• Title/Summary/Keyword: experience-based learning

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Deep Q-Network based Game Agents (심층 큐 신경망을 이용한 게임 에이전트 구현)

  • Han, Dongki;Kim, Myeongseop;Kim, Jaeyoun;Kim, Jung-Su
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2019
  • The video game Tetris is one of most popular game and it is well known that its game rule can be modelled as MDP (Markov Decision Process). This paper presents a DQN (Deep Q-Network) based game agent for Tetris game. To this end, the state is defined as the captured image of the Tetris game board and the reward is designed as a function of cleared lines by the game agent. The action is defined as left, right, rotate, drop, and their finite number of combinations. In addition to this, PER (Prioritized Experience Replay) is employed in order to enhance learning performance. To train the network more than 500000 episodes are used. The game agent employs the trained network to make a decision. The performance of the developed algorithm is validated via not only simulation but also real Tetris robot agent which is made of a camera, two Arduinos, 4 servo motors, and artificial fingers by 3D printing.

Secondary School Teachers' Perception and their Application Methods of Problem-based Learning (중.고등학교 교사들의 문제중심학습에 대한 인식과 수업 진행 방식에 대한 탐색)

  • Yoon, Heo-Jeong;Woo, Ae-Ja
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.621-635
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    • 2010
  • Problem-based Learning (PBL) has been known as an effective strategy for dealing with various aspects of education such as the enhancement of students' motivation, interest in subjects, academic achievement, and cooperative abilities. However, PBL has not been widely implemented in secondary schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate secondary school teachers' perception of problem-based learning and their way of applying it. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with nine secondary school teachers. Five of them had experience in implementing PBL, while four of them had interest in using PBL but had not yet had the experience. Different concepts were extracted and categorized. Nvivo 2.0 was used for analysis. The results were as follows: Changes in student attitude toward class, improvement on cooperation with others, self-regulated learning skills, and satisfaction from students' positive comments on PBL enabled teachers to become more enthusiastic and positive toward PBL. The stress of developing proper problems and the enormous amounts of time and efforts required in using PBL were shown as barriers for teachers in implementing PBL. However, some negative perspectives about PBL changed into positive after teachers experience PBL. By examining each teacher's way of implementing PBL, several teaching strategies suitable to their school systems were suggested.

The Study of Experiential Learning on Web-Based Cyberspace for Constructive Education of Social Studies (구성주의적 사회과교육을 위한 웹기반 가상공간에서의 경험학습방안)

  • Hwang, Hong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.201-217
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    • 1998
  • This paper examined the strategy of experiential learning on Web-based cyberspace for constructive education of social studies. The results as follows : The first, constructivism has brought the paradigm shift in traditional principles of teaching and learning, constructivism is not a theory about teaching, it is a theory about knowledge and learning, learning is understood as a self-regulated process of resolving inner cognitive conflicts that often become apparent through experience, collaborative discourse, and reflection. It is proper for constructive education of social studies to carry out from cognitive constructivism to socio-cultural constructivism, from socio-cultural constructivism to cognitive constructivism and co-constructivism, considering the aim or objectives of social studies education. The second, Web-based Instruction(WBI) can provide learners for constructive environments which can be proper for teaching and learning. WBI was suggested as the best medium for constructive education of social studies in the information age. WBI must design teaching and learning so that may not be teacher-centered, if teacher-centered, it is not constructivism. The third, Web-based cyberspace is the proper mediated experience fields for experiential learning to effectively study regions or space because of overcoming distance fractions through the time-space convergence, it actualize the constructive education of social studies in the space age.

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Teaching a Database Course with Collaborative Team Projects

  • Park, Jae-Hwa
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes and effective teaching approach to an undergraduate database course. This research draws on practical experience based on the hands-on practice approach which leads students to develop a database application utilizing various tools. Students not only learn concepts, methodologies and tools of database technology in class and through online multimedia learning aids, but also practice how to integrate them through collaborative team projects. The course employs collaborative learning approach and multimedia and internet technologies. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively on assignments and projects and to learn independently through online multimedia learning aids.

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A Study on the Development of Global Leadership Program Model

  • Park, Eunsook
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to explore a specific method and strategy for 'Global Leadership Program Model' in order to enhance global leadership, which will emphasize the aspect of open mind and attitude toward diversity, cross-culture, communication, and global manner. This research explored the concept and characteristics of global leadership and competency based education, and analyzed effectiveness of satisfaction and participation on global leadership programs implemented in K University and analyzed the learners' recognition on the experience. Also, the research integrated the values of global leadership with the strategies of competency-based education, and finally developed 'Global Leadership Program Model'. As a result, 'Global Leadership Program Model' might be able to help students use knowledge and skill in various contexts, and serve in the community with responsibility. It is expected that students could be facilitated to perform task and role communicating with others, and they might know exactly what learning outcome they are required to establish and what standard is used to evaluate the performance, so that this environment might motivate them and encourage them to follow the learning process more effectively.

