• Title/Summary/Keyword: factor map

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Prediction of Land-Use Change based on Urban Growth Scenario in South Korea using CLUE-s Model (도시성장 시나리오와 CLUE-s 모형을 이용한 우리나라의 토지이용 변화 예측)

  • LEE, Yong-Gwan;CHO, Young-Hyun;KIM, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we used the CLUE-s model to predict the future land-use change based on the urban growth scenario in South Korea. The land-use maps of six classes (water, urban, rice paddy, upland crop, forest, and grass) for the year 2008 were obtained from the Ministry of Environment (MOE), and the land-use data for 5-year intervals between 1980 and 2010 were obtained from the Water Resources Management Information System (WAMIS), South Korea. For predicting the future land-use change, the MOE environmental conservation value assessment map (ECVAM) was considered for identifying the development-restricted areas, and various driving factors as location characteristics were prepared for the model. The predicted results were verified by comparing them with the land-use statistics of urban areas in each province for the year 2008. The prediction error rates were 9.47% in Gyeonggi, 9.96% in Gangwon, 10.63% in Chungbuk, 7.53% in Chungnam, 9.48% in Jeonbuk, 6.92% in Jeonnam, 2.50% in Gyeongbuk, and 8.09% in Gyeongnam. The sources of error might come from the gaps between the development of political decisions in reality with spatio-temporal variation and the mathematical model for urban growth rate in CLUE-s model for future scenarios. Based on the land-use scenario in 2008, the land-use predictions for the year 2100 showed that the urban area increased by 28.24%, and the rice paddy, upland crop, and forest areas decreased by 8.27, 6.72, and 1.66%, respectively, in South Korea.

Establishment of New Single Origin Plane Rectangular Coordinate System in Korea (한국의 새로운 단일원점 평면직각좌표계 설정)

  • Kim, Tae Woo;Yun, Hong Sik;Lee, Dong Ha;Kim, Gun Soo;Koh, Young Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2013
  • As a worldwide trend, the spatial information that is established by country, institution and purpose is integrated into the data with a single spatial reference to improve the data connectivity and usability. In this study, a new national single origin plane rectangular coordinate system was studied to efficiently respond to the changes in the spatial reference according to the introduction of a new national geodetic standard and to the demand of seamless data service in the spatial information sector. For this purpose, the Korean Peninsula was set as the projection region and the projection distortion in the projection region was analyzed. The projection parameters were defined to homogenize and minimize the projection distortion, and their standardization and registration on the international organizations were conducted. The study on the required optimal projection equation resulted in the Hooijberg projection equation and projection parameters (${\Phi}$, ${\lambda}$, K, N, E) resulted in $38^{\circ}N$ and $128^{\circ}E$ projection origin, and a scale factor of 0.99924. The proper false northing and easting were 700,000m N and 400,000m E, respectively, considering the introduction of country station index system.

Physical Colorimetric Properties and Psychological Sensibility Factor of Naturally Dyed Fabrics (천연염색직물의 물리적 색채 특성과 심리적 감성 요인)

  • Lee, Eu-Gene;Lee, Kyung-hyun;Cho, Gil-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed to measure the physical colorimetric property according to three conditions, natural dyestuffs (Gardenia, Sappan wood, Lac, Gardenia blue, Mugwort, and Indigo), fabric types (cotton, silk), and presence of mordant (without, with), and then to evaluate the psychological sensibility. Also, to perform analysis of variance (ANOVA) to find out the differences of physical properties according to the three natural dyeing conditions, and to analyze the relationship between physical property and psychological property by Pearson's correlation analysis and then suggest the prediction model by regression analysis using SPSS program (ver. 21.0). Finally, to propose a certain sensibility image map of naturally dyed fabrics, MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) was used, and as a result, Gardenia dyed fabrics having the color sensibilities such as 'hard' and 'heavy' were suggested to evoke masculine image, and to evoke feminine image, Sappan wood and Lac having 'bright', 'transparent', 'soft' and 'light' sensibilities were suggested. Natural image might be induced by using 'subdued' Mugwort dyed fabrics, and active image might be induced by using 'showy' Indigo dyed fabric.

Estimation of Stand Yield and Carbon Stock for Robinia pseudoacacia Stands in Korea (아까시나무 임분의 임목수확량 및 탄소저장량 추정)

  • Son, Yeong Mo;Kim, So Won;Lee, Sun Jeoung;Kim, Jeong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.264-269
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to determine the current distribution area of Robinia pseudoacacia habitat and to estimate its stand yield as well as its carbon stocks. In order to do so, the area of R. pseudoacacia distribution is obtained based on the large-scaled forest type map (1:5,000). Also, Weibull diameter distribution model is used to predict the yield of R. pseudoacacia stands. In addition, carbon emission factor is applied to calculate carbon stocks and removals. To obtain the stand yield of R. pseudoacacia, we developed estimation equation considering growth factors of the stand, e.g. mean diameter, the basal area, maximum and minimun diameter and etc. and tested it to ensure accuracy. Consequently, estimation equation derived from all growth factors have shown significance that could also be used for analysis. Site index was also established to determine the productivity of the forestland that later turned out to be ranging from 16 to 22. Based on these results, stand yield tables were drawn up. R. pseudoacacia is widely distributed in inland areas of Gyeongsang, Chungcheong and Gyeonggi provinces which covers total area of 26,770 ha. And when it is converted into carbon stocks, it amounts to 2,517,598tC with annual carbon uptake of 3.76tC/ha which is comparable to Querqus species that is known to storer large amounts of carbon. Therefore, R. pseudoacacia is also expected to serve as a viable carbon pool that would contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Furthermore, stand yield tables, an outcome of this survey would assist not only in proper management but also in sustainable management policy of R. pseudoacacia.

