• Title/Summary/Keyword: fault valley

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Report on the Sam Han Chang Gun Manganese Deposits (삼한(三韓) 장군(將軍) 광산(鑛山) 조사(調査) 보문(報文))

  • Hwang, In Chon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.9-34
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    • 1968
  • Manganese ore deposits of the Samhan Changgun Properties are located at the valley of west-lope-side of Changgun-bong (1132m) occupied over the Myon border between Sochon-myon and Jaesan-myon Pongwha-gun, Kyongsang-Pukdo. Geology of the more property and it's vicinity consists of Wonnan formation and Yulri formation of pre-Cambrain and Changgun limestone formation, Mica-schist formation, quartizite formation and Jaesan formation (containing coal bearing zone the unknown age. And granites and dykes were intruded into the above formation later. 1. Management deposits is embedded the formation of Janggun limestone especially Contact zone in the contact zone to of Chunyang Granite limestone enclosed by Granite, and Maginal zone of fault line in the limestone. Therefore, Chunyang Granite is Closely related to ore deposit. Pegmatite which is near by ore deposit was intruded before mineralization and it seems to be a channelway of ore solution. The most important ore deposits of property grouped into south deposit, east deposit, east-Gachon deposit, South-Gachon deposit, Durimgok deposit and West deposit, out-crops at several place. Besides these deposits there also are several prospects on outcrop scathered. Hydrothermal alteration take place strongly in the well rock and it's sequence are Characterized as following; 1) Dolomitization 2) Carbonization 3) Mamgamotozation 4) Pyritization 5) Silicification 6) Oxidation 2. The grade of manganese dioxide is up to Mn 45% in Maximum, but generally, averaging Mn 30~35% of high grade ore and averaging Mn 30~32% of manganese carbonates are mined in his property.

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The Development of Technique for the Visualization of Geological Information Using Geostatistics (지구통계학을 활용한 지반정보 가시화 기법 개발)

  • 송명규;김진하;황제돈;김승렬
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.501-508
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    • 2001
  • A graph or topographic map can often convey larger amounts of information in a shorter time than ordinary text-based methods. To visualize information precisely it is necessary to collect all the geological information at design stage, but actually it is almost impossible to bore or explore the entire area to gather the required data. So, tunnel engineers have to rely on the judgement of expert from the limited number of the results of exploration and experiment. In this study, several programs are developed to handle the results of geological investigation with various data processing techniques. The results of the typical case study are also presented. For the electric survey, eleven points are chosen at the valley to measure the resistivity using Schlumberger array. The measured data are interpolated in 3-dimensional space by kriging and the distribution of resistivity are visualized to find weak or fractured zone. The correlation length appears to be around 5 to 20 meter in depth. Regression analyses were performed to find a correlation length. No nugget effect is assumed, and the topographic map, geologic formation, fault zone, joint geometry and the distribution of resistivity are successfully visualized by using the proposed technique.

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Application of GPR Technology for Detecting Bedrock under Conductive Overburden and Geological Survey (전도성 충적지반의 지질 및 하부 기반암 조사를 위한 지하레이다(GPR)의 적용)

  • 윤운상;배성호;김병철;김학수
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 1995
  • The principle and applications of GPR(Ground Penetrating Radear) are familiar to engineering geologists and geophsicists as very attractive technique for continuous high resolution images of the subsurface. However, the main limitation of GPR is obviously related to presence of clayey or silty conductive soils, resulting in complete attenuation of radar signals. This difficulty gives hesitation for the exploration of the deeper targets for example detecting bedrock, particularly in Korean situation that most regions have conductive overburden. In order to prove usefulness of geological survey with GPR in that situation, the technique was tried to investigate depth of bedrock under thick conductive overburden and the other geolocgical informations for the constructionof foundation in the Dongbu apartment site, Kimhae. The reflection patterns on the processed GPR sections are well correlated with the geotechnical units-bedrock, alluvium, landfill unit and their internal layer-boundaries of boring data before GPR survey, except upper contact of bedrock. The isopach maps of the geotechnical units for the 3-D interpretations are made from GPR sections. The maps provided useful geological information that bedrock was distributed as plain and valley with 22~27m depth under alluvium unit (this depth is 5~8 m deeper than drill log) and sedimentary layers subsided and bended along growth fault with NNE strike/15$^{\circ}$SE dip in alluvium unit.

