• Title/Summary/Keyword: expandability

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A Study on the Research Trends of Archival Preservation Papers in Korea from 2000 to 2021 (국내 기록보존 연구동향 분석: 2000~2021년 학술논문을 중심으로)

  • Yonwhee, Na;Heejin, Park
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.175-196
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to determine the research trends in archival preservation through keyword analysis, understand the current research status, and identify the research topics' changes over time. The degree and betweenness centrality analyses were conducted and visualized on 463 "archival preservation studies" articles published from 2000 to 2021 in various academic journals, using NetMiner 4.0. The collected research papers were divided into three time periods according to when they were published: the first period (2000-2007), the second period (2008-2014), and the third period (2015-2021). The subject keywords for the research papers on archival preservation in Korea that have influence and expandability are as follows. Across all periods, these were "electronic records" and "long-term preservation." In addition, if taken separately per period, the "OAIS reference model" and "electronic records" dominated the first and second periods, respectively, while the "records management standard table" and "long-term preservation" both dominated the third period. A conceptual framework and theory-oriented study for archival preservation, such as "digital preservation," "digitalization," and the "OAIS reference model," dominated the first period. During the second period, more research focused on procedures and practical applications related to conservation activities, such as "electronic record," "appraisal," and "DRAMBORA." In contrast, the majority of the research in the third period was on technical implementation according to the changes in the records management environment, such as "data set," "administrative information system," and "social media."

A Study on the Suitability of CLSM Mixing Ratio Considering Dry Shrinkage (건조수축을 고려한 유동성 채움재 배합비 적합성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Won;Kim, Byeong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2022
  • The ratios of water and controlled low-strength materials (CLSM) were selected as 1:0.4, 1:0.6, 1:0.8, 1:1.0, and 1:1.2 to minimize the construction and long-term decrease in uniaxial compressive strength due to dry shrinkage through the combination of water, CLSM, and expansion agent. Approximately 2% and 5% of the expansion agent were added for each blending condition. As a result, it was found that the compressive strength decreased and the expandability increased as the specific gravity of the water increased. In addition, it was confirmed that the compressive strength increased rapidly up to 15 days of age compared to the CLSM used in the field. However, the compressive strength decreased compared to the 15 days of the age as of the 28 days of the age. It showed engineering characteristics similar to CLSM generally used in the field. Therefore, the water and the CLSM were mixed at a ratio of 1:0.8, and the field test was performed by adding 5% of an expansion agent. As a result, 28 days after age, the cavity waveform was observed using the handy GPR exploration system, and it was found that cavity waveform was relaxed or disappeared.

The Development and Application of Non-Face-to-Face Wearable Technology Curriculum Activities: Improving Creative Convergence Learning Competency of College Students (대학생의 창의융합 학습역량 향상을 위한 비대면 웨어러블 테크놀로지 교육과정 활동의 개발과 적용)

  • Lee, Ji Sun;Yun, Eunju;Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Hye Rim;Lim, Ho-Sun;Kim, Yoonmi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and apply curriculum activities using non-face-to-face wearable technology in a pandemic situation. It is to improve the creative convergence learning ability of college students. Based on the results of 5 preliminary studies, 8 courses were conducted for 16 university students at A University in Seoul. In conclusion, real-time non-face-to-face interaction with professional professors in each field played a major role in improving the creative convergence learning competency of college students. This point shows the possibility of future-oriented creative convergence talent development along with the expandability of wearable technology in university education.

Experimental Study for Confirmation of Relaxation Zone in the Underground Cavity Expansion (지중 내 공동 확장에 따른 이완영역 확인을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Youngho;Kim, Hoyeon;Kim, Yeonsam;You, Seung-Kyong;Han, Jung-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2017
  • Recently, there have been frequent occurrences of ground sink in the urban area, which have resulted in human and material damage and are accompanied by economic losses. This is caused by artificial factors such as soil loss, poor compaction, horizontal excavation due to the breakage of the aged sewage pipe, and lack of water proof at vertical excavation. The ground sink can be prevented by preliminary restoration and reinforcement through exploration, but it can be considered that it is not suitable for urgent restoration by the existing method. In this study, a model experiment was carried out to simulate the in-ground cavities caused by groundwater flow for developing non-excavation urgent restoration in underground cavity and the range of the relaxation zone was estimated by detecting the around the cavity using a relaxation zone detector. In addition, disturbance region and relaxation region were separated by injecting gypsum into cavity formed in simulated ground. The shape of the underground cavity due to the groundwater flow was similar to that of the failure mode III formed in the dense relative density ground due to water pipe breakage in the previous study. It was confirmed that the relaxed region detected using the relaxation zone detector is formed in an arch shape in the cavity top. The length ratio of the relaxation region to the disturbance region in the upper part of the cavity center is 2: 1, and it can be distinguished by the difference in the decrease of the shear resistance against the external force. In other words, it was confirmed that the secondary damage should not occur in consideration of the expandability of the material used as the injecting material in the pre-repair and reinforcement, and various ground deformation states will be additionally performed through additional experiments.