High Utilization of Photovoltaic Power System in Rural Green Village Location Analysis and Evaluation using GIS - With Chubumyeon, Keumsan, Chungnam province - (GIS를 이용한 태양광 발전시스템의 활용도 높은 농촌 그린빌리지 적정입지 평가 - 충청남도 금산군 추부면을 중심으로 -)

  • Doh, Jae-Heung;Kim, Dae-Sik;Koo, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2014
  • The composition of rural Green Village requires higher utilization of renewable energy in those selected rural villages. The purpose of this study is to select the best results of rural green villages when using photovoltaic power system(PV system). 10 different rural villages in Chubumyeon, Keumsan, Chungnam province, were selected as study villages. This study shows measured solar radiation data, a 20-year time series data, and GIS spatial analysis; and whose were used to predict the photovoltaic power generation. PV system is used as a form with capacity of 3kWp to use for personal and public houses. Generation data was calculated by the town, where the economics of the Green Village location analysis was performed; and the solar radiation's correction factor was calculated by the 20-year time series data and measured data by study villages. By applying to the data of DEM, slope and aspect of the study villages were found, therefore performed. Spatial analysis tools were performed by using solar radiation map's tools. Those data found were used to calculate the average needed energy every months. When used the properly calculated data, towns performed economical energy consumption in rural Green Village. Every study villages have showed very high potential for PV system. Sungdangri ranked at the first (7,401kWp/year), Jangdaeri follows behind to the second (7,203kWp/year) and Yogwangri at third (7,89kWp/year) which shows higher developed energy than other study villages. The areas covered of these three towns are as follows: Sungdangri at $33,300m^2$, Jangdaeri covers $18,000m^2$ and Yogwangri shows $46,800m^2$. With these results, analyzing the potentials using GIS spatial analysis before installation of PV system was possible. Also different villages and topography in study villages have showed various results by the area. For convenience and to shorten research time, it is possible and enough to use solar radiation tools when studying spatial analysis of solar radiation.

Cause and Process of Place-Name Change by Social Influence : A Case Study of Jin-An Region (사회적 영향에 의한 지명 변화의 원인과 과정 -전북 진안군 지명을 사례로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.526-542
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    • 2007
  • This study look into the place-name change by social influence around Jin-An region. The place-names were made through joining natural environment with social condition. The place-names were born as a river name firstly, and it was selected as the artificial administration district name in this region(Ju-Chon, Jeong-Chon, An-Chon). Generally the place-name is reflected by a terrain feature of narrow area but this region's place name was made by wide river drainage area as a system. It is different point to others place-name and the social factor played more important role than natural environment in this process. The displacement process of mountain name which is from Ju-Jul to Un-Jang was through social situation change without the natural conditions change. It was used to the Ju-Jul firstly and coexistent the Ju-Jul with Un-Jang and only use the Un-Jang recently. Formal change period was 1910s in the map, Mt. Un-Jang(雲長山) had the advantage at the pronunciation and written than Mt. Ju-Jul. Mt. Gu-Bong(九峰山) was played important role for new mountain name and Song Ik-Pil(宋翼弼) was appeared for rationalization of Mt. Un-Jang.

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A Study on the Behavioral Characteristics of the Users and Preferences of the Bench and Pergolas in Busan Citizens' Parks (부산시민공원의 벤치 및 파고라 이용자 행태 특성 및 선호도 연구)

  • Wang, Dan;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.658-670
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    • 2018
  • Busan Citizen Park has been taken as the research object in this paper to learn about the categories and types of resting facilities such as seats and Pergolas in the park and analyze the visitors' use patterns of bench and Pergolas. In addition, the analysis of the cultural features and preferences of bench and Pergolas will provide the basic data for the future design of resting facilities. After the research on the categories and types of bench and Pergolas and the evaluation factors through literature surveys, the type, location, and number of resting facilities including bench, Pergolas, sheds, etc. in the entire park have been investigated through field surveys. In addition, the behavioral map analysis has been created through the observation of the use patterns of bench and Pergolas in the morning and afternoon of each month, and the degree of preference and satisfaction of park bench and Pergolas has been grasped through questionnaires. The research results are as follows. Among the ten types of bench and Pergolas, the citizens like the mats and awnings + mats best. The environment is the most important factor for the mats with highest score, followed by the functional and regional factors. In addition, various activities such as eating in mats and sheds that block sunlight are Korean use patterns, which is very common in Korean daily life. These results show that bench and Pergolas in urban parks are not placed arbitrarily and the layout and design of bench and Pergolas should be completed based on behavior and preferences, which are influenced by cultural characteristics.

