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Genetic Structure of Mongolian Goat Populations Using Microsatellite Loci Analysis

  • Takahashi, H.;Nyamsamba, D.;Mandakh, B.;Zagdsuren, Yo.;Amano, T.;Nomura, K.;Yokohama, M.;Ito, S.;Minezawa, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.947-953
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    • 2008
  • We studied genetic diversity and relationships among Mongolian goat populations on the basis of microsatellite DNA polymorphisms. DNA samples from eight populations (Bayandelger, Ulgii Red, Zavkhan Buural, Sumber, Zalaajinst White, Erchim Black, Dorgon, and Gobi Gurvan Saikhan) from geographically distinct areas of Mongolia were analyzed by using 10 microsatellite DNA markers. Since the 10 markers were highly polymorphic, the genetic characteristics of these native goat populations could be estimated. Genetic diversity within populations, as estimated by the expected heterozygosities, was high, ranging from 0.719 to 0.746, but genetic differentiation between populations was low, representing only 1.7% of the total genetic variation. The results suggest that Mongolian native goat populations still have a semi-wild genetic structure reflecting traditional Mongolian nomadism and the short history of artificial selection. The genetic relationships among the populations were not clear in the neighbor-joining tree generated from the modified Cavalli-Sforza chord genetic distances. By using principal components analysis, the five core populations of Mongolian native goats (Bayandelger, Ulgii Red, Zavkhan Buural, Sumber, and Dorgon) and the populations crossed with Russian breeds (Zalaajinst White, Erchim Black, and Gobi Gurvan Saikhan) were distinguished. There was no correlation between genetic relationships among the populations and the geographical distribution of the populations.

Designing Schemes to Associate Basic Semantics Register with RDF/OWL (기본의미등록기의 RDF/OWL 연계방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sam-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.241-259
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    • 2003
  • The Basic Semantic Register(BSR) is and official ISO register designed for interoperability among eBusiness and EDI systems. The entities registered in the current BSR are not defined in a machine-understandable way, which renders automatic extraction of structural and relationship information from the register impossible. The purpose of this study is to offer a framework for designing an ontology that can provide semantic interoperability among BSR-based systems by defining data structures and relationships with RDF and OWL, similar meaning by the 'equivalentClass' construct in OWL, the hierachical relationships among classes by the 'subClassOf' construct in RDF schema, definition of any entities in BSR by the 'label' construct in RDF schema, specification of usage guidelines by the 'comment' construct in RDF schema, assignment of classes to BSU's by the 'domain' construct in RDF schema, specification of data types of BSU's by the 'range' construct in RDF schema. Hierarchical relationships among properties in BSR can be expressed using the 'subPropertyOf' in RDF schema. Progress in semantic interoperability can be expected among BSR-based systems through applications of semantic web technology suggested in this study.

Elderly Parents-Unmarried Adult Children Relationships : Group Differences by Co-residency and Economic Dependency of Adult Children (부모-비혼 성인자녀 관계의 재조명 : 동거 및 경제적 의존 여부에 따른 집단별 특성 차이를 중심으로)

  • Sung, Miai;Choi, Younshil;Choi, Saeeun;Lee, Jaerim
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.139-158
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    • 2017
  • Following the global trend of the delayed transition to adulthood, the number of unmarried middle aged adult children living with, or economically dependent on their parents has increased in Korea. Middle aged adult children in Korea are traditionally expected to satisfy their duty to support their elderly parents both in economic and emotional needs. This study aims to explore group differences in unmarried adult children in their mid 30s or older and in parents having unmarried middle aged child(ren) depending on co-residency and the children's eonomic dependency in Korea. Using quota sampling in terms of living arrangements (living together vs. living apart), 500 unmarried adult children 35 years of age or older and 500 elderly parents, having at least one unmarried child in the mid of 30s or over, were selected in Seoul, Korea in June 2016. First, the findings show that unmarried adult children living together with their parents and depending on their parents economically were in the lowest level of educational achievement and the lowest level of monthly average income among the respondents. Second, both unmarried adult children and parents from the group of co-residency and economically dependent showed the lowest level of psychological well-being. Third, parents from the group of co-residency and economically independent had mostly positive relationships with children, whereas, parents from the group of living apart and economically dependent reported the most negative relationships. Finally, respondents included in the group of co-residency had positive attitudes toward marriage and the support for their elderly parents regardless of the child's economic dependency. This study has implications for the increasing number of unmarried middle aged adult children and their elderly parents.

