• Title/Summary/Keyword: factor map

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Development of integrated disaster mapping method (II) : disaster mapping with risk analysis (통합 재해지도 작성 기법 개발(II) : 리스크 분석을 적용한 재해지도 작성)

  • Park, Jun Hyung;Kim, Byunghyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a method for an integrated flood risk mapping was proposed that simultaneously considers the flood inundation map indicating the degree of risk and the disaster vulnerability index. This method creates a new disaster map that can be used in actual situations by providing various and specific information on a single map. In order to consider the human, social and economic factors in the disaster map, the study area was divided into exposure, vulnerability, responsiveness, and recovery factors. Then, 7 indicators for each factor were extracted using the GIS tool. The data extracted by each indicator was classified into grades 1 to 5, and the data was selected as a disaster vulnerability index and used for integrated risk mapping by factor. The risk map for each factor, which overlaps the flood inundatoin map and the disaster vulnerability index factor, was used to establish an evacuation plan by considering regional conditions including population, assets, and buildings. In addition, an integrated risk analysis method that considers risks while converting to a single vulnerability through standardization of the disaster vulnerability index was proposed. This is expected to contribute to the establishment of preparedness, response and recovery plans for providing detailed and diverse information that simultaneously considers the flood risk including social, humanistic, and economic factors.

Molecular Mechanisms of Neutrophil Activation in Acute Lung Injury (급성 폐손상에서 호중구 활성화의 분자학적 기전)

  • Yum, Ho-Kee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.595-611
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    • 2002
  • Akt/PKB protein kinase B, ALI acute lung injury, ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, CREB C-AMP response element binding protein, ERK extracelluar signal-related kinase, fMLP fMet-Leu-Phe, G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, IL interleukin, ILK integrin-linked kinase, JNK Jun N-terminal kinase, LPS lipopolysaccharide, MAP mitogen-activated protein, MEK MAP/ERK kinase, MIP-2 macrophage inflammatory protein-2, MMP matrix metalloproteinase, MPO myeloperoxidase, NADPH nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, NE neutrophil elastase, NF-kB nuclear factor-kappa B, NOS nitric oxide synthase, p38 MAPK p38 mitogen activated protein kinase, PAF platelet activating factor, PAKs P21-activated kinases, PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PI3-K phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, PyK proline-rich tyrosine kinase, ROS reactive oxygen species, TNF-${\alpha}$ tumor necrosis factor-a.

Hazard Map of Road Slope Using a Logistic Regression Model and GIS (Logistic 회귀모형과 GIS기법을 활용한 접도사면 붕괴확률위험도 제작)

  • Kang Ho-Yun;Kwak Young-Joo;Kang In-Joon;Jang Yong-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2006
  • Slope failures are happen to natural disastrous when they occur in mountainous areas adjoining highways in Korea. The accidents associated with slope failures have increased due to rapid urbanization of mountainous areas. Therefore, Regular maintenance is essential for all slope and conducted to maintain road safety as well as road function. In this study, we take priority of making a database of risk factor of the failure of a slope before assesment and analysis. The purpose of this paper is to recommend a standard of Slope Management Information Sheet(SMIS) like as Hazard Map. The next research, we suggest to pre-estimated model of a road slope using Logistic Regression Model.

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A genetic map of the R-factor pKU10 isolated from pseudomonas putida (Pseudomonas putida에서 분리한 R-factor pKU 10의 유전자 지도)

  • 임영복;민경미;이영록
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 1988
  • A genetic map of the IncP-1 group plasmid pKU10 has been prepared through the construction of recombinant plasmids containing various fragments of pKU10. Phenotypic analysis of these derivatives has identified the location of genes encoding resistance to ampicillin, tetracyclin, and chloramphenicol. The region involved in conferring resistance to ampicillin was located around two PstI sites that are 1.0Kb apart. The tetracyclin resistance gene was mapped on the region of HindIII E fragment and a part of HindIII D fragment, and the determinant for chloramphenicol resistance gene was localized on HindIII D fragment.

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Parametric Modelling of Cutter Swept Surface for Z-Map Based Cutting Simulation (Z-Map기반 모의가공을 위한 공구 이동 궤적면의 매개변수형 모델링)

  • Park, Bae-Yong;An, Jeong-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1814-1821
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    • 2002
  • NC cutting simulation is an important factor in the development of products. The geometric modelling of cutter swept surface should be done in NC cutting simulation. A part of cutter swept surface is a ruled surface blended with silhouette curve and cutter path. Finding an intersection point between cutter swept surface and a line is one of major problems in Z-map based cutting simulation. In this paper, cutter swept surface is defined parametrically and it's intersection point with Z-map is found in an exact form. Triangular grid Z-map based 3-axis NC cutting simulation is performed.

Segmentation-Based Depth Map Adjustment for Improved Grasping Pose Detection (물체 파지점 검출 향상을 위한 분할 기반 깊이 지도 조정)

  • Hyunsoo Shin;Muhammad Raheel Afzal;Sungon Lee
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2024
  • Robotic grasping in unstructured environments poses a significant challenge, demanding precise estimation of gripping positions for diverse and unknown objects. Generative Grasping Convolution Neural Network (GG-CNN) can estimate the position and direction that can be gripped by a robot gripper for an unknown object based on a three-dimensional depth map. Since GG-CNN uses only a depth map as an input, the precision of the depth map is the most critical factor affecting the result. To address the challenge of depth map precision, we integrate the Segment Anything Model renowned for its robust zero-shot performance across various segmentation tasks. We adjust the components corresponding to the segmented areas in the depth map aligned through external calibration. The proposed method was validated on the Cornell dataset and SurgicalKit dataset. Quantitative analysis compared to existing methods showed a 49.8% improvement with the dataset including surgical instruments. The results highlight the practical importance of our approach, especially in scenarios involving thin and metallic objects.