How do one expert mathematics teacher in China implement deep teaching in problem-solving and problem-posing classroom: A case study

  • Yanhui Xu
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, the author analyzed characteristics of deep mathematics learning in problem solving and problem-posing classroom teaching. Based on a simple wrong plane geometry problem, the author describes the classroom experience how one expert Chinese mathematics teacher guides students to modify geometry problems from solution to investigation, and guides the students to learn how to pose mathematics problems in inquiry-based deep learning classroom. This also demonstrates how expert mathematics teacher can effectively guide students to teach deep learning in regular classroom.

Design and Implementation of Web-based PBL System for Improving Learner's Interaction (학습자간의 상호작용 증진을 위한 웹기반 문제중심학습 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Jun-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2008
  • In the web- based educational system, how to improve interaction among learners are very important by the Internet. Therefore interpersonal interaction is essential for a good educational environment. In this paper, a web-based PBL(Problem-Based Learning) system is designed and implemented to improve learner's interaction. I investigated how the method for improving interaction affect PBL activities and how students perceive the web-based PBL learning experience. The result of experiment showed that the suggested system facilitated learners' self-directed learning process and interaction.

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Solving Survival Gridworld Problem Using Hybrid Policy Modified Q-Based Reinforcement

  • Montero, Vince Jebryl;Jung, Woo-Young;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1150-1156
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    • 2019
  • This paper explores a model-free value-based approach for solving survival gridworld problem. Survival gridworld problem opens up a challenge involving taking risks to gain better rewards. Classic value-based approach in model-free reinforcement learning assumes minimal risk decisions. The proposed method involves a hybrid on-policy and off-policy updates to experience roll-outs using a modified Q-based update equation that introduces a parametric linear rectifier and motivational discount. The significance of this approach is it allows model-free training of agents that take into account risk factors and motivated exploration to gain better path decisions. Experimentations suggest that the proposed method achieved better exploration and path selection resulting to higher episode scores than classic off-policy and on-policy Q-based updates.

Effect of Argumentation Instruction on Medical Student Experiences with Problem-Based Learning (논증강화교육이 의학과 학생의 문제바탕학습 경험에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju, Hyunjung
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2017
  • When participating in problem-based learning (PBL), it is important for medical students to generate claims and provide justifications for their claims in small group discussions. This study aimed to investigate the effect of argumentation instruction on medical student learning experiences with PBL. A total of one hundred first-year preclinical students from Inje University College of Medicine, who had attended argumentation instruction, participated in this study. All of the participants completed a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire regarding their learning experiences with PBL, before and after the argumentation instruction. The questionnaire comprised 22 items with eight subcategories: argumentation activity, reflection, integration of basic and clinical science, identification of lack of knowledge, logical thinking, self-directed study, communication, and attitude toward discussion. The collected data were analyzed through a paired-sample t-test. The results of this study found that the argumentation instruction promoted the preclinical students' experiences with argumentation activities, reflection, an integration of basic and clinical science, the identification of their lack of knowledge, logical thinking, and self-directed study, and it increased positive attitudes toward group discussion. The findings suggest argumentation instruction can enhance medical student group discussions and help students achieve the objectives of PBL, including acquisition of basic and clinical science knowledge and development of clinical reasoning and self-directed learning abilities, which can highlight the meaningful learning experiences students have with PBL.

Enhancing Quality Teaching in Operations Management: An Action Learning Approach

  • YAM Richard C.M.;PUN Kit Fai
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2005
  • Action learning motivates students to solve open-ended problems by 'developing skills through doing'. This paper reviews the concept of action learning and discusses the adoption of action learning approach to teach operations management at universities. It presents the design and delivery of an action-learning course at City University of Hong Kong. The course incorporates classroom lectures, tutorials and an action-learning workshop. The experience gained proves that action learning facilitates student participation and teamwork and provides a venue of accelerating learning where enables students to handle dynamic problem situations more effectively. The paper concludes that adopting action-learning approach can help lecturers to enhance quality teaching in operations management courses, and provide an alternate means of effective paradigm other than traditional classroom teaching and/or computer-based training at universities.