Relationships of Dietary Behavioral Factors and Stress Perception Levels in College Students in Gwang-ju City (광주지역 일부 대학생에서 식생활 요인과 스트레스 인지수준과의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Bok Hee;Shim, Bang Geul;Jeong, Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.771-784
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the relationships between dietary factors and the stress perception levels of College students. A survey was conducted in June, 2010, targeting 332 college students in Gwangju. General environmental factors, stress perception levels, dietary behaviors, and dietary action guide performance of the subjects were evaluated by questionnaire, and food intakes was determined by the 24-hour recall method. The results are summarized as follows.: The score of frequency experiencing was 45.1±16.9 for male students, and 47.0±16.7 for female students. The importance scores were 50.8±18.5 for males, and 53.3±18.7 for females. The total score for dietary action guide performance was 39.6±7.2 for males and 40.6±6.5 for females. Nutrient intake levels were evaluated based on dietary reference intake (DRI), revealing energy intakes to be 68.5% EER in males and 73.9% in females. The mean intakes of nutrient were 54.2% RI for calcium, 73.6% RI for riboflavin, and 51.2% RI for vitamin C but 203.6% AI for sodium, which indicates an imbalance in nutrient intake. Analysis of the correlations between stress perception levels and dietary factors, scholarship achievements, financial problems, future problems, value senses, and family relationships revealed significant correlations with general environment factors, dietary behaviors, Dietary action guide performance, and nutrient intakes (p<0.05). The higher the stress perception levels of the students, the higher the energy, coffee and alcohol intake, which predicts that appropriate stress control in college students will lead to better dietary habits. It is expected that the results above will be used as basic data for the development of proper nutrition education programs and stress control strategies.

A Study on the Relationship of Locus of Control, Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction (통제위치, 조직공정성 그리고 직무만족의 관계에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Park, Dong-Jin;Lee, Kwang-Hee;Jung, Jang-Young;Moon, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the relationship among locus of control, organizational justice, and job satisfaction. First, this study examines the conceptual structures of organizational justice through field study. Second, organizational justice influences job satisfaction. Third, locus of control influences organizational justice. Literature review identified four factors of organizational justice - distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice. These identified determinants are expected to have significant relationships with locus of control and job satisfaction. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 members of a manufacturing companies. Among returned questionnaires, 357 samples were used for empirical study. Structural equation analyses based on PLS (partial least square) method were employed to test the hypotheses and the model. The overall adequacy of fit was found to be acceptable. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 4-factor structure of organizational justice. Distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice had significant positive effects on job satisfaction. In addition, the effects of locus of control had significant positive effects on organizational justice factors. The results of this study suggest that interpersonal and informational justice should be regarded as important factors of organizational justice to analyze the relationships between locus of control and job satisfaction as well as the relationships among the justice constructs.

The Influences of Ethical Leader and Ethics Management on Employees's Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Focused on the Mediating Role of Ethical Climate (윤리적 리더와 윤리경영시스템이 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향 : 윤리풍토의 매개효과중심)

  • Suh, In-Duk;Kang, Yang-Hoon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.441-474
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    • 2011
  • This purpose of this study is to examine the relationships of ethical leader and ethics management system with employees's organizational citizenship behavior and the mechanism underlying these relationships. A questionnaire survey was conducted involving 1,035 full-time employees from large and medium industries in Daegu and Gyeong-buk provinces. Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that both of ethical leader and ethics management system were positively related with employees's organizational citizenship behavior. As expected, these relationships were mediated by organization-oriented ethical climate and social responsibility-oriented ethical climate respectively. The findings of this study are as followings: First, employees tend to show their pro-social behavior when they perceive their leaders act ethically and ethics management is well institutionalized. Second, building up the organization-oriented ethical climate and social responsibility-oriented ethical climate can be a powerful strategy to enhance employees's organizational citizenship behavior.

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Effects of Coffee Shop Brand Attributes and Price Fairness on the Purchasing Behavior - Focus on the Case of Coffee Shop A - (커피전문점의 브랜드 속성과 가격공정성이 구매행동에 미치는 영향 - A 커피전문점을 대상으로 -)