Evaluation of Applicability of SWAT-CUP Program for Hydrologic Parameter Calibration in Hardware Watershed (Hardware 유역의 수문매개변수 보정을 위한 SWAT-CUP 프로그램의 적용성 평가)

  • Sang Min, Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to calibrate the hydrologic parameters of SWAT model and analyze the daily runoff for the study watershed using SWAT-CUP. The Hardware watershed is located in Virginia, USA. The watershed area is $356.15km^2$, and the land use accounts for 73.4 % of forest and 23.2 % of pasture. Input data for the SWAT model were obtained from the digital elevation map, landuse map, soil map and others. Water flow data from 1990 to 1994 was used for calibration and from 1997 to 2005 was for validation. The SUFI-2 module of the SWAT-CUP program was used to calibrate the hydrologic parameters. The parameters were calibrated for the highly sensitive parameters presented in previous studies. The P-factor, R-factor, $R^2$, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS), and average flow were used for the goodness-of-fit measures. The applicability of the model was evaluated by sequentially increasing the number of applied parameters from 4 to 11. In this study, 10-parameter set was accepted for calibration in consideration of goodness-of-fit measures. For the calibration period, P-factor was 0.85, R-factor was 1.76, $R^2$ was 0.51 and NS was 0.49. The model was validated using the adjusted ranges of selected parameters. For the validation period, P-factor was 0.78, R-factor was 1.60, $R^2$ was 0.60 and NS was 0.57.

Basis Research for hazard map and Characteristic inquiry of Slope Failure by Rainfall (강우에 의한 붕괴 절개면 특성 고찰 및 위험도 작성을 위한 기초연구)

  • Yoo, Ki-Jeong;Koo, Ho-Bon;Baek, Yong;Rhee, Jong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.509-512
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    • 2003
  • Our country is serious difference of precipitation seasonally and about 66% of yearly mean rainfall is happening in concentration rainfall form between September on June. It requires consideration because of a lot of natural disasters by this downpour are produced. Slope failure is happened by artificial factor of creation of slope according to the land development, fill slope etc. and natural factor of rainfall, topography, nature of soil, soil quality, rock floor. Usually, Direct factor of failure slope is downpour. In this study, the Slope about among 55 places happened failure by downpour investigated occurrence position, geological etc and executed and inquire into character of rainfall connected with failure slope. Among character of rainfall, executed analysis about Max. hourly rainfall and cumulative rainfall of place that failure slope is situated and grasped the geological character of failure slope. Through this, inquire to character of failure slope by rainfall and take advantage of basis study for Hazard map creation.

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A Novel Technique for Human Traffic based Radio Map Updating in Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning Systems

  • Mo, Yun;Zhang, Zhongzhao;Lu, Yang;Agha, Gul
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1881-1903
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    • 2015
  • With the fast-developing of mobile terminals, positioning techniques based on fingerprinting method draws attention from many researchers even world famous companies. To conquer some shortcomings of the existing fingerprinting systems and further improve its performance, we propose a radio map building and updating technique, which is able to customize the spatial and temporal dependency of radio maps. The method includes indoor propagation and penetration modeling and the analysis of human traffic. Based on the combination of Ray-Tracing Algorithm, Finite-Different Time-Domain and Rough Set Theory, the approach of indoor propagation modeling accurately represents the spatial dependency of the radio map. In terms of temporal dependency, we specifically study the factor of moving people in the interest area. With measurement and statistics, the factor of human traffic is introduced as the temporal updating component. We improve our existing indoor positioning system with the proposed building and updating method, and compare the localization accuracy. The results show that the enhanced system can conquer the influence caused by moving people, and maintain the confidence probability stable during week, which enhance the actual availability and robustness of fingerprinting-based indoor positioning system.

An Analytic and Experimental Study on the Performance Characteristic of the Rotary Compressor (로타리 압축기 성능특성에 관한 해석 및 실험)

  • 최득관;김경천;차강욱
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2001
  • A study to improve the accuracy of a map-based compressor model with experiment was performed. Corrections on the effects of suction gas superheat and heat leakage from a compressor shell are required to apply the compressor amp model based on the empirical performance data(map) of compressor manufacturers to the actual system. So experiments to assess the effects of superheat and hat leakage were performed and the corrected equations were made. Compressors and refrigerant used in the experiment were the high pressure type rotary compressor and R-22, experiments were performed by compressor calorimeter. From the experiment, a volumetric efficiency correction factor$(F_ν)$ showed the value of 0.77, slightly higher than 0.75 proposed by Dabiri and Rice for low pressure type reciprocating compressor, and the heat leakage from the compressor shell turned out to be a factor that influenced the discharged mass flow rate. The relation between heat leakage of compressor shell and the variation of discharged mass flow rate from compressor was considered in compressor map modeling as an empirical function. With this function, the prediction accuracy of compressor model in system conditions was improved.

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