consequently saving the production costs. In this paper we intended to develope the small sized module gear toothed dual seat recliner sector gear(0.5mm module) for car seats using fine blanking process which needed semi piercing with computer simulation and a lot of try and errors to achieve required accuracy and geometric quality. However through the some corrections of tool geometries with tryout test, we could get successful results.

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A Study on the Cutting Characteristics in the Machining of SKD11 by Face Milling (난삭재인 SKD11의 정면밀링 가공시 절삭특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김형석;문상돈;김태영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 1994
  • Wear and fracture mode of ceramic tool for hardened SKD11 steel was investigated by face milling in this study. The cutting force and Acoustic Emission(AE) signal were utilized to detect the wear and fracture of ceramic tool. The following conclusions were obtained : (1) The wear and fracture modes of ceramic tool are characterized by three types: \circled1wear which has normal wear and notch wear, \circled2 wear caused by scooping on the rake face, \circled3 large fracture caused by thermal crack in the rake face. (2) The wear behaviour of ceramic tool can be detected by the increase of mean cutting force and the variation of the AE RMS voltage. (3) The catastrophic fracture of ceramic tool can be detected by the cutting force(Fz-component). (4) As the hardness of work material increased, Acoustic Emission RMS value and mean cutting force(Fz) increased linearly, but the tool life decreased.

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Hybrid Type II fuzzy system & data mining approach for surface finish

  • Tseng, Tzu-Liang (Bill);Jiang, Fuhua;Kwon, Yongjin (James)
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a new methodology in predicting a system output has been investigated by applying a data mining technique and a hybrid type II fuzzy system in CNC turning operations. The purpose was to generate a supplemental control function under the dynamic machining environment, where unforeseeable changes may occur frequently. Two different types of membership functions were developed for the fuzzy logic systems and also by combining the two types, a hybrid system was generated. Genetic algorithm was used for fuzzy adaptation in the control system. Fuzzy rules are automatically modified in the process of genetic algorithm training. The computational results showed that the hybrid system with a genetic adaptation generated a far better accuracy. The hybrid fuzzy system with genetic algorithm training demonstrated more effective prediction capability and a strong potential for the implementation into existing control functions.

Machining Characteristics and Cutting Force Analysis of Hardfacing Overlay Welding in High Chromium Carbide (고크롬탄화물 하드페이싱 육성용접물의 가공특성과 절삭력 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Ho;Kim, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2009
  • Hard facing overlay welding in high chromium carbide is a representative way of extending the fatigue life or recompensing damage, because workpiece surface is uniformly overlay-welded by alloy material. In general, grinding process is currently used for finish due to hardness of weld material. The development of tool material, such as PCBN, has made it possible to use turning instead of grinding. There are many advantages of hard Owning, as lower equipment costs, shorter setup time, fewer process steps, higher material removal rate, better surface integrity and the elimination of cutting fluid. In this paper, machining characteristics and cutting performance are examined to investigate turning possibility of overly welding in high chromium carbide.

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Design of Ultrasonic Vibration Device using PZT Actuator for Precision Laser Machining (압전구동기를 이용한 정밀 가공용 초음파 진동장치 설계)

  • Kim, W.J.;Fei, L.;Cho, S.H.;Park, J.K.;Lee, M.G.
    • Laser Solutions
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 2011
  • As the aged population grows around the world, many medical instruments and devices have been developed recently. Among the devices, a drug delivery stent is a medical device which requires precision machining. Conventional drug delivery stent has problems of residual polymer and decoating because the drug is coated on the surface of stent with the polymer. If the drug is impregnated in micro hole array on the surface of the stent, the problem can be solved. Micro sized holes are generally fabricated by laser machining; however, the fabricated holes do not have an enough aspect ratio to contain the drug or a good surface finish to deliver it to blood vessel tissue. To overcome these problems, we propose a vibration-assisted machining mechanism with PZT (Piezoelectric Transducers) for the fabrication of micro sized holes. If the mechanism vibrates the eyepiece of the laser machining head, the laser spot on the workpiece will vibrate vertically because objective lens in the eyepiece shakes by the mechanism's vibration. According to the former researches, the vibrating frequency over 20kHz and amplitude over 500nm are preferable. The vibration mechanism has cylindrical guide, hollowed PZT and supports. In the cylinder, the eyepiece is mounted. The cylindrical guide has upper and low plates and side wall. The shape of plates and side wall are designed to have high resonating frequency and large amplitude of motion. The PZT also is selected to have high actuating force and high speed of motion. The support has symmetrical and rigid characteristics.

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Chip Breaking Prediction Using AE Signal (AE신호에 의한 칩 절단성 예측)

  • 최원식
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1999
  • In turning the chip may be produced in the form of continuous chip or discontinuous one. Continuous chips produced at high speed machining may hit the newly cut workpiece surface and adversely affect the appearance of the surface finish and may interfere with tool and sometimes induce tool fracture. In this study relationship between AE signal and chip form was experimentally investigated, The experimental results show that types of chip form are possible to be classified from the AE signal using fuzzy logic.

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A Study on the Thermal Deformation of a Cutting Tool in End Milling (엔드밀 작업에서 공구의 열변형에 관한 연구)

  • 홍민성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.25-29
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    • 1999
  • Machining process introduces thermal deformation of a cutter which affects the surface finish of the workpieces. By measuring the temperature distribution f the cutter thermal stress and deformation of the cutter are simulated. In addition surface roughness of workpiece is simulated by the surface-shaping system. The result shows that thermal deformation deteriorates the surface roughness.

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Scheduling with regard to start lag in process group (공정 그룹별 Start lag을 고려한 스케쥴링)

  • 전태준;박성호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.299-302
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is developing scheduling logic and program for machining scheduling of automobile part production line with unbalanced processing time. Three rules are developed to minimize slack and effect on other job. Fourth rule is suggested which considered weighted sum of three factors. schedule is generated totally 1, 000 times and then optimal weight parameter is selected. The program is developed to schedule situation to compare with the performance measure, total finish time of machine and total tardiness of part. As a result, the rule which considered weighted sum of three factors is effective for both measure.

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