  • Choi, Mi Sun;Jung, Ju Hee;Kim, Ye Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.549-557
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    • 2017
  • As many companies are performing brand management as a marketing strategy to establish long-term relationships with their customers, consumers decide the actual purchasing behavior by understanding the brand attributes of the relevant company based on an evaluation standard of the products. This paper provides the basic data for improving the competitiveness of the coffee shop market continuously, and analyzes the influential relationships between each variable by limiting the brand attributes of the coffee shop and the price fairness factor that would be expected to affect the consumers' purchasing behavior as the cause variables. The results showed that the-out of brand attribute factors of the coffee shop, the brand awareness and perceived quality had significant effects on the price fairness while the influence of the shop image on the price fairness was not verified. In addition, all the brand awareness, shop image, and perceived quality had significant effects on the purchasing behavior while the statistical significance between price fairness and purchasing behavior was verified. The rationality of the price presented by the coffee shop could be judged depending on the quality perceived by the consumers. Similarly, once consumers classified the propriety of price and then perceived that a suitable price had been set up regarding the quality and service provided by the coffee shop, it was highly possible for them to include it in their actual purchasing behavior, despite the higher price than other brands'. Further research on the psychological variables affecting the purchasing behavior by securing more diverse consumers to understand their purchasing behavior for a wide range of research subjects and the generalization of research results, will provide useful data for establishing marketing measures necessary to form strong relationships between consumers and brand in the currently-saturated coffee shop market.

Landslide Susceptibility Analysis in Janghung Using Spatial Relationships between Landslide and Geospatial Information (산사태와 지형공간정보의 연관성 분석을 통한 장흥지역 산사태 취약성 분석)

  • 이사로;지광훈;박노욱;신진수
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the landslide susceptibility, containing the process, which reveals spatial relationships between landslides and geospatial data sets, which occurred in Janghung area in 1998. Landslide locations were detected from remotely sensed image and field survey and topography, soil, forest, and land use data sets were constructed as a spatial database in GIS. As the landslide occurrence factors, slope, aspect, curvature and type of topography, texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil, type, age, diameter and density of wood and land use were used. To extract the relationship between landslides and geospatial database, likelihood ratio was calculated and compared with the result of Yongin area. Also, the landslide susceptibility index was calculated by summation of the likelihood ratio and the landslide susceptibility map was generated using the index. As a result, it is expected that spatial relationships between landslides and geospatial database is helpful to explain the characteristics of lilndslide and the landslide susceptibility map is used to reduce associated hazards, and to plan land use and construction.

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A Study on the Design of Smart Community Spaces in Housing Complex (아파트 거주자들을 위한 스마트 컴뮤니티 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Myung-Eun;Chae, Hee-Hwa;Kim, Mi-Jeong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2012
  • One of critical issues in the housing area is what strategies should be adopted for revitalizing contemporary communities in housing complex. It is expected that those strategies could encourage neighbourship and recover the existing community spaces. Based on the assumption that contemporary communities might have different characteristics from those of the traditional communities and spaces, this research aims to explore the possibility of new communities in a current context. With the development of the information communication technologies (ICT) and hardware systems, the environment would be capable of anticipating people's needs and then provide them with customization options to tailor the environment to their requirements. By incorporating the 'smart' paradigm, this paper introduces the concept of a smart community and space with the potential of mobile Augmented Reality(AR) as alternative strategies for activating the communities. The residents believe that existing common spaces need to be extendable and augmented by combining new technologies. The smart communities and spaces are expected to extend people's interaction to virtual world in aj real context, further combined with social network, it enables sustainable relationships among residents, contributina to a new type of community.

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The Effects of Precedence Factors for Privacy Concern Reduction and Trust on Intention to Use Location-Based Services and a Moderating Effect of Personal Innovation (위치기반서비스 사용에 영향을 미치는 프라이버시 염려감소 선행요인, 신뢰 그리고 개인혁신성의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun;Park, Hyun-Sun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2012
  • With emergence of smart technologies(e.g., smartphones), Location-Based Services(LBS) are expected to provide more enhanced values utilizing consumers' personal information than other smart services. However, in contrast to existing smartphone applications, LBS could raised severe consumer's privacy concerns because of rapidly changing information sensitive to consumers. In this context, the purpose of this study is to explore relationships among privacy concerns reduction, trust and intention to use LBS by examining the effect of precedence factors(social presence, reputation, mobile literacy, ability of information control) of privacy concern reduction. In addition, the study investigates the role of personal innovation as a moderating effect between privacy concern reduction and intention to use LBS. The results showed that the proposed precedence factors of privacy concerns with a exception of Mobile Literacy had a positive impact on privacy concerns reduction that then positively affected trust and intention to use LBS. In addition, the relationship between trust and intention to use LBS was significantly supported. Finally, personal innovation as a moderating effect significantly influenced the relationship between privacy concern reduction and intention to use LBS. This study is expected to be a reference for a subsequent study about the spread of LBS application of smartphone. Also, the finding of this study is meaningful for helping service direction to firms providing LBS.