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Movement behavior of the continuous recording GPS stations after the 2003 $M_{W}$ 6.5 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan

  • Chen, Horng-Yue;Yu, Shui-Beih;Kuo, Long-Chen;Hu, Hsueh-Yen
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.297-301
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    • 2006
  • There are more than thirty continuously recording GPS stations (CORS) have been set up at different geological sites and distributed throughout a 140 km by 140 km area in southern Taiwan beginning since 2000, and the amount of the CORS are still under increasing in this area which is recognized the suture zone between the Philippe sea plate and Eurasia plate. From the year 2000 to the end of 2005, we analyze the daily solutions to obtain the average station velocities before and after the Chengkung earthquake which occurred near eastern Taiwan at 04:38 UTC on 10 December 2003. After considering the effects of the coseismic and postseismic displacements, the difference of the horizontal components reaches 13 mm/year of the average station velocity happened in the east side of the Central Range. To the vertical component, all of the stations are risen which located in the Coastal Range, and the largest difference approaches 20mm/year.

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The topographic effect of ground motion based on Spectral Element Method

  • Liu, Xinrong;Jin, Meihai;Li, Dongliang;Hu, Yuanxin;Song, Jianxue
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.411-429
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    • 2017
  • A Spectral Element Method for 3D seismic wave propagation simulation is derived based on the three-dimensional fluctuating elastic dynamic equation. Considering the 3D real terrain and the attenuation characteristics of the medium, the topographic effect of Wenchuan earthquake is simulated by using the Spectral Element Method (SEM) algorithm and the ASTER DEM model. Results show that the high PGA (peak ground acceleration) region was distributed along the peak and the slope side away from the epicenter in the epicenter area. The overall distribution direction of high PGA and high PGV (peak ground velocity) region is parallel to the direction of the seismogenic fault. In the epicenter of the earthquake, the ground motion is to some extent amplified under the influence of the terrain. The amplification effect of the terrain on PGA is complicated. It does not exactly lead to amplification of PGA at the ridge and the summit or attenuation of PGA in the valley.

An Effective Feature Extraction Method for Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors (유도전동기의 고장 진단을 위한 효과적인 특징 추출 방법)

  • Nguyen, Hung N.;Kim, Jong-Myon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes an effective technique that is used to automatically extract feature vectors from vibration signals for fault classification systems. Conventional mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are sensitive to noise of vibration signals, degrading classification accuracy. To solve this problem, this paper proposes spectral envelope cepstral coefficients (SECC) analysis, where a 4-step filter bank based on spectral envelopes of vibration signals is used: (1) a linear predictive coding (LPC) algorithm is used to specify spectral envelopes of all faulty vibration signals, (2) all envelopes are averaged to get general spectral shape, (3) a gradient descent method is used to find extremes of the average envelope and its frequencies, (4) a non-overlapped filter is used to have centers calculated from distances between valley frequencies of the envelope. This 4-step filter bank is then used in cepstral coefficients computation to extract feature vectors. Finally, a multi-layer support vector machine (MLSVM) with various sigma values uses these special parameters to identify faulty types of induction motors. Experimental results indicate that the proposed extraction method outperforms other feature extraction algorithms, yielding more than about 99.65% of classification accuracy.

Development and Application of Learning on Geological Field Trip Utilizing on Social Construction of Scientific Model (과학적 모델의 사회적 구성을 활용한 야외지질학습 개발 및 적용)