Uniformity Evaluation of Elderly Hospital Outpatients' Waiting Space using Discrete Event Simulation (이산사건 시뮬레이션을 이용한 요양병원 외래부 대기공간 균일성 평가)

  • Yoon, So-Hee;Kim, Suk-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.490-499
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, the introduction of complex systems analysis based on various variables has become more active in order to identify and analyze complex problems of Modern Society. Prediction of patients' spatial perception and usability according to the spatial arrangement of the outpatient department is a very important factor for providing high quality hospital service. For objective analysis, the standard program procedure and analysis index for the diseases of the elderly were prepared and the uniformity of the atmospheric space was evaluated through heat map analysis and quantitative analysis. In this study, 73 cells were installed and simulated to analyze the uniformity of the four alternatives according to the change of the arrangement of the medical care space, receiving space, and consultation space using the complex system analysis method for the nursing hospitals. The resulting density was derived. The results are as follows. 1)The layout of the reception space has the greatest influence on the total spatial density of the waiting space. 2) The uniformity of the waiting space can be increased by separating the examination space and the examination space. 3)The closer the location of the receiving space is from the entrance, the greater the density of the waiting space. Finally, this study applied discrete event simulation to the evaluation of uniformity of atmosphere space, and proved that the actor - based model can be utilized for utilization and evaluation as spatial analysis methodology.

Categorizing the Landcover Classes of the Satellite Imagery for the Management of the Nonpoint Source Pollutions (비점오염원 수문유출모형에 적용 가능한 위성영상의 토지피복 분류항목 설정)

  • Seo, Dong-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2009
  • To measure the amount of nonpoint source pollution, some efforts are tried to utilize satellite imagery. But, as the factors for water models do not relate with the landcover categories for satellite imagery, satellite imagery are adapted to roughly classified thematic map or used only for the image interpretation. The purpose of this study is to establish the landcover categories of satellite imagery to relate with the water models. To establish the categories of the landcover for the water models, it was investigated to get main factors of water flow models for the nonpoint source pollution and to review the existing study and the classification system. For this result, it was convinced that the basic unit on the nonpoint source pollution, landcover coefficients of SCS Curve Number, the crop factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation, Manning's roughness coefficients are the useful parameters to extract information from the satellite imagery. After the setup the categories for the landcover classification, it was finally defined from the consultation of the water model specialist. Woopo wetland watershed was selected to the study area because it is a representative wetland in Korea and needs the management system for nonpoint source pollution. There were used Landsat ETM Plus and SPOT-5 satellite imagery to assess the result of the image classification.

A Study on the Development of Dynamic Models under Inter Port Competition (항만의 경쟁상황을 고려한 동적모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 여기태;이철영
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1999
  • Although many studies on modelling of port competitive situation have been conducted, both theoretical frame and methodology are still very weak. In this study, therefore, a new algorithm called ESD (Extensional System Dynamics) for the evaluation of port competition was presented, and applied to simulate port systems in northeast asia. The detailed objectives of this paper are to develop Unit fort Model by using SD(System Dynamics) method; to develop Competitive Port Model by ESD method; to perform sensitivity analysis by altering parameters, and to propose port development strategies. For these the algorithm for the evaluation of part's competition was developed in two steps. Firstly, SD method was adopted to develop the Unit Port models, and secondly HFP(Hierarchical Fuzzy Process) method was introduced to expand previous SD method. The proposed models were then developed and applied to the five ports - Pusan, Kobe, Yokohama, Kaoshiung, Keelung - with real data on each ports, and several findings were derived. Firstly, the extraction of factors for Unit Port was accomplished by consultation of experts such as research worker, professor, research fellows related to harbor, and expert group, and finally, five factor groups - location, facility, service, cargo volumes, and port charge - were obtained. Secondly, system's structure consisting of feedback loop was found easily by location of representative and detailed factors on keyword network of STGB map. Using these keyword network, feedback loop was found. Thirdly, for the target year of 2003, the simulation for Pusan port revealed that liner's number would be increased from 829 ships to 1,450 ships and container cargo volumes increased from 4.56 million TEU to 7.74 million TEU. It also revealed that because of increased liners and container cargo volumes, length of berth should be expanded from 2,162m to 4,729m. This berth expansion was resulted in the decrease of congested ship's number from 97 to 11. It was also found that port's charge had a fluctuation. Results of simulation for Kobe, Yokohama, Kaoshiung, Keelung in northeast asia were also acquired. Finally, the inter port competition models developed by ESB method were used to simulate container cargo volumes for Pusan port. The results revealed that under competitive situation container cargo volume was smaller than non-competitive situation, which means Pusan port is lack of competitive power to other ports. Developed models in this study were then applied to estimate change of container cargo volumes in competitive relation by altering several parameters. And, the results were found to be very helpful for port mangers who are in charge of planning of port development.

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