Development of the Information Delivery System for the Home Nursing Service (가정간호사업 운용을 위한 정보전달체계 개발 I (가정간호 데이터베이스 구축과 뇌졸중 환자의 가정간호 전산개발))

  • Park, J.H;Kim, M.J;Hong, K.J;Han, K.J;Park, S.A;Yung, S.N;Lee, I.S;Joh, H.;Bang, K.S
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to development an information delivery system for the home nursing service, to demonstrate and to evaluate the efficiency of it. The period of research conduct was from September 1996 to August 31, 1997. At the 1st stage to achieve the purpose, Firstly Assessment tool for the patients with cerebral vascular disease who have the first priority of HNS among the patients with various health problems at home was developed through literature review. Secondly, after identification of patient nursing problem by the home care nurse with the assessment tool, the patient's classification system developed by Park (1988) that was 128 nursing activities under 6 categories was used to identify the home care nurse's activities of the patient with CAV at home. The research team had several workshops with 5 clinical nurse experts to refine it. At last 110 nursing activities under 11 categories for the patients with CVA were derived. At the second stage, algorithms were developed to connect 110 nursing activities with the patient nursing problems identified by assessment tool. The computerizing process of the algorithms is as follows: These algorithms are realized with the computer program by use of the software engineering technique. The development is made by the prototyping method, which is the requirement analysis of the software specifications. The basic features of the usability, compatibility, adaptability and maintainability are taken into consideration. Particular emphasis is given to the efficient construction of the database. To enhance the database efficiency and to establish the structural cohesion, the data field is categorized with the weight of relevance to the particular disease. This approach permits the easy adaptability when numerous diseases are applied in the future. In paralleled with this, the expandability and maintainability is stressed through out the program development, which leads to the modular concept. However since the disease to be applied is increased in number as the project progress and since they are interrelated and coupled each other, the expand ability as well as maintainability should be considered with a big priority. Furthermore, since the system is to be synthesized with other medical systems in the future, these properties are very important. The prototype developed in this project is to be evaluated through the stage of system testing. There are various evaluation metrics such as cohesion, coupling and adaptability so on. But unfortunately, direct measurement of these metrics are very difficult, and accordingly, analytical and quantitative evaluations are almost impossible. Therefore, instead of the analytical evaluation, the experimental evaluation is to be applied through the test run by various users. This system testing will provide the viewpoint analysis of the user's level, and the detail and additional requirement specifications arising from user's real situation will be feedback into the system modeling. Also. the degree of freedom of the input and output will be improved, and the hardware limitation will be investigated. Upon the refining, the prototype system will be used as a design template. and will be used to develop the more extensive system. In detail. the relevant modules will be developed for the various diseases, and the module will be integrated by the macroscopic design process focusing on the inter modularity, generality of the database. and compatibility with other systems. The Home care Evaluation System is comprised of three main modules of : (1) General information on a patient, (2) General health status of a patient, and (3) Cerebrovascular disease patient. The general health status module has five sub modules of physical measurement, vitality, nursing, pharmaceutical description and emotional/cognition ability. The CVA patient module is divided into ten sub modules such as subjective sense, consciousness, memory and language pattern so on. The typical sub modules are described in appendix 3.

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A Study on the Field Data Applicability of Seismic Data Processing using Open-source Software (Madagascar) (오픈-소스 자료처리 기술개발 소프트웨어(Madagascar)를 이용한 탄성파 현장자료 전산처리 적용성 연구)

  • Son, Woohyun;Kim, Byoung-yeop
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2018
  • We performed the seismic field data processing using an open-source software (Madagascar) to verify if it is applicable to processing of field data, which has low signal-to-noise ratio and high uncertainties in velocities. The Madagascar, based on Python, is usually supposed to be better in the development of processing technologies due to its capabilities of multidimensional data analysis and reproducibility. However, this open-source software has not been widely used so far for field data processing because of complicated interfaces and data structure system. To verify the effectiveness of the Madagascar software on field data, we applied it to a typical seismic data processing flow including data loading, geometry build-up, F-K filter, predictive deconvolution, velocity analysis, normal moveout correction, stack, and migration. The field data for the test were acquired in Gunsan Basin, Yellow Sea using a streamer consisting of 480 channels and 4 arrays of air-guns. The results at all processing step are compared with those processed with Landmark's ProMAX (SeisSpace R5000) which is a commercial processing software. Madagascar shows relatively high efficiencies in data IO and management as well as reproducibility. Additionally, it shows quick and exact calculations in some automated procedures such as stacking velocity analysis. There were no remarkable differences in the results after applying the signal enhancement flows of both software. For the deeper part of the substructure image, however, the commercial software shows better results than the open-source software. This is simply because the commercial software has various flows for de-multiple and provides interactive processing environments for delicate processing works compared to Madagascar. Considering that many researchers around the world are developing various data processing algorithms for Madagascar, we can expect that the open-source software such as Madagascar can be widely used for commercial-level processing with the strength of expandability, cost effectiveness and reproducibility.