  • Choi, Yoon-Sung;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.178-192
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    • 2018
  • The purposes of this study were to develop and apply on learning on geological field trip utilizing the social construction of scientific model. We developed field trip places by considering not only Orion (1993)'s novelty space but also the achievement standards of 2015 national curriculum. The subjects of the study were 8 in the 'G' science gifted education center. We conducted a study using the theme of 'How was formed Mt. Gwanak?' on 5 lessons including a series of 2 field trip lessons and 3 lessons utilizing the social construction of scientific model. Students participated in pre- and post-test on the understanding of scientific knowledge about formation of mountain. Semi-structured interview was used to analyze students' learning about geological field trip in terms of affective domain. Results were as follows. First, there were 2 places of upper-stream valley and down-stream valley separately. They contained outcrops gneiss, granite, joint in the valley, xenolith, fault plane, mineral in the valley. Second, pre- and post-test and semi-structure interview were analyzed in terms of what scientific knowledge students learned about and how Mt. Gwanak was formed. Seven students explained that Mt. Gwanak was volcano during pretest. Seven students described how granite was formed to form Mt. Gwanak. They also understood geological time scale, i.e., metamorphic rock. Third, the geological field trip was effective to low achievement geoscience students as they engaged in the activities of field trip. Using positive responses on affective learning was effective on learning on geological field trip when utilizing the social construction of scientific model. This study suggests that teachers use an example 'model' on geoscience education. This study also suggests that teachers apply the social construction of scientific model to geological field trip.


  • Chang, Chung Chin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 1969
  • The structure and geologic history of the Triassic basin in southern Connecticut have been interpreted by using gravimetric data. A gravity survey of 800 gravity stations was made by the U.S. Geological Survey in the southern Connecticut area. The resulting data were reduced by the Bouguer method and then plotted and contoured along with the generalized geology. Residual gravity maps were prepared by different methods to obtain the most plausible agreement with the known geology of the area. Seven gravity profiles across the basin are presented to show the distribution of the Triassic deposits that could produce the measured anomalies. It is concluded that the basin was formed by successive step faulting in the late Triassic period and that the sediments accumulated progressively in this basin. The deepest portion of the basin is located in the middle of the present Triassic belt and reaches a depth of about 2 miles below the surface. The data also appear to indicate the possible source areas for the basalt which at present forms the lava flows, sills, and dikes exposed in the Cheshire and Gaillard regions. The information concerning the tectonic history of the Connecticut Triassic Valley aids considerably in establishing the geologic history of the Appalachians in late Triassic time.

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Studies on Debris Flows by Heavy Rainfall in Osaek Area in July 2006 (2006년 7월 집중호우로 인한 오색천 유역의 토석류 발생과 그 특성)

  • YANG, Heakun;PARK, Kyeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2008
  • Typhoon Ewiniar and Bilis followed by heavy rainfall in July 2006 triggered massive slope failures and debris flows along the Osaek valley within Seoraksan National Park. Since national road 44 is constructed along the fault-line, the susceptibility of hazard in the area is very high. Debris flows in Osaekcheon are mobilized from landslides near the ridgelines and peaks when heavy rainfall elevates pore pressure and adds weight to the hillslopes, causing failure. Stream flows falling onto the existing colluvium or channel-margin deposits also trigger debris flows. Steep slopes constructed along the road and thin regolith in the slope is the main reason for the landslide in the upper stream. In middle reaches of stream, under-fit drainage utilities and narrow bridges cause the overflow, this then triggers debris flow. Overflowing and erosion in the channel margin deposits is main reasons for the debris flow. The intensities and frequencies of heavy rainfall are certain to increase, so early warning and management system for the landslide-related hazard is urgently needed.

Measurement of Bangudae Rock Joint Using Non-adhesive, Non-contact Inclinometer Slope Laser Measuring System (비부착, 비접촉 방식의 계측기를 이용한 반구대암각화 암반 절리면의 계측)

  • Kim, Jae Hyun;Lee, Sang Ok;Chung, Kwang Yong;Han, Min Su
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.617-625
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    • 2021
  • Daegokcheon Stream in Daegok-ri, Ulju-gun, is an area with a developed valley and bedrock from Gajisan Provincial Park to the confluence of the Taehwa River across the Yangsan Fault. To measure the rock of Bangudae petroglyphs, the mineralogical weathering, joints, and scours or cavities at the bottom were confirmed. The measurement was carried out for a short period of time on the joint of the bedrock on which the Bangudae petroglyphs were engraved. Compared to the measured value obtained using existing optical fiber (Ch4 150 ㎛), a displacement value of 300 ㎛ was obtained using the non-attached, non-contact type of measuring instrument. In the future, it is inferred that this instrument could be used for various cultural properties if the HSV-value suitable for illuminance and various measurement experiences are stored.