In the era of the pandemic, the importance of a wireless LAN environment has become increasingly important, especially as the era of smart working and non-face-to-face education has become a universal and daily routine. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, smart watches, and wearable devices, collective referred to as wireless terminals, can be accessed anytime and anywhere through the internet, allowing for consistent and constant access to offices, factories, warehouses, shopping malls, railways, hotels, hospitals, schools, logistics centers, airports, exhibition halls, etc. This sort of access is currently being used in roads, parks, traditional markets, and ports. Since the release of the IEEE 802.11 Legacy Standard in 1997, Wi-Fi technology has been continuously supplemented and revised, and the standard has been continuously developed. In the era of smart working, the importance of efficient wireless deployment and scientific design has become more important. The importance of wireless in the smart factory, in the metaverse era, in the era of pursuing work and life that transcend time and space by using AR, VR, MR, and XR, it is more urgent to solve the shadow area of Wi-Fi. Through this study, we intend to verify the wireless failure problem of the xr training center and suggest improvement measures.