A Study on the Spatial Structure and landscape techniques of the Central Government Office(中央官衙) reviewed through the 'Sukchunjeado(宿踐諸衙圖)' ('숙천제아도(宿踐諸衙圖)'를 통해 본 조선시대 중앙관아의 공간구조와 조경기법)

  • Shin, Sang-sup;Kim, Hyun-wuk;Park, Young-kwan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.42-59
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    • 2014
  • Han Pilgyo (1807~1878) was a scholar-official in the later period of the Joseon Dynasty. The research results on spatial structure and landscape techniques of the central government office reviewed through the Sukcheonjeado(宿踐諸衙圖) album collection edited by Han Pilgyo are as follows. First, Sukcheonjeado(宿踐諸衙圖) using Sabangjeondomyobeob(四方顚倒描法, a Korean traditional drawing type) is uniquely proven historical data which helps to understand the spatial structure of the center and local government offices and the characteristics of cultural landscape. Secondly, the central government office located in Yookcho(六曹) Street which is the outside Gwanghwamun(光化門) of the Main Palace(Gyeongbokgung, 景福宮) of the Joseon Dynasty has a center facility(Dangsangdaecheong, 堂上大廳) and attached buildings which are distributed from high to low or from left to right, according to its order of presidency in square-shaped portion of land. The main building was located facing south and by considering the administrative convenience, the environmental effect and the practice of Confucian norms this structure reflects a hierarchical landuse system. Thirdly, the main buildings such as Dangsangdaecheong and Hyangcheong(鄕廳), which are the working place for government officials had large square front yards for constructing a practical patio garden. The back garden was tended to reflect the meaning landscape, with such as pond and pavilion. A particular point was the repeated crossing of active space and passive space(movement and stillness, building and yard, yard and garden), which implements the Yin-Yang principle. Fourth, the characteristics that can be extracted from the central government office landscapes are (1) expandability of outdoor space, connects of front gardens, emphasizes the characteristic of serviceable gardens and back gardens, which in turn emphasizes scenic sides, (2) introduction of water features(square-shaped ponds) that can be used as fire-water and considers environmental-amenity and landscape characteristics, (3) introduction of pavilions for relaxation, mental and physical discipline, and the development of back gardens, (4) significance of Jeongsimsoo(庭心樹) in such things as selection of concise landscape plants like lotus, willow, pine, zelkova and so on, and limited plant introduction, (5) environmental design techniques which set importance on not only aesthetics and ideality but also practical value. Thus, these aspects of the government office landscape can be said to be the universality and particularity of Korean traditional landscape technique and can be extracted similarly in the palaces, temples, lecture halls, and houses of the upper class of the Joseon Dynasty.

A Study on Social Security Platform and Non-face-to-face Care (사회보장플랫폼과 비대면 돌봄에 관한 고찰)

  • Jang, Bong-Seok;Kim, Young-mun;Kim, Yun-Duck
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.329-341
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    • 2020
  • As COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the world, more than 45 million confirmed cases and over 1,000,000 deaths have occurred till now, and this situation is expected to continue for some time. In particular, more than half of the infections in European countries such as Italy and Spain occurred in nursing homes, and it is reported that over 4,000 people died in nursing homes for older adults in the United States. Therefore, the issues that need to be addressed after the COVID-19 crisis include finding a fundamental solution to group care and shifting to family-centered care. More specifically, it is expected that there will be ever more lively discussion on establishing and expanding hyper-technology based community care, that is, family-centered care integrated with ICT and other Industry 4.0 technologies. This poses a challenge of how to combine social security and social welfare with Industry 4.0 in concrete ways that go beyond the abstract suggestions made in the past. A case in point is the proposal involving smart welfare cities. Given this background, the present paper examined the concept, scope, and content of non-face-to-face care in the context of previous literature on the function and scope of the social security platform, and the concept and expandability of the smart welfare city. Implementing a smart city to realize the kind of social security and welfare that our society seeks to provide has significant bearing on the implementation of community care or aging in place. One limitation of this paper, however, is that it does not address concrete measures for implementing non-face-to-face care from the policy and legal/institutional perspectives, and further studies are needed to explore such measures in the future. It is expected that the findings of this paper will provide the future course and vision not only for the smart welfare city but also for the social security and welfare system in administrative, practical, and legislative aspects, and ultimately contribute to improving the quality of human life.